Monday, March 25, 1968 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 f AWS congress ... Candidates fa VOF sophomore keys EDITOR'S NOTE: Thig is the third in a four part ser ies of AWS Congressional can didate'! opinions. Wednesdays article will Include the- opin ions of candidates for East Campus, Selleck Quadrangle and Lincoln women. Most of the AWS Congres sional candidates from San doz and Smith Halls and all nine Pound Hall candidate fa vor sophomore key legist tion. Besides the key issue, these candidates base their platforms on whether the jur isdiction of AWS should be expanded. On March 27, each of the three dormitories will elect three AWS congressmen. Sheryl Bresley said that definite legislation toward passing sophomore keys should begin this spring. "Many sophomores are 20 and responsible enough to know when to come in," she stated Speaking of the possibility of expanding AWS jurisdiction, Miss Bresley said, "I think that AWS should not step into areas that could better be handled by IDA." Monica Pokorny expressed her approval of sophomore PERSONAL Hayrack Rides and Outdoor Parties 789-2764 Porter, and Button. Send for Sample and list. MADAM BUTTERFLY'S GIFT SHOP 4609 E. Colfax, Denver, Colo. 80220. keys as she said, "If you are at the University your parents trust you. I don't think the University has any right to try to legislate morals." Miss Pokorny feels that AWS should not expand into areas that could be handled by ASUN, but "if a coed real ly wants to work through aws for expanded goals she should be able to." Dee Rauert remarked. "I am definitely for sophomore keys, because sophomores could use them for activities such as foreign films." She qualified her opinion, however, by saying that soph omore keys "need a lot of thinking about." "AWS should be working in the realm it is now rules should be explicitly laid out." Virginia Ailes also feels that 'sophomores should be extended key privileges. She mentioned that "perhaps a criteria of grade average' should be required for a soph omore to use a key. "Keys for sophomores pro bably won't be legislated un til second semester next year more consideration is needed," she said. "Lose governing power" Miss Ailes felt that expand ing AWS jurisdiction migni "lose the governing power that AWS does have." Corliss Coulthard said that because "most college girls are old enough to decide how to run their lives, they are old enough to handle a key. "Probably we will have to wait until next fall for legisla tion," she said, "but key should be checked into this summer." Betty Loers also favors sophomore keys. "If the key system should prove too cum bersome, a pilot program adopting a new system should be devised," she noted. Do more for women DeAnn Erks believes that AWS has "been a very ef fective organization and should be expanded to do more for the women of this University." Miss Erks also said that coeds want sophomore keys, and if elected she would work toward sophomore key legis lation. Sandv Wegener said, "Soph omore kevs definitely. It won't be possible to legislate sophomore keys before n e x vear. however, because set ting up the new AWS struc ture will take time." Revise hours schedule Kathv Meyede said, "An in vestigation into key and card systems on other campuses should be conducted before any legislation is passed." Alterations, Ironing and hems dons In my horns. 4324431. Hale roommate wanted 4234113 svs-mn. FOR SALE 1965 Honda 95 A and 196 Caprice full power with air, 2 door hardtop with bncket seats. Call Mr. Anderson 477-4481. 1968 450 CC Honds, 4.000 miles, High risers custom pipes and seat, been chopped. Call 4W-0661 after :00 P.M. 1951 Great Lakea Mobile Home furnished or onfumlshed. $1599 4774497. Sears Compart Scooter $130 or best offer, 4139 No. 12th. lw7 Honda 305 sunerhswk. low mile ate, excellent condition. Call Richard Lane, 435-6528. FOR RENT 123 No. Kith. Almost new t duplex. Close to campus. MS, Phona 477-3092. HELP WANTED Part tun daytime employment Start at 81.60 an hour. Fnshmaa or sophomore preferred. Call Mr, Ooodban. 478-1278. Wallpaper the room with your face BLOW YOURSELF UP TO POSTER SIZE Semi in on, black t whlra'er color npshrt. We'll Haw H up t J It. x 1 ft. (Poller Sin). 4.7J far Mt, H.M far each additional from torn ahote. Inquire t quantity arte, araup rates and pclal prelects. Orltlnol phot 'returned. Add Me for handllnt. OPERATION BLO-UP, INC. 3 PMMVhanla Av S.I. Waihlniten, D.C. MOM FUN WORKING IN EUROPE l iff vj , LL. W . . 1 m P jdb X-'V -:.. 