Wednesday, October 2, 1968 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 By surveys and Institutional Research compiles college dro by John Dvorak Senior Staff Writer Why do students leave the University? How much more space will the school require in future years? Are graduate teaching loads too heavy? Searching for and compiling answers to these and other questions are the function of the Department of Institu tional Research, according to Harry Allen, director. ALLEN and his staff have made numerous planning and management studies for the University since the department's creation in 1965. Before becoming director, Allen was involved in higher education planning in Colorado. He has been con piltlllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIillllllllllllllilllllllllllllM Ackerman Animal Hospital 3201 South 10th Street. Allen, Clyde 227 South 17th St. Apt. 5. Allgier, Mrs. Rose 2541 N St. Anderson. Byron D. 601 South 21st St. Anderson, Miss Lillian 4242 ESt. Arnot, James, 729 South 37th St. Asbury, Mrs. Joyce, 4905 Madison. Backemeyer, Mrs. M. M., 1717 Harwood. Baldwin, Mrs. P. L., 3268 Orchard. Beckman, Chester, 6821 Colfax St. Bengston, Mrs. Nels, 1919 E St. Bentley, Mrs. Fred, 1827 E St. Benton. Mrs. Elizabeth, 139 South 26 St Berquist, Mrs. Roger, 1440 Carlos Dr. Bernhart, Mrs. George, 1001 E St. Bischoff, Mrs. Leo, Cotner and Vine Sts., Bldg. G-113 Booth, Charles, 135 North 66 St. Bowen,' William, 628 North 26th St. Brachan, Robert, 903 South 9th St. Brehni, Jacob, 1035 Clare mont St. Brennfoerder, Mrs. Albert, 314 South 12th St. Apt. 204 Brown, Mrs. Earl, 2130 South St. Butterfield, Marc, 3220 Mohawk St. Campbell, Mrs. Ralph A., 5330 Lexington Ave. Carr, Mrs. Man-in, 3821 B St. Carroll, BiU, 2701 North 27th St. Case, Mrs. Edith, 3 915 Holdrege St. Casper, Mrs. Florence, 2632 KSt. Cather, Mrs. H. B., 2800 P St. Chestem, Mrs. A. K., 836 South 11th St. Childs, James, 635 South 14th St. Apt. A-2 Chism, Ralph, 320 South 30th St. Christenson, Rex, 375 North 33rd St. Coffman, Mrs. Beulah, 2316 South 27th St. Coffman, R. F., 329 South 27th St. Cooley, Mrs. William L., 4226 Starr St. Cornell, Mrs. Floyd, 2712 Starr St. Crawford, David, 329 South 18th St. Apt. 2 Curran, Mrs. John, 2227 Dudley Dennis, M., 1915 North 30th St. Doty, Mrs. Ernest, 3416 W St. Doty. Mrs. W. B., 1651 Drbal, Tom, 2611 Everett Dutton, Roy L., 1612 F St. Dworsky, Mrs. Stanley, 3325 E. Pershing Rd. Earl, H. B 1829 Prospect St. Apt. 3 Enge, Mrs. CaL 4133 G St Evans, Mrs. Lloyd, 424 North 17th St. Farley, Mrs. George, 3718 C St Farquhar, Frank, 826 H St. Fifer, Mrs. William, 2828 U St. Finigan, Mrs. Yvonne, 1900 Surfside Drive Fisher, Mrs. Worth, 4450 South 44th St. Florell, Mrs. Mary, 3122 Q St. Foust, Anne, 2311 F St Fouts, Mrs. K. C, 1315 North 43rd St. Fusselman, Ira, 3426 Starr St. Gabarron, John J., 210 North 32nd St. Gaede, Mrs. Helen, 120 South 20th St I lie questionnaires sulted in a number of higher education studies. The Research department, which has no administrative, responsibilities, reports directly to Chancellor Clifford Hardin, according to Allen. The department relies heavily on computers and data processing in compiling the various studies. Graduate students often assist the director and his staff. Currently, the research of fice is trying to understand why some students, after enrolling, do not remain to complete their degrees, Allen explained. A