The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1968, Image 1

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Thursday, April 4, 1968
The Doily Nebraskon
Vol. 91, No. 93
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Presidential Candidate Dave Shonka
Faculty respond
to evaluation book
. by Jim Pedersen
Junior Staff Writer
Approximately 230 University
faculty members have responded
to the Faculty Evaluation Com
mittee's letter requesting cooper
ation in the evaluation program,
and nearly 150 instructors have
consented to participate, Bob Zuc
ker, ' chairman of the committee,
said Tuesday. . .
The committee recently sent over
?50 letters to University faculty
members asking for response to
the evaluation program.
Of the professors who failed to
agree to participate, only ten re
fused to tate reasons, and the re
mainder gave reasons for being un
able to participate which were ac
ceptable to the committee, Zucker
Urge participation
Another letter will soon be sent
to those faculty members who have
not as yet replied to the commit
tee to serve as a reminder, and
urge them once again to partici
pate, Zucker added. .
According to Zucker, question
able forms have already been dis
tributed to nearly a hundred of
the faculty members who agreed
to take part in the program.
Zucker expressed hope that the
faculty who have not responded to
the letter would do so by April 12.
Contact committee
' If a large number of the faculty
have not responded by the end of
spring vacation, the committee will
contact them personally, Zucker
said. ' '. ;
"We will use as much personal
contact as possible," Zucker said.
"By talking with the people who :
object to the program, we hope
to see what mistakes we are mak
ing," he added.
. The committee desires to show th
faculty that the students are sin
cerely concerned, and that the
Faculty Evaluation Book is doing
a professional job of evaluating,
Zucker said.
Give criteria
According to Zucker, this year's
questionnaire is considerably shor
ter than the questionnaires used .
In the past, and has the added ad
vantage if giving the students a de
finite criteria for judging their in
structors. ;
This criteria is the : use of th e
student's eight previous instructors
as a basis . for the evaluation,
Zucker said.
"From each question we cu
draw first the means of all the
instructors evaluated, secondly a
percentile rank for each professor,
and lastly a variance between the
individual judgements of all the
students evaluating the professor,"
Zucker said.
Zucker stressed the importance
of the variance as giving validity
to the evaluation.
Statistics published
A definite style for the book has
not been determined yet, but the
statistics from the questionnaires
will be published in figure form,
Zucker said.
He added that the format of the
book will depend largely on the
' number of faculty participants in
the program.
Each questionnaire will ask for
additional information to be writ
ten on the back of the form.
The greater part of the mater
ial which will appear in the book
will be drawn from these com
ments, Zucker said.
Include comments
In addition to the letters that
were sent to the faculty, question
naires asking , for information on
lecture format, advance planning
. of the course, exams, quizzes, and
papers were also sent to the in
structors. . The questionnaire included a
question which asked for comments
and criticisms on the Faculty Eval
uation Program.
"This questionnaire is very im
portant because it gives the stu
dents the opportunity to learn of
tre instructor's teaching methods
from information taken directly
from the instructor," Zucker said.
Return forms
,,'I expect more of the faculty to
return forms," Zucker. said.
"After attending a faculty meet
ing, I realized that through, per
sonal contact we can get a bet
ter response from the faculty," he
The student questionnaires will
be distributed in class by the in
dividual instructors, and the stu
dents will have fifteen minutes to
complete them, according to Zucker-
The students will then- present
the completed questionnaire to an
appointed student in the class who
will iijaii uie quequOiui&ires io :ihe
evaluation committee, Zucker said.
" In this manner the instructors
have nothing to do .with the eval
uation once they have distributed
the questionnaires, Zucker. added.
Communication causes
constituent problems
' 1
by Kent Cocksca
Senior Staff Writer
Communication be
tween the student and ASUN
Senate and executives is 4
main issue of concern of the
candidates for president , of
Both candidates presented
their general platforms at
the East Campus Union
Tuesday night to a small
gathering of students, most
ly coeds.
Craig Dreeszen, a junior in
agriculture running on -t h e
Party for Student Action
(PSA) platform, said that
communication is a problem
for three reasons:
There is no intensive ef
fort to communicate action
between students and ASUN
executives. Many of the proj
ects currently being acted
upon are long-range and do
not merit open discussion .
