The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1968, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Friday, March 29, 1968
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
Campi in Review
New privileges have been
extended to all Oklahoma
State women living in Uni
versity residence halls, ac
cording to the student news
paper, the 0 'Collegian.
The privileges include stu
dent regulation of her own
hours, sign outs without par
ental approval, the use of
dormitory lounges later than
the usual residence hall visit
ing hours, and out-of-town
guests who may observe the
same rules as her hostess.
k & Tir
The Board of Regents at the
University of Colorado hiked
tuition $44 a year for Colorado
residents and $150 a year for
The hike will make out-of-state
tuition $1,284 a year and
resident tuition $330.
Ther meager appropriation
of the state legislature was
blamed for the tuition raise,
according to the Daily Colo-
a &
Students at the University
of Minnesota this week pick
eted the University Book
store in an effort to give stu
dents a greater voice in the
allocation of bookstore prof
its. According to the student
newspaper, a lead of the pick
eting group said that he hopes
the picketing, "will help
show the administration that
we are not happy with the
way the bookstore profits are
now allocated."
Another main goal of the
picketers is to establish a
joint student-faculty-administration
committee which
would have the decision mak
ing power to decide how book
store profits are used.
Student government
thing of the past?
ACP Are student govern
ments at universities around
the country failures as they
are now constituted? Are they
due to be radically changed
or even abolished?
All evidence points to the
affirmative, says the South
End of Wayne State Univer
sity, Detroit.
A growing number of stu
dents is expressing dissatis
faction with their "represen
tative" governments and their
overall lack of power. Many
are disappointed with their in
ability to effect changes in
the areas of academic reform
and basic university restruc
turing. Frustration evident
At Wayne, frustration is be
coming increasingly evident.
Two Student-Faculty Council
members have resigned from
the Executive Board and oth
ers are contemplating resign
ing. Many others do not in
tend to run for re-election.
S-FC Chairman Chuck Lar
sen shares the disenchant
ment. "Student government
can never be relevant to stu
dents at Wayne as long as
they allow the administration
to develop the guideline for its
operation," he said.
"The S-FC is constituted by
means of a charter granted
by the president of the Uni
versity. He has the power to
change it at his discretion and
has done so in the past."
Reorganization of S-FC
Larson said he recommends
reorganizing the SF-C "by
giving students the opportuni
ty to decide what mechanism
they want to represent them.
This mechanism would be es
tablished and would not nego
tiate with the administration
for the right to exist."
"It destroys the student's
self-respect and is degrad
ing," Larson said, "to have
to go to the administration
and ask them for the right to
have a voice. It is an unalien
Friday, March 29
FORMAL-7:30-12 Cornhusk
er Hote'
7:30-12 Lincoln Hotel
DANCE 8-12 Union
Saturday, March 30
BRUNCH-9:30-ll a.m. Vil
laper Cafeteria
PARTY 9-12 n.m.
The Young Democrats at
the University of Colorado
have prepared a resolution
to "strongly support the nom
ination of an alternative can
didate to Lyndon Johnson at
the National Democratic Con
vention." The YD's have also formed
two ad hoc committees to
work for Senators Eugene
McCarthy and Robert Ken
Colorado students are also
planning a trip to Nebraska
April 1-6 to campaign for Mc
Carthy. Students will canvass
door-to-door and make tele
phone calls as they did for
McCarthy in the New Hamp
shire primary.
ft & ft
University of Iowa president
Howard Bowen met this week
with students to discuss a
plan for April 18 and 19 to
protest the administration's
refusal to include those days
as part of Easter vacation.
During the meeting, how
ever, Bowen again refused
to lengthen the vacation. He
said that absences on the two
days will not be held against
a student any more than a
regular cut.
ft ft
The Faculty Senate at Wich
ita State University has
adopted a resolution on stu
dent rights and responsibili
ties. The resolution includes such
statements as "Wichita State
University reaffirms the prui
dole of intellectual freedom
in scholarly activity for stu
dents, and it recognizes the
full citizenship rights of sti
dents in inquiry, discussion
and such actions as they may
choose to take on public is
able right of all people, in
cluding students, to control
their own destinies."
Mark Shapiro, S-FC repre
sentative at the Convention of
the Michigan Association of
Student Governments, said he
found" "that the "majority of
student governments around
the state were even in a worse
plight than we are. It is ap
parent that student govern
ments are undemocratically
formed not on the basis
of one man one vote."
