The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 07, 1967, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday, December 7, 1967
Page 2
Who's To Enforce . . .
AWS Regulations
Who should enforce the regulations set
down by AWS the student assistants or
the AWS representatives?
It seems that the question depends
largely on a single definition the defi
nition of a student assistant and her job.
Is it the student assistant's job to as
sist and counsel students or is it the stu
dent assistants job to police them via AWS
The Daily Nebraskan agrees with
Andy Corrigan. Smith Hall president, in
saying that, "We feel that having a stu
dent assistant enforce AWS rules does not
enhance the student assistant's relation
ships with the girls."
The job of enforcing AWS regulations
can be done just as effectively by AWS
representatives, thus relieving the student
assistants of their unpopular, but neces
sary, job. This would allow the student
assistants to develop a closer relation
ship with the girls on their floor a
necessary form of counseling.
The Daily Nebraskan believes the role
of the student assistant is somewhat ana
logous to the housemother in a sorority
house. And the housemother is not the per-
son who enforces AWS regulations In the
sorority houses. It is the AWS represent
ative. Miss Helen Snyder, assistant dean of
student affairs, noted that "AWS is a stu
dent organization but it is carrying out an
administrative purpose."
This may be true, but the adminis
trative purpose is not carried out by the
housemother in a sorority, but is carried
out by the AWS representative.
It seems that the housemother and the
student assistant basically serve the same
function, or at least they should. This is
not the case at the present time. It would
seem that the effectiveness of the student
assistants is being impaired by the fact
that they are forced to serve a dual
The Daily Nebraskan urges Miss Sny
der to reconsider her initial disapproval of
this change. We cannot forsee problems in
making the change necessary to effect
this policy statement by Smith Hall.
The Daily Nebraskan believes that this
change would aid in improving the effect
iveness of the student assistant program
in the dirmitories.
Our Man Hoppe
Sen. McDove Meets Bobby
"It was good of you to agree to meet
me, Bobby. I thought perhaps now that
I'd announced my candidacy for Presi
dent you might be a little hesitant to . . ."
"Not at all. Gene. I've said all along
privately, of course that it's high time
someone should get out there and run
against Lyndon, someone with guts, some
one with the courage of his convictions,
but primarily someone "
"Gosh. Bobby. I didn't know you felt
that way. I'll be glad to withdraw in your
". . . but primarily someone else. No.
Gene, when it comes to finding someone
to send in there against Lyndon, I can
honestly say I don't think about myself."
"Then I can count on your support?"
"You bet you can, Gene. I want you to
understand that I'm behind you in this all
the way and I don't care who knows it
But that's off the record, of course."
"You mean I have your off-the-record
support? Frankly, I was hoping you might
make a few speeches in my behalf."
"And I plan to, Gene. I plan to speak
out and tell people everywhere what a
great American you are to lay your head
on the chopping block. My speaking itin
erary includes seven Georgetown cocktail
parties, two tete-a-tete luncheons with col
umnists and my weekly confidential staff
briefing none, of course, for attribu
tion." "But maybe if you appeared at just
one of my rallies, Bobby . .
"And sacrifice my effectiveness? Good
heavens, Gene, one of us has to maintain
his image of party loyalty, if either of us
is ever to get the nomination."
"Well, maybe you've got a point,
but . . ."
"No 'buts,' Gene. I like to think of one
of us getting the nomination as our com
mon goal. And that's why, in your behalf,
I'm not going to issue any vigorous de
nials that I'm supporting you."
"You mean you'll remain neutral?"
"That's right, Gene. I'll merely issue
a routine denial and say I'm loyally back
ing Lyndon. But. in your behalf, I'll throw
in one of my boyish grins."
"Well, I guess that's something."
"And that's not all. Gene. In addition
to my off-the-record support and confiden
tial encouragement, you have my private
best wishes that you win big in all the
primaries. Now go on, get out there and
show Lyndon once and for all that he
can't scare us."
"Thank you, Bobby. And thanks for
agreeing to meet here with me tonight
That took courage."
"A man has to take risks for what he
believes in. Gene. And now if you'll lift
up the manhole cover and make sure there
arent any passers-by, I'll climb out and
get home to Ethel."
"Sure. Bobby. But somehow I can't
help wishing I had you in my corner pub
licly during the grueling, bloody fight I've
let myself in for."
"And I hope you will. Gene. It's mere
ly a question of proper timing. All you
have to do is win big in the primaries,
force Lyndon out of the race and you can
count on me to campaign everywhere in
the country after the convention, extolling
your qualifications for high office at every
whistle stop."
"Gosh, Bobby, that's darned decent of
"Heck, Gene, did you ever bear of a
Presidential candidate who didn't say nice
things about his running mate?"
if fill
' ouj fhe, Qa ft
Guest Editorial
Are The Wire Services Timid?
