Page 6 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, February 19, 1968 NU falls to Jayhawk hex if hi li j 1 1 I if 1 IS it fl Kansas takes lead yhiv " 11111 ' I VK - v ?1 : ..." v ..j, : v-r ( , if J in Big 8 Conference Bt( t SUiHlInn Conf. Kansas 6 2 Iowa State 7 3 Nebraska 6 3 Kansas State 6 3 Oklahoma 4 5 Missouri 3 6 Oklahoma State 3 6 Colorado 18 Games Tonight Oklahoma State at Nebraska Colorado at Oklahoma 15 II 13 14 10 7 5by George Kaufman Sports Editor Lawrence, Kan. Spacious Allen Fieldhouse, resplendent with bright blue-and-red Jay hawk banners and filled to the brim with almost 17,000 enthu siastic Kansas basketball fans, continued its hex on Joe Cipriano's Huskers here Satur day night as KU took over the Big Eight lead with a big 71-60 victory. Ted Owens started 6-8, 235 pound Vernon Vanoy for height and swift junior Bruce Sloan at guard, and both tac tics worked. Six-ten center Dave Nash also made his presence known right away, as Kansas time and again simply passed over the smaller Husker defenders to Nash, who just got posi tion and lai dit up for two points. Games on two Tom Baack free throws, and held the ball with one minute left in the half, J2, KU stole the ball and Roger a I break the NU momentum and Bohnenstiehl converted to break the NU momentum and let the home team go to the dressing room holding a 41 6i advantage rather than a possible 39-34. The second half started out well, putting hope back in the hearts of the 200 or so scat' tered fans from Lincoln in the crowd. After White hit one of his many swishers from the back court, Cip's crew dumped in six straight points, five of them by NU's high-point man soph Bob Gratopp to cut the margin to 43-38 with 15 min utes to go in the game. PHOTO BY MIKE HAYMAN Nebraska soph Bob Gratopp catches Kansas' Roger Bohnenstiehl momen tarily off balance as he drives around the Jayhawk forward at Lawrence Saturday night. But the KU team was definitely not off balance as they knocked the Huskers out of the Big Eight lead. Gratopp wound up leading the Huskers with 16 points and Bohnenstiehl hit a personal high of 22 to pace the Hawks. Husker trackmen drop meet as Buffs win indoors 61-60 NTI'e trarkmpn rirnnnpd I (NU)' ' DoaH (CV), H i-o. (New . . .. jlrdtKI'ien uiuppeu i Pt record oM mar( 15.j by Roger, tneir urst meet 01 ine inree v. . i j :j ., c High Jump 1. Krebs (NU); t Timon urday night with a 61-60 loss to Colorado in Boulder. It was also their first indoor loss to the Buffs in four years. Ron Lee won his first event of the year as he took the 600. His team-mate, Hugh McGovern who was favored in the event was forced off the track in a scramble at the curve and did not finish. vai- (CV): 3. Todd (.NU). H-6-6. ON THE TRACK Mile 1. Runyan (CU): 1. Trujtllo (CU); 3. l,unn (CU). T4:16.8. (New meet record, old mark 4:18.0 by Mike Flmlng. NU 1963). 60-yd dash 1. Forbes (NU)i J. How. ard (CU); 3. Green (NU), T-.2. (Ties mret record held by five others). 600-yd run 1. Lee (NU); 2. Fowler (CU), T 1:14.9. 440-yd run 1. Fmbes (NU); 2. Wi Itart (CU); 3. (Tie) Simmons (NU). Mot'ey (NU), T 48.8. (New meet and fieldhouse record, old mark 48. by Ted Woods, CU 19611). 60 yd high burdles-L Keller (CU); 1 IN THE FIELD Shot put 1. Hagin (NU); 1 Bnmdlge (CU); 3. Cherny (IsU), D 55.1. Long Jump 1. Aeschlimann (CU); 2. Lennox Burger (NU); ). Jones (CLK. D 2J-2V4. Pole vault 1. Hogera (CU); 2. Eoley Score at highelt but gymnasts fall The Husker gymnasts chalked up their highest score yet although falling to power ful Colorado last Saturday. In such a balanced effort standouts were hard to deter mine. One had to be Pat Mc Gill, victor in the floor exer cise. Mickey Johnson, a consis tent point winner, excelled in the parallel bars and the high bar. Sherlock (NU); 3. Nlcholl (NU), T-7.4. Two mile 1. Runyan (CU); 2. Tru Jlllo (CU); 3. Campbell (NU), T 9:21.1. (New meet record, old mark 9:21.6 by Bob Griffith. CU 1962). 