THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Editorials Commentary Page 2 Monday, March 4, 1968 For 19 voting After graduation from high school a 19-year-old usually finds himself in one of three situations. He can continue his education, he can join the work ing order or he can enter the armed services-vol-untarily or otherwise. In Nebraska and in 45 other states a 19-year-old has no voice in selecting the people who ap propriate finances for his higher education, the -people who approve the draft laws or the people lho help formulate tax levels. In short he can not vote. A group of University students last week launched a campaign for the passage of Amend ment No. 1 to lower the state voting age to 19. These students and the several prominent Nebras ka citizens who are supporting them feel that 19 and 20-year-olds can vote intelligently and mature ly and because of their increasing responsibilities and significance in society they should be given voting privileges. Several studies have been done on voter responsibility and they have produced some inter esting results which enhance the argument for a lower voting age. In 1963 a Presidential Commission on Voter Registration and Participation discovered that the most delinquent voters are found in the 21-30 age group. The Commission's rationale for these statistics was that after graduating from today's high school students have reached a peak in their un derstanding of government and poiitices. By remov ing these youths from direct participation in gov ernment their enthusiasm wanes and by the time the majority of them reach voting age they have grown apathetic toward politics. If young adults, however, are given voting priv .. lieges soon after they graduate their interest in governmental activites could be sustained and their voting habits would improve in later years. ""' Strong arguments for a lowered voting age have been presented for many years as was shown in 1954 when the U.S. House of Representatives ap. proved a constitutional amendment to lower the voting age to 18. (The proposal was later defeated by only five votes in the U.S.. Senate.) Today's youth are better educated, better in formed and more involved in national issues than ever before. Thousands of young adults are serving America in the Peace Corps, VISTA and the armed services. Thousands of others are influencing national programs and policies through well-organized stu dent groups such as the National Student Associa tion. The young adult's role on a national level has increased to the level where only the absence of voting privilege is retaining him from achieving his full portential in society. If Nebraska For Young Adults Sufferage con ducts an enthusiastic and well-planned campaign (as it appears they will) Nebraska voters should approve Amendment No. 1 next fall. This group has not achieved its goal by a long way, however, and University students should vigorously promote this campaign. Cheryl Tritt Craig Dreeszen Student power Student power can mean almost anything; to me it means students participating in making de cisions affecting them and the University. Merely influencing decisions is not enough students must help make the decisions. By making decisions students also accept the accompanying responsibility. Some people think that students should be protected from the conse uences of their decisions. They seem to be saying that until students are prepared to face the world we should be guided and mothered. Then at grad uation time we suddenly are men and women ready to face the world. But it doesn't work that way. People don't rely on THE AUTHORITY all their lives and then be come self-relient. When students are kept from making their own decisions, they become people who vote Republican just because their fathers did and go to Vietnam just because Father John son says they should. Some people justify treating college students like children on the grounds that it contributes to their "total education." That of course is nonsense. To what extent do students have power at the University of Nebraska. In the area of academics students are beginning to be involved in the de cision making process. There are voting student members on curriculum planning committees and some department committees. Some propos&ls of the advisory boards and the ASUN Education Com mittee have been implemented. We generally can be happy with the progress made in student involvement in education. By con tinuing to demonstrate responsible judgement we will have more and more to say about how we are educated. Outside the classroom the students aren't doing as well. Administrators, faculty, and Regents should do no more than advise the students regarding hours, coedvisitation or the student newspaper. There should be rules but the students should make them. The Regents say students shouldn't run their own lives while at the University because it is tax supported and the taxpayers want their children well protected. I do not accept this for two reasons. First, no one has ever bothered to discover what the taxpayers want. Secondly the taxpayers. If they do feel that way they are wrong and not much attention should be paid to them. No other state agency operates on the whims of aninformed taxpayers. The Regents should make policy deci sions based on educational principles then justify those decisions to the people. We can make changes by working through the channels near Jy every advance so far has come about that way but they came slowly. There is an alternative. We should remember power in the form of rent strikes, boycotts, sit-ins that as a last resort students can wield tremendous and general strifes. We should always first try the legitimate chan nels of making changes. If those are completely exhausted without results, students can threaten some sort of militant action. m t m m t Ma, w t HtejJiK....