The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1968, Image 1

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Monday, September 23, 1968
Vol. 92, No. 8
Golden autumn and golden tones for a golden win
Field general, chief of staff
confer on game strategy
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Nebraska quarterback Ernie Sigler, who started his first foot
ball game Saturday for the Big Red, confers with head coach
Bob Devaney during a pause in the action.
NU draws crowd of 40
tor post-game clean-up
The whole world loves a con
cessions man at a hot Saturday
football game. The whole world
except the Pershing Rifles and its
auxiliary, Cadence Countesses.
For several years, members of
these ROTC oriented organizations
have spent the morning after each
home football game pushing the
trash left in the stadium into gunny-
sacks to be carted away.
THE CLEANUP crews plan an
all morning job each time, ac
cording to a four-year veteran. Bill
Krondak. Krondak, whose recent
selection as National Commander
of Pershing Rifles hasn't enabled
him to pull rank and avoid the
clean-up detail, estimates that the
crews average about 40 memben,
or "as many people as we can
get out of bed on Sunday morning."
The students collect all the paper
products and apple cores and then
load them on to a garbage truck.
Guys and girls alike utilize pointed
sticks and the sacks, while a few
push brooms in the concourse, or
ride rake on the track.
Krondak's experience qualifies
Popart, sculpting perplex and amuse during the 'Great Assault'
Gridiron fans make pre-game scene at Sheldon
by Larry Eckhott
Senior Staff Writer
Each Saturday, during the wan
ing hours before Big Red hits the
field, Sheldon Art Cillery braces
itself for the Great Assault.
Its graceful marble arches, its
expansive Great HalL the exotic
greenery, the comfortable benches.
All of this lures hundreds of red
chid spectators to the normally
bushed galleries of the museum.
"Even the restrooms bring them
in." said Jon Nelson, assistant to
Norman Geske, director of the
University galleries.
A NORMAL game day will nearly
triple the number of visitors to the
building. Last Saturday, for in
stance, 724 persons had stopped at
Sheldon. A regular day brings in
approximately 250 persons, one of
the museum's guards said.
But Sheldon, by presenting the
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him as an expert on game remains
as be notes that the west stadium,
occupied mostly by older fans,
tends to fill with cigarette and
cigar bntts, peanuts and popcorn
On the east side, the students
seem to favor soft drinks. After
a short time, cleaners come to
dread hot days as "the number
of cups increases by thousands,"
Krondak reported.
The borrowed truck makes
between six and eight trips to the
dump sight during each clean-up
session and the time involved
averages five hours, according to
rewards, however, as Pershing
Riflts receives $300 after each
Krondak said that Pershing
Rifles will be pledging a new class
within a few weeks and plans to
introduce this phase of a "total
education" to some 20 new
members after the next borne
many of its visitors. Some people
scrutinize the paintings and walk
away bewldered. Others simply
break into peals of laughter.
"My five year old kid could do
that," one man said, his red blazer
accenting the patriotic colors of
Robert Indiana's "A Divorced Man
Has Never Been President," a pop
art painting recently acquired by
the museum.
Jon Nelson was a guard for the
University galleries while an
undergraduate student, from 1957
to 1959
"Tbe comments one bears sew
are exactly tbe same as tbe ones
1 beard in yets ago," be said.
"They haven't enraged we bit."
But the comments that are heard
might Impel some of Sheldon's
devotees to demand that the
galleries be closed during the hours
before game.
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Brass takes a bow. Brass gleamed, trumpeters were featured and music filled the air in Memorial Stadium Saturday at the an
nual Band Day. About 3,600 musicians from 61 Nebraska communities plus the University marching band played their way
through a half-time show which featured songs ranging from Camelot to a Bugler's Holiday.
Underground publications requesting
Student Union sales privileges
Ots Mtoat K-Hfetf ttrti PI stptmter MS! f) K I
walked up to George L u k s '
"Portrait of Robert Henri," and
"They must have a problem
preserving these paintings, look
how dark it is."
Tbe painting itself is dark; the
head of the former Cozad, Neb.
painter seems to emerge from
murky shadows
"I am sure that it was not
painted like that," she continued,
her sunglasses still on. The others
in her group agreed
SOME OF Sheldon's abstract
sculpture gets the brunt of the
Saturday art critics.