1000.yd rnn 1. Cattermole (CU); I Randall (NU); 3. Radke (NU), T 2:13.8. (New meet and fieldhouse record, old mark 2:14.2 by Peter Scott, NU 1966), 880-yd run 1. Morran (NU); 2. Ed stum (CU); 3. IWIbu-ih (NU), T 1:53.5. (New meet record, old mark 1:55.3 by Mike Peaks, CU 1958). 60 yd low hurdles I. James (CU)j t Sherlock (NU); 3. Simmons (NU), T 6.9. Mile relay 1. Nebraska, (Lee, Forbes, Mottley, Hufth McGovern), T 3:19.8. (New meet and fleldhouw record, old marks 1:21.0, NU 1967 and 3:20.3, CU 1964). Nebraska swimmers split Kansas meetings Colorado 175.05, Nebraska 171 .OS Floor exerrlw-1. McGlll, (NU), 3 t. Casey, (CU), 9.25; 3. Pomeram, (CU), a. Side horse 1. Ryan, (CU), 9 M: 1. Rd wards, (CU), 9 0; 3. Lamb, (NU), 8.9. Rings 1. HoffachneMer, (CU), 8.7; 2. Cook. (NU), 55; 3. Frazler. KJU), H.43. Trampoline I. R'esing, (NU), .I5) 1 Rodriguez, (CU., 8.45; 3. Casey, (CU , 7.8. Long horse I. Rlea, (CU), 9.8; 2. May (NU), 9.2; 3. Kartoro, (NU), 8.7. Parallel bars 1. Johinen. NU), 9 13: t. Blea, (CU), 1.75: 3. May, (NU), 8.2. Hlsh bar 1, Johnsen. (NU), 9.1; 2. Jones, INI!), 9.9: 3. Rlea, (CU), 8 35. All-around 1. Johnsen, (NU), 47.01; 1 Blea, (CU), 45 85. NU matmen lose by one The pinning of heavyweight Gene Libel was the final blow that brought the Husker wrestling loss to Northwest ern Missouri State Saturday night 18-17. Coach Orval Borgialli said Keirh Hasselquiet had his best match of the season though he lost in a decision In the 130-pound class. "He's1 still just a sophomore and nreds experience," the coach added. Ron Thon began the match by pinning his opponent and putting the Huskers off to a 5-0 lead. But the lead disap- Seared as Hasselquist droped is match and Borgialli was forced to forfeit the 137 class. Then Dennis Dobson lost his match by a decision and the Huskers were 13-5 In the hole. Duane Dobson won his match beginning the Big Red winning streak for f o u r matches. He was followed by Richard Kerr, 160; Harold Provondra, 167 and Harry Gaylor. This put the Huskers ahead ' 17-13 before the final and deadly heavwelght class, The Nebraska swim club came out of a busy weekend with a win over Kansas State, while losing to a strong Kan sas team. Friday, Nebraska captured the final two events, the 200 yard breaststroke and the 400 yard freestyle relay to defeat Kansas State, 59-45. Saturday Kansas beat the Huskers 70-34 to up their rec ord to 8-2. Bright spots in the Husker effort were two sophomores, Jim Staziowski and Bernie Hempleman. Staziowski won the 200-yard backstroke in 2:08.6 for his fastest time of the year. Nebraska 39, Kansas State 49 400 yd. medley relay 1. Kansas State (Rivera, Latham, Dumford, I'lootte); T. 'looo'.yd. freestyle 1. Rldenour, KSU; J. Hirnpelmsn, NU; 3. Cook, NU; T. 10:39 7. 2O0.yd. freestyle 1. Nooti. NUi t. Pi colte, KSU; 3. Jackson, KSU; T. 1:93.1 60-yd. freestyle 1, Kathreln, NU; 2. Cordon, Nil; 3. Dumford, KSU; T. :28 2. IflO-yd. Individual medley 1. Rivera, KSU; 2. Goetz. NU; 3. Little, NU. T. 1:38.4. Diving 1. Sorensen, NUi 2. Duven, NUl 2. Sterling. KSU; Pt. 2S0.M. 200 yd. butterfly 1. Betton, Prentiss, NU; 3. Sorensnn, NU. 100 yd. freestyle 1. Plcotte, Krauss, NU; 3. Jackson. KSU, 200 yd. backstroke 1. Rivera, Brezlnski, NU; 3, Staalowiskl, 2:07.1. SOO-yd. freestyle 1. Rldenour. Cook. NU; 3. Hempelman, Nil. 200-yd. breastotroke 1. Goetz, Sattenthwalte, NU; 3. Latham, 2:0. 