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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1968)
? . V Monday, March 18, 1968 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 IDA Council passes Choice 968 resolution . . . Offers polling space The Inter-Dormitory Asso ciation (IDA) Council passed a resolution Thursday endors ing Choice '68, a mock Pres idential election primary for the nation's colleges and of fering dormitory facilities for polling places. The IDA thus joins four campus organizations, The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraskans for Young Adult Suffrage (NFYAS), Young Democrats and Young Republicans, in sponsoring the primary elec tion after the Student Senate voted down ASUN sponsor Bhip March 6. The resolution was given to Brian Ridenour, chairman of the IDA administrative coor dinating committee, who said the IDA would work closely with the other groups in spon soring the vote. Ridenour, past IDA Presi dent, said college students have a level of maturity and Chaplains give dialogue on boys training school by Kent Cockson Senior Staff Writer God involve us. That was how the litany of concern was intoned at St. Mark's - on - the - Campus Wednesday evening. And the pattern of responses was brok en only by the dialogue ser mon presented by Father John Scott and the Rev. Ron ald Hennies. Both are chaplains at Kear ney State College and had been affiliated with the State Boys Training School there before they were fired for raising controversy about the administration of the school's program. The litany, written by three University students, asked that people be led away "from massive, sensational, 16-millimeter spectacles filling the gospel gap, from love that only strokes and smoth ers," and from other prob lems dealing with social in justice, war and personal val ues. In his part of the sermon, Rev. Hennies' keynote was "to live is to be spoken to, and to be alive is to respond." Hennies refers to boys Rev. Hennies was referring to the condition of the boys at the school. He said that his criticism of the school's pro gram has "unwittingly em broiled me in a conflict of personalities." He said that his basic criti cism of the school is that it has become an institution which is an end in itself hav ing goals that are solely in stitutional, bearing punish ment and not rehabilitation on the boys committed there. "You can't realize how seri ous the situation is unless you know that 50 per cent of the boys there are returnees. They are all thrown into a popcorn popper with no qualifications and are expected to come out edible products in society. This is impossible." "God forbid that the world be filled with these robots rfho lack the basic qualities PERSONAL Hayrack Hides and Outdoor Parties 789-2764 Mala roommate wanted 4J3-41IJ eve inn. rnwnlilr Pnatera, pyaehadellc SM t-natars and " " "' E them then you dnn't want thTn. wnd Er wmrS.Ynd H-t MAnAM BimK. oirr shop. w K. Coi. Denver. Colo. aom HELP WANTED National eompmjr need, two eolleee turn In work part time now and full time this dammar. 4-414. STUDENT eMHUTyMENT Sb VsHsW' lone and all U.S. National Park.. Booklet where end hnw 2!,y Bend 11 .00 to Arnold Aaencr, Main, Bexborf. Idaho, M440. aionehyaeli guarantee. FOR SALE lm Honda W A and 1M Caprice roll . i.u -i- Atmr hardtop With hurket aeate. Call Mr. Anderson 477-4401. rentier nandmarter Amp. AIo FndT Jaumaattf uttr. Call 4fle-9"M. Miw mohlla noma 4tf . r "0"dl- Ili.nwJ on private Int. 477-180. B.rtirU 770 Tapa RarnrOr, On pair II III. Mll-CiT"lli education qualifying them to intelligently vote on national political issues. In agreeing to co-sponsor the mock election, IDA Pres ident Bruce Bailey said the IDA feels the topic will be interesting for University stu dents. In other IDA business, the Council passed a resolution recommending the housing of fice allow representatives from NFYAS to solicit funds from dormitory residents. Bob Beckman, NFYAs fi nancial chairman, told the Council his organization, which hopes to have Nebras ka voters approve a consti ing the Nebraska voting age to 19, would like to solicit three days this week in the residence halls. A . resolution, expressing IDA support of the IDA hours, of humanity," he said. Boys totally confined 'We have been cut off, and those boys have been totally confined in the institution. I question if this is right to shut them up to prepare them to return to a 'civilized' so ciety," he said. Rev. Hennies said that the institution must have more qualified staff personnel for the boys who now are "bet ter teachers of each other than the adults with whom they have limited contact. 