The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1968, Image 1

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spy informing (Uarpenter?
suspects campus going to not
I Two of the University faculty who signed a letter demanding a f
I re-evaluation of existing drug laws responded Sunday to State Sen.
Terry Carpenter's statements by saying that his letter was an at-
I tempt to bring the situation out in the open. The letter ran in last I
Wednesday's Daily Nebraskan. I
I Following are their comments and reactions to Carpenter's I
1 charges: 1
i Richard Woodard, assistant professor of law: In regard to
Carpenter's statement that the University is trying to sweep the I
issue under the carpet, Woodard said, "If anything we're not trying I
.o sweep it under the rug."
1 By bringing the issue to public light, Woodard said the 18
signers of the letter were trying to hold public discussion on the
g issue. Hopefully, he said, the letter would stimulate the State Legis-
I lature to consider the issue in its sessions. i
Regarding as to why only 18 signed the letter: "Carpenter com
pletely mistakes why only 18 signed," Woodard said. He explained
they were not looking for quantity, but rather a representation of
all aspects ol tne university system such as chemists, lawyers, a Submit Evidence
minister, etc. "We weren't looking for mere numbers," he said.
by Jim Evlnger
Senior Staff Writer
State Senator Terry Carpenter of
Scottsbluff told the Daily Nebras
kan Sunday that he has a source
which is providing him with infor
mation about the use of marijuana
on the University campus.
Carpenter refuses to reveal this
source, saying that if he were to
reveal the identity, the informant
would "dry up immediately." He
claircM that under no condition
would he reveal his source.
Carpenter charged last week
that there is widespread use of
drugs on campus and it is devel
oping into a greater and greater
1 Robert Dewey, chairman and professor of the department of I
philosophy: Regarding Carpenter's statement that the faculty and I
administration were not informing the Board of Regents as to the
extent of drug abuse on campus, Dewey replied that the "admin- I
s Lstration is in a far better situation to know the extent of drug 1
I abuse on campus than the average faculty member." f
Regarding Carpenter's statement that he would fire the letter
I signers, Dewey said, "The expression of ideas for social reform
I is, as I understand it, well within the rights of any faculty member I
or citizen. I
"Sen. Carpenter has often availed himself of such rights and I
i f don't know of anyone who wishes to see him removed from his f
office for that reason."
Dr. B. N. Greenberg, York, pres
ident of the University Board of
Regents, told the Nebraskan Satur
day that "it would be most help
ful if Sen. Carpenter could sub
mit his documented evidence to
the constabulary and enable en
forcement officers to ctively pur
sue the prescribed laws."
Carpenter stated Thursday that
the Regents are trying to cover
up the degree of drug abuse on
campus. He blamed this on the fac
ulty and administration not telling
the Regents the extent to which
students are using drugs.
"We are doing everything we can
to enforce the rules of the Univer
sity and the state law. The Re
gents ana aaministraaon will co
operate completely with the pre
scribed agencies," Greenberg re
plied to Carpenter's charge.
Regents policy
He reiterated that the University
would continue to follow a policy
the Regents established in a Sept.
12 resolution.
Carpenter received a letter from
the Regents earner last week stat
ing the University policy toward
drug abuse. The letter said the
Sept. 12 resolution of policy ap
pears sufficient to handle problems
in that area.
To Greenberg's knowledge, no
undercover agents are being used
on campus. He said there has been
no formal request to use agents.
Carpenter advocates the use of
undercover agents. He told the Ne
braskan that this would be the only
way to actually find out the de
gree of drug use by students. He
charged that the University is re
sisting attempts to find out.
Greenberg said no formal re
quest has been made for the use
of student spies. Carpenter says
he has no power to make a for
mal request to ask for the use of
undercover agents. 4
He said he has been continually
demanding the University do this,
and will continue to make the de
mands. It is the implementation of the
Regents resolution's policy and ex
isting state and federal laws that
prompted 18 University professors
to demand a revaluation as ex
pressed in a letter which appeared
in the Daily Nebraskan last Wed
nesday. If I were chancellor
Greenberg has declined to com
ment on the letter, but Carpenter
told the Nebraskan, "If I were
chancellor of the University, I
would fire them."
