cmiimmiiimiiiiiiHiiiimmnwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Daily Nebraskan j jSimNimiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiin Monday, April 1, 1968 The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 91, No. 91 watched not JL APR 1 19u3 Archives be o to boil annrt& Omaha, 1968 Omaha is plain, broad-shouldered, traditional. In many ways it lags carefully behind the avant-garde ways of the cities on either coast. But like every large city in America, Omaha is on the verge of being splintered by racial strife. Nebraskan editors and pho tographers spent several days moving through the city, from the near north side to city hall and back, gathering the moods, im pressions, and predictions of the men who will decide the city's future. by Jack Todd Managing Editor Omaha As the polarization of the races contin ues, it would appear that a seasonal divi sion is taking place. Winter is becoming whitey's time, and the long hot summers aire becoming the exclusive property of the American Negro. Sandwiched between the white man's winter and the black man's summer is the restless interlude of spring. While residents cf such major trouble spots as Detroit were still buying guns and muttering about the summer ahead, Omaha rocked with the season's first outbreak of major racial vio lence. The watched pot had begun to boil The master chef who whipped up this disturbance was ex-Governor George Wall lace of Alabama. On Sunday, March 3, Wallace stepped off his plane at Eppley Airport and told reporters, "People are go ing to be surprised tomorrow night." Wallace should win the Pulitzer Prize for understatement By the time his little surprise had run its course, it had resulted in one death, 19 injuries, nine arrests and more than 65 incidents of vandalism. George Wallace was not only the spark that set off this disturbance. He was also the embodiment of what the President's Riot Commission termed the underlying cause of all last summer's riots: white racism. Perhaps the second great cause of the Omaha riots was the equal and oppo site reaction to the first: black racism. As Mayor A. V. Sorenson of Omaha indicated, black racism was perhaps the one glaring omission of the Riot Commission's report. In the social make-up of Omaha, black racism has not been omitted. When Wallace came to Omaha, black and white racism met head-on. This time ft was merely a skirmish in a much larg er war, but it was sufficient to indicate some of the failures of the alphabet soup . f anti-poverty- agencies that have sprung up in the past decade to combat racial ten sion in the city. After the disturbances had dwindled to an uneasy peace the afternoon of Wednesday, March 5, leaders on both sides began a major reassessment of their policies, past and present Their conrhj. sions are as different as the factions they represent "I try to tefl them they're taking from the hands of the poor what litUe power tbey . hare. But they don't hear. They don't hear," Father John O. McCaslin on the transfer of the Greater Omaha Community Action (GOCA) agency to city con trol Father John McCaslin of tbe Holy Fam ily Church in Omaha is moderately tall, thin, and handsome. He is while. On the Bight of the Wallace convention he wore a Black Power sweatshirt and accompanied tbe protestors to the Civic Auditorium. The youths with McCaslin became increasingly vehement in their protests until they and the Willice supporters clashed in a chair throwing, bead-crunching melee. Neither McCaslin nor Rev. Robert Bums of Creigh ton University took part in cor encouraged the violence. Both priests were charged with disrupting a public meeting. McCaslin is one of the few whites who is accepted on tbe near north side. As the most outspoken advocate of Negro politi cal power, he is a continual thorn is the side of city hall At present McCaslia has ( crusades underway against the city. One is to pre vent the takeover of GOCA by city ad ministrators. GOCA is an Office of Econom ic Opportunity project, and as being taken over by the city ia compliance with a fed eral order. The congressional Green amend ment requires that city administrations take over these agencies in order to "give the poor a greater active part in the admin istration of their program." Someone forgot to ask tbe poor what they wanted before tbe Green amendment was passed, says Father McCaslin. GOCA cat had a keg uphill battle in gaining toe confidence of the poor since it came to Omaha. GOCA, the March riot notwith standing, has finally begun to relate to ghetto residents in the estimation of many of Omaha's leaders. Father McCaslin believes all that will come to aa end if -the city takes over. For a variety of reasons, the city administra tors have come to be regarded among the Negro poor as the number one enemy. Mc Caslin and other militant leaders have at tempted to encourage this. Their rationale is that tbe spirit of the Negro has been so badly kicked around by 300 years of white domination that some enemy must be de signated, and some ""gut issue picked to give tbe ghetto poor a rallying point Oae sack issue b tbe locatWa of the lw S tracks. The trucks are now quartered in the resi dential area of tbe near north side. Before tbe mayor asked the company to move tbe trucks. McCaslin pinpointed this as a typi cal problem, a typical point at which the people 'MY people, he calls them can be rallied. "Well move those trucks if we have to chain ourselves to the gates so they can't get in," McCaslin said. Apparently, some one believed him. "Omaha lags in black na tionalism by four or five years. Before blacks can deal on equal terms with the white society they must