Control over activities
The University of Michi
gan's Student Government
Council, in an attempt to con
trol over the activities it un
dertakes and allow for great
er financial freedom, in incor
porating under university reg
Its chairman, Bruce Kahn,
expressed dissatisfaction with
student government in gen
eral, suggesting student
unions instead or possibly no
organization at all.
"Apathy is tooted into the
nature of education at Ameri
can universities," Kahn said.
"There will be no change in
universities until the Amen
can student becomes radica
Student leaders
Often student leaders them
selves are at fault. Many are
interested in personal power
rather than student power."
Ed Schwartz, president of
the National Student Assn.,
expressed the sentiments of
a growing number of students
at a national conference on
student power:
"The lesson Is clear you
cannot keep any group in sub
servience in a society which
purports to be free without
that group applying the stan
dards and hopes of democra
cy to Its own condition. The
labor movement said that In
the 30's; the black people
have said It so in the 60's; the
students will say it in the late
60's and beyond."
ROSE BALL 6:30-12 Lincoln
Sunday, March 31
DANCE 4-5 p.m.
2-5 p.m
2-5 p.m.
2-5 p.m
2-5 n.m.
late youth chairman says
Membership in the Rich
ard Nixon for President
group on campus is mush
rooming, according to Dan
Wherry, state chairman of
the Youth for Nixon cam
paign. "We are laying the founda
tion," Wherry said. ''Although
we have had tremendous sup
port so far, we haven't even
formally begun to solicit mem
bership yet," he continued.
Youth for Nixon is a nation
al organization of students and
young people who are support
ing the former vice president
in his bid for the Presiden
cy. The organization has chap
ters on many college cam
puses. The University's group will
distribute bumper stickers,
College role
(ACP) The role of the col
lege or university as a substi
tute parent for its students is
slowly crumbling.
The doctrine of "in 1 o c c
parentis, based on a long'
held notion that the edu
cational institution can and
should act "in place of a par
ent," is being modified slight
ly in some schools, rejected
completely in others.
Changes are being seen in
every area encompassed by
the doctrine:
Curfews for women.
Visitation in dormitories
and apartments.
Consumption of alcoholic
beverages on and off campus.
Place of residence (i.e., al
lowing students to live off-
campus apartments versus
requiring them to live in col
lege-supervised dormitories).
Many students regard in
loco parentis as archaic, and
student newspapers have led
the crusade to tear it f r o m
its entrenched position as the
foundation of the system of
social regulations and replace
it with an updated, more real
istic view of the student's
nonacademic life.
On the day when social reg
ulations and counseling ser
vices were to be scrutinized
by the deans of Valparaiso
(Ind.) University at an All
Student Congress, the school
newspaper, the Torch, edi
torialised: "People who accepted the
in loco parentis function of
the college formulated a sys
tem' to shelter naive students
from the evil influences of the
real world and to inculcate in
them a moral code for even
tual contact with adult soci
ety." While granting that the
"paternalistic" sys
tem "sprang from a genuine
concern for the welfare and
maturation of students," the
Torch called it "unworkable
at VU today."
It is unrealistic to believe
that three social deans and a
handful of dormitory direc
tors can act as father and
mother to four thousand stu
dents, even when aided by
big brother and big g i s t e r
counselors. It would be al
most physically impossible to
enforce every regulation in
the current 'Handbook for
Students,' a model of over-
protective thinking."
At the Valparaiso Congress.
during which the students
were surprised by the an
nouncement that curfews for
senior women would soon be
abolished, Dean of Students
Luther Koepke explained the
philosophy underlying rules
at Valparaiso.
Three kinds of rules are en
forced, Koepke said: "moral
rules from the Bible or from
God (teaching students Chris
tian ethics Is a VU objective),
i v i 1 rules which must be
obeyed as t h e edicts of au
thority, and social rules en
forced to insure orderly liv
ing conditions."
Students are not allowed to
make all their own rules,
the Torch quoted Koepke as
saying, because they have
not yet been "tempered by
history and experience.
Social regulations (and the
philosophy behind them) are
one t a r g e t of the student
power movement, and some
changes can be attributed in
part to the activists, but oth
ers have come solely by ad
ministrative decree in recog
nition of the temper of t h e
Grinnell (la.) College abol
ished all women's hours this
f a 1 1 In the belief, President
Glenn Lcggett said, that "any
regulation of college women's
hours ... is a matter of se
curity rather than morality
support mushrooms
yard signs, lapel pins and
other printed advertising,
Wherry said. Films prepared
by the national Nixon for
President headquarters will
be shown and a political ral
ly is planned.
