'evidential College Bv DAVE BUNTAIN Senior Staff Writer The Centennial College Committee has urged Chan cellor Clifford Hardin to ap point a "master." to organ ize a residential college for the 1968 schoolyear, accord ing to Professor Robert Knoll, associate chairman of the English department. Dr. Knoll said the commit tee unanimously recommend , ed to the Chancellor that he appoint someone who "will be charged . with providing students with a curriculum and faculty" by the fall of 1968. The committee was created by Chancellor Hardin to study the feasibility of developing a residential college a structure designed to allow students to learn, study and work while living together. Friday, December 8, 1967 '4 1 11 , , , 'i t if. DAWN On Sclitilzc? 1,. ' " w-J Speech On Bill Of Rights Bv KENT COCKSON junior Staff Writer Dick Schulze, ASUN presi dent, is scheduled to deliver a policy speech specifically concerning the Student Bill of Rights at 7:15 p.m. Mon day in the Union Ballroom. His speech is part of a lec ture series sponsored by Pi Kappa Phi fraternity aimed at promoting student leader ship and solving the prob lems of student apathy, ac cording to Mike Grashan, ac tlvites chairman for PI Kap pa Phi. Grashan said that Schulze's talk will center mainly on the implementation of the Bill of Rights and how it can be of value to the student. He added that the ASUN president will be open for questions follow ing his speech. The lecture series began early this year in an effort "to get the Greek system to strive for the working ideal ism commonly expressed in all greek charters," accord ing to Grashan. He added that the lecture scries has four goals: attack student apathy In campus pol lticj and activities, make in It will make other recom mendations, he said, after' the group studies the prob lem further. Creation of a residential college could come only after the idea was approved by such groups as the Student Senate, the Faculty Senate and, ultimate ly, the Board of Regents. The concept of the "live together-learn together" col lege has intrigued college educators throughout the country, Dr. Knoll said. PROBLEM POSED These educators, he pointed out, are looking for solutions to problems posed by such realities as the tremendous size of many universities and the demand for specialized training within a framework of general education. With these problems in mind, the University com D C f1 ) 7 7 mm mm m mi? ,w mus iiwevr rm v i a r m . a mm -m. m m ? isesw ) ? )n ? rv BLACKS OUT THE MCI IT . the Spire of Love Library To dependents cognizant of the altitude held by the Greek Kystcm that it is involved in for the benefit of the entire campus issues and is working for the benefit of the entire campus, provide a self-evaluation of the Greek system and initiate corrective action based on the self-evaluation. "One way to lick student apathy is to have the presi dent of ASUN talk openly to the students and effort a re action to his policy decision . . . and get them to take a stand," Grashan said. "The whole program Is an effort to open avenues of ex pression to the student that are now blocked by prejudice and bias ... to encourage student involvement and pro mote student leadership In campus activity," he said. Up to this time, the lecture series had been limited to thi PI Kappa Phi house. Grashan said that the program is being extended to the student public because the effort to "revise house deficiencies has been successful and it Is time to ex tend the program's success Ui ell students." Grashan said Schulie will mittee agreed upon several fundamental needs of any residential college plan. "Central to our discussions is a recognition of the need for interdisciplinary cours es," he explained. Such cours es would be ideaor problem-oriented, rather than sub jectand history-oriented, as is now the case. Under an interdisciplinary program, a freshman might take a course such as "Con temporary Issues in Ethical and Historical Contexts," where he would discuss con cepts such as power, reli gion and anti-rationalism. DESTROY FRAGMENTATION Dr. Knoll said this use of "synthesized courses" would help destroy the frag mentation characteristic of the current student's schedule and would better convey the I'holo by Mike Huymun icy jbl v-r probably be asked to voice his views on the issue of liv ing unit representation in the ASUN senate. He added, rep resentation proportional to the number of greeks and in dependents on the campus will be a big issue In the spring campus election. The problem is that there is a limited channel of c o m munlcation between the s t u dent and the senators, Grash an said. The solution, he said, is to "back equal representa tion to the hilt." "The outcome could hurt the Greek system, but it would help the University as a whole," Grashan said. "We must bring student government to the student if he will not come to it . . . and we must make student poll tics relevant to each student. "If the campus political or ganizations would take a more active role In campus issues, such as student activism, de emphasize their roles within the national organizations, student apathy would be wiped out because more than one side of any issue would be; represented ... to the