The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 27, 1968, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, March 27, 1968
The Dally Nebraskan
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Sharks vs. Jets in the
Kosmet Klub spring show
Three soldiers portray the absurdity of life in Mance Williams' "The Monastery," a University The
atre lab play directed by Xan Johnson. Above, Bob Faughen (Sanchez) coerces Wayne Turck (Per
fino) in a time honored method. Mike Gruett below, plays Diego the procrastinating sergeant
The Other Half
"La vie te unateau, a
French comedy about the
Second World War, is Wed
nesday's foreign film in the
Nebraska Union Film Series.
The plot centers around a
French woman, Marie, who
presides over a crumbling
chateau in the countryside of
France. Jean-Paul Rappean
eau directs the film. The stars
are Henri Garcin, Carolos
Thompson and Catherine De-neuve.
A classic Western spoof,
"Destry Rides Again," star
ring Jimmy Stewart and
Marlene Dietrich, will be
shown Sunday at 2:30 in Shel
don Art Gallery.
Stewart plays Destry, a
sheriff who attempts to re
form a wide open town. Miss
Dietrich, as Frenchy, sings
some of her most famous!
songs, "Little Joe" 'and "The
Boys in the Back Room."
'Barefoot in the Park" will
be held over through April 5
and 6 at the Lincoln Commun
ity Playhouse. It is the fourth
play to be held over this sea
son. Performances this week
will be at 8:30 p.m. Friday
and Saturday and 7
on Sunday. Tickets
reserved seats only.
30 p.m.
are for
The Nebraska Union Week
end Film will be "The World
of Henry Orient." It will be
shown at 7 and 9 p.m. Friday
and at 7:30 p.m. Sunday.
The following plays have
been announced for the 1968
1969 season at the Lincoln
Community Playhouse: "How
to Succeed in Business With
out Really Trying," "View
from the Bridge" by Arthur
Miller, "The CRESTA Run"
(a spoof on spy thrillers)'
"The Quare Fellow" (An Ir
ish Black comedy), and "Wait
Until Dark" ( a modern mystery).
Women's honorary
pledges f reshmen
Alpha Lambda Delta, fresh.
man women's scholastic hon
orarv. has pledged 129 wom
en w i t h a 3.5 average for
their first semester at the
The erouo will elect offi
cers on April 10. April 26 all
cledees will be initiated into
the society.
The new pledges are:
Carol Angus. Mary Atkin
son, Linda V. awm, Marsna
Baneert, Bui ?ra Bargen,
Marlene Beck, Lorraine Birk
mann, Bette Boro, Will a
Boyd, Dennise Brown, Ja
nelle Browning, Janice Brydl,
Junette Carlson, M a r c i a
Carr, Melissa Clements, Mel
va Cook, Kathleen Danker,
Marilyn Dirks, Anne Divine.
Kathy Dreith, lthleen El-
j -rr At r: .
Enright, Kathleen Felt on,
Audrey Finnell, Susan Free
ouf, Ellen Fried.
Margaret Fritz, Cynthia
Frymire, Barbara Geis!er,
Rebecca Gloor, Marie Graes
ser, Carolyn Haar, Tamra
Hall, Catherine Hallberg, Kay
Haumont, Sandra Headley,
Elizabeth Henning, Katheryn
Herfindahl, Betty Hines, Lin
da Ho than, Jill Jackson,
Kathy Jewell, Kathleen John
son, Nancy Johnson, Shirley
Kapke, Linda Keck, Mary
Kielian, Laurel King, Gwen
dolyn Klanderud, Nancy
Knapp, Kathleen Knoell, Di
ane Koltes.
Teena Kudlacek, Kay Kug
ler, Sylvia Lee, Gail Leisher,
P a t Leistritz, Elizabeth
Loers, Linda Lorig, Elizabeth
Leuder, Susan Lutton, Judy
Macklin, Mary Magnuson
Julie Marolf, Kay Martin,
Sue Mason, Jeanne Mathes,
Mary McClymont, Cynthia
McDowell, Betty McGaughey,
Marjorie McMaster, Darlene
Mead, Sandra Meier, Chris
tine Messinger, Nancy Mook,
Joyce Nelson, Linda Nobles,
Pam Novicki, Susan O'Brien,
Jean Olson, Shiela Parkert
Marilyn Pedegana, Rose
Peterson, Colette Pierson,
Monica Porkorny, Kristine
Rasmussen, Marcia Renner,
Susan Rogers, Nancy Sahs,
Kathleen Sandusky, Cheryle
Schaaf, Mary Scheer, Dianne
Schroeder, Catherine Smith,
Dianne Smith, Rita Snowden
Evelvn Steiner, Linda Stem-
per, Patricia Stoddard, Mary
Sunderman, Barbara Thomp
son, Patricia Tisdale.
