The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 27, 1968, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, March 27, 1968
The Daily Nebraskan
Pcge 3
19-suffrage movement
gains support of youth
Young people and adults
alike have been more than
willing to work on the Ne
braskans for Young Adult
Sufferage (NFYAS) c a m
paign. according to Dave
Piester, publicity chairman.
"We are finding the support
encouraging," Piester said.
'"We didn't expect this sup
port to come so easily. Adults
around the state have been
helpful, too."
'We are speaking to dis
trict conferences of youth,"
Piester said. "We want high
school youths and other young
people to talk about the is
sues and to get involved."
Divided into districts
Each district is composed
of 10 to 15 counties. There
are 15 districts in the state.
Each has a chairman and an
The NFYAS group also has
engagements with adult
groups, Piester reported.
"We have also written to
the student presidents on
more than 30 campuses ask
ing for opinions and sup-i
port," Piester said. These
contacts will be furthered at
the National Student Govern
ment Association conference.
Seek endorsements
The NFYAS is seeking en
dorsements by prominent and
influential leaders in Nebras
ka, Piester said.
"Letters will be sent out in
the next several weeks, and
committee members will be
visiting with these leaders in
the near future," he contin
ued. NFYAS hopes to obtain
these endorsements within
the next several weeks.
Distribute newsletter
The group is writing anoth
er newsletter which will be
distributed next month, Pies
ter said.
Out state, the NFYAS have
begun to form campaign or
ganizations in the 20 largest
cities in Nebraska. These
groups will be composed of
high school, college students!
and older people. j
Over the summer they will,
distribute materials, get mon
ey, speak to various groups,
and just generally campaign,
Piester said.
Set booths at fairs
In August. NFYAS will have
booths at every county fair
and at the state fair, Piester
said. The real campaign will
begin in August and continue
through November, he stated.
"That's when we will really
have to present our argu
ments." "The eroiiD at Nebraska
was originally intended to co
ordinate separate campaign
groups at all of Nebraska col
lege campuses, not actually
go out and campaign, Piester
said. One outstate group is
currently forming at Chadron
State College.
"A number of volunteers
have given their time and ef
fort," Piester reported. "Oth
ers have shown a willingness
to work."
He estimated that roughly
150 to 180 individuals are
planning to work with the
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Polish newspaper retreats,
publishes critique of regime
Warsaw Polish students
finally backed their Commu
nist regime into a corner
Thursday. A government-controlled
newspaper published
their 15-point critique of t h e
Communist regime's handling
of last week's student dem
onstrations, agreeing in es
sence that even administra-
Theta Nu
seeks members
Theta Nu pre-medical fra
ternity is currently seeking ap
plicants for membership.
Any student who has been
accepted at an accredited
medical school or has com
pleted 45 hours of pre-medical
' courses and has a 3.2 average
is eligible for membership.
Applications must be sub
mitted bv Friday to Mike
tor's occassionally make mis
takes. The newspaper, Zycie War
szawy, said, "we are ready
to admit that not everything
which happened was motivat
ed or sensible. Let's be frank
wherever wood is chopped,
chips fly."
The regime fired seven in
tellectuals, most of them
Jews. Monday for implanting
in their students views con
trary to the official party
In publishing the student's
critique, the newspaper added
its own comments to each
point the students made. In
cluded in the newspaper's
comments was the observa
tion that under the P o 1 i s h
constitution the Socialist Sys
tem is Supreme over the
right of free speech, contrary
to the student's demands.
According to the newspa
per: "The same constitution
Glode. 317 Cather Hall. The
applications should include the j sets clearly what" is Poland's
applicants name, local ad- system and guarantees its
dress, grade average, and the j Socialist character. Therefore
names of two faculty mem-: it is clear that freedom of ex
bers for references. 'pression and assembly can
not be used against our So
cialist system.
The newspaper also op
posed student demands that
plainclothes police be re
moved from school campuses
and dormitories.
The newspaper pointed out
in this connection that those
who support the resolution
cannot assure that students
will no longer engage in ille
gal activities.
Lincoln Evening Journal
The first day of spring provided sun bathers and observers with an afternoon pastime.
Citizens suggest International
House for foreign students
1 i
Students campaign
for Green election
A group of University stu
dents who have political af
filiations with the Nebraska
Third District are forming a
prouD to campaign lor me
University students who
would register to vote in the
Third District.
The group will also provide
students with information con-
The new pledges of Joyce
Johnson Squadron of A n g e 1
Flight are: Carolyn Ander
son. Fau Austin. Linda Axel-
sen. Nancy Berne, Susan
Deitemeyer, Kathy D o s e k,
Debbie Dostert, Kathy Dreith,
Dwen Evans. Susan Fifer,
Joy Glaze. Terrie Goddard,
Sixteen citizens represent
ing different facets of the
community are exploring the
possibility of an Internation
al House at the University
of Nebraska.
