The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 07, 1967, Image 1

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Thursday, December 7, 1967
University of Nebraska
Vol. 91, No. 47
I Resolution On Military Recruiting
1 Whereas, Selective Service director, Lewis B.
2 Hershey, has directed draft boards across the country to 9
revoke' the deferments of men who engage in illegal
activity which causes refusal of duty in the military
service and of those who interfere with military recruit- g
ment, including on-campus military recruitment; and
Whereas, his directive raises obvious constitutional
issues involving guarantees of free speech and due
5 process regarding its victims; and 5
Whereas, his directive involves a direct intrusion
5 into University affairs; Therefore, be it resolved; that
the ASUN Senate strongly recommends that the Board
6 of Regents of the University take action to suspend mili- Q
tary recruitment on campus until such time as Hershey's
directive is rescinded.
And be it further resolved: that the ASUN Senate
S pledges its resources to the active support of any person
drafted for this reason and seeking to test the legality of
I his being drafted and strongly supports the efforts of the
I National Student Association (NSA) litigation in the fed- g
eral courts opposing the policy expressed in the Hershey
Senior Staff Writer
Student Senate voted 25-3
Wednesday to recommend to
the Board of Regents that mil
itary recruitment be sus
pended on the University
Rag Staff
To Name
The Daily Nebraskan is re
ceiving letters of nomination
for the two "Outstanding Ne
braskan" awards, which will
be presented to an outstand
ing University faculty mem
ber and an outstanding Uni
versity student.
The Outstanding Nebras
kans, who have been named
each semester for numerous
vears, are selected by t h e
Daily Nebraskan staff on the
basis of the qualifications
given in the letter of recom
mendation. Anyone on the University
campus may write a letter of
nomination for a student or
professor who he thinks is
Selection of the Outstanding
Nebraskan will be based on
such things as what the
nominee has contributed to
the betterment of the Univer
sity, any new ideas or pro
grams he has instituted or
any exceptional services he
has performed.
Last year's Outstanding Ne
braskans for first semester
were Cathie Shattuck and Dr.
Floyd W. Hoover. Miss Shat
tuck was ASUN corresponding
secretary and president of
Young Republicans Dr Hoov
er is a professor of second
ary education.
Second semester's selec
tions were Bob Samuelson.
second vice president of
ASUN, and Dr. John Lonn
quist, Regents Professor of
The deadline for letters of
nomination, to be received at
the Daily Nebraskan office,
room 51 Nebraska Union, is
5:00 p.m., Wednesday, Dec.
The two Outstanding Ne
braskans will be featured in
the Daily Nebraskan's last
issue of the semester, Dec.
Group Pictures
For Comhusker
Group pictures of the fol
lowing organizations will be
taken Thursday in the Love
library auditorium for the
1968 Comhusker. Masquers,
6:30 p.m.; Tau Sigma Del
ta; 6:45 p.m.; Alpha Zeta,
7 p.m.: Lambda Tau. 7:15
p.m.: Alpha Lambda Del
ta, 7:30 p.m.; Pi Lambda
Theta. 7:45 p.m.: Chi Ep
silon. 8:15 p.m.; Engineer
ing Executive Board, 8:30
p.m ; E-Week Board. 8:45
p.m.; Kappa Psi. 9 p.m.;
Rho Chi, 9:15 p.m.; Alpha
Epsilon, 9:30 p.m.
-Fofe 25-3-
In a strongly worded resolu
tion, ASUN responded to a re
cent directive by Selective
Service Director William Her
shey which told local draft
boards to reclassify students
interfering with military re
cruitment. The resolution urged the
Regents to suspend campus
military recruiting programs
"until such time as Hershey's
directive is rescinded."
ASUN further pledged its
resources to any student
drafted as a result of the di
rective and stated its support
of the National Student Asso
ciation's effort to bring liti
gation on the issue in several
In introducing the recruit
ment resolution. Sen. Al,
Spangler called Hershey's di
rective, "an unnecessary in
trusion into the affairs of the
academic community."
He pointed out that juries,
not draft boards, are charged
with enforcing violations of
U.S. laws.
"We cannot permit, the mili
tary to enjoy the benefits of
on - campus recruitment,"
Spangler said, "when it is
viewed as a government mat
j Keep
Junior Staff Writer
Ever climb inside a
mounted elephant?
