The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 01, 1968, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Monday, April 1, 1968
Page 4
The Daily Nebraskan
i VI
" V-
After appearance . . .
NU students register
greater RFK support
: New York Sen.Robert F.
Kennedy's popularity among
University students apparent
ly increased as a result of
his Coliseum address Thurs
day, according tostudents
contacted this weekend.
Few students however, said
they shifted their Presiden
tial choice to the New York
Democrat because of his Lin
coln apppearance.
Of those students who fa
vored Sen. Eugene McCarthy
(Dem.-Minn.) before Ken
nedy's speech, Judy Drickey,
a junior from Omaha,
summed up the opinions of
many students who now sup
port Kennedy.
"Kennedy had more positive
and constructive things to say
and talks about more issues
than Vietnam," she said.
She said she agreed with his
labor and civil rights views
and felt McCarthy was not
seeking the Democratic Presi
dential nomination, but was
simply operating a protest
Doug Callan, a junior from
Omaha, said he previously
had supported McCarthy be
cause of a lack of familiarity
with Kennedy's views, but
now is leaning towards the
New Yorker.
Susan Emery, an Omaha
junior, who has switched her
support from McCarthy to
Kennedy, said she was sur
prised there was not a larger
anti-Kennedy contingent at
the Coliseum Thursday.
She added that she is still
watching McCarthy closely
before finally deciding upon
one candidate. j
"I didn't expect fantastic
promises from him I like
RFK because he is realistic
noted one junior female.
"No one has yet to offer
concrete solutions to many of
the nation' problems, but he
does the I . job of generally
offering tl " she added.
Continuity she noted that
New political party for peace
begins Nebraska registration
Registration has begun in
Nebraska for a new political
party whose members want
speedy and orderly withdraw
al from Vietnam and oppose
"the creeping police state" in
John Haag. one of the ini
ataaa.r m at im aer mm aal aits (mum
la elaoa
alaanMaa aararUMawnal aal
Hayrack Rides
Outdoor Parties
"Mar. an Button. STI for ftampkM
ft HOP 4M E. CoHm, tmrvar, C'o.
ICniwriaaaai trptat oaatraa konw Wirtrm.
Tm accurate elaotric trprwrttar,
fmaM roam male watttad. Call 40-2201,
For four fcartaurt nteruinrnaat " amala
caj (ratal 494-iim avaajnaa.
GradMrtlng Senior Women!
Want to work ywr way
To Eorojre To tbe Orient
Pm Ansrican Always
will to centfactiai efewere'eee
intarvlrwi AarX f, Ifat.
far infaraurtiaa eea1 aaein
tents cant act ft leeenert
Offie. Um ana eaeabtf far
ceaipe taoraaafrtatrva Jaalart
Aa tenia Oaaartetitr Eatalarar
CAwi'S csnisisrrioi. o
fsr mCL'JL WSIID fSeja
sin. Profit to 79. Excl
tiro, attnfy-moklnj, exciting
t "j-wtajiJty 'feW fOfto
r csisss rona. Kis to
tr.lven!ty thL West, Kon-
t!..-;tts, Ml 257f 5.
I sua Tin alaaalHaa lanrWM aaaaaaara autatata : (a I nataaw aaara
rtaaa auaM la ataea war at aattaa ttnaa aaara.
M aaarMaMBatt anal aa araaala aalara ai mial.
his youthful appearance was
a large part of his appeal to
University students.
"McCarthy I always will ad
mire for being the first to
take the big step, but dynamic
he isn't. I would have sup
ported him had Kennedy de
cided not to enter the race,
but I always thought he
Although he has heard the
Minnesotan speak, Dick Sher
man, a Lincoln senior, said
he is still uncertain of Mc
Carthy's opinions and sup
ports Kennedy views, particu
larly his Latin American program.
He added that it was vital
that both the Kennedy and
McCarthy followers unite
since the issues are far more
important than a choice be
tween the two candidates.
"I was impressed by his
Vietnam statement that all
out bombing wouldn't solve
anything," explained J e r i
Adam, a Lincoln senior with
Republican ties.
She did not feel that it was
the time nor place for Ken
nedy to stress agriculture is
sues when he spoke last week.
"Call Kennedy an opportu
nist if you want to, but he
is the only person who has
voiced his dissent with Amer
ican policies who has a chance
of winning in November," said
one senior male.
He added that McCarthy's
candidacy was only a token
movement and that he felt
now students would go over
to RFK. "Students are ideal
istic, sure, but they want to
see things happen, not just
make a big noise."
