THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Editorial Commentary Monday, February 5, 1963 Page 2 Senator in a glass house State Senator Terry Carpenter last week launch ed another attack in his continuing series of one man campaigns. His target this time is the Uni versity Board of Regents' drug policies and the 18 University professors who submitted a letter to the Daily Nebraskan suggesting new policies for drug control. This is not the first time the Senator has placed University officials on the firing line about the drug problem. Last fall after the University had one isolated marijuana case, he demanded that the University use undercover agents to halt what he termed a growing problem. Carpenter is still pounding the same note and his remarks appear to have little evidence to validate his accusations. First he accused the Board of Regents of "sweeping the problem under the rug." The Regents issued a statement last fall clearly stipu lating the University's position on drug abuse and promising cooperation with state and federal agen cies. While the harshness of the policy can be ques tioned, the statement obviously does not "sweep the matter under the rug," but rather states a de finite, well defined stand on the matter. The Regents drug statement also stated that "drug abuse has not been an acute problem at tht University. Contrary to Carpenters accusations, drug abuse at the University campus has not reach ed the proportions which Carpenter suggests, nor does it warrant his drastic actions and overambi tious statements. Carpenter's solution to the University's prob lem is to use undercover spies but this solution appears to be palatable only to the senator. The Student Affairs Office has clearly stated its hesitancy to use undercover agents and has not seen the necessity to ask for this unsavory type of "aid". Several University professors, whose statement also aroused Carpenter's ire, have also expressed the view that spies would lead to en ticement and entrapment and the efforts would be extremely detrimental to the University atmo sphere. Although the drug division of the safety patrol can legally hire student spies, one would imagine they also would hesitate to use such an action before they received sufficient evidence to war rant such a controversial move and even then would reconsider the damaging effects to the en tire University. Therefore, until Carpenter discovers factual ev idence to support his lambastic accusations, per haps he should concentrate on real drug problems such as the one in Scottsbluff. Cheryl Tritt Craig Dreeszen . . . A senate critique This year has marked a change in student government at the University of Nebraska; Senate has taken on a new role. Traditionally student government has been adept at making noisy pro tests aimed (for want of something better) at the administration. Or student leaders either retired to the tavern in despair because of general stu dent apathy, or kept busy with trivia pretending the real problems weren't their concern. This year, I think it is fair to say, has been different. The ASUN Senate has begun to assume the role of a government rather than an organ ization and of leadership rather than following. Student power is beginning to be a reality at Ne baaska. I suppose I should offer evidence to support those assertions. First, one point should be made clear. The most important work of ASUN is not usually done on Wednesday afternoon at the Sen ate meeting; but rather the most significant work is done by the committees. The area of educational involvement is an ex ample. Students have always been frustrated and uncertain about the relevance of their college edu cation. Freshmen come to college thinking they are about to participate in an exciting and stimu lating educational experience. When they are disappointed, as they invari ably are, they usually have been looking at them selves for the problem. We are starting to realize that maybe it is the institution that is wrong rath er than the students. Starting with that premise, there have to be some things that can be done to improve the educational environment. To help discover and im plement these charts has been the goal of the ASUN Education Cc remittee. Some of the projects of the committee are as follows: establish inter disciplinary courses, establish new honors programs and improve existing programs, suggest an alter native to the present faculty advisor system, coor dinate advisory boards, evaluate the pass-fail op tion and make a proposal for expanding it, help the experimental Centennial College, participate in a revision of the Freshman English course and help the counseling service with an attltudinal characteristics study. The success or failure of these proposals is not as important as the larger goal which is to bring about a change in attitude on the part of students, faculty and administrators. If the Uni versity is to become a better educational institu tion, there must be a continuing dialogue and co operation among all elements of the University Community. Students cannot bring about Improved education working In isolation, neither can fac ulty or administrators. We are beginning to see this larger goal being realized. For example, the Chancellor's Centennial College Committee has three student memberr, the English department has asked for student help in revising the freshman course, the counseling ser vice is working quite closely with ASUN to plan and evaluate educational experiments for next fall. If student power is bringing the students' influence to bear on the decisions makers of the Univer sity, this is student power. This kind of exercise of student power has not been limited to those in educational reform. All those involved in student government this year are seeing themselves in this new role. Perhaps I should qualify that. There is still a significant number of senators who are playing games. These activities Jocks don't realize the difference between previous senates which were organizations and this one which is a government Those committee chairmen and senators, bow ever, who see themselves as catalysts for change are making a significant contribution to the welfare of the students and the University. The Senate is still in the midst of an identity crisis and has a long way to go but "I've got to adroit its getting better a little better all the time." 3 . ft " s .