The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1968, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, May 6, 1968
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Outstanding Nebraskan
nominations submitted
Wells, Zariski, Schrekinger
added lo preliminary listing
Two professors and one stu
dent have been added to the
nominations for the "Outstand
ing Nebraskan" award pre
sented at the end of each se
mester by the Daily Nebras
kan. Four different letters have
noted the accomplishments of
Dr. Patrick It. Wells, acting
chairman of the Department
of Pahrmacology.
Dr. Wells was recently hon
ored with a "Distinguished
Teaching" award at the 19fl
Honors Convocation. Students
said they found his lectures,
"well organized and meaning
ful despite the technical na
ture of the material."
As faculty adviser for the
University of Nebraska Stu
dent Chapter of the Ameri
can Pharmaceutical Associa
tion (A.Ph.A.), he is present
ly in Miami, Florida, at the
National A.Ph.A. Convention
accepting the "Outstanding
Student Chapter Award" for
Nebraska. "It was student de
sire and direction and encour
agement by Dr. Wells that
.made this achievement possi
ble," one student said.
He is also the faculty ad
viser of the "Scruple," a Col
lege of Pharmacy publica
tion; Grand Council Deputy
to Kappa Psi, a pharmaceuti
cal fraternity; a member of
the National Executive Borad
of Kappa Psi; faculty ad
viser to Province VIII Stu
dent' Branch of the A.Ph.A.;
and Executive Adviser to Pro
vince V of Kappa Psi.
Dr. Wells serves the Lin
coln community as president
of the Lincoln chapter of
NAACP and is o f t e n a fea
tured speaker as representa
tive of that organization.
Seven graduate students In
the Deaprtnient of Political
Science have nominated Dr.
Raphael Zariski for the "Out
standing Nebraskan" award.
Dr. Zariski is a recognized
authority in Italian political
parties and his courses are
among the most popular in
the department of political
science because of the consis
tently high quality of instruc
tion. "Dr. Zariski has set
standards of excellence in
both his research and his
teaching," according to the
letter of nomination.
"His warm personal quali
ties, his sense of humor, and
his interests in his students
pprtainlv commend him for
this award."
T. I.w-i r.i apply I. .0 llfM
. ml la scr word mat minimum chart at S0 per clanlflc UuertM.
?: ,.if.;r?iHm.-, ... - k.
u wk tat in. Daily NtbrMkM ! t aama I Room 51 tn lha Ncbraak
l uiaa. Tka clataMed advertisis. mmrtn maf-tal : V- umt ra.
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411 aTertimata mart prepaid bolore ad aapetra.
Tudor wanted. Econnmioa 219. Must have Special "election of paperbacks from
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and list MAIM BITTKRKI.Y. GIFT Bookstore.
SHOP 4609 E. Coliax. Denver. Colo. SjiecM Klectim paperbark, from 95c-
80220. $1.50 list price, now 39c. Nebraska Bonk-
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Will do ironing In my home. $1.00 per ,.,,
hour. 33id and Huldrege. 4S6-4240. HELP WANTED
EMHTienced tvpist desires home typine. g00d typist, bookkeeper with high abll
Kast. accurate, electric typewriter. ily r Heal Estate. Excellent opportun-434-4166.
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Sandals, black light units, loo's of post- 3 or 4 collese men Part time now, full
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ter. handmade elotbes to order. Mir- 432-9008 4:00-6:00 p.m. Fridays.
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Typing don. 2Sc a page. Prompt Mtd UU:hen mjir),y, university approved.
accurate. t-3-13to. 52H staITj 446.3170 evenings. Reason-
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tral air-conditioning, 12x48, furnished, SCHOOL
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below book. Walter Tomak, 712 Walnut Reward! Donald Hollstein. 1701 t
Drive, Wayne. Nebr. 373-1551. Apt 477-8595.
John Schrckinner. the cur
rent research committee
chairman of Nebraskans for
Young Adult Suffrage and a
member of it s central com
mittee, has been nominated
by four students for the "Out
standing Nebraskan" student.