'Punishment is not the an swer. They need rehabilita tion, love, motivation , and qualified relationships to make them human beings, bneiving them accomplishes less than nothing," he said. Ft. Scott, providing the sec ond half of the sermon, asked, "What is your reason for liv ing?" Government to stay in higher education continued from pg. 1 Estimates on the federal government's share of sup port for nigner eciucauon within the next ten years range from a conservative one third to an optimistic one half of the total, according to Miller. "Tt seems safe to say that government ties with higher education are here to stay, and likely to assume even greater proportions than they have now," he stated. The government wants something In return for its financial backing, Miller said. Quoting from a recent mes khpp hv the President to Congress, he said, "as never before, we look to the colleges and universities for help with everv nroblem in our society and with the efforts we ar making toward peace in the world." Institutions of higher educa tion, according to Miller, have a basic, two-fold responsibil ity towards the nation. The first is a commitment to excellence, representing discerning approaches to well chosen goals. This, Miller explained, will mean relating and coordina ting nrolects and overcoming a tendency to react rather than to act on the part of institutions of higher learning, Miller explained. Planning Involves a dual re sponsibility, Miller pointed out. "Government, which will decide so much by where it puts its money, must have a policy. The academic com munity must do its part in icy," he commented. The seconu responsiuiuiy of higher education is to form an appropriate commitment ANYTIME IS POPCORN TIME! l, ... j . r--r.'-s" 'Z. '1 f "I I Fi which became effective Mon day, was passed by the Coun cil. The IDA hours passed, as did the open house policy by the Faculty Senate Commit tee on Student Affairs estab lishing informal exchanges on an educational and social lev el. The Council approved the appointment of Dan Smith from Cather Hall as IDA par liamentarian. Abel-S a n d o z President Richard Page announced the Abel-Sandoz Spring Fling to a dude ranch in Colorado sch eduled for spring vacation had been cancelled due to a lack of interest. Reesa Almy, chairman of the IDA constitutional conven tion committee told Council members, the committee would report Thursday on proposed changes to the con stitution. He spoke of a Negro boy at the training school who had seen three administrators on the same day about "getting out," only to have his requests forgotten because of indiffer ence. Fr. Scott quoted the boy as saying, "I don't think anyone knows I'm up here, and I don't think anybody gives a damn." "You see this and you ask yourself, 'What does life mean in relation to this situation? What must I do to make it mean something?' 'Involvement necessary' "We face a serious prob lem: does your first loyalty lie with the institution, any institution, or to yourself? I don't think I could call my self a man unless I were in volved," he said. Following the litany, Fr. Scott said that the school's to public service, Miller said. The more Important aspect of educational "service" in the modern community . . . has two facets. First is de fining and analyzing public needs and second, "teaching the discipline of civic choice making which, In the end solves or fails to solve soci ety's problems, "Miller stated He explained that up to now nobody has been willing to re ward college and university people in turning out to com munity work and this has in part produced a certain unre sponsiveness to the surround ing society. "There Is a lack of estab lished linkages between the institution of higher learning and the modern community," Miller noted. "The disorganization of the modern city is a challenge nolnf whprA thp nrnner nlHcpn of government and higher ed ucation converge," Miller noted. He explained that govern ment must act In face of the chaos of the urban ghettos and the institution of higher learning must discover, or ganize, and distribute the knowledge which will be the basis of such action. A framework within which innovation can be generated is needed since the urban cy cle is tied up with failures in education, according to Mil ler. "The knowledge that can bring power to the powerless exists, but we we of gov ernment and we of higher ed ucation can't seem to get it to the right people," Mil ler stated. Caramel Cora Cheese Cora Popcorn lalli CLIFTON'S CORN CRIB 1150 No. 48h Across from Vetkiwoeen fffimjjsm MONDAY, MARCH INTER-VARISTY 8 a.m. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION 8 a.m. PLACEMENT LUNCHEON 12:30 p.m. BUILDERS SPECIAL EDI TION 2:30 p.m. PANHELLENIC 3: 30 p.m. BUILDERS CALENDAR & DIRECTORY 3:30 p.m. TASSELS-4:30 p.m. Creighton to host rally for McCarthy A rally of Nebraska college students backing Sen. Eugene McCarthy for the Democratic nomination for president will be held at Creighton Univer sity Tuesday. The rally will be held ai 7:30 p.m. in the Becker Hall dining room, according to Gene Pokorny, Nebraska stu dent coordinator for McCar thy. Appearing will be California Congressman Don Edwards who was the first congress man to endorse McCarthy's sermon conflict staff is not able to counter act the influence the boys have on each other, and that this is the greatest single in fluence in the controversy. Bids are being taken on a new $200,000 