Rebecca Traudt, Ann Trl-
ba, Alana Turner, Catherine
Twehous, Denise vanzago,
Carol Vonderohe, Mary Vos
teen. Roslyn Wages, Patricia
Walkowiak, Rita Watson, Tru
dy Watts. Sandra Wegener,
Rebecca Wesely, Beverly
White, Janet Williams, Eileen
Wiltrakis, Deborah Wither,
Sharon Wolfe, Andrea Wood,
Joanne Woods, Constance
Zink, Susan Zumpfe.
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CSP denied listing
on election ballot
ins closest thing to home . . . mcuooeiu s
865 No. 27th St
Concerned Student Party
(CSP) designations will not
appear with CSP candidates
names on the April JO ASUN
ballot, Ed Hilz, ASUN elec
t o r a 1 commission director,
said Tuesday.
He said the party, formed
Sunday in opposition to t h e
lone campus political party,
Party for Student Action
(PSA), failed to meet the
March 13 ballot deadline for
party designations.
Hilz also announced that
write-in space will be allotted
to each college senatorial and
executive position except the
race for Graduate-Professional
Two write-in spaces
In that contest, two write
in spaces will be provided
since only five candidates
have filed for seven available
positions, he added.
He said he has received no
applications for advisory
board positions in elementary
and special education in
Teachers College, or the
School of Fine Arts in the
College of Arts and Sciences.
Hilz added that only one
freshman and one junior posi
tion on the Business Admin
istration advisory board hive
been filed for from six avail
able posts and that no one
has applied for one position
distributed among four ag
riculture majors.
The agriculture advisory
board positions for biochem
istry, entomology, horticulture
and plant pathology still re
main vacant, he said.
Hilz also announced three
candidates have been dropped
from the ballot.
Lee Kinney, an Arts and
Sciences junior filing for Sec
ond Vice President, has been
declared ineligible. J o h n Ti
wald, a PSA Engineering and
Architecture senatorial can
did a t e, and Gary Rosen
baum, a Business Administra
tion senatorial aspirant, have
voluntarily withdrawn from
their respective races.
Hammers pounding, saws
buzzing and fingers snapping,
cast and crew members are
busy rehearsing for "West
Side Story," the Kosmet Klub
Spring Show.
The performances will be
at 8 p.m. Friday and Satur
day at Pershing Auditorium.
The musical, a contempor
ary Romeo and Juliet story,
is set m the slums of New
York City and reveals the
problems of juvenile gang
wars and life in the Puerto
Rican ghetto.
The love story centers
around the romance of Tony,
played by Wayne Stoeber, and
Maria, played by Becky Mc-
Stoeber, a junior has been
in two operas at the Univer
sity Theatre. Miss McSpadden
has been in University Thea
tre plays and Lincoln Com
munity Playhouse produc
tions. Gangs create excitement
The conflict between the
"Jets," an American gang,
and the "Sharks," a Puerto
Rican gang creates tension
and excitement from the Pro
logue fight until the final rum
ble when they reach an un
derstanding through tragedy.
Bernardo, leader of the
"Sharks" and Maria's broth
er, is played by Bill Hartung.
Shari Wiemann plays Anita,
Bernardo's girlfriend. Steve
Smith as Officer Krupke, pro
vides comic relief after the
fight scenes.
"The cast is in good shape,
the sets are tremendous and
the orchestra sounds beauti
ful," Clint Jakeman, director
of the show, said.
"Everybody wants to be a
hoodlum once in his life, and
this show gives people a
chance to really let gc," Lucy
Comstock, choreograph
er, said.
"The story is about young
people and young ideas so the
cast enjoys doing the show
and does a good job of it,"
she said.
Miss Comstock said she ex
pected the show to be the best
production Kosmet Klub has
ever done. She has worked
with several shows in the
Dancing is very important
in the show, the "Some
where" ballet in the second
act is a lyrical contrast to
the rest of the play, she said.
The scenery is in soft colors
for the dance.
Action in the rest of the
play is set against urban
backdrops with skyscrapers,
billboards and brick walls,
follow the action.
Interior scenes take place
in isolated units, and lights
are used to help the audience
Gang members wear sneak
ers, long hair and dunagrees.
The "Jets" are designated by
gold and blue letter jackets.
"Sharks" wear black and red.
An orchestra of 26 profes
sional musicians will play for
the 2 performances. Linda
Ross, a music major at the
University, will play the pi
ano. "The rehearsals look mar
velous and the show is go.
ing to be great," Kosmet Klub
President Charles Langhoff,
Wednesday, March 27
UNION-8 a.m.
