UNIVERSITY OP NEDR: ; Monday, ApriJ 1, 1968 The Daily Nebraskan Page 5 Executive candidates stress student action by Jim Evlngcr Senior Staff Writer Active and meaningful stu dent participation is the goal of the two slates vying for the ASUN executive positions. The platforms of the candidates were announced Monday as campaigning began for the ASUN elections to be held on April 10. "Our largest goal is mak ing students active and mean ingful participants in the Unl versity community," said Craig Dreeszen, PSA party candidate for ASUN nresident. The PSA executive slate consists of Dreeszen, Mike Naeve as first vice president, and Cheryl Adams as sec ond vice president. Power means voice "Student power means an CSP approves action platform by Jan Parks Senior Staff Writer The Concerned Stu dent's Party approved a plat- lorm bunaay aavocaiing stu dent Senate action on student housing policies, according to Alike Kelson, party chairman The CSP, a new student par ty which has slated candidates in the ASUN senatorial race, states in it's platform: "We disagree in part with the Uni versity's housing policy and will work for further reahza tion of student's rights in the area of student housing. CSP candidates will not be designated as such on the sen atorial ballot, Chuck Wagner, CSP campaign manager, noted. Respect previous decisions "Rather than press for a change in Senate electoral rules to allow CSP to be on the ballot we choose to re spect the previous decisions of Senate," Senator Bill Mobley explained. ' Nelson added that a letter of intent is being sent to the Office of Student Affairs stat ing plans for the CSP as an official student organization. "CSP is not a shot in the dark party," Nelson ventured, "because it will continue in future years." Intent summarized Mobley summarized the in tent of CSP's formation ' by saying, "CSP is an organzed effort to provide students with leaders who are capable i of providing them with an equal voice (equal with ad ministration and faculty) in the decision making processes of the University." Nelson pointed out that SFA (Student - Faculty - Admini stration) legislation on Uni versity matters is one of the goals of CSP in "as many areas as possible." The CSP platform, taking a stand on Senate education is sues, supports the Centennial College, a residential college, the expansion of the Pass-Fail program and the Nebraska Free University. Understanding increase fostered To foster an increased un derstanding among members of the campus community we will work for the inclusion of courses related to Afro-Amer ican culture," Nelson said. The CSP also has promised to work "actively for the real ization of campus opinions in national affairs ... to inform students as to the various as pects of programs on national, state and local level. Bill Mobley pointed out that the platform also includes pro visions for the adoption of an optional undergraduate program for instruction of li brary use. The party, which will cam paign on the slogan "Party of Concerned Students work ing for Senate, working for YOU," encourages a verbal senatorial race, Wagner said. "Several of the CSP candi dates are willing and able to debate senatorial issues with any PSA (Party for Student Action) candidates," Mobley stated. Waener noted that eieht more candidates have joined the CSP senatorial candidate lists, which means that there are now 18 CSP candidates for Student Senate. equal voice in selecting the choices that directly involve education, the administration and selection of University policies," Dave Shonka, presi dential candidate, said. Shonka is running with Paul Canarsky who is slated for the first vice president po sition. The PSA platform and Shonka's are in accord with the concept of student power that students should partici pate in the making of deci sions in matters which are of concern to students. Shonka explained he would seek ways to involve students to achieve student rights. He listed the areas of Student Senate, campus affairs and next fall's state legislative session as three areas where students could actively work. Agree about communication Both slates agree that com munication and dissemination of information by ASUN Sen ate and committees to s t u dents need improvement. Both Shonka and Dreeszen p r e sented several possible solu tions centering on increased contact through meetings and discussions. Student welfare is dealt with in both platforms. The PSA executives include the areas of race relatons, hous ing, drug information, health services, conferences and service which student govern ment should provide for stu dents. Shonka's platform includes working for more adequate Health Center facilities and staff, seeking realistic imple mentation of housing rights and asking that member ship in AWS be volunatary. Educational reform meaningful "Educational reform can be a most meaningful area for the University in the long run , Dreeszen said. He com bined education, student wel fare and student power as the major concerns for student government by the PSA exe cutive candidates. "The term student power mplies that students are ma ture, responsible individuals," Shonka said. "It means full control in those areas which affect student social and academic affairs." Shonka and Dreeszen will appear at the East Campus Union Tuesday night to pre sent their viewpoints and answer questions. Residential college project may be instituted in fall '68 The University's Residential College project, part of the University Centennial cele bration, has an equal chance of beginning in the fall of 1968 or the fall of 1969 ac cording to Gene Pokorny, member of the planning com mittee for the project. "The committee knew when we turned in the project re port that there was a fifty-fifty chance of instituting the program for his fall semes ter," Pokorny said. I "There is still a possibility that the College will begin this year, but we would rather have a good job done than a sloppy one," he said. One of the problems in push ing the opening of the college lies in the hiring of profes sors and staff to run he pro ject. The University hires new staff in January and Febru ary, and the report wis not finished until March. Also, students interested in a program that plans the cur riculum for a year or two years may already have reg istered in regular University classes for first semester. Dean Mark Hobson, contact ed by the Daily Nebraskan said that the final draft of the committee's recoinmenda tion would be issued from his office sometime this week or next. Meanwhile, students inter ested in registering for the special curriculum will have to wait for the results. " V.!