The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1968, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Thursday, September 19, 1963
Inside report
Page 2
Open housing:
Ant fo unfit purpose
Disturbing the dust on a boivl of rose
leaves I do not know.
v T. S. Eliot
Jhe dust of mindlessness and conformity that
stied so comfortably over the world of academia
dQJIfig the war years and the 1950's was a
-it' covered injustices, discriminations and
fiffi&cial malpractices of mind-boggling propor.
tiws-For some reason (Vietnam? Kennedy?) the
ajjfIsts of the 1960's stirred that dust and sent
it-whirling like a Kansas tornado into the eyes
oCtEose who had allowed it to settle.
KOW IT IS the task of the thinkers, the
theoreticians and the planners to peer through the
clouds and try to make some sense out of their
. Quite simply, it is for them to discover for
wfii purpose the dust has been disturbed.
A case in point: open housing.
The University-Householder's agreement which
has gone into effect this year resulted from the
work of activist and concerned students.
The agreement says that landlords must stand
ready to rent to all students and members of
the University community regardless of race,
religion or national origin.
About 75 of the agreements were returned
unsigned, 381 were returned with signatures and
325 agreements have not been returned.
THE ASUN Human Rights Committee is now
circulating a petition which asks students to agree
not to rent from owners who returned the agree
ment unsigned or did not return it at all.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine which
landlords really sought to discriminate and which
failed to sign for legitimate reasons. (Three of
the former owners whose agreements were returned
unsigned are no longer living. )
Despite the University's attempt to make this
a working policy, there are too many students
who are not required to live in approved housing
to make it effective without student cooperation.
To complicate the problem further, the housing
office admits that they do not have the staff to
enforce the housing policy as it should be enforced.
Therefore, it is up to the students to decide
for what purpose the dust was disturbed. If they
want to complete the work of correcting an in
justice, they can sign the petition and rent only
from the 381 landlords who signed the agreement.
Silly games
in Sandoz
They're playing some silly games down in San
doz these days. Games that sororities abandoned
in antedeluvian times. Games that independents
have used to accuse the greeks of being cruel,
indifferent conformists.
Some misguided upperclass girls on S a n d o z
second floor decided to have a party for their
pledges. They stuck them in a guarded room, then
took them out one at a time and interrogated
them in Gestapo fashion while shining a bright
light in their eyes.
To top it all off, they have asked them to
wear beanies at all times while in the Abel-Sandoz
It is" hard to understand why the girls have
not rebelled. As independents, they have every
right to be left free of harassment. The upperclass
girls olaim that this was their way of meeting
new people has all the sincerity of a b o m b per.
sonally addressed to Tojo or Hitler.
Perhaps the most ridiculous comments of all
were made by the Sandoz residence director, Mrs.
Emily Hoon. Quoth that beatific lady: "I thought
it was great! They were enthusiastic and there
were a lot of upperclassmen involved, not just the
student assistant. I hope they invite me to their
next party."
If those upperclass girls are really activists
in disguise, perhaps they are trying to start an
insurrection in the dormitories. If they are not,
they had best desist.
The ASUN and the housing office would do
well to check into the activity on second floor
Sandoz and make sure it is stopped. Someone should
explain to Mrs. Hoon that such activities should
have gone out with the Spanish Inquisition.
Jack Todd
I of men and words I
Rexroth's face reflecting human
tired bliss
W hite haired, wing browed
gas mustache,
flowers jet out of
his sad head-,
listening to Edith fiqf street song
(urohq walks the y.niverse
:wUh all life! gene
and cities disappeared
only the God of Love
left smiling.
Allen Ginsberg
Larry Eckholt . . .
Counselors: Key to success
Every middle-class, white
student at this University has
faced a situation during col
lege that is do-or-die. ''Either
I face the fact that I need
this degree or I leave school."
Few of them had to make
the decision in ' igh school.
Most could Jnd a place
which held their interest
music, drama, athletics,
home economics. But many
kids in Nebraska had to make
a decision whether or not to
finish high school. And not
all of these were black kids
in Omaha.