FIVE PAGE survey sheet 'no George, Mrs. H. J., 5821 Saylor St Gillham, Mrs. Vern, 5619 Huntington St. Gradoske, Mrs. Dorothy, 625 Marshall Graver, Dale, 3298 Center Green, Mrs. Thomas, 2028 Lake St. Grove, Duane, 633 South 17th St. Haeffner, Mrs. William, 4900 Aylesworth Hale, Beck, 3294 Holdrege St. Harrington Realty, 2 2 01 South St. Harrington Elmwood St. Harrington Nth 51 St. Harrington, Realty, 908 Realty, 284 1 William, 2467 Park Ave. Hart, Arnie, 1337 L St. Hayes, Jers J., 1122 Sumner St. Hempel, Miss Elizabeth, 1339 North 14th St. Hemsath, Balott, 34 21 Woodbine Ave. Hewitt, Claude E., 2800 Garfield St. Hilgert, Mrs. Joe, 2348 Q St. Hines, Mrs. Maude, 4626 St. Paul Hobbs, John, 4300 Starr St Hoffman, Mrs. Carl, 1845 F St. Hoffman, L. F., 3527 Apple Hoggatt, Melvin, 2312 R. St. Hoover, Mrs. John, 1613 North 33rd St. Horn, Mrs. George, 1200 Claremont Huber, Robert C, 3736 Vine Hughes, Mrs. Judson, 2701 Sewell St. Humphrey, George, 2750 North 56th St. Hurich, Emerson, Garden Valley KK sweetlteart, prince finalists chosen Friday Ten finalists for Prince Kosmet and Miss Nebraska Sweetheart will be chosen by a panel of judges, according to John McCollister, Kosmet Klub Elections Director. The interviews will be held Friday, Oct. 4 in the Nebraska Union. The in terview schedule is: 2:15 Cheryl Adams; 2:20 Kathleen Baines; 2:25 Jean nie Bartels; 2:30 Ann Benson; 2:35 Ruth Bernhardt; 2:40 Sheryl Bresley; 2:45 Cynthia Cherry; 2:50 Deirdre Eaton; 2:55 Jean Eberly; 3:00 Margaret Evenson; 3:05 Roxana Gee; 3:10 Sherry Haas; 3:15 Jill Hasty; 3:20 Deborah Johnson; 3:25 Susan Lasselt; 3:30 Sally Lenoard; 3:35 Beverly Leonard; 3:40 Mary Lund. 3:45 Bonnie Miller; 3:50 Julia Mitchell; 3:44 Janet Nelson; 4:10 Mary Peterson; 4:15 Madelyn Phillips; 4:20 Penny Pitney; 4:25 Paula Rosen; 4:30 Pamela Rash; 4:35 Kathy Ross; 4:40 Linda Rnyan; 4:45 Pamela Schaap; 4:50 Janice Schwieger; 4:55 4 it Help Wanted Tltraa bmtmm mmM I U41W. ask tor Mn. w II guts. Call Fartar. Fond wattraai waaaai. Call 47VU62 ar Good Cwat-bookaaapar wtta km ability for nal aatau. bcaUant Opportunity, roll ar pan-time 4J3-277S. YOUNG MEN Part-Um vara available according to vaur acaadula. K.aokoar. Call 4W-717S. Work Wanted Exparkracad trviat Fact, accurau Boma-toplM. arpawrltar. was sent to more tiian a i pieced in 1965 by a consulting thousand students who did not j firm and a campus plan was return to the University this 1 developed, but this study fall. must be continually updated The former students were I a!ld corrected as" needs asked to select some reasons ; clu'"Se' Allen said for leaving NU and were also For example, the projected questioned about their living space dificit at the school is environment and financial 2.4 million square feet, main status. Results of the questionnaire are being processed by com puter and Allen expects to release the results sometime this fall. The Institution, Research Department is' also participating In a continuing study of space requirements on both Lincoln campuses, Allen noted. A major study was com- response Hurlbut, Bert, 529 N o r t h 27th St. Huryta, Glen, 316 South 30 St. Hutson, Mrs. A. A., 400 South 33rd St. Jackson, Mrs. Andrew, 3900 Vine St. James, Miss Lulu, 612 North 26th St. Jenkins, Ed, 3909 Dudley St. Johns, Mrs. Katherine, 1227 New Hampshire Johnson, R. C, 2035 South 50 St. Johnson, W i 1 b e r , 920 Driftwood Jones, Paul, 1636 