benefit of the student," he said. relationships between various disciplines. In a residential college setting, students could have great leeway in determining the topics for discussion, he suggested, while the teacher would be forced to learn with the student. Such a college "should at tempt to exploit the ignor ance of the faculty, rather than to hide it," he said. Dr. Knoll stressed that the committee is interested in de signing a program for "gen eral students" rather than for "honor students;" they feel participants in the "pilot" program should be chosen in a random manner. He said he personally would favor the creation of a college of 300 freshmen who would live in a struc ture including class room study, common and library University of Nebraska ASUN Affect After the resolution Sergeant Foster: "It's a shame the students took this action we don't have to foree our way onto campus for personnel." Lt. Gen. Henninger: "We don't care what they do." By DAVE BUNTAIN Senior Staff Writer Military recruitment efforts would not be affected ad versely if the Board of Re gents upheld the student Sen ate recommendation to sus pend recruiting operations on campus, S-Sgt. Robert Fos ter, an Army recruiter, pre dicted Friday. Foster said, "I'm sure ev erybody knows where the of fice is." Student Senate's action came as a result of a direc tive from Selective Service Director William Hershey to local boards, authorizing them to reclassify any student in terferring with induction pro ceedings or recruitment pro grams. SUSPEND The Senators urged the Re gents to suspend military re cruiting on the campus "until such time as Hershey's direc tive is rescinded." "I think it's a shame t h e students took this action," Foster commented. "None of the recruiters have such a need for personnel that we have to force our way onto a campus. We're not there to harangue anybody into t h e service." He pointed out that most students who talk with the re cruiters are interested in the service, rather than in avoid ing it. COME TO OFFICE "We feel that we have got something that we can offer the htudents," he said. "Most students who see us while we are on campus would come and talk to us at the oil ice it' we didn't provide this ser vice." Foster suggested that t h e Senate's action did not reflect the general attitude of the stu dent body, since "a majority of the University's students don't have anything againsf the military." Army recruiters spend about four or five full days at the Nebraska Union each year he said, In addition to appearances they make at the request of a fraternity or professional group. DIFFERENT He empnasized that the re cruitment operations and the Selective Service are two en tirely unrelated systems, add tng "I think very few of your draft boards would ever take action against a student dem onstrating against recruiters." Lt. Gen. Guy Henninger, di rector of the State Selective Service operations, confirmed Foster's speculation. He said the directive sent to the local boards instructed them to take action "against anyone who interferes with the administration or procure ment of personnel. " INTERFERES The Nebraska boards, he explained, interpret the term Urged For '68 areas. The college would also include offices for faculty members and study carrels for participating Lincoln stu dents. SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAMS The college, Knoll suggest ed, could teach courses "sup plemental to the professional curriculum." These courses could be designed to meet the present Arts and Sciences group requirements, the En gineering, Humanities' and Social Sciences requirements, and the general requirements of Teachers' College. Participating students would still fulfill their major requirements and receive their degrees from existing colleges. Under Knoll's plan, fresh men would take all their courses in the residential col lege, while upperclassmen Resolution Will Not Recruitment Policiei "interferes" to mean the physical blocking of someone who wants to talk to a re cruiter or to be inducted. Henninger said, "we don't care what they do parading up and down the streets to protest. In fact, they've been parading in front of Gen. Hershey's for six months." The Senate bid to suspend military recruitment is simi Representation Studied As . . Constitutional Delegates Discuss Apportionment By JAN PARKS Junior Staff Writer The AWS Constitutional Convention, now consider ing the legislative powers of AWS. Thursday discussed the size and apportionment for representation in the AWS Congress. The present AWS repre sentative system (the house of representatives) provides for one representative from each dormitory floor and each sorority house. "AWS should have a rep resentative system that is workable, efficient, and as representative of all wom en students as possible," IFC Elects Russell Treasurer The Interfraternity Council (IFC) Wednesday elected Rick Russell, Alpha Tau Ome ga, as its new treasurer. Sid Logemann of Sigma Nu, presently IFC secretary, was nominated for the office of president during the meeting. Voting for president will be held at the IFC meeting next week. Nominations will re main open until that time. Russell said that as trea surer he would attempt