1 Friday, December 8, 1967 The Daily Nebraskan Page 7 r1 Abe Fortas Speaks Here December 14 Abe Fortas, associate jus tice of the US Supreme Court will address Univer sity students Dec. 14 at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Ballroom in conjunction with the Union Speaker-Artist Series. Fortas was appointed to the Court by President Johnson in 1965 after having served as an Undersecre tary of the Interior and as an advisor to the United Na tions delegation in San Fran cisco. A committee spokesman commented that Fortas' ap pearance at the University will provide students with information about the pro ceedings of the Supreme Court and allow them to question a man who is ac tively involved in the devel opment of U.S. law poli cies. The speaker graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Yale Law School in 1933 and re mained at Yale on the staff until 1937. At that time he im -i i nan HBMi 3 The following juniors, sen iors, and graduates beceme initiated into Pi Lamba Theta Thursday night: Judy Busboom, Maryann Bavis, Denise Dierks, Lynn Dunlap, Mary Beth Eisen hower, Beverly England. Dorothy Fuller, Karen Jo Grounaud, Audrey Shaw Haigh, A r 1 e n e Halleen, Linda Hammer and Susan Henderson. Patricia Hensley, Deanna Herron. Carol Holly, Mary Hunt, Donna Jamison, Mary Keim. Gwenith Knee. Lu jean Koerting, Ellen Look, Mary Ann Losh, Nancy Mc Connell, Mary McFarland, Joan Mosier, Marlene Mur dock and Wanda Nelson. Janet Merison, Geraldine Powers, Elaine R o g g e, A was appointed to several federal government posi tions that continued until 1946. The lawyer practiced with the Washington D.C. firm of Arnold, Fortas and Porter until he was confirmed an associate justice of the Su preme Court in 1965. Fortas serves as a trus tee of the Carnegie Hall Corporation, Carnegie Hall International, Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Wil liam Alanson White Psychi atric Foundation, John F. Kennedy Center for Per forming Arts, Festival Cas als. Inc. and the American Judicature Society. The Court justice is also a member of the Visiting Committee on the Law School at the University of Chicago, an Overseer of the College of the Virgin islands and a member of the Advi sory Council of the School of Advanced International Stu dies of Johns Hopkins University. Sharre Sassen, Margaret Saunders, Sue Schmidt, Sherie Sicklebower, Carolyn Simmons, Beverly Stingley, Mary F. Stroh, Cheryl Tritt and Rosangie Wirth. Talking about the M i s souri defense which tossed him for 75 yards in losses while attempting to passs, Kansas State's Bill Mossek noted. "Their defense was nothing different than what we practiced against. B u t their rush was." LIVELY From the famous steps of Sproul Hall at the University of California at Berkeley to the warm and sandy shores of Daytona Beach at spring break, the New Folk have thrilled college students by the thousands with their fresh and versatile sound in folk singing. Don't miss this exciting musical package! Pershing Municipal Auditorium Saturday, Admission: $2.75, $2.25, and $1.50 Tickets available at the Calendar FRIDAY, DEC. 8 (All activities are sched uled for the Nebraska Union, unless otherwise in dicated.) INTER-VARSITY, - 12 noon. ENGLISH DEPART MENT, 12 noon. PLACEMENT OFFICE LUNCHEON, 12:30 p.m. SOCIOLOGY 53, 1:30 p.m. A-Ph-A, - 1:30 p.m. JAZZ 'N JAVA, - 3:45 p.m. ' INTER-VARSITY 7 p.m. TURKISH STUDENT AS SOCIATION 7:20 p.m. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY-8 p.m. TAU KAPPA EPSILON DANCE 9 p.m. MOVIE - "The Finest Hours." 7 and 9 p.m. H I L L E L SERVICES -4:45 p.m., Cotner Chapel. Scrip On Sale Scrip magazine, the Uni versity's literary publica tion, will go on sale Mon day, Dec. 11 at 12 noon. They will be sold at all bookstores and in the Ne braska Union lobby. Read Nebraskan Want Ads GRADUATING SENIORS! YOUR New Sports Car is waiting for you THESE ore the terms tailored for you . . . the GRADUATING SENIOR No Down Payment 36 Month Financing Available VERY Low Monthly Payments STANDARD MOTOR COMPANY 1731 "O" ST. NEW SOUND AND SPIRIT IN FOLK MUSIC ! Model United Nations Benefits Students Model United Nations are valuable from an academic and social aspect, accord ing to Mike Pritchert, pres ident of the Nebraska Mod el UN, Pritchert, a student at the University of Northern Iowa, was invited to partici pate in the mock UN two day session which begins Friday. The guest General Assembly Chairman said that he has actively partici pated in Model UN's throughout his college ca University Theatre presents o FOR RESERVATIONS Phont 472-2072 or 472-2073 reer. Nebraska's Model UN which will convene Friday at 7 p.m. and reconvene Saturday at 8 a.m. at t h e Nebraska Center for Con tinuing Education. The Model UN will con clude with an International Banquet Saturday evening, according to Cheryl Adams, ASUN Model UN Commit tee chairman. Dr. Milton Rakove, asso ciate professor of political science at the University of "A PULITZER PRIZE PLAY" LAST PERFORMANCE This Friday and Saturday Nights 8 P.M. HOWELL MEMORIAL THEATRE OR WRITE University Theatre 12th & R St. Lincoln, Nebr. 432-4277 I2!T '"f If 1 1 Li 1 ' fllk " Hill iMIMatliMMi i ili " 'hftftiW ifclllBPTWi i HlMl'U'lftifo I ) ''mi December 9 8 p.m. Nebraska Student Union and at Pershing Illinois at Chicago, will be the main speaker at the banquet. Rakove, the author of Arms and Foreign Policy in the Nuclear Age, was chos en as one of the ten out standing political scientists . in the United States to aid the West German govern ment in 1963, Personal observations of a Model UN in India will be given by Robert Barnet, the legal counselor to Gov. "I LAUGHED WHEN MY ROOMMATE TOOK NoDoz!' -writes Private J. B., now of Fort Sill, Oklahoma. "No pjil can stop you from flunking out," I scoffed. "Well, he's there. And I'm here. Take warning from my sad case. And take NoDoz to help you stay with it." Actually, our young warrior is right: NoDoz can't work miracles. But it can help, any time you're drowsy or tired. For example: A cou ple of NoDoz can sharpen your mind andhelpyou rememberfacts at exam ' W IfiV 4 :lm "J Norbert Tiemann, said Miss Adams. Other special dinner guests at the banquet will be G. Robert Ross, dean of student affairs, and Dean Milton Evans, Nebraska Wesleyan administrator. Miss Adams reported that a meeting of the delegations Wednesday night showed all of the delegations "to be in terested and concerned about presenting their coun try's view." Most of the questions con IP2! cram When can help you and it's non habit forming. NoDoz. The scholar's friend. THE ONE TO TAKE Box Office Campus Crusade tor Christ cerned procedures to be used in the General Assenv bly on Saturday, she s a 1 d, and the method to be used for setting up caucuses for Friday's session. "Blocs for caucusing will probably be aligned by re lating countries," she ex plained. One bloc will defi nitely be composed of Com munist countries and cri teria such as the Common Market countries will be used to align the other blocs. time, or NoDoz can wake you up when you have to late at night. driving makes you drowsy, NoDoz can bring you back to life. If a long lecture makes your attention wander.NoDoztothe rescue. Get the point? NoDoz anywhere, any time, NOUOZA WHEN YOU HAVE TO STAY ALERT. l P. X U I . r f i i t i 4 i 1:1 V1 J I 'I i