The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1968, Image 1

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all run down
Thursday, March 28, 1968
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 91, No. 86
life r- !k
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Bryan . . .
office lacks controls
photo by Jim Shaw
Aurea Almanzan (left) and Unity Avege (right) will partici
pate in the International Variety Show. This special program
Saturday will begin Cultures on Campus 1968.
Variety show
ays cultures
Native rhythms, dress
featured in program
By im Evinger
Senior Staff Writer
The University Housing Office
lacks effective controls regarding
unapproved off-c a m p us housing
and discriminatory landlords, Ed
ward Bryan, housing office direc
tor, said Wednesday.
Bryan said the Office lacks the
staff and facilities to thoroughly
investigate those off-campus dwell
ings which are to be removed from
approved housing lists.
He said that Lincoln landlords
who discriminate are very open
and honest in telling the Housing
Office they will not rent to cer
tain people.
No one policy
There is no one policy the Uni
versity can adopt to insure that all
students will have equal opportun
ity and rights regarding off-campus
housing, Bryan said.
"The area we need to work in
is educating people to accept oth
ers no matter what race, color or
creed," Bryan said.
Housing policy operating proce
dures are unusally set by the Dean
of Student Affairs, vice-chancellor
G. Robert Ross, Bryan said.
He added that the University
Housing Committee, created last
spring, is another source that could
initiate action in this area, but has
not yet dealt with the problem.
Expansion doubtful
Ross said Tuesday that expan
sion of the Housing Office staff to
check cases would depend on avail
able allocations. He said such ex
pansion is doubtful because the
problems are not that great.
There was one report last fall
by an African student who com
plained he encountered discrimi
nation in attempting to rent off
campus, Ross said.
The complaint, which was made
to Wayne Kuncl, foreign student
advisor in the Office of Student
Affairs, was never formally filed
because the student was reluctant
to give detailed information about
the incident, Ross explained.
Not many complaints
Students have not registered
many complaints regarding discri
mination, Bryan said. He added
this hampers the Housing Office
because often an upperclassmen or
graduate student will then come to
that landlord not knowing of the
status of the dwelling and rent the
house which had earlier been re
fused. Bryan said a problem also ex
ists with those students who know
ingly rent from discriminatory
landlords, neither upholding or pre
serving the principles of civil
rights legislation.
He said that the area of housing
for graduate and married students
is not one that the University tries
to administer.
If a student wishes to file a com
plaint regarding off-campus hous
ing, he obtains a form from the
Housing Office. The form is one
Abbott Case
Lincoln court
to hold trial
The court case of Steve Abbott,
a University graduate indicted in
Georgia for failure to comply with
a Selective Service induction or
der, has been transferred to Fed-
Rhythms from the land of the
Zulus, Latin America and Arabia
will set the tempo Saturday in
Cultures on Campus 1968, an In
ternational Variety Show.
The special program is sponsor
ed by the Nebraska International
Association, according to Bruce
Eveland, publicity chairman.
Eveland noted that the program
will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Ne
braska Union ballroom. There is
no admission charge.
Foreign students
Nebraska International Associa
tion is composed of mostly foreign
students whose goal is to help pro
mote international understanding,
Eveland explained.
A Parade of Nations will fea
ture representatives in native dress
from Turkey, the Latin American
Association, the Philippines, the
African Association, the Indian As
sociation, the U.S.S.R. and the
United States.
Los Tropicales, a Latin Ameri
can instrumental group which has
performed professionally in Lin
col, will represent the Latin Ameri
can Association with several Andes
Mountain folk songs.
Zulu marriage dance
A Zulu marriage dance will be
performed by a group from the
African Association, Eveland said.
"This dance originated in south
ern Africa," he said, "and It is
now a common African dance for
teenagers usually done to drum
and guitar.
A national dance of India (Bhar
tya Natyam) will be performed
by Mrs. Charugeeta Shukla, Eve
land noted. Mrs. Shukla has
danced for seven years in India
and has taught private and pub
lic lessons.
Eveland added that the Bhartya
Natyam was performed for Pres
ident Eisenhower when he toured
A special number from Ceylon
will be performed by Striyani Can
dappa, a foreign student in the
American Field Service exchange
program who is now attending East
High School in Lincoln.
A dance which was first per
formed by the Spaniards in the
eighteenth century, La Jota Mon
cadene, will represent the Philip
pines, Eveland pointed out.
A vocal solo by Victor Anisimov
will represent the U.S.S.R and a
jazz presentation by Dave Baker
will typify music in the U.S., he
Baker recently won first place
in the East Union Talent Show,
Eveland added.
The publicity chairman said
that Chancellor Clifford M. Har
din will speak at the special event.
The master of ceremonies is Chris
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On campus today I
The Zoology department will sponsor a seminar Thursday at I
J: 30 p.m. In Bessey Hall auditorium. Dr. Frank Perlov, from the I
College of Dentistry and the department of zoology, will speak on
I "Growth Study of the Fowl Creeper Tibia."
I ' it is 1
Dr. Thomas F. Drenburg, a staff member of the President's
Council on Economic advisors, will speak Thursday at 4 p.m. in 1
the Nebraska Union small auditorium. His topic will be "The Role
of the Council of Economic Advisors in the Formulation of Eco- I
I nomic Policy." ,
g iS is
g The YWCA book mart begins Thursday at Gateway Audito- 1
rium. All kinds of donated books will be sold with the proceeds
used to support YWCA programs on campus. Most of the books
I are paperbacks, some are in foreign languages, and many are I
i children's books. I
i is is is 1
Quiz Bowl will be held at 7 p.m. in the Union. I
I is It is I
1 The "Lounge Series" session sponsored by the Agriculture
Advisory Board which was scheduled for Thursday in the East
I Union will be postponed due to the campus appearance of Robert I
I F. Kennedy.
