Thursday, October 3, 1968 Page 4 e weekend that wasthe Warket -ml-m --ia-Turn p m m m fm w O That was th a 0 B 1 Yr i w i I.: v. r o into 'what s happening for weekend wanderers The Old Market, through the eyes of an old fruit market store front. Some of the buildings, report edly of 1880 construc tion, center around 11th and Howard Streets in Omaha. x - d I - - ' ' ' r i r I. I e PI - x Women ... a subject t , of art marketable since the days of old. tit'"" pliotograplis hy J. E. Shaw ' 1 """ y g ' K ,4ijf ,wi ;. .,. , .:' ' ' : ., 1 in 1b i 1 H J p'W, I r 1 a Vr7i""i s p. I -I ri J ! V I f k r c -; I t .' ,' ' ' j f. " - 1l i t IV 1 X V The Old Market's Farthest Outpost, a place to sit, talk, smoke, think, Roger DuRand (left), owner, sits in on a session of people being people. Market: a gathering of people. Webster s 1 v J v 't t- i mi Giant graphics, a coat of paint. Diane Johnson, owner of Reba Imported Dresses, watches the sprucing up of the Old Market. She reported she . sold all of her wares and is awaiting another shipment . Soul Sisters: a Girls Town nun brings a flock of young people. in .All in! 1 I XI "O Si 1 i C. - - 4 (to