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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1968)
Thursday, April 25, 1968 The Daily Nebrasfcan Page-3 IDA executive salaries prevented; technicality by Mark Gordon Senior Staff Writer Although an amendment providing for Inter-Dormi tory Association (IDA) exec utive omcer salaries was approved by more than 250 votes, a constitutional tech nicality prevented its tass age, IDA President Bruce Bailey said Tuesday. In an April 10 Association- wiae election, University dormitory residents approved the salary amendment 594 333, but the amendment failed to receive a 15 per cent af firmative vote which is re quired by the IDA constitu tion wnen less than 30 per cent ot the residents vote. University tesidents, in a collective vote on 16 amend ments to the IDA constitu tion passed the items by a 826 to 96 vote. Bailey said the wide ap proval of the executive sal "our interest in building IDA into an organization repre senting all the students." The amendment, which was proposed with the 16 amendments by the IDA con stitutional convention com- lf you've ever been to a wilder party- YOU'RE UNDER ARREST! IT'S SELLERS AT HIS FUNNIEST BEST! 1 V NOW COLOR him with CLAUDINE LONGET immm Stomas I PERSONAL Hayrack Rides and Outdoor Parties 789-2764 Fosters, and Buttons. Send for Samples and list. MADAM BUTTERFLY'S GIFT SHOP 4609 E. Colfax. Denver. Colo. sum Uptight with the draft? Call Nebraska Draft Resistance Union. 47V -561!. College Men. Summer lobs. Call 488-4414 tor Interview Thursday. S or 4 college men. Part time now, full time this summer. To $3.05 per hour. 4J2-MM8 4:1am,. 00 p.m. Fridays. Your chance to set into show business. Travel with carnival. Male or female. .Call 475 1420 for appointment. LOST and FOUND Lost Black bllltold. John Anderson. 715 No. 16th St. 432-3434. FOR SALE 19i6 Corvette convertible. 4-speed. 350 HP. till under warranty. 432-3120. Blue 1967 Impala Super Sport convert ible, buckets, console. Must sell. $2700. 434-79HT after 4. HELP WANTED MANAGER TRAINEE Far fast growing fabric retail chain 2-4 years college. Service completed. Send complete resume to FABRIC SUPERMART 3449 So. 84th Omaha, Nebr. (3124 397-4955 FOR RENT Have apartments available no and in June and July- Micust and September. Thvsr m- 1 and 1 heriniotn unUn. Sirrrsh.-tl and iin'irnihed. r'ean. we! rnrtMMl and -!' 'umiihed. IMaled aimpt nvlv.ny r,; -n campuses from i Si JO to WU.UU 434-iwoU. mittee in March and ap proved by the IDA Council March 18, would have pro vided the IDA President with at least $300 annual salary. The amendment would also have provided at least $200 for the IDA vice president with allocations to ach tris minimum amount. Reesa Almy, chairman of the IDA constitutional con vention committee, said ear lier the committee proposed the executive salary bill to assure IDA of retaining ca pable leaders who would oth erwise accept dormitory stu dent assistantship posts. Student assistants current ly receive full room and board amounting to $800 per academic year, while pres ent IDA executive officers receive no financial renum erations. Althought disappointed the salary amendment was not approved, Bailey said the passage of the 16 amendments made the constitution more workable and has made the necessary changes needed for ASUN approval. He said the constitution, as soon as It is retyped with the new provisions, would be forwarded to the ASUN con stitution committee for offi cial approval. The IDA President said he was certain the ASUN committee would approve the dormitory organization's re vised constitution. Among changes made by the passage was one amend ment which alters the date of the annual IDA executive elections from the presnet third week of second semest er to an undetermined spring date. Bailey was unable to say if another IDA executive of ficer election would be held during the current academic year. Another accepted amend ment lowers the dormitory residence requirement for all executive officers, except the president, who must have sophomore standing, to at least one full academic se mester from the current one year requirement. One amendment provides one year terms for both the secretary and treasurer, while another amendment requires a two-thirds council approval for a vice-presidential ap pointee to replace a vice president who was unable to fulfill his duties. The IDA is currently with out a vice president since Mike Eyster, who was elect ed with Bailey in February, resigned April 4 In order to salary amendment. Bailey said he is still look ing for a vice presidential successor, but he has not yet reached a decision on Eyster's replacement. Under the constitution's or ganizational structure, a new amendment giving the presi dent a voting DrivUetTfl in case of ties and an amend ment rescinding the 2.5 grade point average recmirpmon for Inter-Dormitory Court justices were approved. . Also passed was a method of revoking membership clause wnich would be in cluded in the membership section of the constitution. iiiriiin1ffnn-T--i-Tin inn in - ' THURSDAY, APRIL 25 INTER-VARSITY 8 a.m. BAPTIST STUDENT UN ION -8 a.m. COLLEGE OP PHAR MACY LECTURE 10 a.m. E WEEK LUNCHEON 11:30 a.m. COLLEGE OF PHAR MACY LECTURE - 2:30 