-t t 3 HI , N IV 1 v ) nrJpr 2T L.6eL -n.u l. Hr VfcTtto tSr Foe. (' (J ) 73i &4Ete MICM You ArrMP SiUt&3 . 7 William t'. Buckley . . . Is there a last straw? It is increasingly difficult to work up public indignation over outrage, as long as it is committed by a labor union. In the past few years in New York City, labor unions have closed down newspapers and killed off three of them. La bor unions have shut down the ships at sea, closing off pas senger and freight traffic. La bor unions have grounded the airlines, or most of them, leaving passengers the option of flying either to Toronto or to Detroit, but nowhere else. The labor unions have shut down the schools, all the schools, in violation of the laws which it is the supposed purpose of the schools to preach obedi ence to. The labor unions have shut down public transporta tion, causing something like a closing of the entire city. The labor unions struck the taxis, and violence was inflicted on the independent operators who declined to join in the strike. New York's severest retalia tion against these strikes, some of them illegal, others merely convulsive, economi cally, socially, and culturally, was fifteen days in jail during the Christmas holidays for Mr. Albert Shanker, the lead er of the teachers' union, dur ing which he is said to have run out of tea and crumpets on the third day, resulting in a loss of weight of three and one-half ounces. Who will turn the knob? I remember three years ago arriving at a television station and meeting at the elevator Professor John Kenneth Gal braith, all six feet five of that eminent intelligence, who al ways gives the impression that he is on very temporary Roger Slark . . . leave of absence from Olym pus, where he holds classes on the maintenance of divine standards. We rode up the elevator and met Billy Rose, the impressario, rich famous, a little cranky, and (if my memory serves) Dick Greg ory, the amiable but extreme ly touchy Negro Comedian. It was opening night for a new talk show hosted by David Susskind, and the gimmick was a Sony-sized television, set on a swivel, which would face whichever member of the panel the questioner, ho spoke half mile away from Grand Central Station, was addressing his question to. Now gentlemen, Mr. Suss kind explained, there has been a jurisdictional question be tween the unions here on the question which union has the responsibility for turning the knob at the control booth which swivels the television set towards the guest being questioned. So, when a ques tion is asked, the person the question is directed to should get up from his chair and run quickly towards the chair op posite the television, exchang ing places with whom ever was sitting there. Ilerolc physical assertion To this day I cannot be lieve it! we all received our instructions so dutifully as if we had met at the rim of Mt. Sinai to receive there from our transfigured Maker eter nal commandments concern ing our future behavior. I dimly remember an evening spent jumping up from my chair and passing Mr. Gal braith running at sprintspeed from his chair to occupy mine, diving Into the empty chair, panting and attempting a suave answer to the lady or the gentleman from Grand Central Station who little knew what heroic physical etertions were involved in sit uating the guest in front of the little screen. I do solemnly believe that if the Queen of England had asked Mr. Galbraith of Mr. Rose or Mr. Gregory or my self, to make such asses of themselves in order to in dulge her imperial pleasure, we'd every one of us have said: Madam, go jump in the royal lake. But not so the la bor unions. You treat them as faralistically as a fog, a drought, or a hurricane. The other day a colleague of mine, a lady of bright dis position and middle years, went to her garage to fetch her car, only to find the ga rage doors closed and her car interred inside. A strike. She has asked the doorman of the apartment building to raise the garage door, but he h a s informed her that the striking garage attendants removed the spark plugs from the ma chine that hoists the doors so that there is no feasible way to lift them. I spoke of "her garage" intending to be pre cise. She owns her apartment and, accordingly, a part of the garage which is a part of the building. So that her car is being detained in her garage against her will, and if y o u think that big brave courage ous lawabiding people-loving John Lindsay is going to ut ter one word of reproach to the labor unions, let alone dispatch a unit of policemen to wrench open that garage door and restore a citizen's rights, you are a romantic, and a patriot, and out, out of this crazy world. lflllllllllllll!lltll!tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Campus 1 j Opinion Dear Editor: Carol Madson is alive and well. Hyde Park is dead and not very well indeed or so we are told. I, who have virtually nev er taken the podium at Hyde Park, protest. Why: Idisagree with a statement that there is a lack of new issues on campus. There is at least one issue lurking in the nethermind of each student at the Univer sity, although it may