LUNCHEON-12:30 p.m.
AWS COURT 2:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
COMMITTEE 4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m
MITTEE 7 p.m.
LIFE 3:30 p.m.
IFC 7 p.m.
PEALS BOARD 7:30 p.m.
ORCIIESIS 7 p.m. Univer
sity High.
SELORS 7:30 p.m.
6 p.m. C. Y. Thompson Li
brary Building G.
3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
CIRCLE K 7:30 p.m.
Building H
DAYS 3:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
RED CROSS 6:30 p.m.
GLANCE 3:30 p.m.
Interviews slated
for Spring Day
Interviews for Spring Day
chairmen and assistant chair
men will begin at 9 a.m. Sat
urday in the Nebraska Union,
according to Tom Spilker,
past overall chairman of
Spring Day.
Workers will be chosen by
interview Sunday beginning at
12 noon, he said.
AUF Drive collections
go to Malone Center
Funds collected in the All
University Fund spring drive
will go to Malone Center
where a project is underway
to help underprivileged fami
lies move to new homes.
Tentative plans have been
made to hire a coordinator to
help the people in selling their
homes and selecting new ones.
The AUF Spring Drive is a
solicitation of the faculty
members. Letters were sent
out last week and collecting
will begin next week, Rick
Russell AUF president said.
AUF board members will
speak at faculty department
Advisory Board
to hold ag session
A "Lounge Series session
by the Agricultural Advisory
Board will be held Thursday,
00-5:00 p.m. in the East
The possible deletion of. the
physics and mathematics re
quirement of agriculture ma
jors will be discussed. In addi
tion amendments to be voted
upon at the April 10 election
will be reviewed. A progress
report of the Ag. Advisory
Board will also be given.
All photographs In today's
paper with the exception of
the one on page 4 were
taken by Dally Nebraskan
photographer Dan Ladely.
The Spring weather will
see the Daily Nebraskan
photographers out in full
force to capture campus
life. So, whatever you're
doing, wherever you may
meetings to explain the drive.
The official close of the drive
is April 12.
Russell said a $1200 goal has
been set. Last year the spring
drive brought $1050.
Meierhenry to
address NAEA
Dr. Wesley Meierhenry,
chairman of the department
of adult and continuing educa
tion at the University of Ne
braska, will be the featured
speaker at the annual meet
ing of the Nebraska Adult Ed
ucation Association set for
April 6 at Central Nebraska
Tech near Hastings.
Meierhenry will discuss the
adult education graduate pro
grams that will be conducted
by the department established
recently within the Teachers
Gene Harding, president of
the Association and director
of informal education for the
University Extension Division,
announced that public rela
tions consultant J. Milton
Moore of Des Moines, Iowa,
will also be on the program.
The meeting will open at 9
a.m. Saturday at Central Ne
braska Tech, located on prop
erty east of Hastings that was
formerly a Naval Ammunition
Depot. The University Exten
sion Division is cooperating
in sponsoring the meeting.
to sponsor
spring iiing
An Independent Spring
Fling will culminate this
week's self-pro claimed Uni
corn Week on Campus, ac
cording to Randy Prier, past
Unicorn president.
Tickets to the dance, sched
uled for Friday from 8-12 p.m.
in the Nebraska Union Ball
room featuring the Antelope
Pavillion, may be obtained
for $1 from all Unicorns mem
ber and at the door.
Prier said Unicorns, an activity-social
orientated group,
is attempting to foster its
image as a service to off-campus
independents this week.
The organization sponsors
parties, service projects and
tries to acquaint off-campus
students with various campus
activities, he said.
Spilker noted that no ap
plications are required and
that students interested in
Spring Day positions should
sign up for an interview time
at the ASUN office.
"Spring Day is an all Uni
versity function," Spilker add
ed, "and is open to all Uni
versity students."
The agenda for Spring Day
includes about a dozen ath
letic events, such as push
ball, tug of war, a roller skat
ing relay and a mystery
event, he said.
"Trophies will be awarded
for each event," he explained.
Spilker said that the May
event is now chaired by Tom
Pauley. The new assistant
chairman is Karen Wendt.
Games will be conducted on
the East Campus athletic
field, Spilker noted, as he ex
pressed his hope that the
weather for Spring Day will
be good this year.
Committees for Spring Day
are: Men's Games, Women's
Games, City Campus Public
ity, East Campus Publicity,
Trophy Committee and a Sec
retarial Committee.
A Spring Day treasurer will
also be chosen by the inter
views, he said.
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