The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1968, Image 1

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MAR 22 li
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Friday, March 22, 1968
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 91, No. 83
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Charles Marxer . . .
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Resistance Union opposes
by Kent Cockson
Senior Staff Writer
The Nebraska Draft Resistance
Union (NDRU) will support men
eligible for the draft who want to
actively and publicly oppose mili
tary conscription, according to
Charles Marxer, visiting instructor
in philosophy and organizer of the
- Marxer told students packed into
the Nebraska Union lobby Thurs
day afternoon for Hyde Park that
the United States, by "adamantly
pursuing a military solution to a
basically political problem, has em
barked on a course of genocide, the
ultimate crime against humanity." ,
He added that the Selective Ser-.
vice System is obviously one of the
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pnolo by Jim Shaw
Visiting professor of philosophy, Charles Marxer, speaks at
Hyde Park on "the unjust war and draft."
Senator to check
Greek segregation
Proposes investigation
of de facto conditions
' Student Senator Tom Greer in
troduced a resolution in Senate
Wednesday which he hopes will
spur IFC and Panhellenic to seek
ways to end what he terms the
de facto segregation in the Greek
Greer's resolution would have
' Senate direct IFC and Panhellenic
to set up procedures to investigate
' discrimination in , selection Qf
, Greer said Thursday there was"
an implied threat in the resolu
tion, adding that the resolution is
only a request.
"I think Senate has the consti
tutional right to involve itself in
cleaning up the situation iri the
' Greek system if nothing comes
-from "an investigation," Greer
Illinois takes steps
' He referred to recent actions by
the IFC and Panhellenic organiza
tions at the University of Illinois
which took steps to end discrimi
principle instruments used to ser
vice the gigantic military machine
in this country, where "war itself
has become the social system."
Conscription was dirty word
"We . . . are serving notice here
and now that we have had it with
this system. There is nothing demo
cratic about it; there is nothing gen
uinely American about it. Con
scription was a dirty word to the
founders of this nation," he said.
Last week Col. Lee Ligget of the
Nebraska Selective Service told
East Campus students that he was
proud of Nebraska students be
cause not one draft card bearing a
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natory pledging and the blackball
He hoped an investigation would
lead to something similar and
achieve the same ends.
Sid Logemann, president of IFC,
answered Greer's statement say
ing he does not think Senate has
the authority to enter in and re
quire action. '
Logemann said Greer's request
is well taken, but added that since
the Board of Regents grants a
charter to the IFC, he sees the
possibility of Senate entering into
the matter as irrevelant.
Legislation wont help
"I know of no legislation, either
by IFC or Senate, that is going
to end de facto , segregation,"
Logemann said.
He said that simply ending the
blackball system will not solve
the problem. -
"In almost all cases I think the
men of a house will respect the
majority decision of the members,"
he said.
II-S deferment had been returned to
his office.
Doesn't share pride
Marxer said that he could not
share Col. Ligget's pride.
"At a time when our nation's hon
or and morality are being sabo
taged by a criminal military ad
venture, the failure of its honest
and alarmed citizens to step for
ward in active protest can only be
a source of profound shame;" he
"Tell us the draft is necessary to
maintain the armies, tell us it is
needed to keep the economy hum
ming, tell us it is needed to provide
jobs for and social control over un
ruly disadvantaged youth.. '. '. but
don't tell us it is democratic," he
said, "or you will make us sick to
our stomachs."
Deny cooperation
He said that the NDRU does not
have much power yet, but that it
can deny cooperation and complic
ity to institutions that seek to con
trol is members, and "you can't
fight a war without bodies,"
Marxer cited the Stockholm War
Crimes Tribunal verdict last sum
mer regarding the presence of the
United States in Vietnam. It said
that the U.S. is guilty of crimes"'
against the peace, war crimes and
crimes against humanity.
"We are forced to concede, much
against our will and inclination, tha
the Stockholm verdict is sound," he
Marxer, who said before he de
livered his prepared statement that
' he was not a pacifist, added thai
protesting against the war is not
Build resistance
He said that he intends to build
well-organized resistance to the war
and the draft through education con
cerning the injustice and illegality
that are allegedly involved and by
organizing a public vehicle for pro
test. NDRU supports returning of draft
cards, draft card burning, non-registration,
non-cooperation and in
duction refusal, Marxer said.
He added that the group is "labor
ing along" at the moment to find
more members and raise funds to
finance the organization of the unio
and establishment of a local office.
iNced help
When the floor was opened for
questions, one student said that the
organization will need experienced
adult help to get off the ground, and
added that the NDRU will need good
solid evidence to get adult interest.
Marxer agreed that the statement
was true if the programs of the
NDRU are to be extended to stu
dents throughout the summer and
next year, and added that he hoped
faculty members would step forwar
to support the organization.
Royce Knapp, a faculty member
and Regent's Professor of Educa
tion stepped forward, but it wasn't
to support Marxer's statements.
Disagreement voiced
"I disagree completely with the
idea that we should encourage you
to break the law," he told the audi
ence. "I would be glad if you would
try to influence the President and
the senators within the law without
it, you have anarchy."
Knapp added that he thought he
represented a larger per cent of
the faculty than Marxer did.
The philosophy Instructor re
plied that the union does not have
time to change the law, that some
of the graduate students will be
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On Campus Today
The Nebraska Union weekend
film is "Lord Jim." It will be pre
sented at 7 and 9 p.m. Friday and
at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Admission is
50 cents.