- 7aV if "Wak TijaT The J5 Sl Joseph AIsop In praise of a great man Washington Now that Robert S. McNamara has laid down the overwhelming bu-den that he carried no nobly and for so long, a fare well word is in order. The first thing to be said is very simple, indeed. McNamara, MGeorge Bundy and Dean Rusk were the chief civilian advisers who pressed upon President -Johnson the need to enter the war in Vietnam, in or der to avoid disaster in Asia and in the Pacific. Contrary to common report, he does not regret that advice today. He is s t i 1 1 quite firmly con vinced, in fact, that it was the right advice. A different impression has been conveyed, mainly by far - from - disinterested per sons but also for a reason rooted in McXamara's com plex and wholly admirable personal character. He is supposed to be an arrogant man, and when he is deal ing with statistical tables, ofi which he is such a master, he is perhaps arrogant. But in the main, he is humble and quick to admit his own mistakes. He has talked rather free ly, in private conversations which have been repeated with additions and distortions of the mistakes he has made during the war in Viet nam. These mistakes have have had nothing to do with the need to fight the war, in order to avert a much larger disaster that might well have led to third world war. They have instead had to do with McNamara's curious way of looking at all pro cesses, including war, in terms of exact measurement. At the outset, in fact, he ob viously thought of the war as something like a compu terized chess game, in which a given number of pieces could be expected to produce a given result at the end of a given number of moves. But since the "war in lace ruffles" that occured but only sometimes occurred in the 171h and 18th centur ies, no major war has ever resembled a chess game. All have been slugging matches, in which the best way to win has always been to maximize your input, and to keep on maximizing your input, un til the other side gave up. Being a man who has spent his whole life thinking in terms of carefully calcu lated inputs producing exact ly calculable outputs, McNa mara as War Minister has been a very different man from McNamara as Deiense Minister. He has been con stantly unhappy, in time, he has been downright miser able because of the progress of the war again all wars has never been satistically measurable; and statistics are the only measurement he regards as valid. Because of this, the war's burden for McNamara, which would have been horribly heavy in any case, for he is a deeply humane man, has been even heavier than it ought to have been. And he has indeed sometimes made mistakes, though they have been quite different in char acter from the mistakes in forecasting and calculatoin that so much worry him. He has been dead right, of course, to resist the fierce pressures for unlimited war from people of the stripe of Gen. Curtis LeMay. He was dead right, too, and damn brave as well, to insist upon a system of graduated pres sures at the beginning of the war. The political arguments for this approach, in fact, un answerable. But in the light of hind sight, he was wrong not to urge the President to order callup and maybe even mo bilization some time ago. He was wrong not to urge more troops for Gen. William West moreland, instead of scruti nizing every troop request with a statistically suspiciou eye. He was wrong, in fact, not to go to the principle which is basic, that the wid er the margin, the sooner a war is always over. With a different sort of war leader in the White House, these errors of temperamen tal bias would have mattered not a whit. In the larger bal ance sheet, , moreover, their importance is nugatory. The plain fact of the matter is that Robert McNamara is demonstrably the greatest public servant to enter the executive branch of the U.S. government since this repub lic began. In the war years, with the reservations above-noted, he has accomplished miracles. Maybe they were almost ex cessive miracles; for he has managed to run a very big war, with everything on hand in time and in good condi tion, in such a way that the average American with no son at the front has hard ly felt a war was going on. But all this has been mir aculous, nonetheless. Still more miraculous was his reofrm and moderniza tion of the vast Defense pe partment that overgrown, bureaucratically diseased monstrosity which appear ed to be beyond reform and incapabled of modernization, when he boldly undertook the terrible task. He has made a record, in truth, surpssing any other comparable record one can think of. And long after the carping fo the Ful brights is utterly forgotten, history will always remem ber this record of McNamara's. Todays music spectrum Editor's Note: Ken Rose and Mark Dalton are Univer sity students and members of a local group 'The Ante Icpe Pavlilion'. One of the most neglected albums on the market today is Love-Forever Changes. Love, a Los Angeles based group, is rather notorius for bad press relations, and seems to have shut off quite a large number of influential people "in the business" with the result being that virtual ly nothing has been seen in the mass media about them. Perhaps this is good, though for remaining in the