He called the 18 incompetent and
not fit to come into contact as pro
fessors with students at the Uni
versity. Four of the letter signers
include chairmen of University de
partments. WTien the State Legislature meets
again next fall, Carpenter says
he will ask that appropriations for
sisting attempts to find out.
the Drug Control Division of the
Mate Hignway Fatrol be increased
from the current $50,000 allotment
to $500,000.
Carpenter said he will also raise
the question of why the Univer
sity has avoided getting into the
problem of drug abuse on campus.
It was also the purpose of the 18
professors to focus public atten
tion of the University drug policy.
On the use of undercover agents
on campus, the letter states, "the
presence of undercover agents on
a campus is an inevitable disrup
tive of trust and privacy, and tends
to create an atmosphere of doubt
and suspicion. Only where the
clearest and most serious danger
to the common good existed would
such methods be justified."
Terry Carpenter
Monday, February 5, 1968
T n
(T nTTR Th
University of Nebraska
Vol. 91, No. 56
i- ',' , jfj it
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AWS Board votes Tuesday ...
Executives anticipate
constitution approval
Harper residents hold open house Sunday, ignoring a University guideline.
Open houses . . .
Harper passes motion
against open door policy
by Mark Gordon
Senior Staff Writer
Harper Hall refused to enforce
the controversial open door policy
during Sunday's open house after
the dormitory'? student senate
passed a motion Thursday con
cerning the policy.
Bill Chaloupka, Harper president
said the tiree-hcur open bouse con
formed with all other regulations
of the six-clause policy established
first semester by the Faculty Sen
ate subcommittee on Social affairs
and activities.
The clause states that all doors
except those of residents absent
from the floor during the event
must remain open and those resi
dents leaving the floor must reg
ister their absence with the re
sponsible officer.
Chaloupka said late Sunday af
ternoon there were no adverse in
cidents to his knowledge during the
open house and "everything went
along as planned."
Policy Violation
"The reason we're violating the
policy now, is that we feel open
houses are beneficial and desir
able and that open houses under
section five (the open door ruling)
would not be desirable. In fact,
According to Willson,
music ain't down yet
Citing the American high school
band as the most significant fac
tor la the recent growth of inter-
r- ;
J - . -ipttr
j -
- - - yy
Uenillh WClsoa
est In music, Meredith WHIson was
everyblt the smooth tal!.lng Music
Man during his visit Friday at the
University's "Weekend with Mu
sic." "Obviously when local Interest
in bands is so great a growth of
national interest in all phases of
music must parallel it."
Willson also discussed plans for
production of his new musical 1491.
He spoke of his enjoyment in work
ing in the American Musical Thea
tre, yet be contended that this
medium was not the U.S.'s great
est contribution to the world of
I repeat. It is the genius of the
Individual Instrumentalist, ground
ed In the local interest in music,
which is America's greatest
it would be detrimental to the dor
mitory as a whole," Harper's
chief executive said.
"If we accept the policy for even
one or two times, it would possi
bly be accepting the policy perm
anently," Chaloupka continued.
In a prepared statement, the
Harper senate said it passed the
motion, stating that "Harper Hall
will hold an open house as sched
uled on Sunday and ignore section
five of the new open house pol
icy ... " for two reasons.
Impractical infringement
The residence hall governing
body contended the motion was
passed because the policy was im
practical and it infringed upon the
resident's Intrinsic rights.
"It is Impractical from the
standpoint of Impartial and just
enforcement," the paper said.
"The open door and sign-out pol
icies could not be enforced be
cause of the large number of res
idents who refuse to accept them."
The statement also said the
clause created an objectionable at
mosphere as it restricted the pri
vate use of a room when a resi
dent is not entertaining guests.
Mistrust of members
"In as much as it implies a ser
ious mifrust of the members of
the organization having the open
house, the government of W. Claire
Harper Hall cannot justifiably ac
cept or enforce this policy," the
statement concluded.
Chaloupka said an overwhelming
percentage of Harper residents fa
vored taking this "straight-forward
Jump to page I; coL t
by Jan Parks
Several AWS board members,
including Ann Windle, AWS presi
dent, anticipate the approval of the
newly revised AWS Constitution at
Tuesday's board meeting.
The board's approval is the ini
tial step needed to start proce
dures for an AWS ratification elec
tion. Miss Windle felt that the board
will vote "yes" on the constitution
because the Constitutional Conven
tion's delegates, elected from wom
en's living units, have been very
conscientious in revising the con
stitution. The Constitutional Convention
has made changes and compro
mises to satisfy the board since
they began in October, the presi
dent said.
