THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Editorials Commentary Wednesday, April 3, 1958 P&QQ 2 Deny credit for ROTC ' The University's ROTC program thui far has escaped the waves of criticism which are engulf ine the programs of many major universities and colleges. r Because Nebraska's ROTC program is similar '"' to most other college curriculums across the na tion it is necessary that It, too, should be reevalu . ated and consequently revised. The criticisms which have been leveled at oth er universities have been against compulsory ROTC ''' courses, against giving academic credit for ROTC 7"; courses and against the very existence of military ' " training programs on college campuses. Nebraska's compulsory ROTC program was "I'.' rescinded three years ago and so the first critl - cism does not apply here. ROTC students In the four-year programs, how ever, receive at least 16-24 hours of credit for .-. military instruction. Junior and senior men in the "-three programs also receive from $40-$50 a month . ; during their last two years for participating in the program. .... The University took a major step by making the ROTC program voluntary but now another step . ,. is needed ana tnat is denying academic credit for ' ROTC courses. 6ur &mpm- m m ciose. on w HEELS WOIVZT .... : . aw. HE OWt CmM Hit? IM A new V?AIW- ft Urn TIER? ?. BUT V6 William F. Buckley, Jr. Although the programs' required hours do not exceed 24 hours in any of the three ROTC branches - many of the men enroll m more military courses as electives. Thus it is possible that a large por tion of a man's education can be received in the ROTC program. Sacrificing academic hours for military instruc tion could not help but lower the level of the gen eral education a student receives at the Univer sity. This situation could be particularly harmful .when a former ROTC student seeks employment , after his required military service only to find that . . . his general education has been inadequate. The three ROTC programs here, and In particu lar the Air Force program, are beginning to lib ( eralize their curriculums. Such instruction techni ques as seminars and visiting civilian lecturers are being used in the programs. However, no matter how liberalized the ROTC program becomes, its basic purpose will still be to train men for war and this goal simply does not correspond (or at least it shouldn't) or help foster the university's basic ideal of free inquiry. The ROTC programs are providing an easy and cheap vehicle for the United States to train future military officers. There are several officers candidate schools in the country which are dis- associated from any university or college and these are the appropriate places to train military ; officers. If the University would no longer give credit for as many other universities are considering do . tag, ROTC courses, the program would lose Its .X- appeal and would probably be removed from the . university. And this is where officer training pro . : grams belong outside the educational system. .x Cheryl Tritt pininirimmiiininimrmiinininmmiiimniiiiiiniiiiiiinnmimnfflmiinmifflmnii : Campus Opinion ; Dear Editor: 3 Too often too many of our young people fan rr heir to unjustified criticism. Their critics accuse . them of apathy and Irresponsibility. It is unfortunate that these same critics could i k,not have witnessed the students' participation at - the speech of Senator Kennedy. They would have witnessed a group of young ? "people who were vitally Interested in what happens 1 in and to their country. They would have seen a - group of young people who were determined to have a voice in their country's future. They gave the Senator from New York an orderly forum, one that clearly illustrates their strong beliefs in the democratic form of government All in all, ; their performance said much more about the ways 2 and means of democracy than the words of any y speaker. jr Edward Schwartzkopf Member, Board of Regents University of Nebraska Dear Editor: We the undersigned wish to petition the Ne braska Student Union to reinvite Harold Stassen. The opportunity to listen to this man was lost be cause of the conflict in schedules between Ken ' nedy and Stassen on March 28. William Kyser Richard L. Karohl Dick Abramson Rodney Patent ' Daniel J. RItzdorf Thomas J. Rupprecht Eric Olson Ron Loyd Jerry Strutevant Milt Kennedy Daniel D. Rockmann Glenn Ness Bob Stephrum Robert Frey Matt Varney Ron Foster Jim Ludlg J. M. Tesar Russ Rebman Jerry Wolf Roger Kemper Dennis Kelly R. Court Olson Jim O'Hare Jerry Welks Randy Httbbird Larry Nelson Ron Alexander Susan Ditore Daily Nebraskan vol w. o. n April Ml - Second-clam postaira paM al Ltaeoln, Net. TELEPHONES: Editor 47J-2M. Newt 472-258, Btmaesa 473-33M. SaiMcrtpUm rata are M per emeeter or t tor the academic fa. rnbttiiwd aJnaday. Wednesday rSiureiajr and rrtda durial 1st tcimi now luring Taseuune anri auid perioda, by ins anmen'a (.mveraity w Nebraska under Die Inrladictioa of th Faculty iIxb titlec oa KtuiVol Pobhratkms PoWcation Malt ke fret from cenor "iP o 'ho Subcommittee ar an persoa mtaida the I'nlveretn. Mem era et the Nebraakan are reaponaibM tor what thev caoaa la M eftated MfmBeraaodated Collegiate Prtaa. NittooaJ edncaUoul A4nr The Young Americans for Freedom, an organization of the politically sane In the col