The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1968, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, September 27, 1968
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Student counselors
aid program staff
. Photos by J. E. Shaw
n n m i nr- -w r a
laJliir --developing an
K I II 1 li II Rl 19 KB U
-. Li . .
Help Wanted
rcnule nul model. Dyt or oenlui.
Contact Art Department. Olfica Hoim
W3 Wooda Art Building or sail 47J-M31.
Good tnit-bookeeper with hiah ability
tor real eut. EicelleM Oiporlunily.
Full or part-time. 432-2772.
We have part-time work 11 A.M.-J P.M.
daily in our tearoom lor biubuya. Km.
pitwea dincount on rtor .urchaa.
Anpiy 1th floor liMl A.M.. 4- VM.
daily and 1 P.M. Thuraday. MIIXKK
ol Waltrtaa wanted. Call 475-1262 or
. 5-9K2.
For Sale
srVHENTS. et your GO BIO EI ball
peni at LAW!K S. Ill "O"
9c guaranteed.
Tired el payin huh rem? 4S trailer
bouae. completely remodeled. Uuit ael
Immediately s reaaonahle. By Capilal
Beach. 42S N.W. 13th. See after i.
c.e. Durati Motorbike, W0
mllea. Many chrome etUaa. J0. NUIit.
434-4171; daya. 4i)7I.
rhillipp Kroll Violin, hand-mule in Ger
many. Call 434-51i0.
Honda 350 Super Sport. Lean than 1AM.
4H-6101 after ID
Uaed Motorola pnrtahle etrreo. 61k
peakera and aland, llardy'a, UI4 "O".
Uetung pinnMT Ciaari. Clut'a.
Tor Benl. I'nlverelty-aiiprmed private
num. rookii'e. IV, ahower. A area.
$.it mouth. 417
lleavyxeiiiht, ra r Uppered hand
knit eweeier. Kewaid. Call 4a-24M.
Ride Wanted
Need ride to ivnver lor TIIK CHKAM
crairerl .Hober . One ticket avail
able. 4-43bl.
The High School Equivalency program at the University of Nebraska involves all aspects of the stu
dents life from educational to personal and the program draws its staff from many segments of the
University community. Above Jane Gourley, a senior, is interviewing for a counseling position. Gale
D. Muller has been doing extensive visiting with interested students. Above left guidance and place
ment counselor Betty Everett admires a chalk drawing by HEP student Arturo Villegas. Elsa
Garcia, left below, like all students treasures the mail call hour for news from home.
by John Dvorak
Senior Staff Writer
Fifty Mexican-Americans,
all school drop outs, are get
ting another chance to receive
high school diplomas through
a federally sponsored pro
gram at the University.
The HEP, High School
Equivalency Program, is a
unique educational
opportunity for migrant and
farm labor youth, according
to Gale Muller, head of the
NU training center. Some of
the students, all 17 to 22 years
of age, come from western
Nebraska, but many make
their homes in North
Carolina, Texas, Arizona,
Oklahoma and other states.
THE S'lXTDENTS in general
have made amazing progress
in their two months here,
Muller said. They have
developed an esprit de corps.
"I feel very proud to be
a part of this program."
The main goal of the HEP
is to help each student obtain
progressive, continuous, full
time employment, Mullet
But first, all students must
work toward passing a high
school equivalency examina
tion, which equals a high
school diploma. At the same
time, these students are given
an opportunity to see and
sample several job
opportunities, he explained.
The Nebraska branch of the
HEP, ?hieh began operations
August 1, is one of 13 centers
in the country. The local
center operates through
the Nebraska Human
Resource Research Founda
tion In Love Library's base
ment. Muller explained the pro
blems of migrant workers and
why they are the special con
cern of this Office o f
Economic Opportunity funded
Poor housing characterizes
the 'migrant worker and his
family. Workers harvest pro
ducts only part of the year.
Money made during that
period must last the rest of
the year. Frequently, families
are large. Automation is tak
ing away work, compounding
their problems Muller said.
'THIS IS not in any sense
a remedial program," Muller
Because most of these
students' families were
migrant workers, the
for migrant
youngsters left school early
due to lack of motivation or
because they were needed to
work in the fields.
None of the students com
pleted high school. The
average HEP participant
finished only the seventh
grade, Muller continued.
A prospective student is
recruited by his local com
munity action group. After
recommendaton by this com
munity group, the University
Training center sends an ap
plication. Prospective HEP students
must meet special OEO
financial requirements and
they must be genuinely in
terested in obtaining their
high school education.