intensive care clinic for the school, and Fr. Scott questioned the success of such a clinic without first building an adequate staff. "We haven't been able to get a clinical psychologist for three years. It seems to me that you have to have a staff first ... the time for such a clinic is premature," he said. Money needed for centers He added that if the money were spent to build centers in the areas where the problems originate, such as in the trouble sections of Omaha, the numbers committed to the training school would be cut in half. "You can't prepare a boy to return to a minority hous ing section by sending him to a penal institution," Rev. Hen nies added. You cannot teach boys to respond to authority in one way and to feel an other way." Both men said they hope that other people will take up the fight to hvve the school's program reorganized. They called for popular support of State Sen. Keith Carstens in his legislative investigation along with the study of Dr. William R. Perl of Washing ton, D.C. "We have to know about this report, and not let it get hung up somewhere," Fr. Scott said. "It is worthless to spend $18,000 on an investiga tion only to have it shelved." Rev. Hennies said that the only changes made at the school since the Investigation started, that he is aware of, include a slight raise in some administrative salaries and the tightening of security. Red Cross needs recruits for war The American National Red Cross is now seeking young men and women for employ ment in Viet Nam. Miss Joan Johnson, college recruiter, will visit the Nebraska Uni versity campus on March 28th to interview students gradu ating this spring. Miss Johnson will be avail able for private appointments March 28th between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Students wish ing to schedule appointments should do so through the Placement Office, Student Union, Room 340. Band $130 Solitarie) from S135 Official A (CmimUm UNION FILM COMMIT TEE 4:30 p.m. DESE RET CLUB -5:00 p.m. TOWNE CLUB-6:00p.m. UNICORNS-7:00 p.m. PHI MU ALPHA SINFON IA REHEARSAL 7:00 p.m. S.D.S. 7:30 p.m. MATHEMATICS COUN SELORS 7:30 p.m. candidacy; Mark Acuff, Ne braska campaign coordinator for McCarthy; and Pokorny. The rally will be attended by students from Omaha, Wayne State College and the University. Pokorny also said that Mc Carthy will be in Nebraska in the next ten days. The rally is being sponsored by Creighton University Stu dents for McCarthy. The uni versity is located at 24th and California Streets. Donors are members in NYFAS continued from pg. 1 Each contribution entitles the donor to a membership card in NFYAS and a flyer about the organization. Piester explained that the state is divided into 15 dis tricts, each one being headed by a local coordinator and assistants. These coordina tors are in the process of or ganizing local efforts in ci ties and towns for the cam paign. Speaking engagements with various civic and local groups are already being arranged, Piester said. "We're in the process of writing pamphlets and fivers for stat e-wide distribution throughout the campaign," he added. Student body presidents from each of the colleges in th state have been contacted about establishing efforts on the campuses to back the campaign. Piester said that in the next few weeks NFYAS would con tact 6,000 civic leaders and influential people in state com munities to ask them for sup port. He said the group will also seek additional endorsements for lowering the state voting age to 19 from prominent Ne braskans. Already members of both political parties in the stae and the Nebraska Con gressional delegation have endorsed the proposed amend ment. Faculty drive begins Monday The 19138 All University Fund (AUF) Faculty Drive begins Monday to raise money for the Malone Center, according to an AUP vice president Leslie Walt. The drive, which will run through April 12, is being sponsored by Alan Reed ana Raphael Zariski of the politi cal science department, and ha sa goal of $1,200, according to Miss Walt. Who looks bettor on a motorcycle you or McQueen? BLOW YOURSELF UP TO POSTER SIZE lend at eny tleck white or color snapshot. We'll blew It up to 1 ft. x f. Pester flie). M.7I fer one, ).00 tor eeeh additional from some ehet. iisaiHr os to euontity prices, orouo rotes end special prelects. Original ehet relumed. Add Me fer handling. OPERATION BLO-UP, INC. M Pennsylvania Ave., I.f. Washington, D.C. 10001 That your elmpt. elegant eolltatre hecomea an Ht t new creation. Chonae rour aet from the OIW HTM at Llncoln'a Jewttara aUnoa IMS. Serving Lincoln Sine 1905 U2 "o" mm tteiTrmo nwiins amrican em vjcitrr Orange Blnsnom, Artcrved, end Columbia Dealer Opportunities for ag Economists by DarreH Petska Students majoring in agri cultural economics may find it difficult to obtain positions in state government and re lated areas where economists are needed, according to Clayton Yeutter, administra tive assistant to Governor Norbert T. Tiemann. Yeutter, speaking before students and University fac ulty at an Agricultural Eco nomics