ONE OF THESE groups (for
which opportunity does not
become an inborn fact-of-life)
is the migrant-worker.
The problems of the
migrant worker are now
coming into sharper focus for
many Americans. Like most
American social inequities,
the migrant worker's pro
blems have been buried under
years of rationality. I can
remember driving through
parts of this country as a
child with the car doors lock
ed, because "you can't trust
these people." Pueblo, Colo,
was one of those places
because it had a large Mexican-American
The after effects of seeing
children running around nak
ed, urinating in the gutters
did not make me distrust
THEM. I soon began to
understand that sometimes
fatherly advice is not always
It soon becomes apparent
that more than just armchair
philosophizing is necessary to
help people like the migrant
Our man Hoppe . . .
The migrant ivorker has known
poverty, liard work and prejudice
most of his life. He has a back
ground of constant travel; few
have a place they can call home.
But, now, some are finding a new
road in life, one that leads to new
opportunities in the future.
workers. Somehow, someway
the prejudice and poverty
thrown onto this ethnic group
has to be eliminated.
One solution is to educate
the young members of the
group. Many of these kids are
taken out of school before the
end of the term so that they
can join other members of
their families during the
summer growing season.
Some work in as many as
six states a year, harvesting
vegetables and fruit. The
money earned during the
summer often has to last the
entire year.
Often these students are
forced to return to the same
grade year after year, simply
because he had to leave
school earlier than most.
Many become completely
disillusioned and quit. Most
will never know what a good
job can do for them.
BUT THROUGH a program
financed by the Office of
Economic Opportunity, some
of these young people are
getting another chance at
education. The High School
Equivency Program (HEP)
takes high school drop-outs,
puts them in an educational
environment, and gives them
another chance to get a
diploma. The University is
one of 13 such "educational
environments" and currently
has 43 students. Most are
from the Southwest, but some
from western Nebraska and
a few are from the mid-South.
The students are put into
a formal classroom but most
of what they must learn
comes from without: they
have to learn how to meet
other people; they have to
learn the social graces of a
society which has been alien
to them; most of all, they
must gain the leadership and
courage which will enable
them to go back to the society
from which they came and
convince other kids that there
is a better life ahead.
HEP is set up in such a
way that, through the help
of interested University
students, these young people
may actually get ahead.
Counselors are assigned to
each student. The counselor
becomes an image for the
student, someone that can
reflect the ideals for which
Take the fun out of sex
by Arthur Hoppe
Herewith is another
unwritten chapter of history.
Its title: "The Pill that
The decision by the Vatican
in the summer of 1968 to ban
contraceptive pills as im
moral and leading to pro
miscuity was a grave setback
for advocates of birth control.
League for Total Birth Con
trol, an all-out, do-good group,
met a month later, a motion
was entertained to disband.
"Wait!" cried Greenleaf
Grornmet, one of the League's
most positive thinkers.
"Actually, the Vatican has
pointed the way to the perfect
method of birth control. The
only reason that sex is fun,
they say, is so that people
will have babies."
"Sex Is fun?" said Miss
Hattie Pettibone, somewhat
"Exactly! All we peed do,
therefore, to save tbe world,"
aid Greenleaf Grornmet
dramatically, "is take "the fun
out of sex."
Once the heart of the pro
blem had at last been
grasped, the rest was easy.
A sex-inhibiting pill with the
trade name "Nonsex" was
quickly developed and
universally acclaimed.
Clerics of all faiths noted
that Nonsex, far from pro
moting promiscuity,
eliminated it altogether. And
Nonsex was preached from
every pulpit.
who had long agonized over
whether to supply their
teenaged daughters with
contraceptive pills thankfully
bought Nonsex by the gross.
And with young ladies no
longer interested, young men
manfully swallowed their
Nonsex in order to avoid a
lifetime of frustration.
The disappearance of sex
naturally had a tremendous
impact on the economy. Such
pursuits as f 1 y -1 y i n g ,
lepidoptery and pee-wee golf
boomed as people found
themselves with twice the
leisure time on their hands.
