' P.:. sn rr"w P rr. n an pt IJllUU i.l ::. Monday, March 25, 1968 The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 91, No. 84 HThe M ! ALU Inr NAACP faces problems with Lincoln branch by Jim Evinger Senior Staff Writer Attempts by the Lincoln chap ter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to establish a youth branch met definite prob lems at its Sunday meeting. Charles Mays, NAACP regional representative for the youth and college division, outlined what a youth organization in Lincoln could do to solve problems facing the Negro community. Most of the young adults who attended were University students, and the majority of them were white. It was agreed that the youth branch should be made up of Lin coln teenagers who could work on projects and provide their own leadership. Part of the problem in organi zing a youth branch is that the Lincoln NAACP branch is inef fective, according to Dr. Patrick Wells, Lincoln branch president, and a member of the University College of Pharmacy. Wells said that at the monthly meetings only six adults regular ly attend. He expressed his frus- Pillar talk . . . mm J'--- '$mn.0k ; k., A v.-..; r." I . - J:rSwi, '' K V i - LL " 1 '-'x , r '-. ., r phote by Dal Lately Open issues prompt formation of CSP tration in that often the group finds itself duplicating efforts of other organizations to help L i n coln's Negroes. A young Negro history teacher at Union College in Lincoln said the Lincoln branch should become more relevant to the Negro com munity by helping high school students find jobs and get into college. Well replied there are other agencies in town which can and actually do a more effective job of aiding the Negroes than the NAACP. Mays listed four areas in which youth branch could work: work for the inclusion of text books in the Lincoln public school system which include Negro his tory and are multi-cultural. work for the passage of a minimum housing code, similar to the one which was defeated last fall by Lincoln voters. work to establish a counseling service in the Lincoln school sys tem which would provide aca d e m i c counseling, job referral service, and encourage Negro youth to go on to college. work to improve the employ ment situation for Negroes in Lin coln. Mays said the situation was not too bad. but there was a de gree of underemployment. 'Burn someone' One Negro University student said before the local NAACP chap ter could be effective, it would be necessary to "burn" someone. He said this meant legal prose cution of someone in Lincoln who had actually discriminated against minority groups in the area of housing or employment. Wells answered by saying noth ing would please him more than to have someone file a complaint "with him regarding such an in stance of actual discrimination. Mays 6aid there are govern ment funds available for p u b 1 uc school systems to replace out dated textbooks with those which are not simply white culturally oriented. i 1 it if i mi in ii i iii - - i hi -in in i - 'km'i:'" t rtn Photo by Du Ladeljr A city policeman is stopped by a University "bunny" collecting donations for the Easter Seal campaign. Uni versity volunteers solicited support from Lincoln citizens downtown March 16 and 23. Absurdity depicted in Williams' play Senatorial candidates worried about open issues of the spring Student Senate campaign have formed the Concerned Students' Party (CSP) to oppose the only other declared party candidates, Party for Student Action (PSA). Party Chairman Mike Nelson, who is also a candidate for sena tor from Teachers College, cited several reasons for the formation of the group: To form a coordinated cam paign, organizing for the candi dates running on the CSP slate; To agree as much as possible within the party on major issues to form a united front; To bring to attention cam paign issues that would not be ac tively discussed with just one party organized running. Senate's candidates presently slated with CSP from Teachers' College are Suone Cotner, Mary Lynne Nelson, Chairman Nelson, and Gary Toebben. Slated from Arts and Sciences are Dan Goodenberger, Ronald F. Pfeifer, Joe Voboril, Tom Lonn quist and Bill Mobley. Steve Fuchser and Jerry Sieck represent Business College and Bill Chaloupka and Del Stork are from Engineering and Archi tecture. Since CSP candidates do not now support any executive slate, their platform will be based on Senate-student oriented questions, said Nelson. Included in the platform are statements on campus communi cations, Senatorial leadership, stu dent living environment, the Bill of Rights, and student political involvement. Nelson said he thought that CSP candidates would be able to include their party affiliation on the ballots, and Chuck Wagner, campaign chairman, said he thought more CSP candidates would be announced at a later date. T-Town unfortunate He also said it was unfortunate that in a city the size of Lincoln with such a relatively small Ne gro population, that an area such as "T-Town" exists. The tense situation created by the University expansion into the M a 1 o n e area is also a definite problem, Mays noted. Problems exist in Lincoln, he said, but not to any great extent as in the large urban cities. He said the corollary of this fact is that the problems are often played down. The consensus of the nearly forty people in attendance was chat those youth in Lincoln who should form the body of a youth branch were not at the meeting and that nothing could be or ganized or accomplished until those youths could be contacted. The absurdity of life provides material for "The Monastery," a 3-act tragi-comedy being per formed at 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the University Theatre in Room 203 Temple. The lab play is a thesis produc tion, written by Mance Williams and directed by Xan Johnson, graduate student at the Univer sity. "The Monastery" is a timely and bold statement about the world situation today. Director Xan Johnson said. The action takes place in an abandoned monastery in South America sometime within the last fifty years. Three soldiers in their early twenty's have stopped there returning from a scouting mission to find rebels Diego, played by Mike Gruett, is the sergeant. He is a leader Library to open The Record Lending Library in the Union Programming Office will be open Monday through Friday