The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1968, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Wednesday; . April 3, 1968
Page 4
The Daily Nebraskan
McCarthy, RFK
Poli sci professors predict
3 )
S '
fight after LBJ's retreat
, by Mark Gordon
- - Senior Staff Writer
President Johnson's decis
sion not to seek renomination
throws the Democratic presi
dential nomination into a dog
fight between Senators Eu
gene McCarthy (Minn.) and
Robert Kennedy (N.Y.), three
University political science
professors said Tuesday.
The political scientists dis.
agreed concerning the pos
sibility of Johnson's open en
dorsement of another Demo
crat, possibly Vice President
Hubert Humphrey in an ef
fort to dislodge both Mc
Carthy and Kennedy.
"This should be encourag
ing to both McCarthy and
Kennedy since it would have
been an uphill battle to take
the nomination from tne in
cumbent president," said
Robert Sittig, associate pro
fessor of political science.
Sittig said if Johnson's call
ing for a bombing halt except
In restricted areas of North
Vietnam results in peace or
near peace, Johnson could
conceivably have a great deal
to say about who receives the
Democratic nomination.
"I think he's going to back
someone, and the only per
son I can possible think of
is Humphrey," he added.
McCarthy supporter Alan
Reed, assistant professor of
political science, said John
son's withdrawal from ' the
race increases both candi
dates' chances although it
makes their relations person
ally and between supporters
"I don't think Johnson will
endorse or work with anyone
either now or after the con
vention (in A u g u s t)," the I
member of Nebraska's Mc
Carthy for President Com
mittee said. "He doesn't want
to play politics."
Ivan Volgyes, assistant pro
fessor of political science,
said he was unable to pre
dict if Johnson would throw
his support behind another
Volgyes, a member of the
Kennedy for President Com
mittee, felt the issues would
now have to appear in the
open since Johnson is out of
the race.
Johnson's announcement to
halt bombing drew varied re
actions from the three pro-fessors.
"I don't favor stopping
bombing in just 90 per cent
of North Vietnam but in all
the country," Volgyes said in
speculating that Hanoi would
not respond to the peace ma
"Bombing will possibly
stop for four or more weeks,
but then Johnson will say we
tried and may go all out by
bringing up all the reserves,"
Volgyes explained.
He speculated if Hanoi fails
to conduct negotiation efforts
with the United States, furth
er escalation of troops will
Disagreeing with Volgyes,
Reed called the President's
move a "hopeful and reason
able first step" to deescalate,
although the President is ap
parently contemplating fur
ther steps.
Sittig, a task force member
of the Republican Coordinat
ing Committee, said he felt
the move might be the most
important event in the last
two or three years if there is
reciprocal deescalation on
the part of North Vietnam.
He added that most of the r
cent proposals have hinged
on scaled down stages rather
than a complete cease fire
Opinions differed consider
ably as to the eventual win
ners of both the Democratic
convention and the November
Volgyes felt with Johnson
out of the race, most LBJ
supporters will back Kennedy
"at this stage as will all the
professional politicians.
"Kennedy can now get the
nomination but he will have
to grapple with the real is
sues such as domestic af
fairs," the Kennedy backer
Volgyes said either Johnson
or Kennedy could defeat the
likely Republican presidenti
al nominee Richard Nixon
Nixon, Volgyes asserted,
could defeat McCarthy easily,
In predicting that the Denr
ocratic race would revolve
around Kennedy and an ad
ministration-backed man, Sit
tig said he could not imagine
any Democratic candidate
bridging all the gaps in the
party although "there is now
a better chance than before."
He added that if Kennedy
receives the nomination, both
Nixon and to a lesser extent
former Alabama Gov. George
Wallace would do better in
the Southern states.
Assuming the wide spread
dissatisfaction would have
continued, Nixon would have
been in a better position to
defeat Johnson, but now it
will be considerably harder
if Kennedy is the candidate."