Washington St. Keelan, Mrs. Grace, 1520 Claremont Keichel, Mrs. Doane F., 3200 South 29th St. Kennedy, Robert, 4330 Ran dolph Kessler, Cleatus, 836 North 29th St. Kinsley, Wayland, 214 North 21 St. Klemsz, Dale, 3500 Everett St. Klippert, Mrs. Nina, 1038 North 44th St. Kobza, Mrs. Ray, 3265 Dudley St Krieger, Dr. Harold F., 1631 FSt Kruse, Fred, 727 South 52nd St. LeibeL Hanry, 1234 Clare mont St. Leyden, Ed, 1029 C St. Linke, Mrs. Clifford, 3925 North 44th St. Listen, Ronald, 2749 Alpha St. Lucas, Robert, 3846 South 15th St. Luff, Mrs. Ross A., 4220 Normal Macintosh, Clyde, 2 812 Starr St. Manchester, James, 1814 D Ellen Sintek; 5:00 Gail Skin ner; 5:05 Atricia Sultzbaugh; 5:10 Nancy Tounisto; 5:15 Shirley Waggoner; 5:20 Susie Williams; 5:25 Linda Wrenn. 2:00 Gorden Alderman: 2:05 Bruce Bailey; 2:10 Neil Balfour; 2:15 Robert Best; 2:20 Bernard Burgess; 2:25 Gerald Davis; 2:30 Gene Dorn; 2:35 Howard Dorsey; 2:40 Michael Eyster; 2:45 James Freunderburg; 2:50 Gary Grahnquist; 2:55 Ter rence Grasmick; 3:00 David Green; 3:05 James Humlicek; 3:10 Stephen Jones; 3:15 Charles Klemz. 3:20 Alan Larson; 3:25 James McFarland; 3:30 Thomas Morgan; 3:35 Thomas Novotny; 3:40 Josepr Orduna; 3:45 Richard Page; 3:50 Frank Patrick; 3:55 OVER 1000 PAPERBACKS NOW OMIT 69' NEBRASKA BOOK STORE 1131 I 432-0111 Can waaad for man'. 477-4661. For Sola Hlda-a-tuuka. Cllff'a. 14 Chary, 14 Corvette anilae. iky cam. aolida, eaaa dnva llaa. 432 5446 avemaga. Bonda M0 Super port. Laaa tfaaa MOO. 44101 aiiar SM. For Rent nt. Umvenltr-approvetf private Coooina, TV. anovrae. As area. 3a month. 4774368. Caraae for rent. 16th "ft". Overhead aVaur. Call a-Wa eveuuaa. j dep out ly in teaching laboratories, faculty offices and research facilities, according to Allen. 3 e THIS deficit is slowly being erased by the construction of Oldfather Hall, Hamilton Chemistry Building, and the remodeling of Andrews Hall. An extremely complicated question, according to Allen, concerns graduate teaching loads. All academic personnel must be consulted in order 9 St. Marx, J. Jay, 705 Charleston Mason, Mrs. Henry, 6704 Ballard Ave. Mast, Dr. Dale, 1901 B St. McCormick, Mrs. H. E., 330 South 18th St McElravy, Allen, 19 2 9 Skyline Dr. McMurty, Mrs. James, 2402 North 70th St. McKee, C. L. 3235 Orchard St. McNeal, Mrs. Virgil, 1516 North 27th St. Metcalf Funeral Home, 245 North 27th St. Metcalf Funeral Home, 2639 QSt. Mickel, Mrs. Lillian, 1505 North 33rd St. MinzeL Lloyd, 656 Garfield St. Moede, Mrs. Harry, 1401 G St. Monahan, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1140 North 24th St. Nebraska Book Store, 1135 RSt Quist Carl, 3430 Starr St. Reardon, Don, 812 South 8th St. Reckline, Harlan, 2511 R St. Apt. 3 . . Rider, Raymond, 5 2 4 9 Lowell Riesland, Mrs. Bertha, 3727 Washington St. Robbins, Donald, 3 0 4 5 Holdrege St. Roberts Mortuary, 1110 P St. Rohrbaugh, Robert, 1621 Q St. Rose, Dr. Kenneth, 1970 B St. Rowen, Earl, 1919 D St. Rupp, Mrs. James, 1830 Washington St. St. Elizabeth Hospital, 1145 South St. Sanders, Amon, 644 North Thomas Penny; 4:10 James Reeder; 4:15 Randall Reeves; 4:20 Marc Romanik; 4:25 Loren Schulze; 4:30 James Sherman; 4:35 Ernie Sigler, Jr.; 4:40 Dana Stephenson; 4:45 Russel Stigge; 4:50 James Thomassen; 4:55 Thomas Tidball; 5:00 Paul Topliff ; 5:05 Carl Wangsvick; 5:10 Gregory White; 5:15 John Wirth; 5:20 Wayne Wood; 5:25 Robert Zucker. SIMON! RIMOa Our many beautiful