Thursday's speech rein
forced things he has already
said and let Nebraskans know
what he wanted to do about
agriculture, the student added
tiators of the Peace and Free
dom Party (PFP) registra
tion drive in California where
the party began, was at the
University Friday to organize
a Nebraska following.
"The Nebraska group will
be different of necessity," he
la aN clulM utrtirtulM M Cka Dallr Maamkaat
krt af m am awaanaa mtmm
at rn-am
Graduating Senior Womea
Want hi wifli Going Concern
If yaa likt fit, like to trav
el, anal have kaevlee'ge af
fereisa lanfMf, caniidar oe
catti'inf, (ft warden wrtfc
Pan American
World Airways
Intarviewi will to Mi ea Apr!
S, I'M. far Niferatotiea cad
tbs lacmnMt office Alee
at Mini for Caaiee kpro
Mutative. Juniata Only.
a Eaaal Oapartaaitr fcnt ;ltirr
Don't milt oor special CA
h.Mi to k! yeo find and
ton. that right ktb. Sond Jit
to: CAREER WOULD Magoilno,
Suite 1203,3333 Unhronlty
Blvd. Weft, Kensington, Md.
Local Cnmpaav aaata tm naDaai ma 4a
work toll tuna tola Mamnar. 4KM414.
laakinf far famatar 'eat
The TACTOtT" Neeee Marker
Matt to aver 21
3 ejiohti ear weefc
fauna : Ladr'f rntwatcti iM front at
Canaaam attar AFK ' aapaarania.
Owaar ant kra bv loaittirrlii aria par
aag ler a4 Phaaa m-m.
rox SALE
1W7 HooOa 00 re. m mai aftar
EMta AM'FM eianni tvmr rtimt;l wMi
Batistes adapter ana altura. 171 4-UU.
lurrrro ur af wearam
"Since I've read these things
before, I was most impressed
by lust seeing him.
Another senior female
voiced the same idea
"He's more real now. I was
for McCarthy, but as soon as
Kennedy announced his
plans, I was for him." His
speech did not sway her that
much "I had already de
cided," she said.
Among students not fa
vorably disposed toward the
Senator's talk, Lyla Hamilton,
a Lincoln junior, said she
would continue to back Mc
Carthy because she has been
impressed more by the Mc
Carthy speeches which she has
read than by Kennedy's talks.
She added that McCarthy's
chances were better in the
midwest than Kennedy's and
part of Kennedy's support
comes from the image of his
brother, the late President
John F. Kennedy.
"I was disappointed that j
Kennedy did not offer any so- i
lutions to the problems he
described," said Wayne Hin-
richs, a sophomore from Hil
dreth. Larry Pryor, a sophomore
from Omaha, said Kennedy's
address failed to alter his
views on the candidtes and
doubted the New Yorker's
chances against the incum
bent, President Lyndon John
son, in the Nebraska primary
May 14.
"I thought much more of
Kennedy after I heard him.
but I still support Lyndon
Johnson," explained Steve
Schlife, a freshman from Hub-
Among undecided students.
Hal Teague, a junior from
Scottsbluff, said Kennedy's
Lincoln speech would aid his
campaign bid in the Cornhus
ker state.
"But he really didn't tell
us anything new that he
hadn't said before he came
here," he added. '
said. "Very little i3 being
done in terms of coordinat
ing nationally right now.
"We don't have the money
to develop an intricate net of
national coordination. Those
who register in the party will
decide what the party stands
for in Nebraska."
There is no doubt that the
means for another party are
being established, and the
new members regard it as a
permanent and on-going or
ganization, he said.
"Our strongest organiza
tions are in California and
New York where there are
candidates for local and state
offices on the ballot," Haag
He added that the active
membership in California is
10,000 and that participation
in local clubs, which continue
to be the basic decision-making
bodies, will probably con
tinue to grow until November.
"Of those we have talked
to here, the reaction has cen-
erally been pood. The partici
pating response of SDS mem
bers has been especially good,
and they will probably be the
initiators of PFP action,"
Haag said.
In terms of setting votes,
organizers of the PFP are
not interested in establishing
a vote-getting machine, he
said, but they want to provide
an opportunity for those who
are against the war to voice
1 A
Tfe. & a"
I'wwr Official Artcarvrd'Oranz Blunm,m and Columbia
I On Campus Today
The two ASUN presidential! er of a marriage and the fara
candidates and the four can
didates vymg for Senate po
sitions from the College of
Agriculture will present their
views to East Campus stu
dents Tuesday evening.
it it it
The Law Reform Society
will meet Monday at 8 p.m.
in the Union. Rev. Charles
Stephen of the Unitarian
church will speak on "Abor
tion and the Law."