Group to solicit
In the future, Youth for
Nixon must select committees
committee chairmen, solicit
donations and generally devel
ope a time schedule, Wherry
The group's plans also in
clude campaigning for Nixon
in Choice '68 and establishing
fraternity, sorority and dor
mitory representatives, he
and that reasonable security
can be secured . . . without
the necessity of the college's
maintaining arbitrary hours
Dean of Women Alice O
Low said justification of worn
en's curfews was increasing
ly difficult since neither con
temporary parental practices
nor educational philosophy
supports such regulation.
Michigan State University
and the University of Minne
sota recently eliminated cur
fews for all dormitory wom
en except freshmen, who are
generally thought by adminis
trators to require a period of
adjustment between the as
sumed regulations of home to
the complete freedom of a no-
hours policy.
Western Michigan Univer
sity, Kalamazoo, extended
dorm closings to 2 a.m. f o r
juniors and seniors and be
gan a senior women's hall
with no hour restrictions. But
despite the improvement
over the old system, the West
ern Herald wasn't satisfied
The newspaper urged the uni
versity to follow Michigan
State's example.
Hours for senior women at
Wartburg College, Waverly.
Ia., were liberalized by t h e
initiation of a key system for
senior women but some ves
tiges of the old system re
mained: disciplinary proba
tion (with no appeal) for lend
ing the key to an ineligible
coed and a stiff $25 penalty
for losing the key.
Still other schools are "push
ing for change. At the Uni
versity of North Carolina, a
referendum last spring
showed, the Daily Tar Heel
said, that "a majority of
coeds here favor extension of
closing hours, elimination of
closing hours for seniors, lib
eralization of the overnight
sign-out system for girls who
have blanket parental per
mission, and the option to
live in off-campus housing for
P Sts.
Just South
of Campus
we mven
Although no one knows the
exact date, Richard Nixon
will probably come to Nebras
ka in late April or early May,
Wherry reported. "Even
George Cook, a prominent Nix
on supporter in Nebraska, has
no idea when Nixon will
come," Wherry said, "But we
are fairly certain that Nixon
will come before the Nebras
ka primary," he continued.
"I'm 99 per cent certain,
however, that when Nixon
does come, he will speak at
the Coliseum," Wherry said.
"Students at the University
are going to accept Richard
Nixon very well," Wherry pre
dicted. "Nixon's active sup
port is slowly going to come
out," he reported.
Wherry compared Youth
as parent crumbling
coeds who are either seniors
or 21 years old."
The Tar Heel suggested
that the dean of women look
not to the results of an alum
ni survey but to other schools
for guidelines in building a
new system of women's rules.
Women's hours "bug"
dorm residents, but they're
equally dissatisfied with pol
icies governing visitation.
Debate over open houses
and open doors is nothing
new; it has been several
years now since the well
publicized case of the male
residents who, rebelling
against a policy requiring
doors during visitation to be
open the width of a book, sub
stituted matchbooks for text
books. Since, the debate has been
sporadic but often intense.
This fall at the University of
California, Berkeley, Dean
of Students Areliegh W i I
liams "extended from two to
ten the number of residence
room visits permitted each
month by members of the op
posite sex," according to a
Daily Californian report.
The extension was not
greeted as enthusiastically as
might have been expected,
however it was coupled with
stipulations "that all guests
be escorted upstairs by their
hosts, and that doors to roms
of all participating students
remain wide open at all
Lela Z i 1 1 a, president of
Freeborn Hall, called the
requirement of wicie open
doors a "ridiculous invasion
of privacy."
"If we're judged mature
enough to be permitted ten
open doors a month, then we
should be likewise trusted to
entertain guests with the
doors close d," she said.
With the privacy afforded
by an open door we might as
well sit in the lobby."
The administrative view on
open doors inevitably takes
"5 'J" f f r.'j
. k t K . 1 d t ;
for Nixon with the students
for McCarthy and students
for Kennedy campaigns.
"They're working for their
lives," he said. "If they don't
get results in the next sever
al weeks, they are dead."
"I'm very confident that
Richard Nixon is going to win
the nomination," Wherry said.
"I think he is the most quali
fied candidate."