Don Martin, University of
Nebraska State Museum chief
preparator, said this job is
only part of the museum's
never-ending work to pre
serve and clean specimens.
Martin said the trap access
door on the mounted elephants
must periodically be removed
so the cable attaching the
head to its pelvis may be
Even the slightest earth
tremors may cause the cable
to loosen, he said.
Although the staff may only
tighten the cables every three
years, much of Martin's work
is a yearly, monthly or daily
Every year boiled linseed
oil is used on the hides of the
elephants to keep them from
drying, Martin said.
The skeletons in Elephant
Hall are shellacked once a
year to keep them from flak
ing and drying. The prepara
tor climbs a large ladder and
soaks the bones, using a large
Both the mounted elephants
and the skeletons are also
"dusted" with a vacuum
cleaner each year, according
to Martin.
Hand vacuum cleaners are
used to clean small display
cases every three months.
"No matter how tight we fit
Be Suspended
ter that may call for the im
position of government penal
ties." He said the proper course
to take is to suspend on-campus
recruiting operations.
Schools are assured, "that
nothing students do or say
about any university activity
will play any part in deter
mining their draft status."
Spangler 's initial resolution
included ro mention of ASUN.
support for students or groups
attempting to contest the di
rective. These statements were
added to the resolution after
several senators urged the
body to back legal efforts op
posing the Hershey decree.
Some Senators questioned
whether the University could
deny students the right to talk
to military recruiters on cam
pus, while protecting recruit
ment protestors against pos
sible consequences.
Acknowledging this argu
ment. Sen. Spangler said,
"We must weigh the advan
tages of having them on cam
pus against the disadvantages
they may pose."
Sen. Craig Dreeszen added,
"In any normal campus ac
tivity, the student ought to
have a right to express his
opinion. We can avoid a lot
of trouble by alleviating the
Student And Faculty Sentiments At Omaha
Overwhelmingly Support Possible Merger
the second in a four-part
series on the proposed NU
OU merger. The third part,
which appears Friday, will
concern the attitudes of
students and administra
tion at NU.
Senior Staff Writer
Omaha Opposition to the
University of Nebraska-University
of Omaha merger
seems to be a rare commod
ity on the OU campus.
Museum Curators Lively
the glass, the dust still gets
in." he said.
"We have to use a hand
vacuum cleaner with only lit
tle suction to prevent losing
The Purge . . .
jut" fH ,
problem now."
If a number of colleges and
universities take a similar
stand on military recruiters,
this might have the effect of
helping rescind Hershey's or
der, he pointed out.
ASUN President Dick
Schulze said he will present
the resolution to the Board of
Regents at next Monday's
In other Senate business,
delegates to the Nebraska
Student Government Associa
tion meeting discussed the
resolutions passed by the
Sen. Phil Boardman ex
plained that the controversial
NSGA statement on student
use of drugs "was not aimed
at liberalizing the use of
drugs by students. It had to
do with the disciplinary pro
cedures and due process with
regard to students accused of
using drugs."
The drug resolution urged
each participating college to
set up a committee of stu
dents, faculty and administra
tors to make the final deci
sion on disciplining students
who have been convicted of
using drugs in court.
Sen. Robert Weaver said
this statement seems to "con
stitute student approval of
double jeopardy procedures."
University of Omaha Presi
dent Dr. Kirk Naylor and
various campus leaders said
Wednesday that student and
faculty sentiment is over
whelmingly in support of t h e
proposed merger.
Literally thousands of OU
students and hundreds of fac
ulty have been working for
the merger, Naylor said, by
campaigning throughout the
Final decision on the mer
ger will be made by Omaha
IS ever-Ending Work
isplay reparation
small bones of the smaller
fossils," he added.
According to Martin, the
preparators are responsible
also for the construction and
:$ ) , J
NEEDED: A maxi-mind to conquer the mini-media. I
Next Semester Positions Open
On Total Education Staff 1
Make the Daily Nebras
1 kan a vital part of your
1 total education by apply-
ing for a second semester
position now!
uE3 sjsiiBumot guuidsy
take advantage of this op-
portunity by picking up ap-
plications for staff positions
in the Daily Nebraskan of
I fice and returning it by
Dec. 11.