The YWCA Love and Mar
riage Committee will present
Mrs. Robert Knaub, a teach-
NU students
youth for Nixon
Organize group
to aid movement
Richard Nixon will be the
nation's next President, ac
cording to both young and old
Nixon supporters who attend
ed Thursday's organizational
meeting of Youth for Nixon.
The group s president, uni
versity of Nebraska law stu
dent Dan Wherry, pointed out
that although the meeting was
called on only two day's
notice about 60 students at
tended. Youht for Nixon is a natio
nal organization pledged to
support Nixon in his bid for
the presidency. The Univer
sity's group is "just getting
roiiins," according to Wherry.
"We are implementing not
only for the primary but for
the November election as
well," Wherry stated. "We
are confident that Nixon
will win the nomination and
the Presidency, too.
A friend and supporter of
the f o r m e r Vice-President,
Georee Cook of Lincoln, was
at the meeting. Dick Day
and other officials from tie
state headquarters of Nixon
for President were also pres
Young Nixonites from six
their opposition through party
"Wherever we have gone,"
Haag said, "we have found
people who feel essentially the
same as we do, but the ques
tion is whether they can form
a political party under their
state's legal election require
ments." Concerning Nebraska, he
said that even though the fil
ing dates for candidates to
have their names put on the
May primary ballot have
passed, there still may be a
way to get PFP candidates on
the November ballot.
Under Nebraska law, a can
didate for public office must
have filed for a place on the
primarv ballot in order to be
on the November election bal
lot, although this is not speci
fically enumerated.
"If you cannot get PFP can
didates on the ballot, you can
at least get a square on the
ballot for the party by hold
ing a convention.
This would not be as effec
tive a a candidate ... but
It wouldn't prevent you from
having a write-in campaign
so people could identify with
the national movement if they
want to," Haag said.
He added that those who are
ineligible to vote due to un-der-ace
or past criminal rec
ord, and anyone else who
wants to identify with the
peace movement, can join the
Peace and Freedom Party.
- ... v r. .
- lily course, who will speak on
the "Economic Aspects of
Marriage" Tuesday at 8 p.m.
in the Union.
it it it
A faculty recital will be pre
sented by Prof. Harvey Hin
shaw, piamst, at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday at Sheldon Memor
ial Art Gallery.
it it it
An Audubon Wildlife Film,
"Canyon County," featuring
photographer Earl L Hilfiker
will be presented Tuesday at
7:30 p.m. in Love Library au
area colleges and universities
were at the gathering. A cor
respondent from Life Maga
zine covered the meeting.
"We aren't going to say
anything bad about any other
candidates," Cook vowed,
"Even though some of them
have said bad things about
our candidate."
"Richard Nixon Is a great
guy," he continued. "Let's
get a smart one in ther (the
Whitehouse) for a change."
The Nixon campaign on
campus will have a workshop
type arrangement. All work
will be done by one of five
committees. Each committee
will be in charge of recruiting
its own workers and carrying
out its particular job.
The Rally Committee will
be organized on a leader type
basis and will correlate all
pro-Nixon rallies on campus.
The Booth Committee is in
charge of lining up space in
the Nebraska Union. Materials
like bumper stickers, pins and
other printed information will
be available at the booth.
Nixon for President head
quarters will soon have 12
telephones which will be
manned by the Telephone
Committee which will adver
tise Nixon to Lincolnites in
their homes.
The First Voter Committee
will contact every junior and
senior at the University urg
ing them to register to vote
as Republicans, if tne
students are already reg
istered, this committee will
urge them to vote Republi
Wherry stressed the P u b
licity Committee as the most
important of all. "We can
make or break the campaign
with publicity," he said.
The committee hopes to ap
point Nixon chairmen for
dormitories, sororities, fra
ternities, Lincoln students and
each Lincoln high school.
Within the next 10 days. 119
billboards supporting Nixon
will be put up in Lincoln and
Omaha Two weeks before the
primary election, Nixon ad
vertising will shift primarily
to radio, television and news
McCarthy to talk
at Omaha hall
Presidential Candidate Eu
gene McCarthy will appear in
Omaha Tuesday at the Oma
ha Civic Auditorium Music
HaH at 12:30 p.m. McCarthy
will arrive at the Omaha Ep-
pley Air Terminal Tuesday
morning, the day of the Wis
consin primary, and will re
turn in the afternoon to Wis
consin to watch the primary
Gene Pokorny, McCarthy for
President official said that all
McCarthy supporters from the
state an urged to attend.
