ssvsvsll&fcb! , ... , . J I Page 4 The t)aily Nebraskon Wednesday, Morch 6, 1968 r i 4 .9 i iiiiiiiiii:HMiimiiii'iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiim j!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH'!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii;nuiiHiMiiiiii I The Other Half i . "Si - "King Lear," noted as Shakespeare's greatest tragedy, ... will open at University Theatre Friday and Saturday. The production is directed by Dr. William Morgan. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Tickets are $1.55. "Hell is Other People," written and directed by Michael Messmer, will be produced in Experimental Theatre Sun day and Monday at 8:50 p.m. in room 201 Temple. The play is an absurdist drama about characters trapped in a nameless void. Another laboratory play, "The Aborted Moon," written and directed by William Turek will be presented at 8 p.m. in room 303 Temple Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. "GOAL," an English documentary on soccer is the Union Film Society selection (or Wednesday. The film re lies on the technical abilities of the cameramen covering sporting events ana nas little commentary. The movie stars of yesterday will' be featured in the High Camp Film Festival Sunday at 5:30 in the Nebraska Union. The $1 fee includes a hamburger basket and the ' ' old-time flick. "Five Ways of Shattering Poetry," will be the topic of English poet Paul Roche when he speaks at 3:30 Thursday in the Nebraska Union auditorium. Roche, appearing through the Union talks and topics committee, will give examples of how the response to poetry can be changed by varying musical design. Malcolm Boyd, sometimes called "the expresso priest," will speak Tuesday at 3:30 in the Nebraska Union Ball room. He has appeared at the "hungry i" several times, ' wrote the book, "Are you Running With Me Jesus," and has made records of his prayers. Monday at 7:30 there will be a telecast tour on Channel n 12 of the Bauhaus exhibition now on display at Sheldon .- Art Gallery. At 1 A - , . 1 A 1 ' . i . f Y T Aosiraci wouuen sculptures oy ecii vanenson 01 ian- wjj j sas City are on display in the Art Shop of the Sheldon rl(lea UY CCtV . . uauery raarvn a uiruugn 01. - Works of over 60 artists will be displayed in Joslyn Art Museums Tenth Midwest Biennial Display March 10 through April 14. Amateur artists will have a chance to display their work at the ADcl-fcandoz .pring festival the week-end of April 26. Tentative plans for the festival include a street dance, , an art gallery, a folk-jezz concert. High Camp film flicks and four carnival booths. The event will take place on the mall outsile Abel Sandoz. A $1,000 fund is being used in order to offer en tertainment free of charge, x Residents of the dormitories are urged to enter their ork for display in the art gallery. More information is available from Donna Borgaard 432-4395. Tosheigo Eto, a violinist, will be featured in a violin concerto at the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra concert 8 p.m. ; Tuesday at the Stuart Theater. Memberships for the Lincoln Community Concert As sociation for the 1968-69 season are now on sale. They are $10 for adults and $5 for students. Those purchasing tickets before March 11 can attend the concert of Metropolitan Opera Soprano. Gianna D'Angelo, at 8:15 p.m. March 11 at Pershing Auditorium. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiir, I'M Campus . . . s Tribunal hears Weaver Today an(j Rose diSCuss report .1 1 II' t 1 f L Andy Backer and Susan Vosik rehearse for Fri day's opening of "King Lear." Medieval weapons prove dangerous Actors discovered the dan gers of using medieval swords and shield in rehearsing for "King Lear," which opens at the University Theatre Fri day. One of the knights was rushed to Student Health for stitches after being cut on the ear by a sword. The weapons weigh from 20 to 30 pounds apiece, Jerry I Lewis, technical director said. Included in the programs for next year are: The Obernkirchen Children's Choir from Germany; a Venezue lan folk ballet; Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians, and the Lee Evans Trio. - ' , - s,i ' - . r -. -J vi " . j : I I lf T Mil l vv - " 11 J , i ' . .5. ;j ,' if ! t hf. s J ; - , "i q ' ' , f 1 , : $ ? ! i - - . .. 4 , ! , ' 'j ; .. " ".. - , I s - (?!.