Friday, October 11, 1968 Pag 4. The Daily Nebraskan i .4 I 1 I Ik ! 'XAi i '1 6 fv V '5 i r) 'i 4 -, SI i ' "5 3 -.5 c - V 7 : -Vl r : i r Psych by John Dvorak Senior Staff Writer A University coed is too sensitive to opinions of other people and to world problems. She becomes easily disturbed over things which others readily take in stride. She seeks and receives help at the Psychological Clinic, operated in Social Science building by the Psychology Department as a training pro gram for advanced students. "In the case of this young lady, we attempted to channel her general sensitivity into constructive channels," said Dr. James K. Cole, acting director of the Clinic, and assistant professor of Psychology. "THIS SENSITIVITY can be valuable to her. Clinic staff members help her discover that, while life may be a little rough, on the other hand it can be more meaningful and significant to her," Cole ex plained. In its 18 years of existence, the clinic has produced a relatively small number of pro fessional psychologists annually who have a broad and comprehensive b a c k ground in general and theo- Try-outs for laboratory plays scheduled for Oct. 14, 15, 16 Try-outs will be held Oc tober 14, 15 and 16 in the Temple Building at 12th and R, Room 303 (Arena Theatre), for two laboratory theatre productions. The plays, "An Italian Straw Hat" by Eugene Labiche and Marc-Michel, and "Meat" by Neil Scanlan require casts of eleven men and six women. Any University student in good standing may try-out. Try-outs will be held each of the three days from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. "An Italian Straw Hat," a two act French farce, will be SAiXlY'S PRFDICT Nebraska 24 Kansas 21 Our Last Prediction Was Correct. NMM ef Mil feOo fcy tfc aMetkrvl! Delkieejt fried chick, gigantic kwpert, elaen French frits, ana" its Hist milt ete away fron beta cam- KM! JUST MINUTES AWAY (JCjcjbOtwift Just north ef Dan'! ts left cut in the cold! Vuur LAST CHANCE Foreign Fib m fie&ett emit ha avrcfcawJ by OcUUr H. Avail W Vi Hertb Entrance er frem Film Cemarittee Mtmhvt. $7.11 University. $S.23 Nee-Unireriity. ologica Quality training and not quality production has been the goal of the program Dr. Cole. retical psychology, he said. The clinic trains students who are capable and motivated and who will develop broadly within the program and beyond the Ph.D. level, he continued. Quality training, and not quantity production, has been the goal of the program, he said. As opposed to public mental health services, the clinic is selective in providing services. About 30 graduate students are presently directly involv ed in the training program. Each is given extensive super vision designed to capitalize on the individual assets of each student, Cole said. The Psychology Clinic of fers services throughout the state on both a direct and indirect basis. Last year, directed by Patricia Becker. "This is a delightful comedy about marriage and chivalry," she says. "Each part will be challanging for Social Calendar FRIDAY, OCT. 11 Hayrack Ride, Sigma Kappa Scavenger Hunt, Towne Club and Cather Hall 2 SATURDAY, OCT. 12 Open House, Triangle Dance, All University Fund Hayrack Ride, Towne Club IDA Hours, Smith Vim 37th Society China Is Nar Father las Carahiniars A Marries' Women The Hunt P arcane Is Depart Ch about 300 persons were served directly, or in a face to face manner, Cole said. A much larger clientel is served in directly however. In such cases, clinic staffers work with officials from other agencies, who in turn assist clients. The clinic considers mostly human behavior problems which require scientific re search, Cole said. Serious emotional disturbances o r cases requiring the use of drugs are handled elsewhere by psychiatrists. People come to the clinic in a variety of ways, he said. More than a dozen agencies, such as courts, veterans ant mental hospitals, welfare departments and the Lincoln Action Program, refer people to the clinic. Referals also come from faculty, students, doctors and other interested individuals. the actor." "Meat," by Shubert resi dent playwright Neil Scanlan, will be directed by Cherylene Schick. Pool Party Exchange with KU, IDA SUNDAY, OCT. 13 Pledge Function, Theta Chi Pizza Party, Schramm 6 and Smith 5 Picnic, Schramm 10 Pizza Party, Pound 4 Pizza Party, Schramm 8 and Smith 9 Why should a traditional twill have a fuller bottle shape? Only a fuller under-tho-knot bottle shape is right with today's bolder shirt collars and wider lapels. This distinctive shape shows off to best advantage the richer colors and strlpings of Resillo's luxurious Cambridge twills. Reslllo Tradi tional Neckwear, Empire State Building, New York, N.Y. 10001. P.S. All Reslllo ties have the new fuller bottle shape. Ben Simon a Son, Lincoln, Neb. Nobraeka Clothing Omaha, Nebraska Craiy Quilt tattle ef Algiers Tokyo Olimpiad Tender Scoundrel Festival I Eves Met the Happy Gypsies Closely Watched Trains Bella da Jour nic THE STAFF confronts a variety of problems . daily. When an individual with a personal problem comes to the clinic, he is interviewed in an attempt to pinpoint the exact problem. If necessary, further diagnostic testing is con ducted. An attempt is made to understand the problem in depth, Cole said. In some cases, the person is referred to another agency. Often, the clinic chooses to deal with the problem. If so, a student trainee is assigned to the client, and a faculty member gives constant supervision. The problems may involve grades, conflicts