shadowy world of the pop underground, and recording for Elektra, which is still a semi-underground company, has allowed them to develop and grow in a very free environment, with out the too-often emasculating necessity of catering to gene ral public taste. There are eleven songs on the album, nine of them writ ten, arranged and sung by leader Arthur Lee and two of them written and sung by gui tarist Bryan Maclean. All cuts are excellent and a few are almost incredible. This is a beautiful album, in the traditional sense of beauty Not "trippy" or "freaky" or "camp", just plain pietty! Arthur Lee has one of the nost versatile voices around and the songs which he has crafted demonstrate his abili ties quite well. His lyrics demonstrate a realistic sort of optimism that has been depressingly absent in current rock. For example in "You Set The Scene", cer tainly his most ambitious work to date, he states; "Everything I'v seen is rearranging and for any one who thinks it's strange, Then you should be the first to want to make this change. And for anyone who thinks that life is just a game, do you like the part you're playing? Another interesting cut is "The Red Telephone" which takes its theme from the mu sic in Marat-Sade, and is a gentle plea for a little sanity in the world at large. Gentleness plays a large part indeed in Love's music. The songs by Bryan-Maclean, especially "OLD MAN" have a gentle beauty unmatched except, perhaps by Donovan at his best. Maclean has a lovely tenor voice and uses it to good advantage. To sum up, Love is a group of some of the most polished, dedicated musicians in the country, and this is one of the finest albums on the mar ket today. Another album which con tains no less than 19 songs is the new Vanilla Fudge al bum but is this a bargain? Hardly. Apparently, what the Fudge is attempting to do in this al bum is a sort of musical "his tory" (a. college of musical knowledge perhaps?) In Phase One, we progress from Mo zart's "Divertimento No. 13 in F Major" to "Old Black Joe" to "In the Mood" to four ear ly Beatle songs. Most of these songs are less than one minute long and the point the Fudge tries to make is lost in this desperate attempt at "high camp". After suffering through Phase One, Phase Two is a welcome relief. The fudge do a fantastic job on Beethoven's "Fur Elise" and "Moonlight Sonata". Mark Stein, the organist-pianist, deserves spe cial mention, as his interpre tation is both creative and technically proficient. Tim Bogert, bassist also de serves credit for his tasteful, simplebass lines. The Fudge almost ruin the whole thing, however, by updating the fi nal measures of "Moonlight Sonata". There's nothing Daily Nebraskan March 4, 1WI Vol. !. No. 72 Serond-clii DM(an nald at Lincoln. Neb. TELEPHONES: Editor 472-25W. News 472-25M. BtWlnMl 47J-2590. Subscription rate arc S4 per semester or as lor the academic year. Published Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the achool year, except during vacation and nam periods, by (he students of tha University of Nebraska nnder tha Jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publication. Publication! shall be free from censorship by the Subcommittee) or any person ouuide the University. Merabera of tha Nebraakaa are reapunilbla for what they cauwto be printed. Member Associated Collegiate Prena, National Educational Advertising Servlca, EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Cheryl Trllt; Managing Editor Jack Toddi New Editor Ed lcenoglei Night Newa Editor J. L. Schmidt; Editorial Page Assistant June Wagoner! Assistant Mghi Neva Editor Wilbur Gentry) Sporte Editor George Kaulmani Assistant sport Editor Bonnie Bonneau: Newa Annuitant Lynn ptaceki stall Writers: Jim Evinger, Bart) Martin, Mara Gordon, Jan Parka, Joa McCullough, Janei Maxwell, Aody Cunningham. Jim Pedersen, Monica Pokomy, Phyllis Adklason, Kent Cockaon, Brent Skinner, John Dvorak. Senior Copy Editor Lynn GolUchalki Copy Editors: Belay Fenlmore, Dave Flllol, Jane Ikeya, Molly Murrell, Christie Scbwartzkopf; photographers Mika Hayman and Dan Ladely. BIMNKSS KTAF Buatneae Manager Clenn Frlendt: Production Manager Charlie Baxter) Na tional Ad Manager Lee La Macheri Bookkeeper and classified ada manager Gary HollingsworUi: Buainese Secretary Jan Boatman; Subscription Manager Jan Rom; Salesmen Dan Cronk, Dan Looker. Katbjr PreitA. Todd laughter, DbbM Mitchell. Joel Davia. Lynn wrong with updating an old classic, but i n this case it sounds cute. On to Phase Three. Here, the Fudge do something fair ly interesting called "Voices In Time." It begins with Ne ville Chamberlain's pre-World War II speech in which he says England and Germany are "never to go to war with one another again." These words become a ghostly echo as Nazi rallies In Berlin, Churchill's vow to teach Ger many "a lesson," the an nouncement of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the first atomic bomb blast, and Kennedy's funeral are heard. "Voices In Time" is not mu sic but it is a good, rather ironic documentary of 20th century man's good intentions and noble causes and ulti mate bumbling. Phase Four, the last and longest, is also the most dis tressing. (Rod McKuen fans will want to take note.) In this section, each member takes a turn to "express himself in a meaningful" way. This means that Vince Mar tell, his voice choking with emotion, reads sickly-sweet poetry, that Tim Bogert tells us "what's happening on the seen e", that drummer Car mine Appice reads from the Old Testament (at this point the Fudge needs spiritual guid ance), and that Mark