lege campuses, has been picketing IBM's offices in protest against its vigorous solicitation of business be hind the Iron Curtain. Vigor ous, that is, in Eastern Eur ope. By no means vigorous as advertised in America, be cause the company's officials are aware that there is pub lic hostility to trade with the Communist bloc. You are not likely, then, to see full page ads by IBM boasting, "America's Leading Manufacturer of Computers Has Sold Its 1400 Line to Bui- garia, Poland, Czechoslo vakia, and Hungary . . . Our newest 360 system has been sold to Yugoslavia, and is of fered for sale to the o t h e r East European States. There is no accuracy like IBM ac curacy. With IBM, you can fire a missile five-thousand miles away and hit the town square in Armonk, New Yorkl Put in your order now, while America still lasts." These young boys and girls of YAF don't deny that Mr. Johnson's State Department has the power to authorize IBM to sell the most sophis ticated computing machinery in the world to countries en gaged in sustaining the North, they merely assert their right to protest IBM's complicity with that policy. Isn't there a permissible form of private protest? We know about the impermissi ble forms, the physical ob struction of agents of Dow Chemical, the refusal to per mit the other side to be heard . . ; But is there nothing be tween that, and direct gov ernment action? It seems to me, as it does toyounger Americans for freedom, that there is; and there are rea sons to believe that many of ficials and employees of IBM agree. Larry Grossman More than one world away The sun rises early in Aca pulco, gently warming the grey waters of the bay. The fishermen pull their nets onto the beach and chase the blue finned fish that flop wildly on the sand. Little children in ragged clothes wait their turn along with the pelicans to glean the nets for crabs and tiny fish to have for breakfast. The pelicans hover over head and dive-bomb with their sharp pointed beaks into the now transparent azure waters. They make aloud plopping noise when they hit the surface and emerge drip ping. As they float on the waves, they toss their heads to swallow the fish. They seldom miss. Thus the world appeared to me for four days last Decem ber when I camped along with my friend Tim, on t h e beach at Acapulco, Mexico. We stayed on the same beach with our packs, canteens, and paperback novels, that filled everyday with rich tourists from the United States, all avidly cooking their winter whitened skins a uniform lob ster red. They were staying la Acapulco for 80 dollars a day In air-conditioned double suites while Tim and I spent maybe a dollar or two if we tried hard. I was amazed in Acapulco as I am always amazed to see in Mexico, the existence of rich and poor side by side. (I am not referring to the tourists and ourselves!) With in walking distance of our campsite were two eating places. One was a slick imitation of an American drive-in com plete with greasy hamburg ers, wilted french fries, a rushed attendant who took your order and shoved the food across the stainless steel c -nter v,;;,'i a bill totaled in pesos and centavos, and a juke box that blasted the air with Monkees' and Beatles' tunes. Closer to the beach was a hut slapped together from scrap lumber, a few pieces of tar paper, some ancient tin that attempted to act as a roof, and a sand floor. The beach hut served as the mess hall for a group of construc tion workers who were build ing a luxury hotel on the ad joining lot. Tim and I met the Mexi can who ran the place and af ter letting him play with our wrist watches and teaching him a few words in English, we asked if we could eat there. He agreed and for 5 pesos (40 cents) we were given a piece of roasted meat, a stack of hot tortillas, and black beans. Cokes were 6 cents. The food was good and as our stomachs had already been cauterizied by the cook ing on the trip down we ate without fear. Eating in the hut at n o o n was an adventure. The work ers were surprised to see two North Americans eating with them. But behaving in the true Mexican manner, they smiled and encouraged us in our feeble attempts to speak Spanish. The men were from - all parts of Mexico and had the tough, wiry look that characterizes the farmers and workers of the nation. Their faces expressed only two emotions, happiness or total passivity. Two of the men were Indi ans and they tried to t e a c h me to count to ten in t h e 1 r native tongues. One was from the state of Michoacan and spoke Tarascan. The other was a native of the central highlands who spoke Nahua, the ancient tongue of the Az tecs. They had lots of questions for us . . . did we like Acapul co? Mexico? Where did we learn to speak Spanish? Two of the men knew a little Eng lish from working in Cali fornia during the harvest sea sons. We shook hands all around the table and told each other our names. We camped with some of the workers that night, drinking their tequila and sharing their paper cement bags for blankets. In the daytime we sat back and watched the girls in bi kinis, read paperbacks, or talked with the people around us. We met a couple from New York who were in Aca pulco for a midwinter vaca tion. The wife wore a dia mond on her hand the size of large grape. Her. husband sat back and pontificated about the amazing eyes of the Mexican