Cinstanti Branmsci's "Princess
X" is considered to be one of tbe
mast valuable pieces of art hi tbe
gallery, according to Nelson, but
to one group of viewers it was "Just
a blob of stone."
"I am not distressed when I hear
remarks liks th?t," Nelson s&d.
by Julie Morris
Senior Staff Writer
Underground newspapers may go
on sale soon at Nebraska Union
booths or newsracks depending on
a policy decision to be made
Thursday by the Union Board.
Two Omaha-based undergrounds
have asked for sales privileges in
the Union, traditionally off-limits
to any sales campaigns except
those conducted by recognized
University organizations and ap
proved commercial concessions,
according to Union Director Allen
BENNETT SAID Union officials
"I have beard them for so long.
You can bear the same comments
at the Gallery of Modern Art in
New York City. Some people are
just not going to be convinced that
some things are art."
By far the most popular paintings
in Sheldon are found in Gallery
A, where more realistic works are
"That takes talent." "Now
there's something I can unders
tand." "That woull be lovely in
my living room." "That would be
lovely in my living room." "See,
it was painted in the '2Gs; they
knew what they were doing then."
ONE OF the most preferred
paintings is "Early March, Point
Pleasant, Pennsylvania," by E. W.
Redfield It is a large canvas
depicting the snow-covered hills of
"It is a masterpiece," said th
have been contacted by John
Hansen, a staff member with "The
Asterisk" and George Foot, a staf
fer on "The Buffalo Chip," for
permission to sell the papers in
the building.
Both papers were founded by
Omaha students and have been
Omaha oriented. The papers have
been sold in Lincoln's psychedelic
shops and in a limited way on
Now both papers are trying to
build Lincoln staffs and to increase
Lincoln circulation and interest.
Both Foot and Hansen are
University students.
Bennett said the nndergrounds
fall in a twilight zone of nonstatus
that under current policy bars tbem
from sale privileges in the Union.
The undergrounds are now
neither recognized student
organizations nor obviously solvent
business enterprises, Bennett said.
As student organizations the
papers could be granted permission
to sell at Union booths or as
business enterprises to place copies
of the papers for sale on the Union
woman with the sunglasses on.
Nelson has noticed that many
people are generally surprised to
discover that what they would term
as "modern art" has been painted
over 50 years ago. He credits the
Gallery's policy of letting "lebels
teach for themselves."
"We label a painting with enough
Information to that people can
learn if tbey are interested be
said. A label nam mi tbe artist, tbe
medium used, the title and tbe date
But Sheidon survives the Great
Assault. By 1:43 p.m. most of the
galleries pave been vacated; the
stadium fills and comments turn
to football.
"Why in hell did he do that for?"
"Dear, what's an on-side kick?"
"What a cakhi What a
newsracks, he said.
"The Union Board Thursday
faces the question of writing a
policy to cover publications like the
undergrounds, "Bennett said.
THE 24-MEMBER student board
may decide to allow the
undergrounds to sell at booths or
on the newsrack, or to continue
the policy that would bar their sale
in the building, Board President
Sid Logemann said.
Both Logemann and Bennett said
they aren't sure what should be
done about the undergrounds, but
they indicated that they're being
cautious about the issue. "We don't
want the Union to go into the
censorship business," Logemann
The question, he added, "boils
down to how much room we have
in the Union newsracks."
Logemann said there is room to
add more papers and magazines
to the newsracks, bat that space
should be given on the basis of
bow much demand there is for the
material on sale.
The board might decide to sell
the undergrounds on the newsracks
on a trial basis, he added.
Bennett said if the board agrees
to allow the sale of the papers in
the building it will not mean the
Union endorses the editorial
policies of the papers.
"The Buffalo Chip" and "The
Asterisk" reflect radical political
I Fulbright I
Fellowships j
s Seniors graduating during
the academic year 19G8-1969
I are invited to attend a meet-
Iing on Tuesday, Sept. 24 at f
2:30 p.m. in Burnett 108. A
discussion on Fulbright Fel- I
g lowships will be conducted I
1 by Dr. Roberto Esquenazi- 1
s Mayo. The campus deadline 1
for submitting applications
is October 18.
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