- t. I . :-. ' I . ' i ' ' I : s ; ' . . ! :! ; i . - . . -. - - " c t ' jr. ; - H "77i"r' . ? ; I' I ' , f .. U ; 5 J The swords, shields and crossbows are made from steel, wood, and any other available materials. Industrial styrofoam The furniture used in the play has to be built because the ancient props are impos sible to find, Lewis said. Much of the stage scenery is made from an industrial styrofoam, the use of which is relatively recent in the theater. Texturing techinques, such as burning the surface with a propane torch, have been used to give the scenery a rough, rock-like appearance. Scene changes The first scenes take place in Lear's throne room which is simulated with tall pylons that look like granite col umns. These columns are taken away opening the stage for the outdoor scenes, so the stage becomes brighter and bigger as Lear's world ex pands ana becomes more complicated, Lewis said. The lighting also gets brighter as Lear's confusion increases, so that in the scene in which all the characters die, the stage is brightly lit in reverse technique of usual staging, he said. Also unusual is the sunlight used in the bat tle scenes. The battles take place off suige and special sound ef fects are used to convey the in King Lear scene to the audience through the reactions of the blind Duke of Gloucester. Speakers placed at various locations in the audience transmit the sounds of the bat tles and the storm scenes The thunder sounds com from three tapes and a man ually operated device. Rum bling drums augment the tapes. There are eleven seen t'ianges and the actors hela the stage crew with 12 of the sets. Space back stage is a major problem, Lewis said Construction i The internniionui women s Group will hold an lAietion at the First Presbvterlan Church at 17th and F St. Wednesday from 9:30 to 11 a.m. ft- A reorganization meeting for Aluha Kanna Psi. business fraternity, will be held Wednesday night at 7 p.m. in the Union. Anyone in Business Administration or an econom ics maior is eligible for mem bership. ft ft & There will be a meeting of Women's Athletic Association Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in room sm of Bancroft Hall for all W.A.A. living unit representa tives. Fliers for the badmin ton, pool and table tennis tournaments will be distrib uted, as well as lists of per sons eligible to vote in the W.A.A. elections March 13. ft ft ft The fnreifn film for Wedncs- ..v o (lav will be an English film en titled "Goal." The film won the World Cup in 1966. It is produced by Octavio Senoret and directed bv Abidine Dino and Ross Dcvenish. ft ft ft KtuHpnts who want to U-v out for the Nebraska ell Squad must sign up by Thurs day in the Union Program Office. Practices will be held on the Coliseum stage and try- outs will begin March il. Construction on the scen ery began Feb. 5. 15 people helped with the building, som for classes and others volun teered, he said. The actors have helped with the technical effects, al so, Lewis said. "The play has one of the best all-around casts ever as sembled at the University Theatre, Susan Diffender- fer, assistant director said. Actors Lear will be played by Andy Backer who has appeared in many University Theatre Dro ductions. The roval houses are represented by: King of France, Dave Landis; Duke oi Bursundv. Phil Zinea Duke of Cornwall, James Sellmeyer; Duke of Albany, jonn jessup; Karl of Kent James Baffico; Earl of Glou cester, Dana Milla. Other cast members are William Jamison, William bzymanski. Donald Hunter Doae Armstrong. Barnard Durand. Rick Marsh, Chris topher Ballant Terrv McClel lean, Albert Lundby, Rick S h i m p. Terry Wevmouth. Laura Ursdevenicz, Kathy caines, Susan vosik, Richard Wilson, Fred Starrett, Judith Lewis, Bev Proctor, andAm alie Christopher. Editor holds faculty book interivews Interviews for the Faculty Evaluation Booklet staff will be held Sunday, March 10, according to Bob Zucker, the Booklet s editor. Positions for three area chairmen and six assistants are open. Sign-up sheets ar.d applications are in the ASUN office in the Nebraska Union. Continued from page 1 the right to obtain counsel, adequate time between noti fication of the violation and the student's hearing, and notifying the student that any thing he says may be used against him. There is a need to set up due process guidelines be cause the problem is that no one knows what due process is or how it functions, accord ing to Weaver. He added that students must come to rely on a set of principles rather than the disgression of individuals. "We need special guidelines to outlive the tenure of any dean or authority," he said. Judicial process fails with in the current system at the Office of Student Affairs, Weaver said. ! He added that a student's conference with the dean is the 'crucial point in the judi cial' precedings, and that the student must be prepared to defend himself at this point or due process does not exist. Weaver pointed out what he considers another violation of judicial process. He said that t h e Student Aaffsrs itaff members lay out