But movies, advertising and
magazines were hard hit for
subject matter. (Who will
ever forget the centerfold of
the last issue of Playboy
showing a naked rutabaga
lying on a bed of radishes?)
Smutty jokes, cocktail
parties and, of course, mar
riage, became a thing of the
past. So did babies.
An alarmed Government
Daily Nebraskan
fiprnnfl.rissM Dostnire natri at UneolB. Neb.
TELEPHONES Editor 472-2688, Newa 472-2389. Btulnaw 471-tSV
Subscription rates are 4 prr samaatar or Ml (or tha academic
Published Monday Wednesday Thursday and Friday during the school veer
xeept during isoaitone and exam periods to the student at the llntyersitji
of Nebraska under the ejrtsdlotio of the Faculty Subcommittee en fttvdsat
Puhlloeuotie PWIpadona ehall be free from censorship to (he fcreoomrnUwe
or any tenon outside the Univoratt. Ifeanbere of the Nebraska ara raaaordWa
i- ct they eauseuj be printed.
timber aeeocletad CoUeftate Press NatloaaJ CdueattoeaJ AdynrtUbJg HrVm-
Editorial Staff
Editor Jack Todd: Managing Editor Ed Irenogle: Nawa Editor Lynn Oottaehaiki
Night News Krtllor Kent Coi'ltson; Ldllonal Page Assistant Molly Murrell; Aesislsut
Nliiht news Editor Phil Medcall: Sport" Editor Mark Oordoni Assistant Sports Kdltor
Handy Vorki Senior Mull Writers: John Dvorak. Larry Krlkholl. George Kauiinan,
Julie Mnrrlii, Jim Pedersen; Junior Stuff Wrlusmi Bart lennln, Terry Grnbe, Holly
KnenlwT8er, Hill Smllhormon. Omnia Winkler: Henlnr Copy Editor Joan Waggoneri
Copy Kdltora: Phyllis Adklssnn, Iwve Flllnl. June Wajtitoner. Andrea Wooda: Photo
graph Chlel Dan Ladily; Photographer Jim Sbawj At tills Brant Skinner and OaU
he is struggling. Gale Muller,
head of the University pro
gram, goes one step further.
He said that the counselor can
be the instrument that will
actually prove if the program
is a success or not. Muller
thinks that the relationship
built between the counselor
and the student "could be the
most important thing in the
life of the student.
He realizes that this is pro
bably the last chance he has
to get a diploma, so he is
looking for reassurance." The
counselor could be the
But counselors are needed,
especially male counselors.
Only about half of the posi
tions have been filled while
most of the students have
been here six weeks or more.
Homesickness and frustration
have already taken a small
toll, but the majority of the
students are sticking it out.
The point is this: if you
really think that the social
diseases that are affecting
American need to be cured,
that we can help youth of
America who have not had
it so good, then, there is a
place on campus to do
something about it.
Just go to the Nebraska
Human Resources Research
Center in the basement of
Love Library and say you
want to be a counselor for
It could be the most
rewarding experience in your
college career. It could be the
most important experience in
the life of a youngster you
have never met.
instituted a National Selective
Servicing (cq) System, con
scripting young people for
compulsory parenthood. But
draft riots broke out across
the land. "Ban the Mom!"
shouted the young men.
"Wallflower power!" cried
the young ladies. "Make war,
not love!" And the effort was
the greatest effect was on
striving. Men no longer strove
to be rich or powerful or
famous. And women no longer
strove to be beautiful or chic
or good cooks. In fact, no one
strove much to do anything
at all.
So the human race died, not
with the bang of a population
explosion, but out of sheer
And one day, the Last Man
was leafing idly through an
old copy of tbe J963 Papal
Encyclical. "Itsays hare,' he
told tbe Last Woman without
much interest, "that the only
reason rex is fun is so that
people will have babies."
"That," said the Last
Woman with a yawn, "doesn't
sound like much fun either."