Keep sake ring styles will make your choice a difficult one. But one you'll cherish forever. - vrzr.a-' t BIONET 2SO i I WEDDING RINO 71 5 r WAI' KIM n Jf artment m data to gain a better understanding of die problem. Allen emphasized, however, that the Department of In stitutional Research is not the only place where studies are compiled. Dean Merk Hobson's office constantly reviews the cur riculum and Vice-chancellor Joseph Soshnik studies finan cial and business matters, he pointed out. Institutional research departments are gaining popularity at all major universities, Allen said. Their job is a continuing assignment which involves both long range planning and decisions which have im mediate impact. 26th St. Schafer, Henry, 715 New Hampshire Schneider, Cecile, 321 North 17th St. Schrank, Mrs. O. C. 1219 est Schroeder, Mrs. Harlan F., 1834 G St. Schroeder, Mrs. Harlan, 1205 Washington St. Schumacher, Ralph E., 2815 Washington St. Shaben, Mrs. Frieda, 1341 South 14 St. Sheffert, L. W., 1601 South 21 St. Sills, Joe, 543 South 28th St. Simmons, Robert, 1875 High St. Sinner, Norman, 1012 Claremont St. Spiker, Mrs. James H., 3920 North 44th St. Staba, John. 4225 Starr Stebbins, Mrs. G. L., 3421 Mohawk St. Steatman, Ray, 1619 Crest line Dr. Sturdevant Mrs. Mildred, 2763 E St. Switzer, Bob, 6930 Dudley St. Taylor, J. J., 1023 H St. TeSelle, Mrs. Delmar. 3810 1325 JXSt. Thompson, Mrs. John, R St. Thompson, Mrs. Els'e, 2250 South 48th St. Tomek, John, 3205 Starr Tonner, George, 3410 T St Valach, Mrs. Joe, 2718 Q St. Vietnieks, Mrs. Vera," 1929 Washington Wart, Mrs. Hazel, 4526 W St. Weigandt, Jacob, 4045 A St. Welch, Mrs. Roscoe, 3751 Randolph Wells, Arnold, 1235 Peach St. Wilcox, Mrs. Charles, 705 New Hampshire Williams, Mrs. Harriett, 1618 North 28th St. Wishart, Mrs. J. H., 2140 Sheridan Blvd. Wisser, Mrs. Helen, 2619 QSt. ' Workman, Mrs. Frank, 1919 Euclid Ave. Worley, Mrs. J. E., 4343 Washington Yant, George, 700 South 17th St. Youngs, D. C, 1515 Washington list RYOUTS For KOSAAET KLUB Travelers Acts Sunday, October 6 2:30 P.M. Union Ballroom Cc!l Dave Bingham 435-9403 WATCH FOR THE FALL SHOW OCTOBER US WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2 (AH activities at the Nebraska Union, unless otherwise indicated.) INTERVARSITY CHRIS TIAN FELLOWSHIP, 8 a.m. PSYCH 70, 8:30 a.m. . ARCH 5, 9:30 a.m. SECONDARY ED. -Squires Table, 11 a.m. WORLD SERIES - T.V., 12 noon. UNION, Public Relations Comm., 3:30 p.m. A.W.S.,3:30p.m. BUILDERS College Days & tours, 3:30 p.m. ASUN Senate Meeting, 4 p.m. UNION, Hospitality, 4:30 p.m. BUILDERS Student Foundation Comm. 4:30 p.m. YWCA Christmas Bazaar, 4:30 p.m. T O A S TMASTERS, 5:30 p.m. PHI CHI THETA, 6 p.m. RED CROSS I N TERVIEWS, 6 p.m. RED CROSS, 6:30 p.m. BUILDERS, 7 p.m. IFC, 7 p.m. ORCHEDIS, 7 p.m. Women's P.E. BLDG. SIGMA DELTA CHI, 7:30 p.m. MATH COUNSELORS, 7:30 p.m. CIRCLE K, 7:30 p.m. AUF . Sorority Comm. Meeting, 7:30 p.m. SPORTS CAR CLUB, 9 p.m. FELLOWSHIP OF CHRIS TIAN ATHLETES. 