Youth for Nixon groups are
forming at many of the col
lege campuses throughout Ne
braska. There are chapters at
John F. Kennedy college,
Creighton, Wayne State and
Omaha Universities, Wherry
The group plans additional
organization meetings in the
next two weeks, he said.
into account the possibility
that the public would view
such a policy as encourage
ment of licentiousness.
The University of Maryland
doesn't "look upon dormitor
ies, bedrooms and sitting
rooms as a place for closed-
door intervisitation," Presi
dent Wilson H. Elkins said in
the diamond back.
Citing "a responsibility to
parents and the public gener
ally," Elkins put his foot
down on the closed-door rec
ommendation in a student
proposal concerning regula
tions, saying the recommen
dation "put sex overtones" on
the proposal.
A target at still other
schools, among them South
Dakota State University and
North Texas State Universi
ty, is a policy prohibiting stu
dents in off-campus apart
ments from having visitors of
the opposite sex.
And then there's the ques
tion of whether students
should be allowed to live in
apartments at all. Until re
cently, coeds at the Universi
ty of North Carolina were not
permitted to live in apart
ments. Now, senior women
have that privilege.
And there's the case of the
freshman coed at a Minneso
ta college who was required
to move into a dormitory
even though her home was a
block from the campus.
At Texas Technological
University, 34 male students
iuok. 10 me courts to tight a
rule requiring them to live on
The students were denied
permission to register this
fall because they were not
residents in campus housing,
the University Daily report
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Just getting 3 weeks of shaves per charge
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World in Review i
The Christian Science Mon
itor said this week that if for
mer vice-president Richard
Nixon is elected president, he
will seek immediately to ar
range a summit meeting with
the Russians on the Vietnam
According to a dispatch
from the Monitor's staff cor
respondent in Washington,
Nixon does not intend to es
calate the U.S. military com
mitment in Vietnam, but in
stead will find a way to the
negotiating table where he in
tends to impose a tough-bar
gaining climate.
Lincoln Journal
Early this week, more than
1,000 North Vietnamese
troops attacked a U.S. artil
lery base in the Central High
lands. This was the heaviest
fighting in the highlands since
ed. They filed an injunction
against the university, claim
ing financial inability to live
in dormitories.
"Much more is involved,"
the Daily commented, "than
the right of 34 students to live
off campus this fall, as both
sides of the suit realize. The
case is one of nation-wide
precedence and importance,
affecting apartment owners,
school administrators and
bond holders in every city in
the nation with a college or
university campus.
"School administrations are
involved not only for finan
cial reasons, but because the
entire in loco parentis phil
osophy underlies the c a s e.
The decision may well over
lap into other areas involving
university regulation of t h e
private life of a student."
Changes in rules regarding
alcoholic beverages are per
haps less frequent than in
other social regulations.
Carleton College, Northfield,
Minn., recently added its
name to the list of schools
with liberal liquor rules it
now permits students who
are of age to drink in the
"Many Eastern schools
have allowed this freedom.
Emory University, a church
supported Southern institu
tion, has permitted open
houses in its residence halls
and thrown out an unenforce
able liquor ban. So far, no
campuses have been pelted
with fire and brimstone, and
few students have been
turned into pillars of salt.
The Uorcleo Hcohargcablo
it dares
Ever, a 115220 voltage selector. Altogether,
more features than any other shaver. ..And
for strictly cord shaving: The new Norelce
Trlpleheader Speedshaver 35T. A cord ver
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And this babv
the dope, fast,
last November's 21 day bat
tle at Dak To.
The North Vietnamese
were driven back, however,
by 5,000 U.S. defenders after
four hours of battle. Reports
said that 135 North Vietnam
ese and 19 Americans were
Lincoln Journal
Czechoslovakia's Commu
nist Leadership announced
this week that it will push
ahead with reforms, includ
ing a new "democratic elec
tions law. The reforms will
be instigated regardless of
how they upset the rest of the
Soviet bloc.
The party presidium called
for postponement until June
of local elections so that vot
ing procedures could be
changed to "reflect the cur
rent widespread process of
Lincoln Journal
In Panama, National
Guardsmen loyal to im
peached President Marco A.
Robles Wednesday patrolled
the streets and blocked a ri
val government from taking
The troops also barred
newly-chosen President Max
Del Valle from entering gov
ernment buildings.
The troops were acting on,
orders from Gen. Bolivar Vil
larino, the National Guard
commander, who refused Sun
day to enforce an assembly
vote to oust Robles. Villarino
said he would await a su
preme court decision on t h e
Lincoln Journal
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