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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1968)
n &NlVfl?SITY OF n 0 IfKU 01 Monday, Matxb 4, 1968 University of Nebraska Vol. 91, No. 72 v i 8! PSA arizes for 96$ election if: P org C .1 sag - nmmlnmm,m .,, . Seven University students snparhparf the Mo Dave Piester, Margo McMaster, Mike J Gottschaik an S Beckman 86 mVefflem- "m MU Tm Mrgan' Jane Ross' John Schrekinger, Nebraskans For Young Adult Suffrage Council coordinates campaign to lower state voting age to 19 1 y-VS Financial chairman, Bob Beckman innumerates sev eral sources from which the Nebraskans for Young Adult Sufferage move ment plans to obtain its revenue. I'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiii Oh Campus ... Today Registration tor the Nebraska Free University will be held Mon day in the Nebraska Union from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. iy & ( The United States Marine Corp film "Lieutenant of Marines" will be shown Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. fr in -fr Students for a Democratic So ciety will meet Monday evening in the Union. VV J, .J-r Dr. Alan Reed, assistant pro fessor of political science at the University, has prepared a state ment to a national collegiate or ganization concerning the recent -communist takeover" at John F. Kennedy College Reed, who along with six other University instructors said last week that the takeover was not an effective educational device, is planning to forward the statement this week. JFK students had staged a mock communist regime over Wahoo, Neb., high school. For story and details, see page four. if -k rive candidates have filed for the presidency of AWS. Karen Wendt, Mimi Baker, Nancy Eat on, Nesba Neumeister and Kathy , Kuester filed this weekend. Story page three. ft -ir k Marine Corps Officer Selection team will visit the University Tuesday and Wednesday to dis cuss officer training programs with students. Capt. Bruce Mc Kenna will be interviewing in the south hallway of the Student Union from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Marine Corps has officer programs avaiiaoie lor freshmen through seniors. Next week the U.S. Navy Of ficer Information team will be on campus to talk with students, also. by Jim Evineer Senior Staff Writer Out to show Nebraska citizens that the "proof is in the putting," leaders of Nebraskans for Young Adult Suffrage (NFYAS) began campaigning Friday for Novem ber passage of a constitutional amendment to reduce the state voting age to 19. The NFYAS Coordinating Coun cil includes seven University stu dents and five advisers wh be lieve if young adult" direct and put on the campaign themselves, they can convince the state of the reasons for lowering the limit. This is to prove their maturity and responsibility as interested citi zens. The proposal will appear on the November general election ballot as Proposed Amendment No. 1. If passed, the amendment would add an estimated 35,000 potential vot ers to Nebraska's ranks. Campaign plan In a Friday press conference the Council members described their plan of campaigning, their backers and reasons why citizens should vote for the amendment. Law student Mike Gottschalk of Sidney said NFYAS will provide informed and qualified speakers for the amendment to any group and organization anywhere in the state. Bob Beckman, a junior from Lincoln who is financial chair man, said he expects the cam paign to cost between seven and twelve thousand dollars. Sources of revenue He listed five possible sources of revenue: contributions from individuals; the sale of member ships in NFYAS; contributions irom state political parties; solici tation of state organizations and civic groups; and general solicita tion throughthe news media. Dave Piester, a junior from Minden in charge of public rela tions gave three basic principles guiding NFYAS: "Nebraskans 19 and 20 years of age will be capable voters. They are educationally qualified to vote, are responsible and are interested citizens." Active participation "Active participation in gov ernment by its citizens is an es sential cornerstone in the preser vation of our democratic heritage. Young adults have been unneces sarily .limited in their participat ing politically, while asked to make contributions in other areas." "Young adults possess a wealth of ideas, talents and en thusiasm and will make signifi cant contributions to the continu ing development of our state." Other Coordinating Council members include John Schreking er, a Lincoln senior in charge of research: Margo McMaster, a Lin coln junior heading Local Coor dination; Tom Morgan, a junior from David City who is treasur er; and Jane Ross, a senior from Omaha who is secretary. Council advisers Advisers include Robert Barnett, counsel to the governor; Don Ferguson, instructor at Lincoln Southeast High School; Drs. Rich ard Randall and Robert Sittig of the University political science de partment; Dr. Richard Shugrue, political science department of Creighton University; and Dale Young, of the First National Bank of Lincoln. Piester said the biggest prob lem to voercome is the lack of knowledge by most citizens on the issue. He explained the campaign was aimed at first creating an awareness of the issue, then dis seminating the facts regarding lowering the vote. He called it an educational cam paign directed at selling an idea, as oppose! to a polticial cam paign which tries to sell a personality. 