9:30 p.m EAST UNION CAMPUS LIFE COMM., 4 p.m. BUILDERS, 4:30 p.m. RECREATION COMM., 7 p.m. RODEO CLUB, 7:30 p.m. Absentee deadline is Nov. 2 The deadline for obtaining absentee ballots for the Na tional Presidential and Con gressional elections is 12 noon on Nov. 2. Students must obtain the absentee ballot from their place of permanent residence. The returned ballots must be postmarked no later than midnight, Nov. 4, Students who are Lincoln residents and expect to be absent on election day may vote in the election com missioner's office, 102 Terminal Building, before 12 noon on Nov. 2. Voting registration closes at 5 p.m. on Oct. 25- Try Ferity's Porky Perky's 11 & Q 432-7720 Now In Stock "LONESOME CITIES" by Rod McKuen NEBRASKA BOOK STORE 1135 I 432-0111 Coed originates Seminar deprived The desire of an NU coed to combine her college major and her field of interest has led to a new seminar in the area of the culturally depriv ed child. Dorothy Walker, a junior in Teachers College, has begun organizing the seminar as a result of her summer ex perience in the ghettoes of New York. An orientation meeting is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Wednesday in Room 200, Teachers College. Miss' Walker said the seminar is open to anyone. There will be no fee. a ALTHOUGH program plans will be completed after members discuss their special interests, Miss Walker has some plans and "a few dreams." She said seminar leaders, in cooperation with Teachers College and Dr. Charles Godwin, will keep track' of films, speeches and lectures being given in classes that may touch on the disadvantaged child and his problems. Miss Walker hopes the pro gram will center on educa tion, educational psychology, sociology and hopefully will branch into other fields. Miss Walker spent last summer working in New York state with disadvantaged children from Brooklyn and the Bronx. Others who have worked with such children through programs such as Head Start are being asked to speak, she said. "I hope we'll be able to take some trips to Omaha to see schools on the North Side and Project Chance, and possibly to a larger city, maybe Kansas City," Miss Walker said. London Grafica Arts presents a Two-Day EXHIBITION and SALE xaDnics Kill K '1 K " M . ! Ill I ' ? r. I rl l a LITHOGRAPHS, ETCIILVGS AND WOODCUTS More than 400 items from $8 to $3000 PRINT GALLERY & STUDY R003I Thursday & Friday October 3 & 4, 1963 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. idea Focus: child "We can't help but study poverty and racial problems," she added. "I hope we'll be able to gain insights into these problems and how education can help solve them." Last spring, when she pro posed that such a course be offered in Teachers College, department representatives said they weren't sur? un dergraduates were interested in such a course. Miss Walker said. ASUN staff positions now open ASUN has established a new program called the ASUN Staff. Positions are open primarily for underclassmen, although anyone may apply. The ASUN Staff will assist the committees, senators and executives to carry out the business of student govern ment. FOUR ASUN Senate posi tions are now open; two in Graduate College, one in Arts and. Sciences and one in Teachers College. Two Publications Board positions are also open. All positions will be filled at the next Senate meeting. Student representatives are still needed for the ASUN Commencement Committee and the subcommittee on Student Organizations. Applications for all posi tions are due at the ASUN office by October 5. Tntprpctpd students m a v obtain applications or have their questions answered in Room 335, Nebraska Union. ' PICASSO RENOIR GOYA CHAGALL DUTY DAUMIER GAUGUIN CASSAT ROUAULT and many others Illuminated Manuscripts & Maps Publishers of Contemporary Printmakers