400. vd. freestyle relsv 1. Gordon, Kathreln. Nootz, Little) KSU, j. T. 2:196 KSU; 2. T. :51.2. KSU; 2 NU. T. KSU: 1 T. :05.1. , NU: 2. KSU. T. Nebraska T. 2:23.3. Kansas 70, Nebraska 34 1,000 freestyle 1, Bernie Hempel man, Nebraska. 2, Tom Cook, Nebraska, 3, Jim Merchant, Kansas. 10 01.1. 200 freestyle 1, Bob Hlnes. Kan sas. 1 Tom Ellis, Kansas. 3. Steve Nootz, neorassa. 1:49.7. 90 freestyle 1, Roy O'Connor, Kan sas. 2, Rich Gordon, Nebraska. 3, Bill Kathreln. Nebraska. 22.3. 200 individual med'ey 1. Jim Kent, Kansas. 2. Steve Goetz, Nebraska. 3. Robert Livingston, Nebraska. 2:04.4. Diving 1, Jim Asklns, Kansas. 2, Steve Sorenson, Nebraska. 3, Tom Pet lit. Kansas. 283.89. 200 butterfly 1. Dave Laney. Kansas. 2. Mark Melafheer, Kansas. 3, John Prentiss, Nebraska. 2:08.3. 100 freestyle 1, O'Connor, Kansas, 2 Gordon, Nebraska. 3, Nootz, Nebraska. 48 8. 200 backstroke 1, Jim Staslowskl, Nebraska. 2, Jim Coughenour. Kansas. 3, Miner. Kansas. 2:16 900 Ireestyle 1, Kent, Kansas. 2, Hempelman, Nebraska. 3, Tom Cook, Nebraska, 9:04 I 200 breaststroWa 1, Griffith, Kansas. 1, Bo Darrah, Kansas. 3, Dean Satterth waite, Nebraska. 2:23.8. 400 freestyle relay Kansas (O'Con nor, Tom Bowser, Ellis and Hlnes). 3:18.4 Press ignored Kansas, with the help of Jo Jo White and Sloan, ignored the NU press, very effective so far in the season, and moved out to a frustrating 9-2 lead, six of those points coming on easy layups. The Huskers at this point appeared very tight and just couldn't work the ball in for a good shot, and the KU lead blossomed into a 20-7 bulge with 14 minutes left In the half. Nebraska then picked up, two straight layups by Bob Gratopp and Jim Damm to cut the lead to nine points at 20-11 and despite a cold 36 per cent effort the first half, stayed within nine until inter mission, when they trailed 41 32. The surging Jayhawks had built up a lead of as much as 13 points several times in the interval, but the Cornhus kers still staged several runs at the defending champs. Momentum Stall The Nebraska momentum seemed to stall to a halt with in minutes every time they started to come alive, how ever. After working up to 39-30, the Huskers were hit with two charging fouls in a row bring ing the ball downcourt while KU failed to take advantage of the lull. When the Hus- Quiek layups But the Hawks again stopped the Husker momen tum with two quick layups, one on a steal and fast break. and the closest Nebraska got again was 47-40 on a layup by soph Tom Scantlebury. The Huskers never lost their poise, however, despite the frustrating KU lead, and Stu Lantz showed KU's big boys they weren't the only ones who could take a lob feed underneath. Scantlebury hung a long pass from the outside! over the basket and Stupen dous Stu went high in the air to up it m tor a rare per formance of the play he had used as a sophomore and jun ior when the dunk was till in vogue. But with 7lk minutes to go the Jayhawks really warmed up and looked like the Big Eight champs they had been and were supposed to be, and ran off to a 68-50 margin while Allen Fieldhouse partisans roared approval with "We're Number One!, We're Number One!". 'Buzzer shot Assuming they meant in the Big Eight, they were of course right, as they settled down and ran out the clock against Nebraska reserves the last three minues, and only Roger Leitner's half-court despera tion swisher at the final buz zer made it look a little bet ter at an 11-point spread. Not surprisingly, though, neither coach was willing to draw any conclusions from the outcome afterwards. Cipriano, though disappoint ed after six straight confer ence wins, was far from con ceding the crown to Owens, and the KU mentor was equally hesitatn about accept ing it. "We've got six rough ones coming up," he said, "and four of them are on the road." When noted