The third reason, Dreeszen
said, is that the Senators are
not so much reacting to cri
ses, as in the past, but have
begun to work in areas
where they can forsee crises
within the University and
handle problems in a more
preventative and subtle way.
The PSA candidate added
that he is introducing an
amendment to a Senate liai
son officer who will coordi
nate informal Senate-executive
meetings each week that
will be open to the students
for any questions they faay
have concerning student gov
ernment action.
Dreeszen also voiced a
possibility of dormitory semi
nars about topics of gen
eral concern, publishing com
mittee reports in full and
frequent Senate newsletters
on a limited trial basis.
Dave. Shonka, a junior in
the College of Arts and Sci
ences also on the Executive
slate, said that ASUN com
munications must be im
proved and he prescribed bi
weekly panel discussions
similar to Hyde Park involv
ing student senators and ex
ecutives. Shonka, who said he want
ed to know what happened
to the Student Bill of Rights
because of the irregular re
porting, promised to issue ex
ecutive statements apart
from the Senate to keep stu
dents informed about cam
pus issues.
Concerning his platform,
Shonka said that University
students are responsible and
"should be treated so." He
added that in the past, stu
dent rights have been
passed over or ignored and
that ' he plans to push the
Bill of Rights to its appro
priate conclusion. ,
Student power means full
student participation, he said,
and in order to overcome the
apathy on the campus, ASUN
must encourage student in
volvement on all levels of
University life.
If a group of students is
interested in the passage of
a Nebraska legislative bill,
then, ASUN should encourage
the organization of student
lobbies, Shonka explained.
He added that his goals
will be to seek a realistic
implementation of a new
housing policy, promote bet
ter student-faculty relation
ships and promote some
program to deal with the in
adequacy of campus park
ing facilities.
Shonka said that he would
seek more recreational fa
cilities for both campuses
and that he was disappointed
with the results of the Fac
ulty Evaluation book.
Dreeszen, who is on the
Senate Education Committee,
said that the PSA platform
is divided into three gener
al areas: education, student
rights and student power.
He had two specific pro
posals in the area of educa
tion: students should be par
ticipating more on faculty
advisory boards and he
would seek to place students
with voting power on the im
portant faculty advisory
His second proposal is
that the University should
conduct a survey to solidify
the problems in education
here so these problems may
be more readily resolved. He
said that a survey at Berke
ley localized 14 problems
and that "we can probably
find 80."
Dreeszen said that ha
would establish committees
to help solve some of t h e
problems in race relations
at the University if he is
He said he will recruit
qualified personnel to help
eliminate on and off-campus
segregation and that "there
is no reason why the Uni
versity should condone rac
ism." Concerning housing, Drees
zen said he will demand an
ad hoc housing committee to
consider alternatives to lim
iting students to certain
Blaming many of the cur
rent housing problems on
last year's dorm expansion,
he proposed to establish an
organization allowing s t u
dents to have a voice in fu
ture housing planning.
"I think we are more im
portant than stop-gaps for
problems," he said. "If the
University administration
would spend half as much
time trying to force students
to live in the dorms and start
making them attractive in
stead, they would have more
Besides setting up a com
mittee to investigate dorm
conditions, Dreeszen said
that co-ed visitation rules
ought to be set by students
who should be allowed to
make the decisions in all
areas where students are
"We feel that PSA repre
sents continuity of leader
ship," he concluded.
s Compare your Instructor with the instructors yon listed one
by one, on each of the following traits. The number you write In
1 etchbox below will indicate how many of the others you rate as f
& BETTER than your Instructor in that way.
I 1. COMMUNICATION SKILL. How many of the instructors
I yon listed are better than your instructor in speaking effectively, 5
in making a point, and in getting themselves understood?
1 2. SCHOLARSHIP. How many of the instructors you listed
appeared to know the subject matter that they were teaching
better than your instructor knows his subject matter? 5
3. ORGANIZATION. How many of the instructors you listed 5
were better than your instructor in guiding the activities of the
1 class toward clearly understood goals?
i 4, CLASS INTEREST. How many of the instructors you listed
are better than your instructor in making the class period inter-
I estlng, even when the topic may seem somewhat difficult or dull?