(Reprinted from the Madison, Wis.
Capital Times)
One of the most dramatic stories to
come out of the Vietnam war is the story
of the mixed-up identity of Pfc. Albert
Guinn, the soldier who was thought dead
and buried but turned up very much alive.
The reunion with his mother was a
happy event which was covered in depth
by the press, radio and TV. However, very
little attention was paid to the heartsick
mother whose son was mistakenly buried
as Guinn.
But there was something else about
the dramatic reunion in the Guinn family.
Reporters questioning aim asked
Guinn if he would return to Vietnam if
asked and were somewhat taken aback by
his firm "No."
One of them thought to pursue the
Did Guinn think we should be in Viet
nam? He most decidedly did not and added
that those fighting with him felt the same
He was heard by millions watching
the news on TV to have made these dra
matic statements. But in the Associated
Press Story which appeared in the Wis
consin State Journal his comments are cut
off with his negative response to the ques
tion about bis going back. There was no
reference to his comment about our being
there and the attitude of the men who
fought at his side.
The United Press International story
that came into the Capital Times also
failed to mention his dramatic comment
Why the suppression of this dramatic
aspect of a very dramatic story?
Grand Sprix
by Geor&e Kaufman
A Word on AWS.
Until now, I have sort of left AWS alone and assumed
it would leave me equally alone (esp. after 1 a.m.). It had
never really affected me one way or the other, as I have
never really been a girl, nor for that matter, ever wanted
to be, all things considered.
But now, amid the hue and cry among the ranks of
university women (for the 91st straight year) on how poor
ly they are mistreated and forced to the status of second
class (at best) citizens in the campus community, I think
it is high time a male voice was raised to clear the air.
The typical male reaction to all these pleas and moans
(I would have said wailing and beating of breasts, using
the phrase in its classical sense; but I'm positive it would
have been misinterpreted) is one of astonishment.
College men (and freshmen, too) cannot comprehend
anyone actually putting up with such ridiculous tyrrany
of the individual rights (and individual rites). Coeds out
number the administration, so why no popular movement
to gain equality on the part of the students? Instead,
the female members of the campus have, year after year,
merely protested the wrongs they felt plagued with,
called Dean Snyder dirty names, etc., then accepted all
the weak reasoning and "Because we're your En Loco Par
entis's" answers.
All right, readers, the above words have been a put-on.
That is the popular way to speak of the AWS prob
lem, the typical reaction-to-authority childishness.
Because the AWS rules affect boy-girl relationships,
and because boy-girl relationships tend to be emotional
rather than irrational, the AWS problem is approached by
the students on an emotional, rather than a rational level.
This column is a call for reason.
Because a young man and his coed bird could not
neck for another hour or so, the students have cited high
sounding principles of individual rights and personal free
doms, sanctioned by heavens and the Bill of Rights.
The fact is that authority over coeds is needed. Be
cause of the realities of life; because girls get pregnant
and boys don't. Because parents wouldn't let their sweet
young maidens come here if there were not an "En Loco
Because of the press coverage of anything the univers
ity does in this state, were I a parent I probably would not
allow my little innocent thing down here to attend the con
tinual LSD parties, student demonstrations, et. cetera.
There are real indications that the administration is.
or will be soon, willing to approach the problem rationally
if the effort is met by a similar attitude from the students.
But the effort is a painfully slow one to those who
are living and dating today and tonight It is hard to think
that next year things will be better.
But. for quite a few next years now, things have
really gotten much better. Extended hours, no sign-out
sheets and key systems are just a few of the major things
which have happened just since I have been here.
These things have not happened because of the in
fluence of the Diane Hicks approach the "Give it to us
now or we will have a tantrum" level but instead have
been accomplished from within, by a relatively large group
of girls genuinely interested in all implications of the things
they want. By girls who understand that the administra
tion is a besieged force caught between parents and stu
dents that must be cautiously compromised with, not made
ultimatums to.
Good luck to the Too Few.
Campus Opinion: Great American Novel By G. K. (Behind oik
Dear Editor:
Perhaps Mr. Kaufman should take up the writing of
fiction. He has shown great promise in his Nov. 29 ar
ticle. Terry Carpenter may not have appeared to be an
intellectual to Mr. Kaufman, but for a number of years
he has shown favorable concern for this intellectual com
munity. For example, he has advocated free tuition to
the University as well as larger allocations of funds to
the University.
This certainly doesn't fit the ultraconservative mold
that Mr. Kaufman has cast him in.