be afraid to crawl out. And besides, "old" issues never die they change. Life is ongoing, and all that. Why else: I don't remem ber being asked about this ac tion at all. The first sign of the impending assassination attempt was a n e w s story that read like an obituary. Why not have at least one more Hyde Park and soon with the new issue of wheth er or not Hyde Park serves a useful function? And another thing: Read ing that students interested in continuing Hyde Park should Inform the Union program of fice, I went there. The exact conversation: "Hello. How do I express Interest in Hyde Park?" "Call Carol Madson." To those others (I hope I'm not alone) interested in Hyde Park, I would suggest you both go to the program office and call Carol Madson. She's in the phone book. Please, could we at least work on the suggestion of a Hyde Park session on Hyde Park? Maybe I'll even take part. Jerry Wolfe Dear Editor, What ever happened to the concerned college student? More specifically, whatever happened to the concerned University of Nebraska s t u dent? Are they still hiding In the dark environs of the Union Crib? Or perhaps the cob in fested corners of a downtown "art shop"? Or, are they hiding within themselves . . . away from reality and the cold life of Joe College and Susie So rority? You say the cold life of Joe College and Susie S? Aha, perhaps you disagree. Well Mr. U of N Typical Student, there is more to this college life than dating and partying and football, yes even football. Maybe it is bet ter to hide from these things, but we can't hide from every thing. Come out of your hiding place. Leave the dark corners. Take a stand. Revive Hyde Park. React. Sincerely, ex libris FOR THE OBJECTIVE THINKER This nation was founded upon the self-evident rights of "liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Nothing trans gresses these rights more profoundly and more obvious ly than the United States Selective Service. If we examine the antece dent and the consequence, we find that if a person has reached his eighteenth birth day and has maintained his health, he is then qualified, without any individual con trol of his own, to be forced Into following the orders and dictates of another person. Nothing this nation has done or will do could be more col 1 e c 1 1 v e or socialistic than forcing its citizens into ser vitude for the state. , Not only is this detrimental to the individual members of the United States, but also to the common national defense. We are currently engaged in a severe conflict in 8 o u t fa east Asia, and yet we are re lying on an army that under goes a major turnover every two years to support our cause. This is the richest, most powerful nation in the world and the citizens should de mand the highest quality of professionalism for their de fense. We need an entire army of well disciplined military men, each trained and o u t fitted with the best equip ment our technology can pro vide. This army should be paid wages commensurate to civilian jobs and should not be subject to political restric tion when engaged in a ma jor conflict. The draft's p r 1 m a r y de fense, and one that is pro fessed by the most "demo cratically" minded people, is the emotional bromide, "All American men should serve their country in t h e armed forces." These people claim that a conscripted ar my is necessary to maintain our free enterprise system, even though they are willing to sacrifice every principle of that system for this m a i n tenance. No end can be sup ported, however, if its means are in direct contradiction to Daily Nebraskan m. j. imi VL tl. No. M --ot!!-H pnttef paid at Tiacom, Nrt. i r,ij,rmirn: 42Zfte, 472-Z3WU. nufo-crlption niM are 4 per ennaeter or ! tor the aoaaemte year. Pobluned Monday, Wednesday, Tbormlay and Friday during the Khml year, aampt darlua vacation am) nam period, by the aturtnta M a University of Nemanka andor the jurladk-Uod X lha Family Hubonmmltta on Mutant Publications. Publication! ahall b Irw from cMMrahln by the Hvhrommittee or any vrana M(td the tiolveraUy, Mtmbera ! Um Nabraakan art reapouibie ler what they nuueto be printed. Member Aeeocuud Coiieaia'e Preee, National ErtttoaUal AdvarUctaf Herrfee. KRITOHUi. TFP IMllor Charfl Trllt, Vtuarlni editor Je TmMi Hew Editor C4 Iraanirlai mtm Htm ICdltoi t. I. HrhmlM: fcdJtorlai pan Anriatant June Wagoner AMMteat Nirh) Newa Kdjtor Wilbur (lentryi Spuria Editor Oaome Kaufmsni Alalnt Sporta. Editor Bonnie Bonaeaui News Aanlatant Lynn Ptaceki Staff Writer! Jim EMntei , Hark Martin. Hark Cordon. Jan Parka, Joel MnCnlloah, Janet Matwall, And Camninitham, Jim Pwleraen, Monica Pokorny, Phrllle Adkleaoa, Kent Cockaon. It rant Skinner, Nunpy Wood, John Dvorak, KeiUi WUliamai Ran w Coup Editor Lynn Gotteehall ; Copy Kdltnrei Retry renlmere, tmve Ptllnl, Jane tkeya, Molly MurraU, Lou Mary Koaoelli Pbewg ranoara Mike Maymaa awl Dan Lad-iy, nimsM.nn TArr Boelnm Manaior Glenn prlendti Production Manarer Charlie Maxtori Ka feonal Ad Manayor Leete Harlrhi Bookkeeper and clamitlMl ada manaaer Onry aolllnaawarUii BualneM Reenttary Jan Boatman i nubecrtpuon Manaaer Jan Boeej Saieames Da Crenk. inn Looker, KaUiy Pre! lb, TxM SlMumur, Dabafca that end. Another defense is the ex treme cost of sustaining a de cently paid army. In f a c, however, researchers have shown that by eliminating the expensive training necessary for a two-year army, the ex tra funds would be available at no added tax burden to the nation. Lastly, people contend that only an insufficient supply of persons would voluntarily en ter the armed forces. This is definitely a gross assump tion. To realize the number of individuals who would in list if wages and benefits were increased, one only has to ex amine the surprisingly large number of men who are join