The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1968, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Thursday, May 2, ,lv68
r i
policy improved
The University announced two new policies this
week which represent some of the most progres
sive action yet to promote and aid minority groups
on campus.
One policy statement comes from the Housing
Office and represents the firmest stand it has taken
regarding the practices of landlords of approved
University Housing.
The letter or informal contract which will be
sent to these landlords conies very close to being
a threat for discriminatory renters.
A landlord who is faced with losing students or
incurring the anger of the.mayor's civil rights com.
mirtees may discontinue his policy of telling Ne
groes or foreign students there's no room in the
As in the past enforcement of this policy will
be difficult. Telling a student he must move out
of an apartment rented by a landlord the Univer.
sity knows to be discriminatory will not be a
pleasant task.
But from appearances the Housing Office seems
fo be more determined enforce its housing policy
than it has been during the past year. Just the fact
that the office has redefined and strengthened its
stand is a promising sign about the office's future
' The most impressive action the University took
this week, however, was to make possible tuition
waivers for 20 needy and underpriveledged fresh
men next fall.
This procedure coupled with a vigorous recruit
ing program could make college educations possi.
ble for many students especially those from min
ority groups ) who could not otherise consider col
lege because of their financial situations.
.Now that the University has made very appar.
At 4&r" position -in the area of minority groups on
campus much of the success of these programs will
depend on students.
Earlier this year the Student Senate passed res
olutions calling for an investigation of the Univer
sity's housing policies and the Administration has
complied rather quickly.
But what would be a student's reaction next
fall when the University asks him to leave his
apartment because his landlord is a racist. Unless
a student is willing to submit to a higher princi
ple and refuse to rent from a discriminatory land- :
lord the Housing Office's job would become even
more burdensome.
While the Housing Office will increase its sur
veillance over this aspect of housing policy the
Student Senate should continue a close watch on
the Housing Office. Although the Administration
should tighten discriminatory regulations it can not
be allowed to take this nnnnrtnnifw tn oic
rather than liberalize, other student housing poli-
J "X. ,
William F. Buckley
Columbia University
island unrest
Al Spangler
Illegal but
not immoral
ton say you're going to graduate, and you've
already received a notice to report for a pre-induc-tion
physical? Is that what's bringing you up-tight
brother? Well, don't tell anyone you "have to so,"
because you don't
Whenever the subject of "draft dodging" comes
up for discussion, someone Invariably invokes the
They say that Dean Cole
man, of Columbia University
in New York, is a very calm
man, which is fortunate in
one way. It takes a great deal
of calmness to put up with
" what he has been putting up '
with, indeed it is just possible
that he is too calm.
Perhaps one day Ralph
Hochhuth will write a play,
"Dean Coleman's Calmness,"
suggesting that calmness is
not altogether appropriate in
a situation that requires ra
ther energetic, even passio-
nate. actiML.Tbe ild-timers in
-"New- YorkTecall the response
of the late President Fred
erick B. Robinson, president
of City College, who in May
1933 en route to review a pa
rade of ROTC students, found
his way barred by pacifist stu
dents. Without calling a single fac
ulty meeting, or telephoning
to tfce NAACP, or even con
sulting the National Confer
ence of Christians and Jews,
President Robinson lifted up
his umbrella and struck out
to his right and to his left,
and eventually made his way
through to the parade ground.
His comment on the incident
was that it had been "trivial
but annoying."
Alas, even if the authorities
of Columbia had Mr. Robin
son's sangfroid, they could
not likely get away with call
ing the present mess trivial,
or merely annoying.: Colum
bia University is for all in
tents and purposes shut down.
Classes are suspended, the
campus is in anarchy, student
rioters control a half-dozen
buildings; and (at this writ
ing), still the police are not
called in.
It was resolved by the presi
dent, Dr. Grayson Kirk, to
call them on Thursday. But
his "own faculty, or parts of
it, raised such a storm of
protest, that he finked. Why
should the faculty object to
calling the police in order to
release imprisoned university
personnel, and permit stu
dents free access to universi
ty buildings? Because the fac
ulty, or rather a significant
part of the faculty, at Colum
bia as elsewhere, is irrespon
sible. These are the people who
sign manifestoes in favor of
Dr. Benjamin Spock and the
Reverend William Sloan Cof
fin when they break the law.