Furthermore, it is a great slur to the intelligence of
th? people of Carpenter's district to call them a part
ol his personal volitkal machine. Jt is a well known fact
thai hore is a conflict of 'tilerest between eastern and
western Nebraska on many issies. Sen. Carpenter has
been very active in reprsntmg the inlcr of hi dis
trict. The political views of his district do not necessarily
coincide with those of Mr. Kaufman.
Next time you write an article about a piece of legis
lation, write it about that and do not set yourself up as
judge and jury on the people behind it
Randall Horst
Pierre Daggett
Dear Editor:
It is apparent from Mr. Dickmeyer's column, (The
Pot, Nov. 1), that there is a side to the Kosmet Klub
about which some people are not well informed.
For the last five years the Klub has given the Stephen
Cas". Memorial ScWarship to a sophomore in the College
' 'ttuneer'nc :mJ rehires cure. This year two new scbol-ar,-.ulps.
o be given to drama deparanent students, have
bus. ;n?'."uU.-d.
The Klub iias been a consistent contributor to the
AH University Fund and to Scrip magazine.
Kosmet Klub Member
Dear Editor:
The napalm protestors have missed two important
1. Being hit with napalm does not make a person
and deader than if he L chewed up by a conventional
bomb oe'ivered from a 35.000 feet, or by a plastic
bomii thrown into a sidewalk cafe or by a Claymore mine
hi i ?;n " - ?? m"r'csn soHer.
. . n; h"h 'Ait e:icny bc.ore the ensmy can kill
"-' : 11 S...U S.
Curtis W. N'ich'ills
Cumelol Kelurns
Dear Editor:
Itasde, Maude, my years are long,
eyes, tilira1,ni Lie it's wrocj
Tell me Maude, Tell me true
What would you do if you were two.
What an exciting week we went through last week.
McNamara has decided to run the world through a
bank. Johnson has decided to kill every available North
Vietnamese with his new military-minded and, at present,
unnamed secretary of defense and ASUN is getting ready
to dissolve itself, apparently with undoubtable change to
take place with reapportionment.
But wait a minute Camelot doesn't hold any stock
at all in any of these rumors or supposed facts because
there is just nothing to indicate that these suppositions
are. indeed, facts.
Let's just look at the whole situation. On Monday of
this last week. Dick Schulze out a note on the desk ol
Mrs. Paulsen, the ASUN secretary, advising her that she
should call each of the four senators whose names be
known now are known as being affiliated in this relation.
Each was called and each responded by appearing
at the ASUN office at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. Regardless of
his motive, Deceptive Dick, (as he is sometimes referred
to) confronted the committee with the problem of the
real representation problem in student government on this
The committee discussed the problems that existed
and one senator concurred with the chairman most
heartily that a study on the merits of the present and
possible different methods should be conducted. The oth
er senators seemed to favor the idea also.
Learning of the meeting, Camelot sought to consult
the previously mentioned Senator who strongly urged a
sturlv be made. It was found his only motive was that
of trying to find, if possible and feasible, a means of in
creasing the communication with and responsiveness of
a senator to his constituents.
Camelot wishes to advise the students that he feels
that all the most appropriate methods of election of
ASUN senators will be studied and that any reapportion
ment proposals will come to the Senate only after the
greatest deliberation.
What the student must do Is trust in the committee1!
ability to adequately perform their study and to assist
them, if necessary or desired, in everything they might
need. Any member of the committee can be contacted.
If you have any suggestions, Camelot feels sure these
will be most willingly considered by the committee.
Good luck to the committee.
Dear Edi?ur:
The following is a copy of a letter I have sent to my
SelecJve Service Board. Because it involves an act of civ
il disobedience, it is important that it be brought to
public attention.
Local Board No. 2
Federal Bldg.
Seattle, Washington
This is to inform yoa that I have disposed of both
my Begirtratinn Carflficsta sad Katies of eiaitpfirafinn
and that henceforth I shall not cooperate in any way
whatsoever with the Selective Service System. Moreover,
I shall do everything in my power to counsel and
assist young men who are seeking to avoid military con
scription. 1 have h& moved to these drastic decisions,
knowing full well the nature of the penalties they may
bring upon me, by the following considerations.
The war which the. United States is now waging in
Vietnam is a monstrous crime against humanity. This
country has unleashed the most awesome military ma
chine that history has ever seen upon a tiny nation of
peasants and fishermen, bombing and burning civilians
and their village, poisoning their crops and forests, dis
rupting their culture and traditions all in the name of
peace and freedom.
By this action the U.S. has violated the United Na
tions Charter, the Nuremberg Charpter on War Crimes,
the Geneva Agreement of 1954 and possibly our own con
stitution, thereby threatening the whole fabric of interna
tional law and the possibility of world peace.
Sickened by their country's 6elf-betrayal and the
senseless slaughter of human beings, both American and
Vietnamese, hundreds of young men have chosen to risk
imprisonment rather than submit to the conscription
which would force them to fight in that abominable war.