The Publications Board
will interview applicants for
citizens Tuesday in a six-ballot
election that includes the
proposed combining of NU
and OU.
If the electorate approves
the first ballot, the merger
proposal, Omaha's municipal
university will become the
University of Nebraska at
Omaha and will be under the
direction of the University of
Nebraska Board of Regents.
Large numbers of students
have actively campaigned for
the merger, Randy Owens,
maintenance of displav cases.
Martin built the foreground
of all the habitat displays.
The wood construction bast-
Photo By ltac Ladriy
The Pachyderm
s Y: -
editor, news editor, man
aging editor, business man
ager, sports editor, senior
writer and senior copy edi
tor. The new editorial staff
will select junior and senior
staff writers, copy editors,
photographers circulation
manager, subscription man
ager and sports, news and
business assistants at a la
ter date.
student body president, af
firmed. "There are about 500 s t u
dents going out into other
areas of the city, outside their
neighborhoods," he esti
mated. "But there are thou
sands who are participating
within their own neighbor
hoods." "In general, the merger
would provide the necessary
fiscal stability for the Uni
versity of Omaha," Naylor
said, "to permit us to carry
must conform to the artist's
background, he said.
Martin said most of the veg
etation and rocks placed in
the habitat displays are col
lected from the exact site the
museum is trying to repro
duce. Grasses and leaves are
soaked about a week in a mix
ture of water and glycerin,
and, according to Martin,
"should last forever."
Martin cited the example of
a great blue heron's nest
which was brought intact from
Halsey National Forest and
placed in an exhibit.
The preparator said the
worst part of his job is the
maintenance and upkeep. "If
we didn't have to spend bo
much time replacing light
bulbs and such, we'd have
more time for preparation (of
the displays) work,' he said.
Maintenance -also includes
cleaning the glass in display
cases. "It's tricky to clean it
in me habitat groups," Mar
tin said. "We have to build a
small scaffolding because we
can't leave footprints."
Martin and the staff also
must keep the "talkin? lab
els" in operation at the main
exhibits and each habitat
Visitors can make use of
this audio-tounst system to
gain additional information
about the exhibits by checking
out a headset from the infor
mation desk in Elephant Ball.
Editor and business man- 1
ager receive $150 a month;
news editor and managing
editor, S85; senior writer, 1
$65; senior copy editor, $65; I
sports editor, $60; senior
staff writers and copy edi- s
tors. $40; junior staff wri- I
ters. $30; news assistant, I
$35; photographer, $50: f
sports assistant, $30; circu- I
lation manager, $50: sub- I
scription manager, $50. I
on our high quality academic
and extracurricular programs
at a reasonable cost to t h e
Olfs financial woes appear
as one of the strongest influ
ences pushing toward the
A reasonable cost could
not have been maintained un
der present conditions, ac
cording to Naylor. Student tui
tion has been raised every
3'ear since 1962 and is now $18
per credit hour for O m a h a
students and $28 per credit
hour for non-Omaha students.
(This is compared to the $15
per credit hour at the Univer
sity of Nebraska. )
The rise in tuition costs has
been necessitated by Omaha's
unwillingness to vote a high
er mill levy taxation for sup
porting the municipal univer
sity. The levy is currently
two mills. Increases on t h i s
levy were voted down in 1963
and 1966.
With the merger, the OU
budget has been set at S3 mil
lion, with an additional 81 mil
lion expansion fund. This
would eliminate the Omaha
mill levy and make OU a stat
Support for the merger
seems to be widespread
across the city, according to
"I am confident the people
will vote yes," he said. "I
have been talking to people all
over town, and I have never
met a person who has raised
an objection. The merger has
overwhelming support."
Ownes agreed to that state
ment, as did Clarence Wilson,
editor of the campus newspa
per "The Gateway", and Jim
Miles, president of the OU In
terfraternity Council.
"1 think the sentiment is
generally in favor of the mer
ger, Wilson said. ""Without
the "merger, to keep fiscal
stability tuition would go up
and some courses would have
to be dropped."
Miles pointeu out the possi
bility of OU becomine a resi
der i-amnus.
Currently, there is no cam
pus housine and student? live
at home or in apartments. If
the University of Nebraska at
Omaha fthe school's new title
if the merger is approved) ex
pands, some on-campus hous
ing would be possible, Miles