I -k ir :S . 1
B The European Student Association will present the film I
"Meisjes" Thursday at 7 p.m. in the UMHE building, 333 N. 14th I
St. The film is a 30 minute feature on the youth of Holland. Mr. I
Waldemar de Rijk, a student from Amsterdam, will comment on
g the film and answer questions about the Netherlands.
eral District Court in Lincoln.
Abbott, now a graduate student
at Emory University in Atlanta,
Ga., had asked the Nebraska draft
draft board for a deferment as a
conscientious objector, but the de
ferment was not granted and he
was ordered to report for induc
tion last Oct. 19 in Atlanta.
A grand jury in Georgia indic
ted Abbott this month for alleged
failure to report for induction at
that time.
According to the Lincoln Jour
nal, trannsfer of the case from the
Northern District of Georgia to
Judge Robert Van Pelt's court in
Lincoln was requested by Abbott,
who said it would be inconvenient
for defense witnesses to travel to
Georgia for the trial.
Unless the case were transfer
red, Abbott said in an affidavit, he
would have to request the govern
ment to pay the expenses of wit
nesses. In another affidavit following his
indictment in Georgia, Abbott said
that he sought classification as a
conscientious objector based upon
his religious training and belief.
He said at least nine Nebras
kans, three persons from Missouri
and one person from Indiana sub
mitted information to his draft
board supporting his application for
a conscientious objector deferment.
No date has been set for hear
ing the case.
RFK, Stassen
Candidates to prime political pump
Two nationally-known presiden
tial hopefuls will make afternoon
appearances on the University
campus Thursday.
Harold Stassen, seven-time can
didate for the Republican Presi
dential nomination, will speak in
the Nebraska Union Ballroom at
4 p.m. Thursday, Nebraska Union
Assistant Program Manager Dave
Younkin said Wednesday.
Prior to Stassen's appearance
Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Dem
ocratic presidential candidate, will
speak at 2:30 p.m. at the Univer
sity Coliseum.
Stassen will arrive at the Lin
coln Municipal Airport at 12:20
p.m. Thursday..
Younkin reported thai Siusseii,
when questioned about appearing
on the same day as Kennedy, said
the appearance of two 'candidates
on the same day should create a
favorable political climate.
Kennedy will arrive in Lincoln
at 2 p.m. and will speak to Demo
cratic party leaders and delegates
in addition to University students
before leaving for Albuquerque,
N.M. at 5:30 p.m.
Enthusiasm over Kennedy's ap
pearance grew Tuesday night when
some 300 University students heard
former Lieutenant Governor Phil
Sorensen speak at a Studen's for
Kennedy rally.
Sorensen labeled the Nebraska
Primary the key primary In the
campaign trail because it b the
first confrontation of all the can
didates and it is held in supposed
Johnson territory.
Sorensen emphasized that Ken
nedy was not causing a split in
the party but was rather uniting
the nation. .
Classes will not be dismissed for
either Stassen's or Kennedy's
speeches, according 'to the Office
of Student Affairs.
page long with room for the stu
dent to describe the complaint.
Perhaps form inhibiting
Bryan said that perhaps the form
is inhibiting, that the student may
not want to become involved in
the matter.
Bryan said the Housing Office
then investigates the complaint. If
valid, the landlord is removed
from the University's list of ap
proved renters.
He explained the University
takes no civil action regarding a
discriminatory landlord. The hous
ing office attempts to apply pres
sure by restricting students who
attempt to rent from that landlord.
He added this was not always
successful. The Housing Office al
so attempts to restrict the amount
of contact the renter has with tho
Little effective pressure
Since the landlords are not depen
dent for their market of renters,
Bryan said there is little actual
effective pressure the University
can apply.
Ross explained that the Hous
ing Office's problems are further
complicated by students who will
accept poor facilities and housing
because they cannot afford to livt
He added this was often true
in the case of foreign students.
Some students are living in sub
sidized housing at the Lincoln Air
Park, once home of the Lincoln
Air Force Base. Other students
live more cheaply in the units for
married students on East Campus.
of housing policies
Two resolutions requesting inves
tigation by the Housing Office.
Council of discrimination problems
passed Student Senate Wednesday.
The housing resolution, present
ed by Senator Tom Greer, asked
that the University Housing Of
fice set down and enforce specific
rules concerning discrimination by
landlords of approved University
housing. The resolution passed un
animously by a voice vote, and
with no discussion.
The bill concerning action on
Greek discrimination, was passed
on a 26-4 roll call vote, with one
Votes cost
The votes were: For: Adams,
Schreiber, Augustin, Mobley, Bar
tee, Phelps, Joigenson, Alexander,
Doerr, Klimes, Deltemeyer, Lar
son, Stangle, Boardman, Lott,
Greer, Juricek, Dreeszen, Wirth,
Schulze, Wobig, Weaver, Cotner,
Against: Kuester, Morgan, Gras
mick, Schulte.
Abstain: Peterson.
In explaining her opposition to
the motion, Senator Kathy Kuester
said that both Panehlelenic and
Interfraternity Council have been
working on the discrimination on
question prior to the introduction
of the Senate motion.
continued on page 3