p.m. . AWS CONGRESS 3 p.m. AUF SPECIAL EVENTS 3:30 p.m. F. M. ADVISORY BOARD 4 p.m. UNION MUSIC COMMIT TEE 4:30 p.m. UNION PUBLIC RELA TIONS COMMITTEE-4:30 p.m. GREEK WEEK SERVICE PROJECT 4:30 p.m. UNION SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE-4:30 p.m. NEBRASKA UNION BOARD 4:30 p.m. PHI MU ALPHA SINFON IA 6 p.m. CHRISTIANSCIENCE ORG. 6:30 p.m. QUIZ BOWL 6:45 p.m. QUIZ BOWLr:30 p.m. CAREER SCHOLARS 7:30 p.m. ECONOMICS & BUSINESS ROUND TABLE 7:30 p.m. VARSITY GLEE CLUB CONCERT 7:30 p.m. GERMAN CLUB 7:30 p.m. PI SIGMA ALPHA-7:30 p.m. MATHEMATICS C O U N-SELORS-7:30p.m. 9 p.m. BUILDING G YWCA LOVE & MARRI AGE 3:30p.m. CANOE TRIPS Cruits end explore the Ouetlco-Su-perior wilderness by way of the Olibway end Vayaeeur. Fish vlrein lakes, relax, and have funl Only se w per diem, less for eroups of 10 or mora. Write: BILL ROM, CANOE COUNTRY OUTFITTERS, BOX C, ELY, MINN. It is time you got involved? Com tonight at 7:00 p.m. to the Young Citizens for Kennedy Headquarters, 14th & P. f , ill ' . m ii nlmamj ' ni 11 mi unr"""" ...JmiMaL Abd-Sandoz-Smith-Harper-Schramm presents SPHDC3 ITJGECIE April 27, 28 and it's FREE Saturday, April 27 Sunday, April 28 Art Gallery Art Gallery 1:30 Afternoon Games 6:00 Melodrama 8:00-12 Carnival 9:00-12 Street Dance 2:30 Melodrama 8:00 Folk-Jazz Concert Where Will You Be? I've Got My Eye On The Man in a VAN HEUSEN1 IT'WANOPRESS SHIRT And what I see of my classy mate, I like, . I like! Ruggedly built, but with a cool, suave look . . . just like his permanently pressed Van Heusen "417" Vanopress start. It's the one with new Soil-Away process that washes out stains and collar soi I without scrubbing. Complete with authentic button-, down collar and V-Tapered fit. In tough, turned-on stripes, checks or solids. Gee, 1 . just can't take my eyes off him. Funny, I don't want to! Now from Van Heusen . . . the scent of adventure . . . Passport 360 . . . the first to last and last and last! S I , , -Iff i ";sr V-'" i ' ' i ; . ' J V ' -, rat-, V-t I ! ' 7- Y" " f 1 ' J Sn. , ---1 i I ' - . f ., fcJ c- - - -r rn- urn mi mn'niiiiii -tgr a I YWCA CABINET-4:30 p.m. AUF EXEC -:30 p.m. AUF BOARD 7 p.m. BUILDING II PEOPLE TO PEOPLE PUBLICITY -3:30 p.m. PEOPLE TO PEOPLE 6:30 p.m. ASUN ACTIVITIES COM MITTEE 7 p.m. Civil Service to conduct exam For seniors and graduate students who are interested in working for the Federal Gov ernment, a special on-campus Federal Service Entrance Ex amination will be conducted by the U.S. Civil Service Com mission. The two-hour qualification examination which is de signed primarily for liberal arts and business majors will be held Saturday, April 27 at 9 a.m. in the Union. The Management Intern ex amination will also be given for specialized Management Internships in Federal agen cies. No advance application is necessary. Liberator will speaM Americus Liberator, Re publican candidate for the presidency from Valentine, will speak at a faculty club luncheon on Tuesday, April 30, Dr. Thomas Thorson, chairman of the program committee of the University faculty club, said this week. Liberator will also appear in the Union Ballroom at 3:30 p.m. the same day, ac cording to Carol Madson, talks and topics committee chairman. The 57-year-old retired rancher will be accompanied by his wife, who serves as his campaign manager. Thus far in his campaign, Libera tor has received no support from a party, and has fi nanced his campaign from his own resources. "As a non-political but on the Republicn ticket, I don't expect help from the party, but I'll be damned if I'll swap principles for dollars," Liberator said in a letter to Dr. Thorson. TRY PERKY'S BAR-B-Q Perky's 11 & Q 432-7720 Liberator says he has no qualms concerning his per formance of duty if elected president because the consti tution provides the "tools to work with." Although he did not even finish the seventh grade, Liberator feels that he meets the qualifications for the presidency which requires only the minimum age and natural born citizenship with no mention of literacy. Liberator states that his allegiance is to the Constitu tion and all that it embodies as an organic to the basic and fundamental principles of American government. Liberator feels that the Constitution should be more fully cultivated and that the representation of the will -of the people should supersede all apathy and corrupt poli tics so that the will of the majority of the people would be fully served. The main goal of Libera tor is to prove or disprove to the public that the United States government still re tains the principle of equal opportunities for all its citi zens to prove their worth. Liberator has a basic dis trust of professional politi cians which explains his re fusal to release any cam paign material that "Nixon and others might copy." ?! 'tMtm Join the fashion porosis with 4ji 2-door Sport Sedan The Mini-Brute. Buick's Opel Kadett. General Motors' lowest priced car. Mowbray Buick-Opel Sales and Service 421 N. 48 The Sandpipers in concert with Pat 5- m EPauIssn Friday, April 26, 8:00 p.m. Pershing Auditorium i.v ySt'o I,: -4 -t&m h if IV' I . .lJy ft 1 : y . I) I; f J w .! -t J A , ' $2.00 reserve tickets on sale in ihe Nebraska Union, Pershing ticket of fice, and Gold's and Treasure City Record Depts.