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The Cross Winds Coffehouse will
be open Friday from 8 until 12
p.m. The Coffeehouse is located
at 1233 F St.
' The Hillel Foundation will pre
sent singeis Joe and Penny Aron
son Saturday in the Union Ball
room from 8 until 10 p.m.
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Pi Mu Epsilon mathematics
honorary at the University will
inducted in June when the new
graduate deferments law goes into
'Accomplices to slaughter'
"We cannot become accomplices
to this slaughter when we think
it is wrong. We are ordered to kill
Vietnamese and we cannot do it,"
he said.
Knapp returned to say that the
due process "by which we live" is
more important than the Vietnam
wars, we would not have Hyde
"You should obey your consci
ence if you do not agree with the
law, but when you as a group in
dicate to people that they should
burn their draft cards, you must
tell them the price they will have
to pay," he said.
Voice resistance
Marxer said that laying
down our arms in Vietnam, we
could save many American and
Vietnamese lives. But he added
that he is not suggesting that the
U.S. lay down all its arms, but
that he is merely inviting men to
voice their resistance to what he
called an unjust war and the
draft. -. '
"I don't believe that conscrip
tion is justified except in a case
of dire national emergency. When
conscription is imposed it leaves
the door open for the destruction
of all our democratic insitutions,"
he added.
Marxer said that he would be
willing to support the war in Viet
nam if the defense of the United
States were at stake, which he
claims it is not.
Army of volunteers
When he was asked about the
feasibility of an army of volun
teers which he advocates, Marxer
said that he is convinced that with
the proper compensation to mili
tary officers (probably meaning
recruiters), the army would suc
ceed in signing a sufficient num
ber of volunteers as was done dur
ing the Civil War.
Marxer said that the U.S. got
into Vietnam unilaterally, and that
would be the best way to get out.
He refused to admit that such a
withdrawal could not be carried
out quickly and satisfactorily.
"I will be just as ready to con
demn terrorism on the part of the
Viet Cong as I do against the
Americans. However it is one
question for Vietnamese to kill
Vietnamese, but it is another thing
for Americans to kill Vietnamese,"
he said.
Residential colleges
plans to proceed??
The finished report of the
Residential College Commit
tee will probably be re
viewed early next week by
Vice Chancellor Mcrk Hob
son, dean of faculties.
Hobson, who has been
busy with University budget
plans, said the report has
been finished for the past
two weeks, but he has not
had time to review it.
The report deals with a
proposal for a residential
college to og into effect next
fall for incoming University
The Residential College
Committee is a part of the
chancellor's Centennial Col
lege Committee.
conduct its annual prize examina
tion Saturday from 9 a.m. until
noon. The competition will be held
in room 108 Burnett Hall. Students
enrolled in Math 114 are eligible
for Exam I, and students enrolled
in Math 115, 116, or 131 are eligi
ble for Exam II.
it it it
The Inter-Varsity Christian Fel
lowship is sponsoring a film, "A
Time for Burning." It will be
shown at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the
Union. -
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Sigma Delta Chi, men's journa
lism honorary, will meet' Sunday
at 1:30 p.m. in the Nebraska
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Daily Nebraskan Spring Fashion Issue! See inside
pages for a picture preview of the new elothes
for the season.
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Housing office
lacks controls
Unapproved housing
confusing to students
bv Jim Evinger
Senior Staff Writer
The University Housing Office
lacks effective controls regarding
unapproved off-campus housing
and discriminatory landlords. Ed
ward M. Bryan, housing office di
rector, said Thursday.
Bryan was responding to a reso
lution introduced Wednesday in
Student Senate by Sen. Tom Greer
which stated: Be it resolved that
the University Housing Office set
down and enforce specific rules
concerning discrimination by land
lords of approved University hous
ing. He explained that situations do
exist where a foreign or Negro stu
dent will attempt to find housing
and be refused by a discriminating
Student files protest
If the student files a protest
with the Housing Office the land
lord is removed from the office's
list of approved housing, Bryan
He explained that often an up
perclassman or graduate student
will then come to that landlord not
knowing of the unapproved status
and be rented the same dwelling
which had earlier been refused.
Bryan added each student can
find his own housing and then
have it approved or rejected by
the Housing Office.
Discover student's house
He said the problem lies in the
fact that it may be months after
the student actually takes resi
dence in the unapproved dwelling
before the Housing Office is able
to discover that the student is liv
ing in such housing.
The Housing Office does not have
the staff or the control to check
instances of discrimination and the
renting of unapproved housing,
Bryan replied.
He added that such situations do
upset him and he would like to
see effective controls and specific
rules established, as well as hav
ing the staff to enforce the poli
cy. University's reply
Greer's statement that "when a
white student moves into that hous
ing .. . the University puis the
residence back on the approved
list" was answered by Bryan say
ing the University definitely does
not place the dwelling back on the
approved list because a University
student was able to obtain housing
The National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) is seeking to establish a
chapter at the University, and an
organizational meeting is scheduled
for March 24 at the Malone Com
munity Center.
Dr. Patrick R. Wells of the Uni
versity of Nebraska College of
Pharmacy and president of the
Lincoln chapter of the NAACP ex
pressed hope that a substantial
number of both Negro and white
students will attend the meeting.
Charles E. Mays, NAACP Region
IV representative for youth, will
discuss the organizational procedures.
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