people. Two Americans from a Texas border town stopped over to talk. They spoke per fect Mexican Spanish. One had a ranch In northern Mex ico and asked us to visit him sometime. A group of M.I.T. dropouts drifted by with their beards and old jeans, looking more like a gang of beach pi rates than frustrated physics students. A group of clothing jnanu facturers from Mexico City, whose kids had kicked sand on us, invited us out for beer and a conversation in Span ish and body English. The best person I met was a skinny old Australian who was traveling wRh a young Japanese girl in a VW bus. He started talking about his around the world travels and threw out place names fast er than I could locate them on my mental map. I thought he was a phony but he seemed too confident and talked like he had actually been everywhere. I wanted to find out how he made his money in Australia but he avoided the subject. I asked him what advice he could give me gained from his world tours. He thought for a moment, blinking slow ly behind his dark sun glasses and said "Travel light". On the fourth day we went back to Mexico City and then home to Lincoln. The tem peratures on January 1 were the cloudiest of the winter, 15 below. I had come from sum mer to winter in three days and the change was harsh. I stayed close to my furnace, venturing out only once with my parka hood pulled over my sunburn. McCarthy's college corps Milwaukee, Wis. (CPS) -As they did in New Hamp shire, students played an im portant role In the Wisconsin primary. On the two final weekends before the April 2 primary 5,000 students mostly from the Midwest, especially Chi cago, but also from many oth er areas, including Texas came into Wisconsin to work for Democratic Presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy. They joined 4,000 students from Wisconsin colleges who are working for McCarthy. . As In New Hampshire the boys were asked to shorten their hair and -shave their beards and the girls to leave their minis at home. Those who didn't comply worked be Bifid the scenes In cfik-es licking envelopes, running mimeograph machines, ard answering phones.. But most of them went door-to-door, trying to get out the cote for McCarthy. Besides the requirement of being, "neat and clean for .Gene" they were also given brief ings oa how ts deal with the voters. Sometimes those brief ings npset volunteers with lib eral and radical political views. Bapertad u studeat who was part of a group from Michigan canvassing in Wau kasha, a small city outside Milwaukee: "We were warned that we might have to sell out quite a bit to get a big vote for McCarthy. Waukesha went 80 per cent for George Wallace in the last Presidential pri mary. "The first sell-out came when the campaign headquar ters sent all the Detroit black students back, from predom inantly white Waukesha, no doubt reasoning that black students representing McCar thy would lose him support. "It was suggested that we appeal to the issue that each voter was most liberal on and avoid antagonizing or argu ing. If they confused Gno with Joe we were urged to leave them alone. After all, a vote for McCarthy Is a vote for McCarthy. Others found the experience difficult because of their lack of experience in grass roots campaigning and particular ly in dealing with voter apa thy, especially in small towns. They find some people an tagonistic but many others seem almost afraid of the students. Sometimes the volunteers met unforeseen and embar rassing circumstances. In Beaver Dam, pop. 660, sev eral students approached about two dozen people who were gathered in a backyard, Introducing themselves, and -started handing out literature. After an embarrassed silence, one woman told the students that the gathering was a go ing away party for her neph ew, a soldier who was being sent to Vietnam. "Under the circumstances it would have been difficult to explain that If McCarthy were President the boy could stay home," said one student. The student end of the cam paign was run by two gradu ate students, Sam Brown, of the Harvard Divinity School and Marge Sklencar of Munde leln College In Chicago. The effort was co-ordinated by a harried but serious - looking staff of collegiate volunteers downstairs in Milwaukee's Wisconsin Hotel, the McCar thy state headquarters. The Milwaukee office sent the arriving students oat to 38 local headquarters art rad the state. "When students come la we know they're needed and we send them to that local headquarters. The local headquarters is respon sible for putting them op either In private homes or places like church base ments," explains McCarthy staffer Susan Spear, a Wel lesly College senior who seems anworried about the exams she has to take back la Massachusetts the day af ter the primary. . "Virginia G 1 b b s, a recent University of Wisconsin grad uate takes care of all the loose Sople who wander into the cCarthy headquarters. ' "Bus loads of people were committed to come last week end (March 23-24,) but they couldn't because of snow in New York. As In New Hampshire, the McCarthy campaign was try lag to keep. the state from being overran by students. "They didn't eacourage any body west of the Rockies, or else they would have had 20, ftps .mre,'' says Michael Kort amar, a awaihmore graduate who left teaching in a New York City high school two weeks ago to wsrk