Only foreign students and
their dependents would be
eligible to live in such quar
ters. Robert Filbeck, chairman
of the group, said at the
group's first meeting that the
purpose of the foreign stu
dent program is not only to
instill knowledge but to es
tablish good personal rela
tions. No University plans
Present building plans at
an International House.
At the group's first meet
ing, it was reported that there
are 206 foreign students at
the University. Of this num
ber, 150 are graduate students,
64 are married and 41 have
their spouse with them.
information that five corpora
tions in this area have pledged
$2.7 million to alleviate poor
housing. These persons are
incorporated as Friends cf
Higher Education. He envis
ioned a high-rise building with
small apartments and a large
It was also reported that the reception area on the main
Another member, Rev.
great majority of foreign stu
dents have limited financial
resources. Most live on S200; ane Hutchinson, said that the
to $250 monthly and most are j Methodists have given serious
currently receiving some form
of financial assistance.
Subsidization needed
Thus, an International
House would probably have
to be subsidized in some
One of the group's members,
the University do not include I Lloyd McDowell, presented
thought to a high-rise build
ing near 33rd and Holdrege
facing the Nebraska Center.
Four points
room for entertainment.
There should be a va
riety of cooking arrange
ments, and
There must be a percen
tage of American students
living in the building.
Mrs. Margaret Brown ask-
.j : r . i . . . .
jju! eu u uie newiy renovaiea jod
Corps Social C e n t e r at 9th
and A Streets could be used
as a temporary structure for
foreign students. The Council
of Churches is now paying the
rent for this building. This
possibility is being investigated.
He emphasized four points:
An International House
must be a beautiful structure.
It must have adequate
Diane Koltes. Kay Kugler, i ed.
election of Rocer L. Green in , cerning registration and ap-
the May 14 primary election, j plications for absentee bal
Green is seeking the Repub-1 ols. Hollinesworth reminded
lican nomination for the
House of Representatives
from the third district.
Rick Hollingsworth. spokes
man for the group, has out
lined the itinerary for the
croups activities. He said that
they are currently seeking in
terested parties who could
vo'unleer some time to help
the group contact voters in
the Third District and inform
them of the candidacy of Mr.
The maior emphasis will be,
concentrated on voting age areas in Southeast Asia.
Donna Lienemann. J e a n i e
Long. Grace Macintosh, Ju
lie Marolf, Kathy Meverle.
: Man- Beth Petersen. Pat
jSchlitt, Ellen Sintek. SheHy
Stinson. Ruth Watson, and
Trudv Watts.
New ofticers of Sigma Al
pha Mu are: John Katelman,
president; Gary Perelman,
vice-president; Leon Poiikov,
pledge trainer; Larry Koom,
treasurer; and Neil Hal
that students should register
to vote when they go home
at Spring Break.
Mr. Green, a native Ne
braskan. is an instructor at j bridge, secretary.
Scottsbluff County College. He j
studied at Chadron State Co- The new officers of Ag Men
lege. Denver University, Col- Co-operative Fraternity are:
orado State University. Aten-,Loren Schulze, president;
eo de Manila University and ! Robert Allen, 1st vice-presi-Hamhne
University. He stu-!dent: David Rd?ers 5nrf
died on a Fulbright Scholar
ship in Southeast Asia and
traveled in South Vietnam.
Thailand. Malaysia and other
Ef fron: McCarthy, Kennedy
campaigning forces cooperate
Continued from Page 1 Ibraska primary, both Krimlors of the campaign who is
The similarity between Mc- and Effron noted that the lover 30.
Carthy's and Kennedys po-1 Senator's success in conserva-j Beneath Clark and Sam
litical views will make it pos- j tive New Hampshire had by j Brown Jr rnm-rtinatnr nf
tar exceeded an expectation. s t u d e n t s For McCarthy
Effron added that during his! gr0UpS across countr
brief visit he had seen more jtnere are thousands of volun
activity in support for Mc- teer WOrkers in each state.
Carthy than for any other aU o whon Krim saidf are
candidate. j concerned about national is-
The individual members of j sues.
Mccannys national cam- Effron noted that the
sible for the two men to work
together against Johnson, Ef
fron said.
"They are in effect two
friends who have to decide
which one of them is going to
slay the dragon," he explain-
Second meeting
The group's second meeting
will be held Tuesday, April
5. at 8 p.m., at the Unitarian
The following people were
present at the meeting: Mc
Dowell, Hutchinson, Filbeck,
Mrs. Brown, The Reverend
Charles Stephen, Mrs. Rowe
na Bovkin. Mrs. Robert Stod-
J dard, Dean Peterson, Mrs.
i Vern Carey. Robert Peterson,
' Albert Schrekinger. Mrs. War
ren Caldwell, Mrs. D. Nelson.
Mrs. M. G. Magnussen, and
Mr. John Baylor.