Those persons who have
been dissatisfied with John
son's leadership, will be en
thused with this, but it will
also make their responsibility
grezter since they must como
up with substitute policies
he said.
Although he conceeded that
Kennedy was the definite po
tential presidential nominee,
Reed felt that McCarthy still
had a fighting chance.
"I don't think McCarthy
will withdraw from the pn
maries now unless all the
primaries he enters with Ken
nedy are disastrous." Reed
All three said the first real
showdown between the two
leading candidates would
come at the May 7 Indiana
presidential primary and the
following week in Nebraska's
all-star primary.
Although it is a foregone
conclusion that Nixon will
easily receive the Republican
nomination, the trio felt that
New York Gov. Nelson Rocjce
feller would receive consider
ably more support than would
the former vice president.
Reed said that since Wal
lace would presumably car
ry a few Southern states, the
Republican candidate would
be forced to compete with the
Democrats for support in both
the 'northern and West
ern sections.
"I think the Republicans
need to draft Rocky so they
can carry tne iNortnern ana
Western states," Reed said,
although he felt Nixon had
no chance to win the Novem
ber race.
Volgyes said the Republic
ans snoula aralt Kocketeller
since Kennedy could defeat
Nixon, although it is difficult
to draft a candidate who is
not campaigning.
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Five finalists await the final selection of Miss University of Nebraska at the pageant held Sunday
night. They are (left to right): Nancy Aronson, Susan Baird (second runner-up), Nancy Griffin,
Debbie Johnston, and Sandy Phillips (first runner-up).
Nancy Aronson
crowned queen
Stillman exchange students
experience is 'worthwhile'
by Jim Pedersen
Junior Staff Writer
The experience as a student
at Stillman College has been
both broadening and worth
while, Cheryl Bethel, a junior
from McCook, said Tuesday
of he participation in the
Stillman Exchange Program.
The Stillman Exchange
Program is a student ex
change between the Universi
ty of Nebraska and Stillman
College, an all-Negro liberal
arts college in Tuscaloosa,
Alabama with an enrollment
of approximately 700 stu
ents. Getting to know people
"I am getting to know peo
ple as human beings rather
than just as a race," Miss
Bethel said Id a telephone in
terview. Miss Bethel is presently
working with two Negro
youths under the supervision
of the Juvenile Court in Tus
caloosa as a part of a socio
logy class.
She is also a member of
the girls softball team and
the sociology club.
-Miss Bethel described the
reception of her by Stillman
students as very warm.
Labeled as enemy
She added that when a dis
ciple of Black Power advo
cate Stokely Carmichael la
beled her as an enemy of the
Negro at a recent Carmichael
speech in Tuscaloosa, Still
man students came to her de
fense. Chuck Hodges, a sopho
more from Columbus, is the
other University of Nebraska
representative in the two stu
dent exchange.
According to Hodges, as a
white student he is accepted
by everyone and accepted
warmly by many.
Hodges tutoring classes
Hodges is tutoring English
classes in all-Negro Druid
High School in Tuscaloosa,
and is a member of the Still
man Repertoire Company
which is producing "A Man
for All Seasons" this semes
ter. Classes are much smaller,
more informal, and more re-
spitality Day planned
by home ec students
East Campus will be
swarming with about 3,000
high school girls and their
parents April 6, when home
economics students welcome
the girls to the annual career
opportunities day, or Hospi
tality Day.
The theme for this year's
day at the College of Abri
culture and Home Economics
is "Color Me Home Econom
ics." The purpose of Hospi
tality Day is to give high
school students an opportunity
to discover what college life
is like and investigate the
field of home economics as
a career choice.
i The day is entirely planned
and executed by home eco
nomics itudenta. An!
attraction Is the gala fashion
show, and this year's pro
gram win feature both col
lege styles and a boutique of
creations designed and made
by the students. Bottle caps,
fringe, vinyl and roofing discs
are only a few of the mater
ials used to create the unusual
-. Each department in home
economics will have a special
display depicting a certain
a;;pcct of the school. Majors;
will be on hand to explain'
courses and career opportun
ities to the high school girls.
warding than at the Univer
sity, Hodges said.