have . . . black power." Father McCaslin. The "Black Power" sign stencilled on Father McCaslin's sweatshirt the night of the Wallace convention obviously meant something very different than it means to most Americans. McCaslin's concept of black power is social, political and economic bargaining power. It is the negro bloc vote, the suc cessful Negro businessman. It is a way of giving boots to the Negro poor so that they can begin pulling themselves up by the bootstraps. It is becoming first the equiva lent and then the equal, of the wrhite man. McCaslin differs with those who say un equivocally that militance is not a means to the ends he seeks. McCaslin cited the ex ample of Father James Groppi's open hous ing marches in Milwaukee last year as a means of letting off steam and banking the fires to prevent outbreaks such as the one in Detroit "This is the best way I know to call attention it tbe fires," McCaslin said. The dilemma of those assigned to put ting out the fires is almost larger than life. Walk down North 24th street in Omaha, talk to housewives in project apartments, eat in Negro cafes. The urgency, hope lessness and despair of the Negro boils through surface hostility. Men stripped of their pride by years of low-paying menial jobs or unemployment look at white intruders carefully, glare for a split second, and turn away. A white salvation army worker starts to enter a Negro barbershop. One of tbe barbers springs to bar her way. "We dont want you in bere." Four Negro men stand in an alle, pass a pint of whiskey around until it's empty, and move on down the street laughing. Yob lose your individuality en Omaha's near north side. You have nothing to dis inguish you but color. You are black or white. It is not comfortable to be white. But in Omaha there is hope. The symbol for hope appears in a variety of places the lettering on a recreation center sign, the pictures in innumerable buildings. Jus tifiably or otherwise, the symbol is John F. Kennedy. In Ernie Chamber's barber shop his picture occupies a place of honor next to that of Malcolm X. Hope has also translated itself into a variety of action agencies. In tbe estimation of most of the city's leaders, the most prom ising of these at present is GOCA's step child, the OIC or Opportunities Industrial ization Center. The OIC is staffed with many Negroes who are themselves products of the ghetto, including Barry Goodlett, the Executive Director. The OIC in Omaha has begun a surprisingly well-accepted, concrete pro gram designed to give the Negro precisely tbe kind of ""Black Power" that Father McCaslin seeks. The dropout rate at tbe OIC is amazing ly low. At present 75 of those who enroll in OICs clerical trainirg programs gradu ate, a much higher percentage than any other such job-training programs have been able to maintain. The reason for OICs remarkable suc cess is apparently its ability to relate to tbe Negro. The agency has no ethnic bar riers, but ft is very successful in develop ing an active black consciousness among its trainees. Within the next three months OIC leaders hope to expand their program to include training in sheet metal work. machine tool operations, welding, electron ics and other fields. To see black people helping black people does more for the ghetto than any thing, but when these people see fat-bellied politicians try ing to get into the picture when they weren't interested before, it makes people angry. Our people aren't stupid enough to let it hap pen. Barry Goodlett Goodlefs militancy is reflected by his lieutenants. Clarence Brisco, a mild-mannered, stoop-shouldered counsellor, asd Wayne Harris, tbe job placement director of the OIC, organized groups of "inter ested citizens' to patrol the streets after tbe Wallace convention to prevent Ntgrs youths from getting into trouble. The two agree for the most part on the position of the Negro in a white-dominated society, but differ fundamentally on a point that separates many Negroes. Brisco feels that something must be done, and done quickly, to prevent the further polarization of the races. To Wayne Harris, there is only one way the Negro can survive in a completely separate society. "There is only one way to go in the next couple of years," Harris says. "We are at a crossroads. The only survival for the Negro is by separation." Harris sneers at the attempts of white liberals to help the Negro. "We don't need those 'liberals' out here. Why aren't they up on the west side educating those crack ers, telling them what's going on down here?" The grievances Harris and Brisco ex press parallel the major problems of the Negro outlined is the President's Riot Com mission report. Over and over, the prob lems of housing discrimination, under or un employment and police tactics enter the dis cussion. Open housing is a very sore spot in Omaha. According to one estimate, only about 80 Negro families live outside the ghetto area on Omaha's near north side. For those who have escaped the ghetto area, the road out has been a difficult one. Housing discrimination is one of the more subtle forms of discrimination, how ever, and it is unlikely that housing can ever become a rallying point for a riot. Police practices and the question of police brutality, however, present a very different problem. The night after the Wallace convention, a crowd of about 50 persons tore off the metal bars protecting the windows of the Crosstown Loan Company at 1819 North 24th Street The shop owner hired Patrolman James Abbott of the Omaha Police force to protect the shop during his off-duty hours. At about 2:30 Tuesday morning, Abbott saw a Negro youth crawling through a window into a