Professor Richard Greenman,
of the French department an
nounced, in the accents of
Charlotte Corday, that "there
can be no education and no
thought that is divorced from
action." The trouble with that
statement is, a) it isn't true,
and, b) even if it were, it is
no justification for what the
authorities of Columbia have
been tolerating.
Although the strikers have
four objectives, two of them
calculated to serve their own
personal interests (they do
not wish to suffer any punish
ment for what they are doing,
rather like a graduating class
of West Point asking for un
conditional guarantees that
they will never be scratched
in action).
The most imflammatory is
sue , has bd to . do with the
proposed construction of ath
letic facilities on a public
park adjacent to Columbia.
The park in question is a nice
stretch of green, dividing the
Columbia campus from Har
lem, which however is about
as safe to traverse as the
DMZ. It is the principal out
door training ground for ap
prentice muggers, thieves and
Southern students
plan more action
argument that "the law is sacred; draft dodging
is illegal; therefore, no one ought to attempt to
avoid conscription."
None of these claims is true. It can certainly
be maintained that, in a democratic society, citi
zens have a prima facie duty to obey the law.
But this does not mean that it is always wrong
to break the law: order is certainly important,
but not more Important than considerations of jus
tice and morality.
Also, not all cases of draft dodging are illegal.
A potential draftee can leave the country, lose
enough weight to flunk the physical, or employ
countless other legal means to escape service.
He can also confront the draft laws and the
Selective Service System directly, by refusing in
duction. This latter course of action is, needless
to say, most illegal. But it is iot, under the pre
sent circumstances, immoral. Indeed, in the eye
of many people who oppose the war and the draft
is praiseworthy.
Last October 19, Steve Abbott, a 19G6 Univer
sity of Nebraska graduate, refused to take the in
duction oath into the U.S. Army. That day marked
the end of a two-year struggle by Steve to obtain
Conscientious Objector status from Lancaster coun
ty Draft Board No. 58.
For refusing to serve, Steve has been indicted
by a grand jury and his case Is pending in Feder
al District Court in Lincoln. Possible punishment in
cludes a five-year jail sentence or $10,009 fine.
Steve sought conscientious objector status based
upon his religious training and belief as a Catholic
His views on war were well-known by his contem
poraries here, and be has received the endorse
ment of the Daily Nebraskan and the Student Sen
ate. Steve's action is clearly praiseworthy, and those
who would praise him are being asked to contri
bute to a defense fund of $600 to defer costs which
Steve cannot meet All of us who oppose conscrip
tion owe Steve a debt of gratitude.
Donations nay be sent in care of the Steve
Abbott Defense Fund, Newman Ceater, 330 North
Uth, Lincoln, Nebraska. Do your thing.
Atlanta (CPS) Black stu
dent leaders on many white
campuses in the South are
planning to increase their de
mands on white students and
administrators in the near fu
ture. So far, black students at
predominately white colleges
and universities in the South
have been relatively quiet,
especially when compared to
students on black campuses
and black students on white
campuses in the North. Many
white administrators frequent
ly have pointed to the inac
tivity of the black students on
their campuses as evidence
that they do not have racial
Black student leaders, bow
ever, say they do have prob
lems, and they plan to be
come more militant in press
ing their grievances. If they
carry out their promises,
white administrators at both
public and private institutions
may have more headaches
than anyone else. The public
institutions have to bargain
with conservative state legis
lators for financial support,
and most private institutions
have conservative governing
boards and depend on con
servative donors.
The black students say they
have been inactive in the past
primarily because of their
small numbers. In most cas
es, blacks compose less than
one per cent of the total stu
dent enrollment. But they now
realize they do not need mas
sive armies to carry out ac
tive protests.
Within the last year black
student organizations have
been started on numerous
white campuses in the South.
In a few cases, the black stu
dents already have been suc
cessful in getting administra
tions to meet certain de
mands. But they have not
yet gone as far as the black
students on some campuses
on the North.
Among the demands al
ready made by black students
in the South:
At the University of
Georgia, the Black Student
Union has demonstrated for
desegregation of the rest
rooms for employees and
more courses about the Ne
gro. They have demanded
that black students be includ
ed in the honors program and
that campus jobs be made
available to blacks. The stu
dents recently held a "stand-
in" in the snack bar to pro
test the segregated restrooms.