Club meeting Thurs day night, commented, "I am more convinced than ever that graduate degrees should be in economics, not agricultur al economics." Although there is need for economists, Yeut ter felt that many qualified persons may be eliminated "because of the agricultural in front of the 'economics.' " The governor's assistant- speaking of opportunities for agricultural economics graa uates at the bachelor's degree or higher, outlined some of the changes that he feels are to appear in the near future, plus the preparations neces sary by students to qualify for such opportunities. Col. Liggett discusses draft policy Cont. from pg. 1 He added that it is "a ter rible thing to be indicted" and to have it go on a person's record, because the FBI will pick up these draft dodgers as soon as they try to g e t back into the country. Asked about how he felt to wards drafting young men first, Ligget answered: "A young man is easier to mold in the army than a col lege graduate, and the ser vices like young men. The college grad tends to ask the sergeant 'why' and the ser geant doesn't like that," he said. The argument goes that a young man is less committed than the older people who are draft eligible, but Congress has not seen it this way Ligget added. "I see no indication that this will change," he said. "As we see it, it will still be the oldest first." TRY PERRY'S BAR-B-Q Perky's 11 &Q 432-7720 SUMMER JOBS Over 30,000 actual lob openings listed by employers In th IMJ Summsr Employment Guide. Gives salary, lob description, number of openings, dates of employment, and name of person to write. Resorts, dude ranches, summer theatres, United Nations, national parkv etc. Also career oriented lobs: banking, pub lishing, engineering, data process ing, electronics, accounting, many mora. Covers all 48 states. Price only si, money back If not satisfied. Our fifth yearl University Publications Km. H70 ex JOIJJ, Denver, Colo. 10020 Pleat rush my copy f th 1M Summer employment Ovid. Pay ment ef IJ Is enclosed. Name . Address mevnns econ majors9 get better jobs Yeutter At the Ag. Econ. B.S. level, Yeutter commented that job possibilities are somewhat limited, outside of going into the farming business. An ag ricultural economics curricu lum here is of extreme im portance because of the in creased emphasis on general management principles. Be cause farm labor numbers have dropped rapidly in Ne braska, it is obvious that top quality management will be needed. There will be increased op portunities in the field of cre dit, and Yeutter noted, "The credit needs of agriculture are just phenomenal, per unit . . . Few people realize today how big farm credit is, and how big it will be in the future." As a result, branch banking may develop within the next ten yars, with the result of more adequate credit. This will result in job openings within the framework, expand ed because "the small banks just aren't doing their job in building communities." Those with graduate de grees should have wide op portunities in varied areas. Yeutter listed two talents these persons must supply. Agricultural economists must have the ability to establish and execute agricultural pol icy he said. Marketing talent is necessary, also, because of the increasing opportuni ties with commodity organi zations. Still another area of oppor They are really alive! Be there Saturday night, March 23, at 8 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. For satire of world personalities . .. . haunting international music ... and an evening you ond that special girl will remember. IN CONCERT: Joe ond Penny Aronson Tickets: Union booth or 432-2555 i USE DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS: Standard rote of 5c per word end mini mum chsrge cf 50c per classified inser tion. All advertisements must be paid before ads appear. Use this handy classified form tmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm DAILY NEBRASKAN , STUDENT UNION UNIV. OF NEBR. LINCOLN, NEBR. limited tunity may arise for students as the farm organizations weaken in strength, making it necessary for organiiations similar to labor unions or bar gaining groups to fill this gap. "General farm organiza tions today are either going to have to change or die . . . I don't think they bave a chance . . . unless they chang their policies. So far they haven't shown any adjust ment," he commented. Positions for economists should also be available in land and water economics, with much emphasis on rural urban planning. Farm man agement, law and corporate farm positions are also in creasingly available. Yeutter concluded that stu dents should note "an up heaval in state government around the nation." This too could result in greater oppor tunity at the state level for economists. Lincoln Community Playhouse TRYOUTS OTHELLO March 17, 18 and 19 7:30-10:00 p.m. 10 Male Speaking Part 3 Female Speaking Parti Plus d east of thousands lor senators, gentlemen, aollors, messengers, of ficers, musician! and attendants. SAVE 10NEY Mil 0NEY of Turnar 901) mica. 433-wuu. )