Even now some are serving lengthy prison terms for
their resistance to the draft. In spite of a deferement
which could protect me from induction indefinitely, I can
not in good conscience remain uninvolved while others,
whose convictions I share, are facing real dangers.
Like them, I must say not to a -war which can lead
only to the destruction of an innocent Asian people, the
moral ruin of our own natio" Holocaust.
If I must share an unjust punisment with them, so be it
Tragically, jail may the oiler the only tolerable refuge.
C. G. Marxer
Instructor of Philosophy
Daily Nebraskan
Dm. . 1MT
orac MtM and ami. aanada, tor flic atuaaun a) Oa Ulvm ef Nebraska
aadar tna luriedietiae a the f mit Subrammlttat oa StuOeal Publlnauoaa.
Punlicauont anall se Ira from Mwrow tj ta ineamminer at mm amo
utaMe tna Univerail Mamuer a) the feettraakaa ar awanaalMr tm whal tort
eaua t,. a pr,nio
umeiT AMMimiati CoiM-aiaw Praia Watioaal Wairmw ima am
eravd PiiMiMhwi at Itcmr. i wtot-kaka Otinai l.larota MBit
l:lmKial ararf
GdltM WriKr OHea; Manaamt r.ciun Jai-fc lucid; au-wa CdiWi Charrl I'riti,
Mutrll ew Grtiuu alas Pieman editorial Caw- AMMIanl Jul ajorrw; iaorU
Ldllot alack Cordon, aeuetani ,puru toruu -barlw Davie. Haawuui urttt
Now C41UH. Hand trer: titan Writer. Daw fenfuain. ajwy Cort-taan (.arr
Gillen. feci hamogH-.. Sherry MK.flm. Jan Parka, Ch-ialic fciwarttkoiit ; Connie
MaUnem; Brant bain Bar; foot Lot'aaun; asnnr Ceev Kduor, Dick leaimetari Ow
Ednara, Lynn CoUacbalk. IMIay Fonimara. Jm Eviumc Jvna Schnudt; Photoir
paaia Mia Bannas and Das JUdaler.
Brutaaaa Manacar Ciena Fricactu HmHaamt aVfWarfisinf: Hangar ftomr loaai
Tnimuam Haaasar Ctuuiaa hsaou. Sacnuuv imam fcaaiinca. MwMienbi aat
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mc Kaaadws i.a Cnaa Hat ixaua
Iwvuj braiiwi, aixt Gar Henri
inoa- BuniiiTSam UUlm. Wajna u
KUON. Channel 12, aired a production of "NU Open
End Wednesday night that every University student
with a spare hour and a sense of humor should have
A panel of somewhat enlighted people discussed the
ever-ripe question of the "Goodness of the Greek System -to
a totally futile and humorous end.
The urogram i'eaturri Rhcm.ii v.r,., ..,.:,. j
of student aifairs; Brian Ridenour, IDA president' Kathv
president and Dr. Alan Pickering. The whole show ran
like a combination monologcomedy of errors.
Pickering was belligerent, apparently, attempting to
rouse the Greeks to an impassioned defense of the system
Characteristically, he needled them with remarks like "But
what you say is different from what you do" and "Why
aren t Greeks leading change. Why are they coerced into
'P" were, characteristically, on the defense.
They fell back on old saws that Greek houses produce
students with higher grades, that they produce leaders and
that the system is changing. When pressed on several
points, however, the Greeks were at a loss for specifics
and talked around the questions in general vagueries like
111 be the first to admit that fraternities and sororities
have problems sound familiar?).
Brown was decidedly and surprisingly anti-Greek. He
seemed obessed with why the Greeks didn't do something
for the entire student body like sponsoring Terry Carpen
ter s appearance "the way the dorm did." (that was ac
tually arranged by a Daily Nebraskan reporter)
Bidenour, the Independent representative, 'made a to
tal of two comments in the 60 minutes. He had a fairly
good speech writer work on his stiff, though, which res
cued it somewhat
Not one member of the panel confronted anyone
else with anything more challenging than a smile People
talked around things and past people. Even Pickering
the great debater-failed to give a direct answer to the
only question he was atiked. About the most excitin" re
sponse anyone madp was Hoensees slightly heated
' So what?' to Brown's Carpenter question
The panel finally got to racial discrimination with
seven minutes to go in the program. Naturally Picker
ing brought the subject up.
Hohenbee was ready with an answer. "We are work
ing on it Last spring IPC and Panhellenic spent $300 on a
conference dealing with discrimination." Bully.
My viewing companion gave up on the program after
30 minutes. "Call me If it looks like the'il come to any
conclusions,' h sail I didst nav to.