The "white" and "colored"
signs on the restroom doors
were painted out during the
A new Afro-American As
sociation formed last month
at the University of Alabama
is demanding that the uni
versity hire black professors
and black campus policemen.
They also have demanded
that the athletic teams be in
tegrated. The Black Student Union
at the University of Kentucky
bas spent most of the year
demanding that black-oriented
courses be added to the
curriculum. After months of
laborious petitioning and dis
cussions, the Administration
agreed to add a new course
next fall entitled "Afro-American
life and culture."
Campus Opinion
Dear Editor:
Unlike their elders, who have become tone deaf
from decades of listening to political double-talk"
students can tune in at once to the quiet voice of
honesty of a unique political candidate, Eugene J.
McCarthy. We of his home state so admire the
McCarthy character, ability and style, that in 1964
we returned his to the Senate with our largest vote .
ever given a Democrat, and we work for him
now, despite the Humphrey machine which has
been in control for many years.
The critical question now (for all the Ameri
can people) is how we can give him the largest
vote for the nomination when his opponents flash
those two familiar weapons big money and big
political pull.
The cynics, even among his admirers, sit down
and say it can't be done. They lack the faith that
Thomas Jefferson, the great intellectual, had in the
political good sense of the common man.
It was interesting to see McCarthy showing that'
same kind of faith as he stood up, absolutely alone,
to take the issue directly to the people.
When he saw that it was safe, Candidate Me
too Kennedy leaped into the race with a $500 million .
family fortune to buy advertising gimmicks like
the hiring of two brass bands to impress Mexican
Americans, a glamorous sister-in-law to parade, etc.
and r.fw Candidate Humphrey with a happy-warrior,
smile tightens the screws in his vast machine.
But McCarthy has only his qualifications, his
insight and his integrity and his volunteers.
This will be enough only (if) there are enough vol
unteers to personally reach the "willfully illiterate'
who won't take the trouble to read and ponder the
issues. Instead of dying patriotically in Vietnam,
start living patriotically in America. Volunteer for
" I " Norah OXeary Sorem ; 1
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Editor:
The initials A. L. might signify American Le
gion, American League, or possibly Airborne Le
gions. Tuesday afternoon, however, they belonged
to Americus Liberator, fearless foe of evil, a can
didate for those who have no candidate, champion
of the non-thinker.
Americus Liberator is in the vanguard of at
least one contemporary political movement-the
demi-feminist challenge. He is the only Presidential
candidate that has a woman (his wife) for a cam
paign manager. That, however, is about as far as
his coeval political mares enable him to go.
Prior to the initation of his campaign rhetoric.
Liberator stated that he would read his prepared .
text to preclude the possibility of being misquoted,
apparently assuming the presentation he was about
to offer was worthy of eminent consideration by
all within the confines of the premises.
While the majority of those in the audience
undoubtedly patronized tfce performance out of a
desire to communicate with their curiosity, many
departed realizing that far from a Midwestern Med
icine Man, Liberator possesses a political perspec
tive, the depth and magnitude of which Is difficult "
to penetrate.
Perhaps it would not be amiss to suggest that
some of the state's political charlatans return to a
home where candidates roam, where sons of tho.
sou return to the earth, where a liberation of poli
tical dialogue is quite possibly in the embryonic
stages of development
Peter R. Bartling
Ph.D. Candidate-Dept
Daily Nebraskan
Vol. M. Na. KM
IKa m aeuJml PDbltottm tn7crSi.ll Jli " ""
tuJilZicmKUVbi CMtM NU1 EdneMtoiitl A4vcr
fi l i, "T Evincer. Barb Hum Mark
I Stallions only ...
They're off and running
S. B. Anthony
Van Gogh
Beefy Fondu
W. G. Harding
Saddle sore
Desenex Heights
Cliff's Silo
Cereal Bowl
Book Nook
Scarlet Ewe
Book Nook
Verdi's Apt
Communal Club
Book Nook
Avis and Hert2
Minor Threat
Work horse
Rocky road
Great abstainer
Lida rose
- Stuffed, shirt
Choice '67
Awful poor
Hot seat
Hoof In mouth
18 bands
Could be, Who knows
If nominated . . ,
Type cast
Track Position
WelL maybe
. Haw. :
Happy Trails
. ? '
1- 1
2- 1
Blue Key
About 130- about 120