According to Hodges a
problem he faces is the fail
ure of adult whites in Tusca
loosa to accept his attend
ing Stillman College.
Better acceptance on campus
"I am accepted better on
the Stillman campus than by
other white townspeople,"
Hodges said.
"I think that this is an ex
perience everyone needs, and
I encourage everyone to ap
ply," he added.
The program was insti
gated by Dr. Knute Broady,
former head of the Extension
Division at the University, in
1965 when he served as tem
porary president of Stillman
Broady supported by YWCA
Dr. Broady was supported
by the YWCA which backed
the program for two years be
fore relinquishing control
over the exchange to ASUN
in 1967.
Want Ads
Bring Results
Tuition is waived for the
participating students by
each school leaving approxi
mate cost for a semester at
Stillman at $430 for room,
board, and books.
Although the college is all
Negro, students from the Uni
versity of Nebraska need not
be Negro. The only require
ment for all applicants is that
he or she have an accumu
lative grade average of 2.4.
Applications are due by
April 12.
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With a bolt 6f lightning and
a crash of thunder, a lepre
chaun jumps from slumber
and runs the length of the
stage runway and exclaims
to a captivated audience, "Ah
now that's a wee bit better."
The beginning of a vocal
solo, "Look to the Rainbow"
which won the talent award,
was sung by Nancy Aronson
who was named Miss Umver'
sity of Nebraska March 31.
Crowned at the Miss Uni
versity of Nebraska pageant
Sunday evening, the sopho
more queen will compete for
the Miss Nebraska title in
York, June 24-29.
The recipient of a superior
vocal rating by the Nebras
ka Federation of Music, Miss
Aronson has played the lead
part in "Bye Bye Birdie"
and "Wild Cat" at Omaha
Westside and "The King and
I" at the Omaha Community
Play House.
An elementary education
major, Miss Aronson plans to
teach Kindergarten where
she hopes to promote creativ
ity in the areas of music, art
and dramatics.
When interviewed by the
judges prior to the pageant,
Miss Aronson stated she did
not believe teachers had the
right to strike. .
According to Miss Aronson,
it is the teachers gola to edu
cate the children. By striking
and refusing to instruct class
es, the teacher is only cheat
ing the child, she explained.
Although she believed
teachers deserve to be paid
adequately in order to en
courage students to go into
the profession, Miss Aronson
said this should be done
through negotiation, by form
ulating plans and not by walk
ing out on classes.
In answer to an on-the-spot
pageant question, "If you had
the choice of being one other
person who would you want
to be?" Miss Aronson named
Jacqueline Kennedy because
of her beauty, poise, grace,
and the way she has repre
sented the ideal American
woman both in the U.S. and
internationally. .
Active in campus affairs.
Miss Aronson is past presi
dent and vice president of
Panhellenic, vice president of
her sorority, Sigma Delta
Tau, past AWS worker, a fin
alist for Miss Frequency Mod
ulation and a candidate for
Miss Cornhusker Bcautv
J;4 dr
'4 :
Nancy Aronson, sophomore in elementary educa
tion from Omaha, was crowned Miss University
of Nebraska Sunday night.
doing in this
1968 Olds advertisement?
It's making the point that you
can own an Oldsmobile. If not
a new one, then certainly a
used one.
Like the nifty 1967 Olds 4-4-2
you see here. Or a sporty used
Cutlass convertible maybe.
Or, even, one of those
great Olds Rocket 88:
Of course, Olds de
olso carry a large sto
of other brands on their
Value-Rated used car lot. And
should you decide on one of
them instead . . well, at least
we'll know you picked a good
place to do it.
Drive a oungmobi!e from Oldsmobila
( New or used, it!s a fun car to cwn.)
.... - . .