Wednesday, February .14, 1968 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Election redisiricting ... Disagreement develops among student senators by John Dvorak Junior Staff Writer I Student senators disagree j concerning the method of electing student represent Uves. A committee appointed by ASl'N President Dick Schulze j last semester is studying vari- j ous methods of electing sen-1 ators. The committee is ex pected to report to the senate in March. The senators currently ap-' pear to be divided into three groups of opinion: Senators who favor dis trict representation. Under this plan, campus living units would be apportioned into sec- jsaid Albeit Kelber. At the j University of Missouri, dis ! tricts are set up by living ; units. Instigation of district repre sentation has been shrouded by the possibilities of a Greek- Independent split over the is ! sue. ! "Certain groups would have i charged unequal representation under problem should take the initiative in improving senator-constituent relationships. Lack of Interest A majority of students show little interest in senate pro ceedings, several senators Tins is the major and cannot he a district nlan " Mike Jess : blamed off the system oi rep- said. '-Everyone knows there resentation they said. are more Independent stu- Students could care less dents than Greek students." I about what goes on in the Sen- j ate. stated Tom Greer. Voting in blocks ! Many students say that the system is not reaching them. Under house by house rep-! according to Mark Sehreiber. resentation Greek and Inde- But many times the students tions with 450-500 students, per pendent students would be in are not reaching the system. district. Each district elect one senator. Senators who either want to modify the present system of electing representatives through colleges or leave the present plan unchanged. Senators who are unde cided or are against both dis trict and college representa tion. Senators in the latter category did not indicate a possible alternative. 'Election of senators from living units w ould get students more acquainted with their representatives," said Andy Rasmussen. Not closely represented Susie Phelps reports that some students feel they are not being represented closely enough. The district system has definite possibilities, she feels. "It's difficult to represent my constituents under the present system. I favor some lorm of the Missouri Plan," would ; separate voting blocks ac-1 he said. cording to Roger Lott. i Students who The Dresent svstem of plect-' lerests are not mg senators is all right, ac cording to Kathy Kuester "Regardless of the system, you're not going to reach all students," she said. "You will always be able to reach the students who are really inter ested." Academic areas, not living units, are the most important competing interests, accord ing to Bob Weaver. feel their in being repre sented must "take the initia- ! live" and get the attention of their representative, accord ing to Weaver. Different plans :M It L)m Li Mln m McCarthyites plan policies for primar The University Students For I make his first appearance in McCarthy (SFM) will decide ! Nebraska on Feb. 22, but the Possible alterations Various senators, who want to keep the present system, j recommended the alterations to correct some of the flaws in college representation: i Senators should be re quired to report back to houses and dormitories. Senators should set up of fice hours when they w ould be available to talk to students. Students themselves Several of the senators are hoping the Redisricting Com mittee will propose a differ ent plan altogether. "I favor a system half way between district and college representation a happy med ium," said Loren Schulze. Following the Redistricting Committee's report, most sen ators expect that a number of proposed changes in election procedures will be introduced in the Senate. The general feeling 'in the Senate is that something should be done. It ap pears that it any action is taken, it will probably be something towards a living unit type of representation. pholo by Dan Lwtely This adornment on the wall of the Nebraska Union was contributed by a University student at the paint-in last week. World Affairs program plan Opinions vary on place of IDA in NU politics by Mark Gordon Senior Staff Writer Inter-Dormitory Association (IDA't leaders contend the lack of opposition tor the or ganization's top tvio offices does not necessarily indicate that dorm residents consider IDA weak or incomiwK nt. Problems in the lining of executive election and student assistant interviews have brought about no contest elec tions for both of the lnter Dormitory Association's ilDM top two offices, t hey said. The IDA oiikials .said they did not fed that !;ie unop posed presidential and vice presidential candidates indi cate a lack of la'th in t h e IDA'S ability to deal with residence hall problem1:. Brian K'de'iour. current ILiA president, said financial necessity lias ij.csed m a n y capable