3 tta)MlMa - - ? GUARANTEED JOBS ABROAD! Get paid, travel, meet people. Summer and year 'round jobs for young people 17 to 40. For UluTatcd magazine with complete details and -PPhcaticni iend tl 00 to The International Student Information Service (ISIS), U3, rue Hotel del Monnaiet , Bnu eU 6, Belgium. Solitaries Band 130 from $135 A That your slmpls, elesant aolltatr becomes sn exclt mf new creation. Choose your est from the too styles at Lincoln's JsweUrt Sine 1909. Stnrtni Lincoln Sins 1905 I1M "0" STRUT MGISTTMB JewUKS AMIRICAN OXM SOCIITV Your Official Orange Blossom, Artcarved, and Columbia Dealer If you're going to Europe this summer, the best way to get there is on the Nebraska Union European Flight. i f v v 1967 tfcfcrcska European Flight Group S4C3 from Uncelii to Imi&n end Return 12 June through 26 August Interest meeting Thursday. April 4, 7:00 p.m. Nebraska Union. Fii details and films ef Europe. "Rather than extending keys to sophomores, I believe a revised hours schedule, es pecially on week days, would be more feasible," she said. Should wait for privilege The four Sandoz candidates took differing views on soph omore keys. Jana Miller said she was not in favor of soph omore keys. She feared a lack of co-operation with parents and administration. "Keys are a privilege that everybody should have to wait for," Miss Miller contended. Kathy Armstronf feels that sophomores "are responsible enough for a system of ex tended hours other systems besides keys should be re viewed," she said. Marcia Hoffman expressed her approval of sophomore keys "with parental permis sion, under the provisions pre sently used for junior and sen ior keys." INTER-VARSITY - 8 a.m. BAPTIST STUDENT UN ION -8 a.m. PLACEMENT LUNCHEON 12:30 p.m. 4TH YEAR A.I.A. SEMIN AR 1:30 p.m. BUILDERS-SPECIAL EDI TION 2:30 p.m. Panhellenic 3:30 p.m. BUILDERS CALENDAR AND DIRECTORY-3:30 p.m. GREEK WEEK 4 p.m. TASSELS 4:30 p.m. UNION FILM COMMITTEE 4:30 p.m. DESERET CLUB-5 p.m. TOWNE CLUB-6:30 p.m. UNICORNS-7 p.m. MATHEMATICS COUNSE LORS 7:30 p.m. TOWNE CLUB-8 p.m. PHILOSOPHY DEPART MENT "Professor Irving L. Block" 8:30 p.m. EAST UNION CONTEM PORARY ARTS 4 p.m. YWCA slates marriage talk Aspects of marriage are being discussed during a sem inar on marriage sponsored bv the YWCA Love and Mar riage Committee on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Tuesday Dr. Robert Palm er, minister from West minster Presbyterian Church, will discuss the spiritual and personal aspects of marriage. The economic aspects of marriage will be the final subject presented on April 2, by Mrs. Robert Knaub. Nebraskan Advertising Brings Results Read Nebraskan Want Ads CAMPUS UNDERGROUND (Spoofer Shop) ALL POSTER V OFF 1032 O St. 477-3287 ANYTIME IS POPCORN TIME! P'llLaSBaL? il R Sit3 Caramel Corn Cheett Com Popcorn Balls CLIFTON'S CORN CRIB 11 SO No. 48th Across frem Volkswagen This Week In The Union TRAVEL TO EUROPE WITH THE NEBRASKA UNION EUROPEAN FLIGHT. THERE WILL BE AN INTEREST MEETING ON APRIL 4 FOR THOSE CONTEMPLATING EUROPEAN TRAVEL FOR MORE INFORMATION -ROOM 136, NEBRASKA UNION. Wednesday, March 27 Union Foreign Films Com mittee presents "A Matter of Resistance." Sunday, April 7 Union Music Committee presents the "Chicago Little Symphony" Union Ballroom 8:00 P.M. Free tickets at Union desk. April 14-18 Ski Trip to Aspen $62.50 buys your way Today is the last day to sign up! WEEKEND FILM THE WORLD 0 HENRY ORIENT 50c and ID filing llMiritea mm. Until you do, you won't have time for much else! During 1967, 6,195 people in this area tsho didn't have lime took the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics course. These were the really busy people. Men and women whose professions were so demanding whose responsibilities were so overwhelming that they simply had to do something to create more hours in the day. Many were college students who had found that .their academic pursuits left no time for anything else. 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You may win a free scholarship. j OMAHA LINCOLN Reading Dynamics, 202 South 71 St. Reading Dynamics 1M1 Street Mon., March 25, 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. Mon., March 25, 4:00 & 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, 4:00 Cr 7:30 p.m. -; Wednesday, March 27, 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, 4:00 Gr 7:30 p.m. - j SptMSoradbfLYCIUM 1601 "P" Stmt Lincoln, NebrMa 66501 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 435-2168 Or Moil This Coupon Today PERFORMANCE WARRANTY Hm EttJys) VnI Rtadlnf Dyiimlcf IaitltuU fUtgH to tnenu studtnCi Hiding tffldtocy if at least thrw time. The Instituta. win refund Pp!Ti tntlra tuition if, after completing minimum elan aad atady nqalremratf, ha fallf to trlpla fe!a nadisg sjfflcttacjr at wm& by our bca lug aad tcdlng tests . Reading fficiancy comkiaM rata and comprahantioa net ipatd aloaa. SPRING CLASSES START CWIAIIA-March 30 UNCOLN-March 28 TO. 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