display area of the shop. Abbott ordered the youth to halt The boy failed to comply. Abbott fired once with his 12-gauge riot gun, killing the boy. Tbe youth, 16-year-old Howard L. Stev enson, had participated in a summer camp ing program designed to improve police community relations. So had Patrolman Ab bott "The second (problem) is the justification for the use of deadly force against crimes like looting. There is a question whether bullets are the correct response to offenses of this sort against property. Major General George Gelslon (of the Na tional Guard) told the ("am ission: I am not going to order a man killed for steal ing a six-pack of beer or a television set" U.S. Riot Commission Report. More than 600 Negroes, most of them under 20, crammed the Robinson's Memor ial church in Omaha for the funeral of Howard Stevenson. Nearly a hundred more stood outside tbe church. Grief-stricken young Negroes wavered between bitterness and tears. Bishop B. T. McDankl said in perform ing the services: "This shooting of young people by trigger-happy policemen must stop. Who knows whose son may be next." Howard Stevenson had dropped out of Technical High School a month before he died. His background had not been heroic, his problems and shortcomings typical of the ghetto youth. To 5'oung Negroes on Omaha's near north side, be is now a martyr. City officials are now laced with a prob lem in triplicate. First is the garbage truck squabble, which Mayor Sorenson is attempt ing to solve. Second is the wide-spread re sentment among Negro militants over the change in GOCA's administration. Tbe last and most volatile problem involves the death of Stevenson. Militants are dissatis field with the city's investigation; white groups are unhappy with the mayor for ordering an investigation of the case in tbe first place. Tbe office f tbe mas who is ultimately responsible for resolving these problems is quiet spacious, removed. Tbe sounds of hammering that cut into the interviews at the OIC are absent as is the old wino who hovered outside Father McCashn s door. The chief concern of tbe man who sits in the mayor's office is that the recent violence in the cities will make communi cation between toe white and Negro com munities impossible, eliminating all possi bilities of progress. To prevent a communications gap. May or Sorenson said be is seeking to achieve a "meaningful dialogue" between white and .Negro leaders. In many areas it appears that Sorenson and his aides are knocking themselves out to prove the Chamber of Commerce state ment: "Omaha Can Do." Sorenson prom ised that jobs will be found for the 1500 men ((50 of them Negro ) who win be laid closes. Sorenson appears genuinely con cerned with implementing the Omaha Hous ing Code and getting the Unicameral to pass an Open Housing law. Tbe obstacles in both areas are considerable. Sorenson pointed out that many people in the ghetto area want better housing, but will not move from their neighborhood to housing which is available in other areas of the city. 'Tbey don't to leave 'and their old neighborhood, be says, you can't blame them." As long as Negroes remain almost ex clusively on the near north side, Omaha wiH have a ghetto. Apparently the admin istration faces a long hard fight lefore a n ' " 9 ! I) if- t. JU $ l 'ML (...r ll " fife, pH fr-.. :: ..rlffSfv-? I J r 3V-a&.. I - - "Men who've lost their pride for their salvation." Father John sufficient number of Negro families can be moved into other areas of the city to break up the ghetto and erase all the problems which arise from a strict division of neigh borhoods. Breaking up a ghetto is a long term project. Summer is less than three months away. "The duty of the police ... is to use legal force to overcome illegal force. Some people in our community . . . under the pretense of at tempting to advance civil rights, promote disorder and intolerance for the rights of others. They must share the responsibility for what oc curred." L, K. Smith, Omaha Public Safety Di rector. In 1966, 2.056 guns were registered in Omaha. In 1967, registrations climbed to 3.019. Only guns with a barrel shorter than 16 inches must be registered, so the figures do not include shot-guns, rifles, or anti tank guns. Even so, the increase is far more than can be explained by population in creases. ... L.K. Smith is charged with protecting the safety of the Omaha public. Under his administration, the Police Department has undertaken a fairlv eTiv wv---- "t improve police-community relations. The department is involves wua a i-a, v. , sponsoring softball and basketball leagues, and holding a summer camping program funded through GOCA. Like other leaders, Smith indicated his department is taking a "new look" at their present policies and programs as a result of the Wallace dis turbance. Before existing programs can take ef fect in tbe cities, Smith says, there must be a fundamental change in attitudes. Many militant leaders are now attempting to jus tify the riot that took place early this month, according to Smith. "The result of this justification is that many impressionable young people involved in the disturbance are led to approve their own acts," Smith said. "There is no ques tion of Wallace's right to come here and hold his convention," Smith added. In Smith's estimation the police handled the riot very welL 'Their job is to re store order," he said. "They discharged their function." In tbe March riot, police shared respon sibility for restoring order with school ad ministrators. Most of the violence on Tues day and Wednesday centered around Hor ace Mann Junior High, and Technical, North and Central High schools. Superintendent