from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., starting March 25. The library's stock includes al bums of all types of music, from classical to rock and from jazz to easy listening. Records may be checked out for two weeks at a time. The library is situated in the back room of the Program Office in the southeast corner of the first floor of the Union. The Union Music Committee sponsors the library. McCarthy backers to begin work 100 NU student supporters to distribute literature in Union WW.WrtWrtVWWiWiV Harold Stassen, a peren- nial Republican hopeful tor J the presidential nomination, will speak at the University Thursday at 3:30 p.m., ac- J cording to Carol Madson, Union Talks and Topic Com- 5 mittee chairman, f Slassen, former governor of Pennsylvania, will speak u in the Union Ballroom, ac- 5 cording to Miss Madson. it Stassen loins Ronald Rea- ? gan, Richard Nixon and Americus Liberator on the Nebraska Republican pri mary ballot. r.VWW.VW.WW'lWWVW.'i Members of the University's Students for McCarthy chapter will begin work this week for Sen. Eugene McCarthy's Nebraska campaign, group treasurer Ed Hilz, said Sunday. The organizational meeting Thursday night attracted more than 100 student supporters of the apsirant who hopes to snatch the Democratic presidential nomina ton from President Lyndon John son. Hilz said this group will be gin the "leg work for the cam paign." Eighty-five students who signed cards indicating they would work will begin distributing McCarthy literature and work at the group's Nebraska Union booth, he said. Publicity committee He said the students were sub divided into publicity and finance committees with the greater per centage in the publicity commit tee. The group would seek to obtain the names of approximately 150. 000 registered Democrats in both Lancaster and Douglas Counties throughout this week, Hilz said. Once the names are obtained, they would be transferred to in dex cards and literature would be sent to these persons, he added. All political chores "We will be doing mostly can vassing, typing, mimeographing and all political chores in the campaign," he said. "We aren't aiming for any spe cific number of followers we are just going to conduct an ef ficient campaign for McCarthy," he explained. Siese the University's chapter is one of the largest McCarthy stu dent chapters in Nebraska and is closest to the Lincoln McCarthy headquarters, the local group will be doing much of the statewide student work, he said. Other student chapters Other S t u d e n t for McCarthy chapters have been formed at Dther groups will be organized soon at Kearney, Chadron. Peru lege, Doane College and Creigh ton University, which will handle the Omaha metropolitan area. Wayne State College, Dana Col- and other state colleges. Hilz said there would be close relations and cooperation with all the student Nebraska chapters. He said "The students across Nebras ka will conduct the most effec tive McCarthy campaign in t h e state." "We hope we will give the Ne braska voters the same impres sion student groups did in N e w Hampshire." be said in explaining that the student groups will dis seminate across Nebraska spread i n g information and literature statewide. New Hampshire primary In the March 12 New Htmpshire presidential primary, McCarthy, who had nripinallv hoon mantul -(1 www - 'i J , J to receive no more than 15 or 20 per cent response, obtained al most 42 per cent of the Demo. ijiiuc vuie. Hilz said the statewide student' groups, with headquarters in Lin coln, would work closely with Mc C a r t h y's statewide campaign headquarters in Omaha. Although he could not specify a date, the local treasurer said McCarthy would probably begin his Nebraska campaign" in person after the April 2 Wisconsin presi dential primary. Personal appearances Since there are no state pri nt a r i e s between the Wisconsin mock ballot and Nebraska's May 14 election, he expected the Min nesota Democrat to make several personal appearances in the state. "We have a very good chance to win in Nebraska, Hilz said, since only President Johnson and New York Senator Robert Ken nedy, will provide the Minnesota Senior Senator with competition. "Kennedy didn't enter the slate election soon enough to have any delegates pledged to him," he explained. al- McCarthy approval Hilz added that McCarthy lias acknowledged "his approval of the iocal chapter, which is similar to numerous other student followings nationwide. "We feel our group will or ganize an effective campaign and., will accomplish a lot of work in the future," he said. who cannot lead and procrastin ates, trying to stay in the mon astery because he finds a sense of security there. Sanchez, played by Bob Flaugh er, is the tool of society. He is very anxious to get back to the everyday world. Perfino, played by Bill Turek, provides the comic-relief in t h e play. He is oblivious to the true situation and sees anything that comes in the way of his physical comfort as a danger to his se curity. The arena presentation is de signed to produce audience em pathy. The audience enters t h t theater through the door of the monastery. Three isolated statues provide the only scenery. Johnson said the audience will be urged to participate in a discus sion of impressions and reactions with the writer and the director after the play. imHHiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiii.miwiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMiiii On Campus ... Today I The YWCA Love and Mar riage Committee will sponsor a seminar on marriage Tues day at 8 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Dr. Robert Palmer, minister of Westminster Pres byterian Church, will speak cfl tbe "Spiritual and Person al Aspects of Marralge." Tbe Air Force Officers Se lection Team will be on cam pus Wednesday and Thursday March 27-28 to Interview In terested students. Captaia Bruce R. Meiser will be In terviewing for pilot and navi gator positions, and men for rlectricaL mechanical, astro nautical, and aeronautical jobs. WAF Captain Steeler will also be interviewing all interested women applicants. An organizational meeting of the Students For Kennedy will be held Tuesday night at p.m. In the Nebraska Union. Loren E, Casement, instruc tor of Economics, w ill be tbe group's advisor and will speak ai the meeting. I a. t f r i t f . if h i KM "IT."