The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1967, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Monday, November 20, 1967
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
American Policy
From Five Views
Students representing five
countries presented their
views on the "Success and
Failure of American For
eign Policy" at a panel dis
cussion held in conjunction
with International W e e k,
which sponsored by People
to People and Nebraska
International Associatiin
The students were Reub
en Areila, Columbia. V e d
Chaudhry, India; Abdulah
Alani, Iraq; Omo Taiga,
Nigeria; and Walter Strong,
Areila said that the main
problem in Latin America
is the social structure. If
the same structure were to
continue, he said he "feared
the Latin Americans would
be forever the proletariats
of the world.
"The majority agree with
the Alliance for Progress,"
he said. He warned, how
ever, that its failure would
leave only bloody revolution.
The American foreign pol
icy toward India has been
a defensive one, according
to Chaudhry. He cited the
Kashmir dispute as an ex
ample. He added that In
dia did not and does not sup
port U.S. involvement in the
Middle East and in Viet
Alan said that the diver
sity of views toward Amer
ican foreign policy in t h e
Middle East has "narrowed
in recent months. He said
the Arabs feel that Amer
ican foreign policy is rela
tive to its own self inter
ests. "The Arabs' major con
cern," he said, "is Ameri
can support of Israel. The
Arabs consider Israel a mil
itary base from which the
U.S. can surpress Arab
"An accurate appraisal of
American policy would re
veal a need for a new pol
icy in the Arab world, one
that would take account of
the Arabs' rising expecta
tions," he said.
As a latecomer to t h e
other big powers in Africa,
the U.S.'s concern in Afri
ca is indirect, according to
Taiga. He noted two signs
of success in America's for
eign policy: the Peace
Corps and a program which
trains Africans in th United
States, training them to de
velop their country.
Strong, speaking for t h e
United States said, "Amer
ican foreign policies are not
cr3ated in a vacuum.
There are reasons behind
He added that "others see
the I'nited States in glowing
idealisms. However, the
United States is just anoth
er great power trying to pro
tect its national interest.
"The end of our foreign
policy." he continued, "is j
to create an international '
environment in which our
elf interest can exist and
the freedom and self determ
ination for others can flour
ish." He concluded that ofreian ,
aid is a political instrument,
but added, "we still have
altruism and benevolence."
'AH activities will be con
ducted in the Union unltss
otherwise stated.)
LUNCHEON 12.30 p.m.
SOCIOLOGY 531:30 p.m.
Court systems meeting
2:30 p.m.
BUILDERS Calendar and
Publicity 4 p.m.
UNION Film Committee
4:30 p.m.
AUF Publicity 4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
TOWNE CLUB 6:45 p.m.
SAL p.m.
Waul Ads
Bring Results
. I
t l i f
! -
V t j ' v TI I f
f v 12 . Tff if i
- J JT ? At
m'mj. i n .. i 25 - FJj
. , promote sales of the second publication of the Faculty Evaluation Booklet
which was released Friday.
Faculty Evaluation Books On Sale
Second Publication Expanded !
Faculty Evaluation Book
lets went on sale Friday
morning in the Nebraska
Union, according to Tom
Morgan, ASUN Faculty
Evaluation Commit
tee chairman.
Morgan daid students
should plan to purchase
their booklets early since
only a single printing will
be sold. About 300 of the
1500 booklets were sold Fri
day. the second annual edi
tion includes evalutions of
over 200 of the 600 full-time
double the number evalu
faculty members, n e a r 1
double the number evalu
ated last ytar.
The evaluations were
written on the basis of an
improved questonnaire, part
of which was processed by
the Univesity computer, he
The booklet includes an
alyses of each instructor's
presentation, his tests and
quizzes, his assigned mater
ials and general information
on such items as attendance
"The purpose of this pub
lication is not to make a
decision for any stu
dent." Morgan writes in the
introduction, "but rather to
present the facts and allow
the student to draw his own
In addition to being help
ful to students who are reg
istering, the booklet can al-
Phi Upsilon Omicron. a
home economics honorary
initiated 12 new members
Sunday. They are : G e r i
Cornell. Linda Eickmeier,
Mrs. Marjorie Engelkemier,
Nancy Kelly, Ardis Keim.