candidates to forego cam;ai2iiin2 lor JDA posi tions and apply lor student as sistant positions in the dormi tories. Compensation Student asisU.r.ts eeeive ful! ruo and boarJ cempen sation while IDA officers re ceive no financial remunera tion. Kidenour said open bouse pruble.'i nae preoc cupied the ji':i;.ii -it.' of the 1!)V huski'. -j since Kcptem l,.r ami has v ! short age of accomplishments in to.ial and .idui.a'iiorr fields. ' Dut." he added, "the IDA is not a weak oraaoi-tioii." Ki lenour caJleJ L-lice liuil cv. t lit- lone IDA i'"siucntial candidate and Mik- Kyster. the only vice-isreide'itial as-; executive elec'ions, likely suc ccsurs to the top jiositionb. Judividuul tloruis Itidenour said ai'oltier pos sibility lor the la 'L of opposi tion candidates, ivvolvrs around certain persons spend !ri2 more time with their in dividual dormitories rather : than the Association as a whole. Dave Shonka. IDA vice-: I .L... I presioeni, cneu apajiy u lack of progress in the open house issue as key faciors in the uncontested elections. "But in the area of ac complishment and effective ness 1 wouid say IDA is as eiiecient. if not more so. than any organization jn this cam- tins, includm" I said. Shouka called the IDA exe culie positions in the urconi in2 months 'political hotbeds as neither tae siud.;ii's uoi the administration are satis fied with the current open project his image and person house policy." ! ality across the campus Lack of interest ' Wluie the elections have not been harmed by a lack of interest, the IDA constitution prohibits many qualified can- ' didates from running. Bailey I said. i He relerred to an IDA con stitutional provision prohibit ing student assistants from holding either of ih IDA's two executive positions. ! "IDA can't ga any place until we set down the objec tives oi IDA. And what's the i use of getting involved with IDA until it has goals,"" Bailey questioned. Length of term Riciiard Page, Abel-Sando? IDA member, said the IDA election date pennKting can didates to serve one year terms beginning in the mid dle of the academic yea r. eliminate qualified uersons ; who desire to join orher ac 'tivities next Sepffinhcr. "There is a problem that some persons aren't taking, the organization , seri-! ousJy enough, but 1 don't think i it's weak," he said. In direct contrast with most j IDA officers, was Tom Briggs, ! who resigned bis chairman-j ship of the IDA administra tion coordinating committee last week. ! "The studcii's have given up en IDA because itV not; serving their inte.vs's." he said. linage projection He said the grom is not es tablished yet and Ins not had : a strong president v'io can! i . . ; , , . 1 IV ' M H Q ! pliutu by ltti) Laikly Dave Shonka, IDA vice-president states that, "IDA is as effi cient, if not more so than any other organization.'" The World Affairs Confer ence committee is currently formulating a definite pro gram schedule for the Mar. 14 and 15 conference, accord ing to Ron Alexander, com- I mittee chairman. The. committee has been contacting faculty members for help in scheduling student group discussions with con ference speakers. Alexander emphasized the importance of faculty help in planning stu dent participation in the con ference. .Although the group discus sion periods are still tentative, the committee has planned a definite schedule for confer ence sjx'akers. The conference's opening j topic will be presented by j Spring term enrollment record sel Second semester enrollment at the University has reached a new spring term record to talling 17.191 students This marks the ninth straight spring term that Uni versity enrollments have in creased and represents a gain of 9.222 since the spring of 190(1. Spring enrollment in 3907 was 15.856. The College of Medicine campus in Omaha has 623 stu dents with the remainder on !the Lincoln campuses. There j are 11.269 men and 5.922 wom en enrolled. The enrollment breakdown by components: agriculture. 1.140: business administra tion. 1.722' engineering and architecture, 1,890: home eco nomics, 693; arts and sci ences. 3.695. Teachers. 3.61"; students-at-large. 143: dentistry. 197: law. 2B2: pharmacy. 220; gradu ate. 2.011: teachersadvanced professional. 607; medicine and nursing. 502; junior divi sion undeclared. 442. UMk Anyone can. PERSONAL ytrrsanalUit tymn tor ttwm. ttfies. ' mill rulJurU. No CMll ftftor Hum. Peminality P:tri. P.wtiadellu. ttki , Hwti and UmtoiMs. It w Uun't Intv i Um vuti don'l wunt Hhmii. td litr . .ample and M.VIMM Bfl . ",H- n.Vt OWT SHOF. E. iMliax, li...r ! Uio. Ji2U. Draft MMinwIor --' Marxor, 1U4 Sealun i Hall ur cull 4:UtiUC. I With Eaton's Corrasable Bond Typewriter Paper, you can erase that goof without a trace. Not a telltale smudge remains. A special surface per mits quick and easy erasing with an ordinary pencil eraser. For perfect papers every time, get Corrasable. In light, medium, heavy weights and Onion Skin. In handy 100-sheet packets and 500-sheet ream boxes. At Stationery Departments. 