the facts and then ask tht student, "What do you think about it?" The notice that the studen has the right to remain silent does not exist in this respect, Weaver said. He added that h was told by one of the Student Affairs administrators that they do not want the student i to keep silent, but they want j him to talk. ! Weaver explaintd that the report provides the minimum requirements for judiciously prosecuting every case that comes within th jurisdiction of the University. He added that the report provides for explaining the judicial process requiremtnts to the students m a language and terminology that they can understand. If the tenate acts favorably on the report recommenda tions, it will go on to the Fac ulty Senate where it will be considered in open delibera tion, Weaver said. Whattver is approved there will go ultimately to the Board of Regents. Draft resistance union formed Continued from page 1 Board 57 and 58 and the let ters would notify draft-eligible men of the services the union can provide and alter natives to serving in the army. He said the organization has received literature from the American Friends Ser vice committee, the Univer sity of Wisconsin and CADRA. Unions 'fairly successful' The draft resistance unions have been fairly successful where they have been per manent fixtures and have re ceived the backing of large followings," he said. "In fact, almost 2,500 men have returned their draft cards to their local boards in the last year," he said in ex plaining that the draft resis tance movement has been gaining impetus in recent months. He added that April 3 has been declared a national day of draft resistance and ail local draft resistance unions have urged to organize dem onstrations and other actions to protest the draft. GO BIG RED Ensembles from $300 Row. row row .TOW' " , '--!-.. . ...... l.7.j ,1 'mething there is that doesn't love a wal! . . . tnd makes gaps where even two can pass abreast" Business fraternity organizes An organizational meeting meeting of Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business fraterni ty, will be held March 6 at p.m. in the Nebraska Union, according to Larry Lepin, spokesman for the group. Membership will be com posed of business college stu dents and economic majors. Prospective members will be required to pass a designated pledge test The fraternity cur rently has 15 pledges. The new organization's ac tivities will include field trips, guest speakers and some so cial activities, according to Dave Rains, the fraternity's organizer. Rains said the fraternity ac tivities will be planned ac cording to members' interests. Alpha Kappa Psi, the first professional business fratern ity, was organized in 1904 at New York University. A chap ter was started a few years ago on NUs campus, but la ter disbanded. Rains or Don Shepherd, may be contacted for further information. Match Box Engagements Kathy NichoL Raymond nail freshman in Teachers College from Millard, to Bob Diers, senior in Business Ad ministration from Lincoln. Mary Jane Mitchell from Stephen s College in Colum bia, Missouri to Bill Nelson Theta Xi junior in Medicine Jane Trumbull. Kanca Kan- pa Gamma senior in Teach ers uonege from umaha, to Gary Gray, Phi Delta Theta senior in Zoology from Oma ha. Gloria Lundquist, Sigma Kappa senior in music from Boys Town, to Tim Stroh, se& ior in history from Jackson ville, Florida. Nancy Groeteke, Phi Mu junior in Elementary Educa tion from Hooper to Tom Al exander Phi Kappa Psi Sen ior in phychology from Lin coln. Carol Mumgaard. Ttwit Club junior in Teachers from Lincoln to Warren Bishop Ag Men junior in Agricultural engineering from Fairbury. Cathy Lofquest. Gam ma Phi Beta sophomore at Kearney rrom kwing to Jim Beelaert, Harper Hall sopho more in Business from Ewing. John Glair of Washington, D. C, won the senior men's national caoeing champion ship in the 5500-meter kayak singles division in 1966 with a time of 2:04.6. Ensembles from Select originality in specially selected designs which lend to you the freshnest of Spring. Pick your diamond fashion from the huge diamond repertoire at Lincoln's Jewelers Since 1905. Ymh- Oftciol Orontt tlMm, Artcorvttf, mn4 Columbia Dealer (LiwV'fanuinTV 1129 "0" STREET trOOTEMS Jtwilm AMERICA CIM tOClV Sewing Lincoln Sine 190S Yx. Juee ihi loll of viral iILr-- J r - L 4 - ' ' :dieat; enhance X-mjMkHo; miLo! ii . - r X repair Human Hearts or laiiiisvx; i::: Lnr . ' armiang water.,. ; ; , - L.. 1 and anything else that you might think of. The 165-year history of Du Pont is a hiatorr of it people's ideas ideas evolved, focused, and engineered into new procoanoB, products and plants. 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