Stein makes funny laughing noises. When the record mercifully ends, the listener if left with the idea that "The Beat Goes On" is a fine novelty album, but a lot of gimmicks cannot make up for too little music. Roger Stark The streets of Stockholm For sheer natural beauty, Sweden ranks high among the nations of Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. Latitudinally, it lies slightly north of the U.S. and looks very similar to Minnesota, with its many lakes and wooded areas. Stockholm is the capitol of Sweden, and, with approximately one million residents, is its largest city. The city is built on a series of islands, which only enhances the charm of this strategic seaport. It is an exciting experience to walk along the main streets of downtown Stockholm and pass directly in front of ocean liners from all parts of the world. A walk In the suburbs of Stockholm, however, is a frightening experience, but one that leaves an equally big Impression. For after leaving the city proner, one passes nothing but row after row of uniform, high rise apartment buildings, and row after row of barrack-type, uniform duplexes. The "ticky-tacky suburbia" of American cities is heavily criticized, yet it compares in no way to the impersonal, collective, government housing of nearly 200,000 Stockholm residents. The economic situation of Sweden is another alarming item, characterized by rising taxes at tempting to curb rising inflation. Their standard of living is second only to that of the U.S., but due to their extreme sales tax, the average family of five persons spends about four dollars a week more than the American average. Added to this, not only is their wage s c a 1 j lower than ours, but they also pay a considerably higher income tax. My sister is an architect in Stockholm. Before paying taxes, her salary is about 's that of a comparable American job. After paying taxes (and after figuring the U.S. tax on an American wage), her salary is about that of a comparable Ameri can job. Last summer I worked as a waiter in one of Stockholms largest restaurants. The chefs were the highest paid employees, and they conslstantly had between 45 and 50 of their salary deducted for personal income tax. You may say, so what everyone has to pay taxes. But lets examine the ramifications of this totally socialistic system. First of all, personal sav ing of money is nearly impossible due to the ex treme tax on day-to-day living. Therefore, upon retirement, everyone is pro vided with uniform living. It seems very irrational to give the government money all your working life, and then be totally dependent upon that gov ernment once you retire. Secondly, due to their graduated income tax, an over-whelming majority of people in Sweden re ceive about the same take-home pay. Obviously, there is no need to worry about "keeping up with the Jone's (or the Johnsen's)" in Sweden, since the government takes care of this for them. Lastly, and most Important, the socialist sys tem of Sweden stifles the incentive to make money, and consequently, stifles the incentive to produce. The person who earns $350 a month and takes home $275 is not willing to produce more to earn $400 a month and still take home only $275. It is not uncommon for extremely wealthy persons in Swe den to only work six months a year, because to work any more would still result In the dame net gain after taxes. Anytime a person does not work up to his full potential, progress for all mankind is seriously hin dered. In view of this fact, I find socialism very hard to justify. Campus Opinion Dear Editor: I believe we should move towards a system of education in which the college student teaches him self and the teacher shows him how to teach him-self-kind of like a counselor. The superiority of this system is only a hy pothesis, and would take extensive experimentation to prove. I imaggine that here are also facts which might indicate that a self teaching system of col lege education might be very poor. However, in favor of a self teaching system are: A) Students would be highly motivated, since they knew their education lay entirely in their own hands. B) Greater efficiency. A student would not be forced to move onto harder material until he felt he has mastered the basic foundation. C) Greater Freedom. The student could choose the reference material he understood the best and was directed at his level. D) Broader Education. He would not be limited to specific interest but would move into areas of special interest to him. E; Greater understanding of education pro cess. Since he would be directing his own educa tion, he would be vitually interested in the whole meaning and methods of education so that he could learn the most and fastest. F) It might be possible for a student to com plete a degree in very short time, since he was not restricted to any amount of time he would have to spend on a topic, but could move on as aoon m he understood it. m inn ai G) Enjoyment. Matter of education would be the students own thing. (This is especiaUy impor tant to hippies). Teachers could counsel students instead of teach them, giving them more time for their own work. Joseph Schmit Dear Editor, The movie, How I Won the War is one of the best satires of the nature of war in this world to ever come along. I don't claim to be a critic, but it really has a message. The mixing of music with scenes and the use of stock footage from ancient war pictures adds to the overall affect. John Lennon turned in a magnifi cent performance. Does anyone else agree with me? Clncmatically, Exlibrls