'Black Magic an attractipn NFU curriculum may change the 'authority complex' Nebraska Free University (NFU) courses may be instru mental in shifting the emphasis in upper-level education from lec tures to discussion groups, ac cording to Steve Burdic, NFU course leader. Burdic said that a good way to run many of the upper level courses would be on a discussion basis. The problem, however, is that the average student has had no experience in this form of class learning, Burdic said. Educational reform "If the Free University is suc cessful, it will be a way to start education reform," Burdic said. According to him, NFU could begin the change to the discus sion method by providing students with a means of functioning ac tively in discussion groups. Another NFU course leader, Harold Brueland, also said that the manner in which NFU cours es are led rather than taught is valuable. "I think it is a way of getting away from what I call an author ity complex," Brueland said. Brueland explained that most students are too eager to find out and copy the opinions and con clusions of experts in various fields of study. if they are worshipped instead of just ustenea to, Krueiana c o la mented. Iioffer and black magic NFU sign-ups to date reveal that Burdic's course, "Applied Black Magic" is one of the most popular selections, along with "Af ter the Honeymoon" (a course for engaged women) and "Popular Philosophers" (Ayn Rand and Eric Hoffer). Approximately three - hundred and fifty students have registered for one or more NFU courses so far, according to the records of Mick Lowe, NFU Coordinating Committee member. Burdic said that he became in terested in the subject through ref erences to Black Magic in literature.' Use own thought "Students in NFU courses have to use their own thought pro cesses and draw their own con clusions," Erueland added. It is not the fault of the experts 'A lot of magic "There is a lot of magic in lit erature and history that isn't well covered," Burdic commented. Burdic explained that his inter est led him to read some books on black magic and to rrive at the conclusion that the belief in su perstitious phenomena was more widespread than he had previous ly thought. One of the things which Burdic said struck him moet was that people in many widely eparated areas among which there has been no contact have evolved similar supersititious customs. 'Evil eye As an example, Burdic cited the "evil eye" superstition, which is, according to him. found in snrh videly separated places as India ind South America. Burdic said that he believes in nagic as a way to the solution to some phenomena which science and other forms of applied rea son cannot explain. He commented that he is also interested in the way many as pects of the religions of the world are derived from black magic. The concept of the devil as a powerful, supernatural force is one of the principal links between western religion and black magic, according to Burdic. Seminar format Exactly how he will go about teaching the course will depend on what his students want, Burdic explained. He said he could lecture, but he would like to have students who are interested in a specific area do research on their own in a seminar type of course. According to Brueland, the only thoughts that motivate' a student to take on NFU course are sheer curiosity and a desire to meet interesting people. Brueland said that the realiza tion that transcripts will open otherwise barred doors leads many students to neglect their NFU courses in favor of their regular courses. This, he continued, prevents NFU from gaining momentum be cause too many student leaders become discouraged by the drop out rate in their classes. Cont. on page 4 Channels of communication Through brochures, pamphlets, community organizations, avail able speakers and active young people, NFYAS plans to carry out its educational campaign through, a variety of channels. NFYAS, Piester said, plans to utilize personal contact by young adult with the electorate through out the state. These young adults are a chief resource in promoting the campaign, Piester said. Others involved Nearly 100 o Nebraskans from all over the i.aie are