for McCarthy, Rodney Powell A serious note After surviving five classes, Monday night meetings and several cups of the strongest coffee taaginable, I begin to get an idea what l should write about in this column come Tuesday morning. Usually I decide that It is at long last time to put aside cute word plays, seemingly endless di gressions and continued avoidance of direct state menu and to write something serious. Besides, about the only comment I ever hear Is I liked your column, but what does it mean?" This can become very frustrating. Last night was no exception. The thought of myself on a white charger, deftly skewering the manifold ills of society, appealed to me. Here was an opportunity for the Real Me (as opposed to that unreal me I somehow manage to be 99 I am a Walrus L and 44-100 per cent of the time) to assert himself, to come foreward and accept the congratulations of the applauding thousands - modeitly, but with the realization that this adulation was after all, quite justified. And so I went to bed, determined that this morning I would write the first of a series of very meaningful probes into the condition of life on this As grandiose dreams become the night, so modesty becomes the morning. Arising an hour later than I intended, I struggled down to break fast, very sure that I really didn't want to writ about a damn thing this Tuesday morning. Not Johnson's decision not to run, not Ken nedy's chances, not McCarthy's chances, not (have en help us) Nixon's chances, no, not one single solitary thing. So I looked at the newspapers. The Lincoln Star was wondering if capitulation to communism In Asia was really the answer. The Omaha World-Herald was reserving Judgment on the wisdom of the President's decision to under take a bombing pause mustn't let those com mles take advantage of anything. ' Back to the Lincoln Star; it was calling the President's withdrawal a victory for Joan Baez and Dick Gregory you know, that crowd whose less than total love for the current American sys tem does not satisfy the Stars patriotic fervor. Sacrifice. Things won't be easy. Pull together. Heal the wounds . . . Blah, blah, blah. Well, damn it, it is true that things aren't easy, that problems just won't go away, that ef fort is always required, that it is much easier to go on with any task when we all agree that it is a necessity. These are things we all know unless we're loony. But it debases the notion of thought Itself to see these things printed in newspapers which have, with many other Influences, so distorted our Image of the world for so many years that, as proof of our delusions, we continue to read them and even believe them. Most of us still think that if we read the pa pers faithfully, check out Time every week, maybe even sneak a peek at some of those intellectual magazines (you know, Atlantic or Harper's) wa will be able to understand and talk pompously about almost any topic. Our store of facts will be sufficient to give to our utterances the ap pearance of wisdom or at least of good old com mon sense. To deny these notions is only to deny the valuo of "the mass media" (what a horrible phrase!) What is needed is a sense of proportion since most of us (I assume) have a difficult enough time sorting out the events in our own lives, it seems incredibly presumptuous to think that wo can, with so much confidence, and facility, explain the world. I see that I have indeed managed to mount my white charger and, with rushing Moral Indig nation assault the foe. Maybe next week I'll bo whistling dixie again, but this week has seen the triumph of the Message, the Overstatement, the Ego. But after all, none of us is perfect Refusing to fight Waltham Mass. (CPS) Results of a poll of male seniors at Brandeis University here, released this week, Indicated that 70 per cent of them will try to avoid the draft. Of the 180 students polled (out of a total of 194 male seniors), 16 said they would go to jail, and 44 said they would leave the country rather than accept Induction. Another 65 said they would "seek some kind of deferment" to avoid the draft. Of the 30 per cent who are not planning to avoid the draft, half said they would definitely serve, and the other half were undecided. The poll at Brandeis was one of several that have been conducted on college campuses slnca the new draft regulations were announced February 15. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a poll of 404 seniors and first-year grad students Indicated that 29 per cent of those con tracted had either decided to leave the country or were- seriously considering it, rather than face'tho draft. Another 17 per cent have either decided or are seriously considering, going to jail as an' al, ternative to the draft. J M Previously, the Graduate Student Council at MIT passed a resolution In support of those who refuse on moral grounds to serve la theirmed forces while the Vietnam war Is going on. .t..AaUiSf ib0 oMVWrtw of the undergrade ates and 150 male graduate students at Yale Unl versity in Connecticut showed thet 20 cer cent n those polled would emigrate rather iWsSm An! 0th?r J8 5?f ceBt rewse servfce, but r matata this coun&y and face the & con All of the remainder 62 ner cent ..m they would serve if drafted, altSoug? mwv 5 them said they will 1 try to avoid the draf?bget fems r y attemPtin 10 fail the physl