Schrekinger has held a Re
gents Scholarship during his
four years at tne university.
by IDA
to live in dorms
by Mark Gordon
Senior Staff Writer
Nine University administra
tors will live in campus resi
dence halls this week as part
of an Inter-Dormitory Associ
ation (IDA) experimental pro
gram, Brian Kidenour, cnair
man of the IDA administra
tive coordinating committee,
said Sunday.
He said the program was
beins initiated this vear in an
attempt to foster better rela
tionships between the Univer
sity's administrators and the
student community.
"We're hoping 'for informal
exchanges between the s t u
dents and administrators," he
The seven men and two
women, who will stay in the
dormitories from lengths vary
ing from two to five days,
Wfire verv rnnnerative. the
former IDA President said.
Ridenour. who has been
working on the oroiect for ar
proximately two weeks, said
although the guests have not
planned any formal presenta
tion during their stay, they
will informally participate in
tioor ana nan events.
To the best of his knowl
edge, the program has never
been attempted here or at any
other university or college,
he said.
He said other administrators
who are not participating in
the program, declined to ac
cept invitations due to press-
n j. r ' 1 1 t
ing coniiicis or iamiiy scnea-
Conducted on an exDerimen-
tal basis, he said the program
will be closely evaluated when
it is completed and. it suc
cessful it would be continued
in future years.
Ridenour hones if Droved
valuable, the project could be
expanded next year to include
faculty members.
Applications due
for Cornhusker
Annlicatinns will he avail
able Tuesday, May 7, for the
position ot section n,itor on
the 1968-69 CORNHUSKER.
The applications may be pick
ed up on the front door of the
office, room 51 and should be
returned by Saturday, May 11.
Interested applicants need
have no previous yearbook or
Cornhusker experience and all
living units are urged to send
freshmen and sophomore representatives.
yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniiiiii HiiiiiiiiH i inHiii iiiiiimi niimiii"iiiii"HHHi"i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiimiiii!iiiii
1968- 69 performing artists :
include Shankar, Kaplan
.. . . . mnn Ponh r?octival
in.. n,.i,.,;r, Artiuto sr. i enn on tlieir first national
IIIC i Cliuilliiuj; ..".o ------ ,
ic n,.ocntH parh aendnmic tour. A New York-based
Buffy Ford was in at
tendance with Marlow
Thomas at the Ken
nedy for President
rally held last week at
the University.
photo by Jim Shaw
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pressive results in 10 days or your
money back without question. Send
for the big brochure that shows step-by-step
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lutsir MothnH KtvlfM this ad with
your name, address, zip code (re
quired for mailing! ) and 25 to cover
postage and handling to: THOYLO
Fifth Avenue. New York, MXiPOila ,
year by the Union Music Com
mittee will be presentee, to
the University public in the
form of a season ticket-paid
series next year for the first
The 1968-69 Series will fea
ture six performing groups
and individual artists in pro
grams of classical, jazz and
traditional music, beginning
rvtnhpr 29. 1968 with Herbert
KaDlan and the Camerata
Singers and ending May i,
1969 with Kavi snanicar.
TIip nther four artists will
be Ella Fitzgerald, jazz voca
list; Byron Jams, pianist;
Ciro and his Flamenco Dan
cers; and P.D.Q. Bach, a mu
sical satire.
The paid series is designed
to present the coming year's
program in a more coherent
fashion. In the past there has
been no admission charge and
the performances have been
publicized separately shortly
The series is designed to
appeal to a wide variety of
musical tastes while conform
ing with the Music Commit
tee's other goal of providing
students with a cultural edu
cation. Abraham Kaplan's Camera
ta Singers will come to Lin-
group, they have Been ac-
c a med bv critics as tnai
city's finest choral group.
Kaplan is a long-smaing
friend of the New York Phil
harmonic's Leonard Bern
stein, with whom the Camera
ta Singers have made several
guest appearances. Their pro
gram will be mostly classi
cal. Byron Janis is a pianist of
relatively recent fame in the
United States.His first DreaK
through to many American
listeners was an album of
Igor Stravinsky's "Firebird
Suite" recorded in Moscow
by Mercury Records.
Ella Fitzgerald will appear
in concert with a back-up jazz
band Novemer 21, 1968.