Owen A. Knutzen was at Mann Junior High when a rock-throwing, shoving, nameaii ing match broke out Knutzen met reporters a week after the riot in the stately library of the appropriately-named "castle", headquarters of the Omaha school system. Knutzen is witholding most of what he knows about the disturbances to publish in his own book. He speaks of "mob dynam ics" and the unique social position of the press. While he talks, his public relations assistant, Barney Geiger, hops around be hind him repeating over and over, "He was there when it happened, he was there when it happened." Your superintendent be ing constantly in the area of turmoil devoted his efforts to working with members of tbe staff, students and citi zens who were making a con structive effort to establish a normal situation . . . While in these buDdings . . . your superintendent was able to observe and gain a complete insight and understanding of tbe dynamics of mob activi ty. public relations release from Owen Knutzen, There are many in Orraha who feel that the time is coming when more than an un derstanding of mob dynamics will be re quired V3 mamlajn a semDiance of peace in the city. To some, the efforts of the various agencies cover an area a mile wide and an inch deep. In the process, they fail to dispel the fears and hatreds of people on both sides . You can drive down North 241b street turn to women, crime, or just alcohol McCaslin a dozen times without noticing the offices of GOCA or the OIC. You see the bars, the endless small groups of Negroes stand ing or milling around, the boarded-up win dows of small shops and drugstores. At times tcn the hatred is visible. It hangs in the air or darts like a flash of lightning from black to white, from poor to rich. Nowhere is it more visible, more oppressive, than in the Spencer Street Bar ber Shop. The barber shop at Spencer Street rare ly goes by that name. Though Ernie Chambers has the third chair in the shop, he has given it his name. The shop is squeezed into a group of buildings on Nortli 24th. Y'ou have to look twice to see it. Half of the rather small picture window in front is plywood, where a shot run blast ripped through shortly after the riot. Inside the walls are covered with signs, clippings, cartoons and pictures: most of them urging b3ack power or depicting a southern sheriff turning his docs loose on helpless Negroes. Oj the back wall of the shop a picture of John F. Kennedy hangs between por traits of Malcolm X and Floyd Patterson. The barbers are not particularly hostile, but no white man can sit in the shoa with out being painfully conscieair of his coior. Chambers is both the most militant and the most well-known Negro in Omaha. His view of the disturbance at the Wal lace convention emphasizes many of t h e problems of communication that exist be tween city hall and the militant Nez. The Muslim organ Muhammad Speaks quotes Chambers thus: "They hit any Black person they saw on the main floor," Cham bers related, then hit some nuns and priest s who had joined the demonstrators. Then the white men in the audience started hit ting young Black men and women with chairs. The TV7 later showed a Black girl knocked down by a white member of the audience. A nearby cop did nothing." "If a Black man tried to come to the aid of a Negro otnan. he was smashed from all directions until he could help no one. Still the police did nothing. The cops had removed their name plates and badges so they could not be identified. " The interpretation Chambers gives, if not a distortion, is certainly very differ ent fom the official view. The difference indicates one of the dangers inherent ia any clash between the police and the Ne gro the white population gets one inter, pretation, the Negro another. The result, inevitably, is polarization. "Black people of Omaha are reaching tbe end of their patience. If things don't change here, I fear terrible, far-reaching consequences. Ernie Chambers Peace has at least a temporary reign in Omaha now. Every organization from the Police Department to the OIC is working overtime to head off violence in tbe future. Even Ernie Chambers is talking to Negro 3'oulhs in an attempt to dissuade them from, violence this summer. But no one is con fident that an insurrection can be avoided. The increase in gun sales is very indica tive of Omaha's mood try to prevent it, hut be ready to fight if it comes. Probably the most significant devejojv ment among toe Negro population is what the Riot Commission terms "a climate that tends toward approval of violence." Atti tudes of many young Negroes are such that violence in the context of racial strife n longer appears wrong. The same is true of a small but growing segmevA of the white population. Omaha nai roughly 2&Q.90S people, of w hich about 4200 are Negro. Already this year one Hegro boy has been killed and city hall has clashed seriously with the ghetto over the administration of GOCA. Father McCasU. says that Negrs ex tremists, imported from Watts or other big-city ghettos, are now "training" ia Omaha for this summer. These m&tanti are unknon-n to most of the ghetto popula tion at present. McCaslin said. He describ ed their presence in the city as "scary. L. K. Smith denied that any such militants are now in Omaha. Omaha, however, is aot afraid to nme. It's kaders are very aware of the sita ation. The problems are not insurmountable, but the majority of Omaha's kaders agree with OIC Director Barry Goodlett who con cluded bis observations of the racial prob lem by saying, "Professionally, I'm fright' ened to death." si 1 1 1 k f ! . ; If I f ) 1 ! - i t- 4 I i t .5 '- i v -: T'1 . " .. ft 2 ' Fv - K r