Mrs. Donna Kingston, Kathy
Krause, Mrs. Lesty Leising.
Nancy Martson. Elizabeth
Norton, Betty Olander and
Nancy Pruonke.
Ann Bedford, was selected
by the Benton House of Sel
leck Quadrangle for the Out
standing Girl Award for
November on the basis of
Dress poise and personality-Dave
Martin was elected
at a recent convention at
the national president of M
Epsilon. a men's national
undergraduate honorary fra
ternity for education.
Three University students
were initiated recently into
the national psychology hon
orary society Psi Chi. They
are Kay Gustafson, K a t h
leen Ness and Dan Rey
nolds. Each member must
have a 3.2 average, be ma
joring in and have completed
nine hours of psychology.
New pledges in Kappa
Psi Pharmaceutical frater
nity for fall 1967 are:
Mel M e n k e, president;
Jerry Nygren, vice pres
ident; Bill Dana, Secretary;
Tom Munn, news reporter.
Joe Bullis, Leonard Izu
moto. Ron Hartmann, John
Behrens, Jack Burns. Don
ers, Larry Skrdla, Mark
Cave, Tim Ernst. James
Pedley, and Tim Kautman.
City To Spray Trees
Watch Your Car!
On days when the temp
erature is 40 or above elm
tree spraying for Dutch Elm
disease will be in progress
on both city and East cam
puses, according to grounds
superintendent Roy Ras-munder.
He said the spray will not
contain a material that will
not pit the finish on cars
but that it does contain an
oil that may have to be re
moved with a detergent, if
a car happens to get
so help students to under
stand an instructor they
have or will have in the fu
ture, he said.
Morgan s a i d the commit
tee is already looking for
ward to expanding the pub
lication in future years.
"Faculty evaluation has
progressed greatly in these
past two years and all in
dications are that it will
continue to grow and im
prove in the future," he said.
"E a c h year's publication
brings the project a step
closer to maturation."
NU Debaters
Enter WSU
Two University of Nebraska
novice debate teams com
peted in a regional tourna
ment this past weekend at
Wichita State University in
Team members were Glenn
Christensen, Carolyn Shea.
Sue Houchin and Douglas Will
mann. Each team won two
debates and lost four in the
elimination rounds.
College and university de
bate teams from throughout j
the central U.S. competed in
the tournament, according to
Dr. Donald O. Olson, director
of debate al the University.
The resolution used by de
bate throughout the nation is,
"Resolved, that the United
States should guarantee a
minimum annual cash income
to all citizens."
Critical De
Looking for challenge ? W
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State Museum Exhibits
Earliest Fossil Elephant
State Museum visitors
will soon be able to see
the fossil of the earliest
known elephant, about 30
million years old, accord
ing to C. Bertrand Schulze,
museum director.
The specimen, the size of
a barnyard pig, will be on
exhibit by Jan. 1, Schulze
The addition to Elephant
Hall is but one change be
ing made in the entire mu
seum. Schulze said Elephant
Hall will be arranged after
Thanksgiving "to make the
Hall a little more education
al than it has been."
He said the giraffe, con
spicuously out of place in
Elephant Hall, will be mov
ed, awaiting the construc
tion of the museum's new
wing, planned for 1971.
Another important addi
tion to the museum will be
a cave constructed at the
top of the east, stairs.
According to Schulze,
there will be two parts to
the cave. In one direction
the visitor will see stalac
tites and stalagmites. He
said there will be quite a
bit of depth and realism,
including dripping water
which causes these forma
tions. The other part of the cave
will contain crystal forma
tions, Schulze said.
The area for the cave has
already been cleared, Schul
ze said, but a trip to the
Ozarks to collect more ma
terial will be required be
fore the exhibit can be fin
ished. Near the cave will be a
fluorescent exhibit, also be
ing worked on this winter.
This will be an enlargement
of a small exhibit now
shown at the museum,
Schulze said.
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