Ciro and his Flamenco Dan
cers, accompanied by fla
menco guitarists, will present
songs and dances from their
native Spain, February 20,
p.D.O. Bach Festival Orches
tra will perform such works
as the "Unbegun Symphony"
onH nthtr nsiiprln-harnmm
kele. Schickele and the Royal I pieces, March 26, 1969.
P.D.O. Bach (1807-1472? , a
fictitious son of J. S. Bach is
the creation of Peter Schic-
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On Campus
(By the author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!",
"Dobie Gillis," etc.)
This column, normally a treasure house of twinkly quips .
and slapdash japery, has now been appearing in your
campus newspaper for fourteen years, and if I have
learned one thing- in these fourteen long years, it is not to '
try to be funny in the last column of the semester. With
final exams looming obscenely close, you don't want jokes;
you want help.
So today, foregoing levity, I give you a quick cram
course in the subject you are all flunking. I refer, of
course, to biology.
Biology is divided into several phylla, or classes. First
is the protozoa, or one-celled animal. Protozoa can be
taught simple things like bringing in the newspaper, but
when shopping for pets it is best to look for animals with
at least two cells, or even four if your yard has a fence
around it
Another popular class of animals is the periphera-a
shadowy category that borders often on the vegetable,
lake, for example, the sponge. The sponge is definitely an ,
animal. The wash-cloth, on the other hand, is definitely not
Next we come to the arthropoda, or insects. Most people
find insects unattractive, but actually there is exquisite
beauty in the insect world if you trouble to look. Take, for
instance, the lovely insect poems of William Cullen
Sigafoos-Tumbling Along with the Tumbling Tumblebug
and Fly Gently, Sweet Aphid and Gnats My Mother
Caught Me. Mr. Sigafoos, alas, has been inactive since the
invention of DDT. .
Our next category is the mollusca-lobsters, shrimp, and
the like. Lobsters are generally found under rocky projec
tions on the ocean bottom. Shrimps are generally found in
a circle around a small bowl containing cocktail sauce.
Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades are generally
found at any counter where Personna Super Stainless
Steel Blades are sold.
I mention Personna Blades because the makers of Per
sonna Blades pay me to write this column, and they are
inclined to get edgy if I neglect to mention their product.
Some get double edgy anu some single, for Personna
Blades come both in double edge style and Injector style.
Mind you, it is no burden for me to mention Personna,
for it is a blade that shaves quickly and cleanly, slickly and
keenly, scratchlessly and matchlessly. It is a distinct pleas
ure to shave with Personna Blades and to write about
them but sometimes, I confess, I find it difficult to work "
the commercial into a column. Some years ago, for e
ample, I had the devil's own time working a Personna plug
into a column about Alexander the Great. The way I finally.
managed it was to have Alexander say to the Oracle at -Delphi,
"Oracle, I have tasted all the world's pleasures,
yet I am not content Somehow I know there is a joy I have
missed." To which the Oracle replied, "Yes, Alexander,
there is such a joy-namely Personna Blades-but, alas for "
you, they will not be invented for another 2500 years."
Whereupon Alexander fell into such a fit of weeping that
Zeus finally took pity and turned him into a hydrant . .
Well sir, there is no question I sold a lot of Personnas with
this ingenious commercial, but the gang down at the
American Academy of Arts and Letters gave me a mighty .
good razzing, you may be sure. :
But I digress. Back to biology and the most advanced ., -phyllum
of all-the chordata, or vertebrates. There are
two kinds of vertebrates: those with vertical backbones '
and those with horizontal. Generally it is easy to tell them
apart A fish, for instance, has a horizontal backbone, and
a man has a vertical backbone. But what if you run into ,
a fish that swims upright or a man who never gets out of
the sack? How do you tell them apart? Science struggled '
with this sticky question for years before Sigafoos of,,"
M.I.T came up with his brilliant solution: offer the crea
ture a pack of Personna Blades. If it is a fish, it will refuse., ,. ..
If it is homo sapiens, it will accept and the more sapient,
the quicker. -
And now you know biology. And now, for the fourteenth
time, aloha.
The makert of Ptrtonna, The Electro-Coated blade .
have enjoyed bringing you another year of Old Max'"Zl
From m too, aloha