Students attend
Michigan meeting
The number of co-educa
tional cooperative living
units may be increasing nn
campuses across the nation.
in accord with new trenrls
and developments in the co
operative system, said Uni
versity of Nebraska represen
tatives to the national Inter-
Cooperative Council Confer
The conference, conducted
at Ann Arbor, Michigan, this
month, was marked by con
flict between liberal and con
servative cooperative units.
according to Richard Cor
man of Ag Men Cooperative,
one of the University's representatives.
The conservative element.
with members from Nebras
ka, Missouri, Texas, Purdue,
and Cornell was in contrast
to liberal groups from Michi
gan University, the Universi.
ty of California at Berekeley,
ana Canadian cooperatives.
ne said.
Adjoining units
These more liberal units
advocated, and some are op
erating, co-ed cooperatives
with men and women stu
dents living in adjoining-units,
with common areas for so
cializing. Some problems
were said to develop with
these systems since female
students are not required to
keep hours.
Up to $400 per school year
can be saved by living in
many cooperatives as com
pared to dormitories, so
many students join the rapid
turnover units only to econo
mize, with little thought for
other benefits, according to
the Nebraska representatives.
Developments in Canada
Cooperative organization
has also rapidly developed in
Canada since 1964, with coop
eratives influencing much of
the campus activity. In Mon
treal, for instance, stu
dent groups considered it
necessary to construct a new
student union. The students
presented plans and financial
arrangements to the Admin
istration, which acted upon
their demands.
paign organization have nev
er worked on the national lev
el but have acquired consid
erable experience in state and
local campaigns.
Blair Clark. McCarthy's
campaign manager, is the
only person among the direct-
Cooperation between t n e
campaigning forces of the two
candidates across the nation
has been close, he added.
Krim stated that the Nebras
ka primary was one of the
few in which Kennedy and
McCarthy were actually pit
ted against each other in the
While Kenneay can mi ",,
a campaign from the top. the Ll-Ld IUajOr
New Hampshire primary dem
onstrated that the choice will
be up to the peop'- foT Pri"
maries. according to Krim.
prove not who can manipulate
best but whom the people are
with. ,
Commenting on McCarthy s
chances in the upcoming Ne-
IVhHM r(M mwvtr m an ctandtd ajwtmac m aw bur Kefcrattaai
Mir mi f w r mvt Mi mummm am ar m rumtiM mm
( vlal a claMl! aftTrrttonnm caB Om laframitr af Karaka 47S-ZM
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.... n, BlaaatfWrf almwai aaaar mttl ta I
flw attwm al atf eartna tana a.
41 adrarttaemeata omat aa areaaM arlara
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wurk tuil Ume ttaii summer.
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rnm ruauim Iil and asat
cnopiied. Call !HJ aiwr Wl PM
W.-.I Great 1-aar Mobile Bom tummhed
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ar Compart amaiter tliw ar beat after.
1W.7 Honda JH& Surarhawa. low mil
aar. ewrllrnt condition. Call Mi hard
ifaiT Bonda MIX
nasi atter f a.m.
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fliil'ln r'inm ta mnu. . rnooe
Graduating Senior Wanton!
Want ta wark your way
Ta Europe Ta tha Orient
Pan American Airways
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ftf inforaiatata mi4 appoint
Mutt canto ct tho Placceamt
Office. Alt out pminf far
campM leprowatathro Jaaiart
Km lum! Opaartaaltr :molr
vice-president : Mel M e n k e,
secretary; Brian Beckner,
treasurer; Randy Mehlin, so
cial chairman; Lynn Alexan
der, membership chairman;
Rich Corman, steward; Bob!
Grundman. music chairman; I
Charles Havlicek. activities
chairman; Jim Wobig. ser
vice chairman: Danny
Thompson, chaplain; Gary
Anderson, historian; Dean
Muller and Lewis Rogers,
sports chairmen; Dennis
Muller, pledge trainer; John
Rogers, publicity chairman;
and Ron Gerdes. scholastic
New officers of Tau Kappa
Epsilon are: Larry Teply,
president: Rod Niemann,
vice-president; Jim Jackson,
secretary; Rich Osborne,
treasurer: Dick Kauffman,
scholarship: Dennis Hoffart,
historian; Tom Stuckey, so
cial chairman; Jim Haszard,
pledge trainer.
Coed Follies
Interviews for Coed Folliei
Chairman for next year will
be held Thursday April 4, in
the Union.
Applications are available In
the AWS office, and interested
persons should sign up for an
interview time on the AWS
office door.
Pre-registration for elemen
tary education majors for the
fall semester will be held
Friday, March 29, in the Love
Library Auditorium.
Students who are now se
niors are asked to report at
3:30. Juniors should register
at 4 p.m., and sophomores and
freshmen at 5 p.m. Students
are asked to bring their class
schedules with them.
ganization makes use of all
the help it can receive, par
ticularly from students.
McCarthy's student support
stems not only from a resent
ment of the draft but also for
a desire for a new outlook
and attitude in governing,
Krim ventured. 1
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