Muller emphasized that
these are not problem
students. They are above
average people. In maturity,
most will match up to the
average college freshman or
sophomore. But they have not
had the opportunities of the
average freshman or
The program can be divided
into three areas.
Academic. This includes
classwork in all subjects and
individual study needed for
passing the high school
equivalency test and for
training for future job place
ment, Muller said.
Speech, drama, art, music,
intramural sports, finance
and money are offered as
IN ADDITION to Muller,
the class teaching staff in
cludes Larry Johnson and
Ken Rethmeier, of the regular
NU staff and two instructors
brought to Nebraska for the
program by the OEO.
Betty Everett came from
the College of Liberal Arts
in Chichasa, Oklahoma, and
Alma V a s q u e z graduated
from Texas Woman's
University in Denton.
"Instruction must begin at
each student's level," ac
cording to Miss Vasquez, an
English teacher. "Some
students catch on more
rapidly than others. These
students then help eacn
The HEP has been a
broadening experience for all,
she continued- The students
have up to this point done
"remarkably well," she said.
"We are in class from 8
to 3 o'clock during the week,"
Valentino Vasquez, 22, one of
the students said and added
that the instructors are "very
fair and very friendly."
Employment. Our
students have backgrounds of
hard work, Muller said. While
at the training center,
students will probably spend
part of their day on the job.
"Some of our people work
in ' restaurants . and other
service jobs part time,"
Muller said. Careful attention
is paid to each student's pro
gress at his job.
In addition to giving the
student money for expenses,
part time work provides
varied and important job ex
perience, he noted.
ONE OF the students, Elsa
Garcia, 19, worked in fields
in Texas before coming to
Lincoln. After receiving her
diploma, she hopes to enter
nurse's training-
Another student, Hirma
Ortegh, 20, also worked in the
fields in Texas. Her goal is
to become a beautician.
Housing. "I live with a
roommate, also in the HEP,
at Smith Hall," said Miss
Ortegh. "We live on the same
floor with other University
The HEP boys live at
Schramm Hall. Students from
the University and the
training center are growing
accustomed to each other at
the residence halls, Muller
pointed out.
"Although there are dif
ferent areas, this is one pro
gram," he continued. "Tutor
counselors help serve as a
unifying link "
Counselors develop a close,
inter- personal relationship
with the HEP student and act
as tutor, guide, model and
special friend, he said.
"Some of the finest kids in
the University" have
volunteered to be counselors,
Muller said. They come from
all facets of the campus com
munity. Eventually, there will
be one counselor for each
HEP student.
I j
. After receiving his diploma,
a student will be placed in
a full-time job, a college or
a vocational-technical school,
he said.
THE HEP is not an upward
bound program, Muller said.
While a number of the
students would do very well
in college, putting them in
college is not the program's
Several may enroll in a
junior college nearer their
homes. Every assistance will
be given to them, Muller said,
but no HEP funds are
available for higher education-
The center will help
these students find financial
aid, if possible.
The long range future of the
local HEP is indefinite,
Muller said. The program at
this time is funded by OEO
for 14 months.
"The program should really
be spread out," Vasquez, one
of the students, said. It could
help many people. There are
many dropouts who want to
come back.
Car Stereo Player
8 track $69.95
Sound City
432 7305
144 So. 9th
At 136 North 14th
Lincoln, Nebraska
2Vi Blocks South of Campus
, fulfill
So big we're holding if in our
IF if fh -Floor ilijditoriiiiii
Come in and browse around . . . take advantage of
tremendous savings on these books, records, and
prints. . .
9:30-9:00 9:30-5:30 Noon to 6
Film! Pasolini's
'Gospel According to St. Matthew'
Sunday, Sept. 29
7:30 P.M.
A unique- Film of Jesus at seen from the viewpoint of an avowed
Marxist. A truly modern life of Christ. Award: Venice Film
Festival 1964.
Newman Center
Open to all en campus
Tryouts for Euripedes
will be held in Room 201
Temple Building
Monday, Sept. 30 3:30-5:30 p.m.
and 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 1 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 2 7:00-10:00 p.m.
ELECTRA will be the
second University Theatre
production of the 1968-69
season and will be directed
by Dr. Harvey M. Miller
Announces the Opening of
& Q
Admlulont 75c
SPORTS chr ceruTER OP uxrucouu
I J en w " 7. Maaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaeaae...Maa.eMa.-aaaai