That make your wedded blir.s
last through the yean are
charactereitic of the truly fine
gold and diamond treaeuret
you'U find at Lincoln $ jewtlen
for over a half-century.
srnsryt Yi ,
Servint Lincoln Sim 190!
mt -v iron
Diamond Dralrt
Branch courts
to be organized
Seven AWS Court of Appeals
members, four without past
judicial experience, face the
problem of organizing individ
ual sorority and dormitory
branch courts.
According to Nesha Neu-
meister, AWS judicial vice
president, four new judges
are unfamiliar with the judi
cial system. These girls have
previously served AWS in oth
er areas such as Workers or
House of Representatives, she
Assigning two Court of Ap
peals members to each dormi
tory and the sorority unit,
Miss Neumeister teamed a
previous AWS judicial area
member with an inexperi
enced judge. This system will
provide continuity and basic
Mood for Draft Day
set by Joan Baez
"It is not the leaders and
the dictators, it is not God
who is going to get us out
of the bloody mess we are
in. It is only you and me,"
said Joan Baez.
Her words, as quoted by
The Resistance, a New En
gland newspaper, have set the
mood for National Draft Re
sistance Day on April 3. The
Chicago Area Draft Resis
tors, one of the most active
draft resistance groups in the
country, expects to add 20
men to the 100 previous re
sistors in Chicago.
In Boston, where the voice
of resistance has reached fe
ver pitch, 350 men of the New
England Resistance expect to
double their numbers on Ap
ril 3.
Record number anticipated
And the Berkeley Resis
tance anticipates a record
number of 1,00 new resistors
to register in the San Fran
cisco Bay Area on that day.
In Nebraska, the tone of the
movement will be somewhat
less radical since there will
probably be no draft card
burning or mass demonstra
tions. But some University mem
bers will contribute to the na
tional resistance when the Ne
braska Draft Resistance
Union (NDRU) presents a pa
nel discussion on the draft
Wednesday at a 7:30 teach-in
at the Nebraska Union audi
torium. Aim is understanding
Charles Marxer, organizer
of NDRU, said that the aim
So fine a gift,
it's even sold
in jewelry stores.
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1 Will fV.Wi
Ettantial oils Itnportad (torn Great ft'
Campoundae In U A.
J Mill.WallM
understanding of court proce
dures, she paid.
The Court of Appeals mem
bers will contaqt dormitory
hall and floor presidents to
devise a system of chosing
delegates to a constitutional
convention, according to Miss
Each convention will be re
SDonsible for formulating an
individual dorm constitution,
she said.
Court of Appeals members
working with Pound Hall will
be Rosemary Mankin and Su
sie Williams. Mary Lund and
Janet Maxwell will advise
Selleck Quadrangle. Assisting
Smith Hall will be Linda
Jeffrey and Lynn Gottschalk,
and Susie Bair and Nesha
Neumeister will advise the
sorority court unit
of the teach-in will be to pro
mote understanding of the
draft and the nature of the re
sistance movement tak
ing shape around the coun
try. Commenting on the nation
al government, Marxer noted
that 20-30 draft-age young
men at Berkeley are expected
to turn in their draft cards
to local Selective Service
boards in California.
Nebraska to take op slack
"At this rate," Marxer said,
"there won't be anybody in
the Army from California.
But that's no problem because
states like Nebraska will pro
bably take up the slack."
He said Thursday he hopes
that "a lot of people will turn
out for the discussion of this
vital issue."
Four of the six speakers to
appear on the panel include
Leonard Kaplan, a law stu
dent at the University; Rabbi
Sanford Ragins, a graduate of
Hebrew University in Jerusa
lem; George Olivarri, a grad
uate student in French, and
the Rev. William Phillips of
the United Ministries for
Higher Education.
Following the panel discus
sion, participants will be open
for questions from those at
tending. 1'
'V .? '
V ' '
The Weatherall America's most popular
all-weather jacket! This short zip jacket is
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Crafted by h.Ls. in a fine poplin with yoke
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Knockout colors. $11.00.
Campus Shop Balcony
Monday, April 1
UNION 8 a.m.
LUNCHEON 12:30 p.m.
DIRECTORY -3:30 p.m.
TION 2:30 p.m.
GREEK WEEK 4 p.m..
4:30 p.m.
TEE 4:30 p.m.
TOWNE CLUB 6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
LORS 7:30 p.m.
8 p.m.
to speak
at Selleck
Father John MaCaslin, who
was arrested for promoting
civil disorder during the Wal
lace Convention in Omaha
this spring, will speak at Sel
leck Quadrangle Wednesday,
April 3 at 7:30.
MaCaslin is scheduled to
discuss the events in Omaha
and will be introduced by Dr.
Jack Siegmen. The discussion
will be held in the Selleck
Montana State Universdy
Bozeman, Montana
wft .n ijw im.m 'wife ......