ing under the present condi tions. Of course, a voluntary sys tem would be most appealing to a particular socioeconomic class. This suggests to many people an army representa tive of only one social stra tum. Which Is more rational, providing a person with state welfare or providing a person with a job and s u b stantlal income? Corps declines JL Washington (CPS) -The Peace Corps, once the Mecca of many student idealists, is on the treshhold of what could be the most crucial per iod in its seven-year history. Few will deny that the Peace Corps has been one of the most successful and popular of the New Frontier programs initiated during the Ken nedy Administration. But the Peace Corps now faces many new and delicate problems, most of them a direct result of the war in Vietnam. Peace Corps officials who in the past have had little trouble convincing young people to give up two years of their life to work in an under developed country now find themselves on the defensive for the first time. The major problem is the Peace Corps' close association with the federal government at a time when the govern ment is unpopular among young people. Peace Corps officials, including Agency Direc tor Jack Vaughn, are not ready to admit the Corps has problems. But some other high-ranking govern ment officials have confirmed privately that the Corps may be in trouble. Recruiting figures alone indicate the Peace Corps has less appeal now than it had a year ago. In November, 1966. the Peace Corps received 7,097 applications from college seniors. Last No vember, applications were filed by only 3,786 sen iors, narly a 50 percent reduction. The main reason for this, Vaughn said, "is a feeling that we are an official part of the Estab lishment." One government official explained, "Be fore the United States became deeply involved in Vietnam, young people did not mind so much be ing associated with the government, now they do." However, Vaughn says the expanding group of student radicals who want to be completely dis associated with the government is not affecting the Peace Corps. "Our message is more to the con cerned, and the concerned can be of almost any political stripe. But Vaughn admits Peace Corps recruiting on campuses is more difficult now than it was sev eral years ago. "Most campuses are boiling," he said. "There is more noise and more turmoil, which makes it much harder for us to get our messages through." A few years ago it was easy for a recruiter to talk with students, he said. "But now there's a lot of rivalry, and it's harder to get that conversation for a half hour." "In the past," Vauhn admits, "the only thing holding us back has been the lack of enough can didates to serve as volunteers." Since the Coi-ps now must appeal to young people who as a group are becoming more and more anti-government, this problem is just beginning. Every color but green Kreuscher Wayne Kreuscher . . . Hie King's back Once it seems an awful long time ago a na tive sophomore wrote a column called "If I were King?" in the Daily Nebraskan. Unlike a Frank Partsch's "Closet Case" or Kelly Baker's "If Ups the Word," this column was seldom funny, good satire or even witty. Nor was this farcical "king" an intellect like Steve Abbott. Instead the sophomore with big ideas and even bigger plans plus a sometimes gutty opinion usu ally wrote simply about issues he thought were important. Inevitably this column will be much the same. Like that sophomore from another period in the University's like, this column will be concerned with ideas, issues and problems. Hopefully this column will show a little more maturity than the sophomoric "king" and the wri ter of this column is definitely more interested in walks in the park and serious study than was the sometimes gunning underclassman. Yet many of the same questions seem impor tant and whereas much written here (beginning with the column's title) may sound like history, people and events unfortunately don't change much at the University. Important question still include: What's wrong with the Greek system when many units still train their future leaders only with pushups and humility? (An especially perti nent question now that pre-initlation periods will soon be here.) What's wrong with a campus of 18,000 students that can't spark enough excitement to back Hyde Park once a week? (Especially since the first Hyde Park three years ago was interpreted as the beginning of a Rennaissance of thinking and new ideas on campus which apparently died quickly.) Why are nice boys and girls still concerned with collecting money for charity while allegedly "dirty" people, who sit in the Union cafeteria, do all the thinking? (Or at least, they used to do some thinking and plan teach-ins and bring na tional topics to the University campus.) Why can't University students have an idea they think could benefit the school such as the Student Bill of Rights and actually do something with it besides forming another committee to dis cuss it? Should the senior honoraries have any purpose on campus other than wearing their honor once a week and on special occasions? Are they an outdated idea on a modern question? What is wrong with a student government that has a great deal of potential, but seldom uses it? What is wrong when the majority of the members of Student Senate are worthless as student load ers? When will women students ever be treated like adults or many of them even wish to be adults? What has happened to all those once young sophomores and juniors with their idealistic ideas who were sure conservative, status-quo, mickey, mouse Nebraska was changing? These and other questions, have been asked a thousand times In the Daily Nebraskan. This column will ask them again, but hopefully with more success.