to use the IFC treasury more effectively in such areas as Bcholorship and pledge com munications. He also plans to put a por tion of the treasury in a time deposit account. Awards Banquet Set Far Tuesday The 4-1 1 Awards Banquet "A World or Opportunity" will be held Dec. 12 at 6:30 in the City Union's Indian Room. would take an incrasing num ber in their major area. A typical freshman sche dule might include three interdisciplinary courses, con cerning contemporary issues, Science and Linguistic or mathematical language, he said. Upper level programs in the major field might even tually be revised to include proficiency (comprehensive) examinations and residence for majors in common dorm itories, he added. LABORATORY Knoll said a residential col lege would be an excellent laboratory to test teaching techniques, where both the students and the teachers would be challenged. "The College should at tempt to question all of edu cation's sacred cows: cours es, grades, credit hours, aca lar to action taken at Colum bia University, according to Sen. Al Spangler. POLICY Columbia students made a similar statement urging the suspension of military re cruiting which has since been adopted as university policy, he said. Hershey's directive has also inspired a rash of law suits said Nancy Coufal Hunger ford, convention chairman. The chairman presented two suggestions to the con vention concerning the size of the Congress. The first suggestion provided, for a Congress of 25 members, which she felt was a work able size. Mary L y n n e Nelson, chairman of the legislative powers committee noted that the large number of repre sentatives in the house of representatives cause an at tendance problem and an apathetic attitude of repre sentatives. COMMUNICATION CUT Some of the constitution delegates felt that cutting the number of representa tives would also cut the lines of communication be tween women students and the AWS Congress. "A dormitory will contin ue to have a judiciary rep resentative on each floor," said Jodie Calvin, a Sandoz delegate, who will be a di rect voice from the floors to the House Court which can establish communication." Another delegate felt that communication would be sacrificed by lessening the number of representatives. "If each dorm and house chooses their representative carefully, the representa tives will feel a responsi bility to attend the meetings and take an interest in the Congress," she stated. "One of the pet peeves of AWS critics is that there are too many Greek representa tives." said Nesha Neumeis tcr, secretary of the conven tion. CHANGE FAVORED A straw vote showed that more than half of the dele gates were in favor of a change of some sort in so rority representation for AWS. The official vote for changes In Att'i representa demic disciplines, faculty wis. dom. living regulation and administrative prudence." he pointed out. Faculty members could be chosen by a method similar to the election of the Grad uate College faculty. In devising a residential college, planners "should not try to stir up a program and lay it out for four years," Knoll said, adding it should be developed a year at a time." Although faculty members seem to be enthusiastic about the residential college idea, he indicated, it will be diffi cult to "persuade the facul ty to be generalists in a generation of specialists." He said he hopes the Uni versity will adopt a "pilot" residential college program which can be expanded an it develops. Vol. 91, No. 48 in various states by members of the National Student Asso ciation to test the legality of revoking deferments because of anti-recruitment activity. ASUN President Richard Schulze will present the reso lution to the Board of Regents at their Monday meeting. Copies of it are being for warded to Hershey and the national office of the NSA. tion was postponed until Dec. 14 meeting, when the Convention will again con sider the problem of reap portioning representation as equally as possible accord ing to population. The delegates approved the first five provisions of Section II, Article I ot the AWS Constitution. PROVISIONS OUTLINED The provisions, which deal with the legislative power of the Congress, give Congress the power to: legislate regulations for women students living under the Jurisdiction of AWS. approve a 1 1 appoint ments made by the cabinet and court of appeals. approve branch court constitutions. - evaluate, determine and approve AWS programs, and approve AWS expendi tures. The delegates tabled the other two provisions of the article which are: amend AWS by-laws and propose amendments to the AWS Constitution remove AWS officers, committee chairmen and cabinet members. UN Livestock Judges Place 3rd The University of Nebras ka livestock Judging team grabbed third place in the International Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest held in Chicago. The 36-team contest was won by Texas A & M Uni versity, followed by Kansas State University and the Ne braska team. Judges were Larry Zoerb of Ainsworth, who placed eleventh. Michael Lund of Broadwater, Roger Wolford of Kearney, Robert Burton of May wood, and Terry Stor of Tekamah. II u 1 i- n i it J l z 't -.t : sc. V ft V i t i ' X 1 i: i V J ? it v $ I t i - i If V