work ing in the organization's com mittees. NFYAS is also working with state youth councils in dis seminating information and reas sons to lower the vote. Miss McMaster explained that the state will be divided into 15 areas. A young adult leader will coordinate the campaign in his respective area. On the local ievei, area members will work under the guidance of the area leader. She said tte Local Corrdination Committee will function as a n'ai son between the area leaders and the other committees of NFYAS. County fairs She gave the example of a coun ty fair at which the Speakers Committee could provide speakers to appear and the Finance Com mittee could sell memberships in NFYAS. All this could be accom plished through the Local Coor dination Committee structure. The Proposed amendment h a gained bipartisan endorsement from a large list of Nebraska's political leaders, including: Gov. 'Norbert Tiemann; former gover nors Val Peterson, Robert Cros by and Frank Morrison; all mem bers of the state congressional delegation; Mrs. Lorraine Orr, Republican state chairman, and John Mitchell, Democratic state chairman. The states of Georgia, Ken tucky, Alaska and Hawaii cur rently have voting limits under 21. South Dakota also will consider lowering its limit next fall. Those interested in participating in or contributing to the c a m paign mas' contact Margo Mc Master at the Chi Omega house'. Dreeszen to lead party bid Party for Student Action (PSA) took the first steps Sunday in or. janizing candidates and cam paigns for the 1968 ASUN student government elections. PSA support will go to C r a 1 g Dreeszen, candidate for ASUN President; Mike Naeve and Cheryl Adams, who are running for the first and second vice president positions. Dreeszen, an Agricultural Col lege senator, has served as chair man of the Senate Education Com mittee. Naeve is a member of the Senate Executive Committee and serves on the executive staff. Miss Adams is a senator from Business Administration, and is a member of the Senate Executive Committee. She is chairman of the Senate World Affairs Committee. Discussing prospective PSA Senatorial Slate candidates, Drees zen noted that the party does not Plan to back full slates in all col leges, as was done last year. Dennis Schulte, PSA party made a mistake in doing so last year, ultimately supportin sena tors who "should n't have been on there." Dreeszen said that the present PSA-slated executives have pro vided very good leadership, ,but that "most of the senators' never woke up." "New senatorial candidates will be running against incumbents, but the incumbents will have to run on their records." he said. Naeve said that further slating under the PSA ticket will be de cided by the PSA central com mittee, consisting of the executive slate. Diane Theisen, campaign PH?aior PSA' Bil1 Eddy and Dreeszen said that his executive slate had decided to file under the PSA party because thev "basical ly agreed with PSA party plat form. e "The PSA executives have f u 1 filed their campaign promises with two or three exceptions" Dreeszen said. "We want to con- Wlt these sam kinds of goals, such as Bill of Rights im p.ementarion and Student Educa tion Committee projects. Schulte noted that this ear Senate executives have shifted emphasis of senate projects from campus activities to work with the Administration and faculty Be cause of this type of work. Schulte said, voters have not heard an much about Senate action "fim ply because the Senate was not free to discuss it " Dreeszen added that many peo. Pie do not eet "wildly turned on about educational involvement and hke subjects, and fhaf th- .... " moving, subtler topics are really the m0St excitine ones in which Senate is involved." Noting that PSA held no partv meeting, during the 1967-68 school ?! m Rreszen said that since PSA tmg Senate nwioritv. Senate action was PSA action. It Is sometimes difficult to get an ac- when "?frty S5;stem mzei ,;f a, Umvers'ty business is S,dlf rf6nt from that o Profes sional politics. "We don't see that this is the most important function of a stu dent political party." he said. Dreeszen further stated that PSA would continue to follow previously set policies instituted by the pres ent ASUN executives, thus giving, continuity to the work begun by the year-old party. Dreeszen ran as a PSA candidate last year winning the second high est number of votes from the Col lege of Agriculture. Miss Adams, candidate for sec ond vice-president, Mas elected t Senate last spring with the largest plurality in Business Administra tion. She was at that time not a PSA candidate. PSA candidates were elected to a two-thirds majority in Senate in 1967, sweeping the colleges of Engi neering and Architecture, Arts and Sciences and Agriculture. n n "5, ' '.V . i' n I Pi H t'.!. 1- r iv. I- H i t i f v t in i r