I 5. PROVOCATION OF THOUGHT. How many of the instruc- f
tors yon listed seem to be more able to stimulate original thought
and to evoke critical thinking than your instructor is able to do?
s 6. GRADING EFFECTIVENESS. How many of the instructors f
I you listed are more skillful at evaluating your achievement, at
I grading fairlv and sensibly, than your instructor is?
i 7. PERSONAL CONCERN. How many of the instructors yon
lifted ant more sensitive to and appreciative of the personal cir- m
g cumstances of the individual student that your instructor is? I
3 pared to your instructor, bow many of the instructors that you 1
i listed contributed more to your own intellectual maturity and more f
I to your ability to deal effectively with important problems in life?
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Presidential Candidate Craig Dreezen
Senate passes
bill to better
In the final pre-election meeting.
Student Senate Wednesday passed
an act that should help their suc
cessors in communicating with the
student body.
The bill is a substitute presented
by Senator Craig Dreeszen to re
place one introduced last week
by Senator Bill Mobley. Among its
provisions are:
there shall be a regularly sched
uled time when ASUN Executives,
Senators and students can meet
informally to discuss issues;
Senators should be available for
presentations to organizations and
living units;
committee reports shall be pub
lished and distributed to insure
that students have ready access
to them;
the ASUN shall publish a sen
ate newsletter at least twice a
Senate term. Whenever possible it
shall be complemented by addition
al letters from individual senators
or college delegations dealing with
their views on areas dealt with by
The bill further recommended
that the ASUN executives create
a position called "student liaison."
who would coordinate and imple
ment the proposals.
Senator Mark Schreiber also pre
sented his summary of the drug
Schreiber judged the seminar suc
cessful, mainly because of the
new delegate system of attendance,
which "assured attendance and
adequate representation," Schrei
ber said.
In further business, Senate offi
cially divorced itself from Spring
Day by passing a resolution stat
ing that ASUN no longer sponsors
the group.
Senate also appointed Sena
tors Suone Cotner and Mark Gus
tafson to serve on the Honors Con
vocation Committee, and Lynn Al
exander was apointed as the Uni
versity of Nebraska Citizen am
bassador to Europe. Alexander
was selected through his work for
People to People and by the ASUN
Special Projects Committee.
Senate will hold a special meet
ing Sunday at 4 p.m. to discuss
endorsement for the report from
the Student Academic Freedom
Committee which was delivered to
Chancellor Hardin earlier this
week, according to Dick Schulze,
ASUN President.
At this meeting, the Senate will
act to place the outcome of the
report on the general election bal
lot, April 10.
On Campus Today
Governmental secrecy and power
will be discussed by Alan Reit
man, associate director of the
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU), Thursday at 4 p.m. in
the East Union.
Reitman, who is a member of the
NAACP and CORE, has been a
free lance writer, lecturer, and re
searcher in public affairs.
Alpha Phi Omega, a national ser
vice organization, wiii sponsor a
political forum with representatives
of all the major national candi
dates. Students will also be ad
vised about voter registration. The
forum will begin at 3:30 in the
Nebraska Union.
Dr. Phillip Crowl of the Univer
sity History department told Free
University Black Power class that
a Negro history course is quite con
ceivable. The possible target date
for starting such a course is sec
ond semester next year. See story
on page 3.
Orchesis, the modern dance troup
will present their spring concert,
"Sketches in Movement," Thursday
and Friday evening at 7:30 in the
University High Auditorium.
it &
Candidates of the Concerned Stu
dents Party, (CSP) Bill Mobley,
Bill Chaloupka, and Mary Lynne
Nelson for the Senate will debate
candidates of the Partv for Stu
dent Action (PSA) at 8 p.m. in
the Selleck cafeteria.
fr -k it
Craig Dreeszen and Dave Shon
ka, candidates for president of the
ASUN, will debate at Hyde Park,
Thursday at 3:30 in the Nebraska
it it it
Three theologians at the Cotner
School of Religion plan to try a
team teaching approach in the field
of modern problems in society.
This will be a first for the school.
For a further discussion of the top
ic see story on page 3.
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