- v : .. , .. f; VUo it Join us as a STEWARDESS "- M ? FN to Africa. Europe and Asia , ' J-: 9lmoroux cities ,5H 1 ' - 1 Latin America, ii i LVO V 77? capital of the world JW . - as familiar aa your own home town. n. if i 111 I " - 1 I INTERVIEWING APRI1 5 J fauM. omnrruMTT trmxmn EAJV AMBRICAN i iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii!iiiii!iii!iiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii in iiiiiiiiiiiii minium!:' I '68 ASUN campaign 1 lacks controversial issue Even with campaigning of ficially starting Monday for the April ID ASUN election, the current campaign lacks the excitement, color and con troversy that characterized the 1967 race. Low filing figures, little pre- campaign discussion and an almost uncontested executive race are the main elements of the apparent lackadaisical upcoming campaign Ed Hilz, ASUN electoral commission director, said this weekend. "The right mixtures just aren't present this year," Hilz said about the difference be tween last year's race, which drew more than. 6,000 voters, and this year's contest. The candidates involved in last year's race changed the entire perspective of student government since they empha sized education and student rights, he said. "That was the first time students were exposed to con cepts like those and maybe that is why that campaign was so different," he said. The 1967 campaign was was marked by a split in the Party for Student Action (PSA) revolving around a housing amendment to the ASUN constitution. Ron Pfeifer, who was to have been the PSA's vice presidential candidate and 15 PSA senatorial candidates re signed in mid-March amid as sertions the PSA elite was coercing party members to vote along specified lines. Pfeifer formed another ex ecutive slate composed of him self for president, Jerry Ol son for vice president and Liz Aitken for second vice presi dent. Besides the PSA slate of Dick Schulze for president, Gene Pokorny for vice presi dent and Mimi Rose as sec ond vice president, the Stu dents for a Democraric Par ty (SDS) also ran an executive slate. Amendment five to the ASUN constitution caused the split since Schulze and Po korny favored the second form of the amendment while Pfei fer supported neither alterna tive. The first alternative stated that students have the right to choose their own living en vironment while the other form said students have the right to an equitable role in the formulation of housing pol icy which allows maximum individual choice. The election itself was marred with cases of stu dents votine numerous times under one identification card as the PSA scored a clean sweep. "But many of those people aren't here this year," Hilz said in estimating this year's turnout would approach the 3,000 level. In checking filing figures there are 72 less candidates this year than a year ago. In 1967 115 persons filed for three executive Dositions and 35 senate seaas and 50 filed for advisory board posts while this year only 93 persons have filed for senate posts and ad visory positions. Hilz said it was difficult to achieve a lasting political par ty since there is such a large turnover from year to year. although parties should be come more non-seasonal. With the election less than 10 days away, Hilz announced that all campaigning must cease by midnight, April 9 and financial form j listing candidate s expendi tures must be xeturned by noon April 10 and si' posters must be removed by mon Ap ril 11. Awaits approval Choice '68 future still undecided As of Sunday evening, the future of Choice '68 is still In question. The Senate passed a reso lution at Wednesday's meet ing in favor of putting Choice '68 on the April 10 General Election ballot. ASUN Presi dent Dick Schulze, however, must still approve the mea sure, according to Ed Hilz, election commissioner. "If Schulze vetoes the Sen ate's decision, it would go DacK to the Senate, " Hilz said. The Senate would then have to override the veto by a two-thirds majority vote. Senate can override veto The ASUN Constitution states that the Senate can ov erride a veto on legislation by such a vote. But Hilz ques tioned if the resolution really is legislation. - "This is the point of conten tion," Hilz said, "Choii ffflC is in an area by itself. " ..-. Phil Bowen, who introduced last week's measure in favor . of the national student presi dential primary, said that he., could not understand why Choice '68 was beine received so coldly by the" Senate exe cutives. "The reasons thev (Senate executives, have been givina us aren't the real reasons why they oppose Choice '68,"' bowen said. Bowen noted that his mea sure had received consider able support at the last Sen ate meeting. He said, "Choice '68 is going to be on the ballot whether they like it or not." Schulze was out of town and could not be reached for com- nent. ANYTIME IS POPCORN TIME! Z.hmaawammamaajaawm tann v. . - WYm Caramtl Cora ChM Cera Popcorn Balls CLIFTON'S CORN CRIB 1150 No. 48th Aertn from VBuwnmo - f 1 I v . r .11 i " 1 J V ' .: .:.-;:? j&MTArt.-. , --,.,-,. ,.,, ... .'.ij.. - aF" , ' , ' '' "' ' " ', i :M , i , t hi.,'. : M: ' . :'- - - ' ': V - A ' ' v "You don need a technical degree to do important work at IBM. Just a logical mind!' "When I got my degree in Psychology, I never thought I'd be telling computers how to do their job. "But that's what my work comes down to. I'm helping improve the way a computer converts programming language into machine language. (This is Bruce Mitchell, a Junior Programmer at IBM.) "I guess that doesn't sound very exciting, but it is. It all has to do with the way computers work. Laymen talk about them as if they were intelligent. But actually, if you want to get anthropomorphic about it, they're very literal minded. The programmer does the thinking, not the machine." Your major doesn't matter "You don't need a technical background, just a logical mind. You can be a good programmer no matter what you majored in. IBM sends you to programming school. And pays your full salary at the same time. "One reason I like this field so much is that you're continually solving problems. I suppose that's the main reason I got into it. "But I didn't overlook the growth factor, either. I read that there's a national shortage of 50,000 programmers. And the demand is expected to more than double in the next five years." What Bruce has said covers only a small part of the N'i IBM story. For more facts, visit your campus :, placement office. Or send an outline of your career interests and educational background to I. C. Pfeiffer, IBM Corporation, Dept. C, 100 South Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. 60606. We're an equal opportunity employer. '' ' - , V' " ' : .11 I t mot J - t t ( HIT rtn w ! 5 f 1 I A 1 1 t . 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