4? KELP WANTED luteal Cumiai) U wurk part UI1M!. 1W tf)liu FOR SALE jyC7 Iviiuasiiltl 17.' nHitHrfVf'le. he FOR KENT Nnr auarlnKtnt. Mart! 1. Miirrwd tu diilfl. On- ti' lM-ntal Uiltfa and UU11VU. 37 to itutiirau. .-WKU ui mstiff! atiariitu nt-.fnd ant' Wlwldoii. J. tuuviits. fty ntw. Uuafl. .ll ult:it!e- imoI. I nivei.iU' antMtived 4J.. J.ltt. Onlv Zjaton makes Corrasable ' iATON HetK LOHfOflAtlON. PITTSflEU). MhSACMUbTT$ Xevitt Sanfcrd. member of j Ribocoff. former secretary of the Stanford Institute for Hu- the Department of Health, man Problems, He will speak ducatio" Welfare, will , , . ! discuss the role of federal on Changes and Reform m ! government , urbanization. Education" at 11:30 in thei The Detroit riots will be Coliseum. : used as a case study for Rep- Paul Miller. Under Secre- i resentative John Cover's tary of Education .will speak speech on the crisis in the on 'The Role oj Federal cities at the 3 p.m. program. Government in Higher Edu-i A panel discussion includ cation" March 15. ing the day's speakers joined Urbanization problems will Mayor A. V. Sorensen of be the afternoon's general Omaha will conclude the con topic. U.S. Senator Abraham 1 ference. Final vote of Senate to decide PF issue the formal policy that it will adopt in preparation for the Nebraska primary at a meet ing Thursday night, accord ing to Jennifer Marshall, president of the group date has not yet been con firmed, according to Acuff. Miss Marshall said Monday that SFM plans to set up a booth in the Union and rv I to get McCarthy to appear on She said that the duties of e campus when he comos SFM before the primary will j as Pan 01 tnat organization s center mainlv on doing the j campaign effort "leg-running" for the Nebras- She indicated that SKM kans For McCarthv when gups from Missouri ;.ni their Lincoln office is opened ! ?owa expressed imcrr -. in th noar f..t.i. i "i working with the Lnivev.-i- ty chapter here in prepara- in the near future Miss Marshall's statement came after a pep talk deliv ered by Mark Acuff, execu tive director of the Nebras kans For McCarthy cam paign, at a Aebraska ton tion for the primary. Good response predicted "I think we will have very cerned Democrat meeting last ! g00d response from the stu- Thursday night. Not "low key" campaign Acuff, who had just re turned from Washington where he was appointed by McCarthy to head the cam paign in Nebraska, said he talked to political correspon dents and newsmen about what many term a "low key" campaign regarding McCar thy's bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. "They seem to agree that the campaign is not low key at all, especially after observ ing the response we have re ceived in New Hampshire," he said. He added that the McCar thy campaign is attracting a lot of political novices around the nation who are not normal ly active in politics. McCarthy to appear here? Most of these people come from the academic world and from universities, and feel something is very wTong in their country today. Acuff said. McCarthy will probably dents on this campus. They have shown interest already and will continue to do so es pecially because of their con cern about the war in Viet nam," she said. Union flight: destination is Europe The Union Trips and Tours Committee is sponsoring a European flight June 12 to August 26. according to chair man Kris Swanson. The trip. hich is two weeks longer than Last year's, will cost $405. A Pan-American jet will fly travelers round trip to Europe. The trip is open to all stu dents, faculty and staff of the University, Miss Swanson said. A meeting for all in terested persons will be held Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Ne braska Union. A representa tive from Pan-American .Air lines will be on hand to an swer any questions. Final voting on the pass-fail grading resolution will be con ducted in Wednesday's Stu dent Senate meeting. Gene Pokorny. first vice-president of '..VJX. said Tuesday. The Senate will also consid er a resolution to make next week Peace Corps Week. The Peace Corps will be at the University recruiting volun teers throughout next week. A resolution which transfers ; authority of the Model United Nations from ASUN to the i Nebraska Union will be con sidered. If the resolution is passed, the Model UN will be i come a permanent part of the I University. Jaunian A jewelers Your Exclusive Keepsake Dealer in Lincoln at 1332 "O" fx Uii "O" St &- 4 ! t AemvUri "Nebraska's Largest Jewelers' MM Omaha-Fremont-Columbus Grand Is!and-Guncil BluflVSo. Omaha OWEST PRICES! M TOWN AT AT THE LOWEST PRICES 16th & P Sts. Juct South oi Campus WE NEVER CLOSE n imi gal. h A!! You Need Is Love After oil, it's what mokes the world go 'round in that wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime woy. The en gagement ring you choose soys so much about your love . . - end should it be o Keepsake, the word is "perfect." A brilliant diamond of fine color ond modern cut guaranteed perfect (or replacement assured) . 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