that two of those were at the Oklahoma schools and another in Lincoln, he smiled and replied, "I wish you wouldn't mention that. Id like to savor this one just a little longer. Lead helped Owens pointed out that his team getting out of the blocks fast was important to the win. "Our opening spurt set the tempo of the game and gave us a margin to work with. team can play a lot bet ter with a six-or seven-point lead to work on. He also affirmed that he had planned to use his height Nash, 6-10; Bohnenstiehl, 6-6, Vanoy, 6-8 to- simply overwhelm the smaller visi tors and to keep the ball away from Stu inside. "We had to utilize out in side strength we needed the percentage shots against Nebraska's fine shooters." Owens said his team work ed at least three days every week on some phase of a full court pressure. "Since Ne braska h a s an outstanding version of the press, we use Wednesday Night is Pizza Night PERRY'S 11 & Q 432-7720 their defense to work against much of the time. I think it obviously paid off tonight." Defense shift Cipriano's shifting of de fenses threw off the Jayhawk attack a little, he admitted, but "whenever they started getting back in the game, we were successful in getting the ball in to Nash for a layup." With the win, Kansas takes over the Big Eight lead and drops the Huskers to a tie for third. Iowa State moves into second. Kansas and Iowa State still have to visit Lin coln after both have racked up wins against the Scarlet at home. Gratopp hit 16 to lead a below-average Nebraska Offen sive. Lantz and Baack both hit 11 as the only other Hus kers over 10. Bohnenstiehl led KU with 22, White hit 16 and Nash 14. The Huskers try to get back into the swing of things to night against Oklahoma State at the Coliseum. NU beat tht Cowboys at Stillwater, 63-62. Baack .... Gratopp Von Seggern Scant cbury Lantz Damm ... Simmons Cauble Wacner Leitner McHhcrron Martin Totals NEBRASKA TO 4-11 4-7 . 1-4 2-8 . 4-8 . 2-5 . 0-0 . 01 . 0-0 . 1-1 . 0 0 1-1 FT RB PF IT 3-6 8-8 2-2 2- 5 3- fl 0-0 0-0 0-0 2-4 2-2 00 0-0 0 11 4 ll. 4 -I 2 I 3 r 0 I 0 i 0 ( 0 " 0 4 0 li 2 . . 19-46 22-33 21 15 :i KANSAS FG FT RB PF TV Bohnenstiehl 9-14 4-5 10 0 r Sloan 2-3 2-4 4 4 " Nash 7-11 0-1 7 2 1 Vanoy 0-4 1-1 4 4 ' White 8-17 0 0 5 3 1-' DoilTlas 2-5 1-3 1 2 . Arndt 0-0 1-1 0 1 I Hnrmon 3-5 0-O 5 2' Thomas 0-0 0-0 0 0 o Lawitnce 0-0 0-0 0 0 " Bradshaw 0-1 0-0 0 0 ll Totals 81-60 9-15 36 22 Nebraska 32 28 :i Kansas 41 3071 Attendance 17,000. IT'S LIKE . . . OTM" NOW, MANS 432-1465 13th &P Street CONTINUOUS SHOWS DAILY FROM 1 P.M. I A Vt1 Alt 1 GoofREY CAMBRIDGE Severn OAROEN "JqaS DELANEY :inn RUBIN rzTorawj FLICKER BM . Is KOCH f afUMOOJT Current Movies a Times KuniiAhed by Tbeatsr. limes; a.m. Ufb! Iscei p.m. bold lace LINCOLN CooperLincoln: 'The Ballad of Joule', 1:00, 3:05, 5:05, 7:05, 9:10. Stuart: 'The President's Ana lyst', 1:00, 3:05, 5: 15,. 7:20, 9:30. Varsity: 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly', 1:00, J:43, 6:26, 9:07. State: 'Wait Until Dark', 1:00, 1:00. 5:00, 7:00, 9:00. , Joyo: 'Rosle', 7:15, 9:15. Nebraska: 'Blow-Up', 1:00, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:20. Starvlew: 'Texas Across The River', 7:30. 'Cat Ballou', 9:15. OMAHA Indian Hills: 'Gone With The Wind', 8:00. Dundee: 'Far From The Mad dlnR Crowd', 6:00. Cooper 70: 'Camelot', 8:00. F E. STARTS THURSDAY! L!OLI k irAniKJt rrtkiTEkincD cad tuc l 434-7421 anviiw vvii i hiivkn l vn aaisa a ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS! 64th & 0 Street ":;.. -W'.v ' ' '.. Vsv " '4P .el mama SM 0) R5) Expand Your Mind Decorate Your Study Blast Your Tests Be Well Informed mm SALE! on NEW PAPERBACKS! 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