in the fami ly, getting along with col leagues or a mild emotional problem, Cole explained. In any case, psychotherapy is used to help the client focus on his problem and eventually help him alleviate it. The clinic often deals directly, with, children, who eencounter problems after entering school. Children are Car Stereo Player 8 track $69.95 Sound City 432 7305 144 So. 9th Marketing at IBM "Working with company presidents is part of the job!' "I'm pretty much the IBM Corporation in the eyes of my customers," says Andy Moran. "That kind of responsibility's not bad for an engineer just two years out of school." Andy earned his B.S.E.E. in 1 966. Today, he's a Marketing Representative with IBM, involved in the planning, selling and installa tion of data processing systems. Plenty of business experience "Engineering was my first love," Andy says, "but I still wanted good business experience." So far, he's worked with customers involved in many different computer applications, from engineering to business. His contacts go from data processing managers all the way up to the president of his largest account. "At first I was a little nervous about working at that level," says Andy. "But then you realize you're trained to know what he's trying to serves many yearly hyper active, frightened, or experience withdrawal o r phobias, Cole said. Conflicts within the family often must be dealt with, too. Many of thefse are subtle, but significant. They do not show on the surface, but an un derlying, hostile feeling often exists, he said. In many cases, the clinic serves clients on an indirect basis, because it is not possi ble to work with such a large number directly, he pointed out. INDIRECT CASES can in volve people who have ex hibited anti-social behavior. The clinic works closely with the Lincoln Municipal court and other law agences in Lancaster County, he said. The clinic assists the Municipal Court in several BLOW YOURSELF UP TO POSTER Got your own Photo potter. Send any Black and White or Color Photo. Also any newspaper or magaitne photo. PERFECT POP ART Poller rolled and mailed In iturdy tube. Original returned undamaged. Add 50c for pottage end handling for EACH Item ordered. Add Local Salat Tax. No CO.D. Send check tosh or M'J. To: PHOTO MAGIC Franto for 3x1 Ft. Potior only S3.SO 210 E. 23rd St., Dept. C-100 New York, K.Y. 10010 Peeler inquiriei invited tt i M . " j j I I JL,'"-r -"""" - sn. ways, he said. The clinic may train probation officers-and other volunteers. The clinic may also conduct individual consultations with judges and other officials. "When we consult with a juvenile court volunteer who works, with, say 40 kids, we are not just helping one person, but 40," Cole said. Thousands of people are helped indirectly because ministers, teachers and doc tors are assisted by clinical officials, he noted. Clinical fees are not charg ed to anyone associated with the University. For individuals outside the University, charges are com puted on a sliding scale, depending on ability to pay. The Psychology Clinic has SIZE A $25.00 Value for 2x3 Ft-S350 a4 F.tT sa learn. That gives you confidence. You're helping him solve his problem." With his working partner, the data proc essing Systems Engineer, Andy has helped many customers solve their information handling problems. "I get a broad overview of business because I run into every kind of problem going. Sometimes I know the solu tions from experience. Other times I need help from my manager. "That's one of the best things. My manager is more of a backup than a boss. He's there when I need him. Usually, I pretty much call my own shots." Andy's experience isn't unusual at IBM. . There are many Marketing and Sales Repre sentatives who could tell you of similar experiences. And they have many kinds of academic backgrounds: business, engineer ing, liberal arts, science. no shortage of prospective student trainees, but it is severely hampered by other problems, Cole said. Space problems will be remedied in about a month when the clinic moves to new headquarters in Burnett Hall, Cole reported. The new loca tion will center all activities in one area, an important factor in providing completely confidential service. The number one need in the Clinical Training Program is additional staff, he declared. There are-now two fulltime staff positions. At least three additional full time staff members are needed, before the program can be significantly expanded. always OPEN bowling SNOOKER open till midnight N. 48th & Dudley Ann mm They not only sell data processing equipment as Andy does, but also IBM office products and information records systems. Many of the more technically inclined are data processing Systems Engineers. Visit your placement office Sign up at your place ment office for an Inter view with IBM. Or send a letter or resume to Irv Pfeiffer, IBM, Dept. C, 100 South Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. An Equal Opportunity INDEED, THERE is no shortage of prospective students, he said. Last year, 200 complete applications were received, but 92 percent were rejected because of lack of space. Finances are not a major problem either, since the clinic is supported by federal, state and local funds in addi tion to fees charged to clients, Cole said. Future prospects for the clinic are excellent, he said. The clinic receives high priority with the department chairman and the University as a whole. "JO Sinacaj nj'i ('l;?- n ttjjcjBfgfrt ON CAMPUS OCT. 23,24 Employer