Chronicle Features
Humphrey loses
optimistic spirit
by Rowland Evans and
Robert Novak
PITTSBURGH Nearing the end of perhaps
the most calamitous opening week ever experienced
by a Presidential nominee, Hubert H. Humphrey
dropped his masklike grin of optimism in the wee
hours last Saturday morning.
He was conferring in his William Penn Hotel
suite with an old ally: Meyer Berger, a leading
Pittsburgh Democrat and national treasurer of the
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA). In a talk
to party workers downstairs, Berger complained,
Humphrey had completely ignored Vietnam. If the
Vice President were to have any chance in
Pennsylvania, Berger added, he must split with
President Johnson on the war.
HUMPHREY GLUMLY replied he simply could
not in good conscience break with the Administra
tion. But the full extent to which defeatism had
impregnated him during five ghastly days on the
road did not become apparent until a few moments
later when a local party leader ushered some young
liberals who had backed Sen. Eugene McCarthy
Into the Humphrey suite. Strangers though the
McCarthyites were, Humphrey unburdened himself.
Revealing that in Administration councils he
had opposed every Vietnamese troop buildup,
Humphrey complained he could not now move a
step leftward without being stymied by the Presi
dent. "You know," he confesed, "I have about
as much power as you in the White House."
He next exhibited an uncharacteristic fatalism,
musing that perhaps the American electorate "has
to learn a lesson" every so often. He wondered,
however, why anti-war protesters ignored Richard
M. Nixon while they hounded him by chanting
and Humphrey here imitated that chant
Dump the Hump, Dump the Hump, Dump the
Hump.' And there was, he added, non-support from
the ranks of organized labor who were forsaking
the Democratic party now that their 'bellies were
Contrasting with Humphrey's public ex
uberance, it was a fair summary of his first
week on the road. Having wobbled on Vietnam
in response to White House pressure, he ended
the week here Saturday morning by saying publicly
that the LBJ-dictated Vietnam plank in the
Democratic platform constituted the HHH position.
Although some labor leaders wanted a blank-check
endorsement of Mayor Daley's police to stem the
blue-collar drift to George Wallace, Humphrey ig
nored the subject.
Attempting to downplay both the war and law-and-order,
Humphrey ended the week appealing to
Democratic party loyalty, ridiculing Nixon as
"Fearles Fosdick" and warning of a Republican
recession. Democratic doves and backlashers were
not buying it.
Whatever slim chance Humphrey's strategy
might have had was further narrowed by the im
posible itinerary devised for him by his schedulers
(headed by Secretary of Agriculture Orville
HUMPHREY'S 20-HOUR visit to Pittsburgh was
typical. His schedulers decided on the visit a week
ago and insisted on it despite protests from party
leaders here that there was nothing to do in
Pittsburgh on a Saturday.
All they could come up with was an afternoon
party picnic 15 miles from here. Although patronage
employees from courthouse and city hall were told
to attend, no more than 2,500 showed up (half of
what was expected). They were predictably inat
tentive and undemonstrative during Humphrey's
30-minute speech.
In the absence of any scheduled events that
morning, Humphrey wandered onto the empty
streets of downtown Pittsburgh in search of voters.
Luckily, he discovered a parade sponsored by a
television station to publicize its fall season, fell
into step and was rewarded by cheers from
bystanders. The irony: his schedulers had rejected
participating in that parade as a commercial vent
ure. But the unscheduled parade wag more
advantageous to Humphrey than some scheduled
events. His speech Thursday noon dedicating a
new span of the Delaware River Bridge was a
political non-sequitur. His Thursday night speech
to a fund-raising dinner at Sea Girt, N.J., was
addresed to boisterous party regulars interested
only in the bottles on their tables. Inexplicably,
he spent Friday travelling from Sea Girt to
Washington to Pittsburgh without seeing any voters.
Thus, the Vfce President Us begun his eam-
Jfe Jot W crushing
liabilities: no itategy for regaining dissidents and
an irrational schedule which wears him out without
accomplishing anything. Understandably, even
Humphrey, the congenital, optimist must confess a
note of cold depression, as in those mournful early
morning hours in Pittsburgh.
(C) Publlahera-HaU Syndicate