Miss Windle said that if there
is any rebuttal, other than ques
tions on wording, it will probably
deal with the membership clause.
This clause states that all Univer
sity undergraduate women are au
tomatically members of AWS upon
"The membership clause is to
avoid chaos," the AWS president
explained, "Students should rea
lize that if there weren't organiza
tions like ASUN and AWS. rules
would be handed down by the ad
ministration." The chairman of the AWS Con
stitutional Convention, Nancy Cou
fal Hungerford, also predicted the
board's approval of the constitu
tion. "We may have a few questions,"
she said, "and several wording
changes, but I expect the consti
tution to be sent through ratifica
tion procedures."
Mrs. Hungerford noted that the
constitution will be sent to ASUN
for approval if ratified by the AWS
Ratification election
The ratification election, which
had been scheduled for Feb. 19, 20,
and 21, may be delayed a week
due to the conflict with Coed Fol
lies and a delay in the final print
ing, she said.
The ratification election will be
conducted in the individual living
units. Each dormitory and groups
of two, three or four sororities will
vote together, according to Nesha
Neumeister, assistant chairman of
the Constitutional Convention.
Mrs. Hungerford explained that
an orientation period, conducted by
herself or Miss Neumeister, will
precede each living unit's election.
"This will give girls an opportun
ity to ask questions about the doc
ument," she said.
Program Vice-President Steph
Tinan was also confident of the
board's passage of the constitution
because "most of the board's re
commendations have been met"
She cited one of the compromises
in the program area, which in
volves such activities as Coed Fol
lies, Focus on Coeds Week, and
the Ivy Day Sing.
The delegates wanted to include
larger numbers of girls in AWS
l Lh-)
Ann Windle
leadership by not allowing board
members to be program chairmen,
she said. (Presently all chairmen
are board members).
"I felt that the constitution
should not disqualify some of the
most interested and qualified girls
from holding program positions,"
she said.
Jump to page 2, coL 1
embers indicate
Today SDS disintegrating
On Campus ,
..Professor Albert C. Be ok of the
University's School of Journalism
is attending the 10th annual con
ference of the American Academy
of Advertising in Washington D.C.
Monday. Professor Book is taking
part in the convention program.
..Interviews for AUF chairmen
and assistants win be held on Sun
day Feb. 11 at 1:30 p.m. in the
Union. Applications are available
on the activities board across from
the Auditorium in the Union base
ment today, or they may be picked
up at the AWS Activities Mart on
Feb. 7.
..University of Nebraska students
who would like assistance in finan
cing their education during the
next school year must make appli
cation at the Office of Scholarships
and Financial Aids before March
1, according to Dr. E. E. Lond
ak, director of the office. The only
exception is the 4-year Regents
scholarship, which is automatical
ly renewed if the student main
tains a 1.1 grads average.
by Kent Cocksoa
Junior Staff Writer
Several leaders of the campus
Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS) agree that SDS is disinte
grating, but they disagree on
whether the organization bas
moved toward invisibility or sim
ply inartivity.
John Hughes, SDS vice president,
said that the organization was de
finitely disintegrating as far as
membership was concerned. He
said that the SDS at Iowa Univer
sity has a 500 member turnout at
every meeting, while at Nebraska
there are "only about seven or
eight hard-core members left"
"It's bard to interest people here
because many of them are frus
trated. They are not apathetic, but
they have a typical Nebraska apo
litical attitude," he said.
While there is intersst in the is
sues, no one wants to take politi
cal action to effect a change," be
Hughes also attributed the inac
tivity of SDS to poor Internal or
ganization. He said that members
as a group could not "take hold"
of the issues when they arose.
"When we finally could take a
stand on anything, the issue had
already died, and there was no
point in voicing our views," he
Toni Victor, another member,
said there was not enough discus
sion last semester on issues vital
to the campus, and as a result
interest dragged. But she added
that she feels very optimistic
about the future of SDS this se
mester. "Discussion at the meetings con
centrated mainly on draft resis
tance, and I didn't really feel as
a girl that I should be advising any
one else on this," she said. But
this semester discussion could cen
ter on issues that concern mora
people generally, such as drugs."
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