The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1967, Page Page 5, Image 5
Monday, November 13, 1967 The Daily Mebraskan Page 5 " NU Agronomy Club Honored ith 'Best In Nation' Title The University Agronomy Club received national ac claim this past week at the 59th annual meeting of the American Society of Ag ronomy (ASA) held in Washington, D.C. The club, represented by ten students and their facul ty advisors, Drs. James Drew and Wm. Colville, gained recognition as the best group in the nation both individually and as a whole. The club was presented Wednesday with a trophy and a $200 cash prize for being the outstanding club in the nation. The award was based on the club's ac complishments during the past year. ACHIEVEMENTS Some of the club's achievements include in creasing the treasury from an $80 deficit to over $2,000 and having the largest membership in the nation, which is 80. Other achievements of the club during the past year are promoting agriculture with groups, such as the National FFA convention, and having an annual tour over a five state area for club members. About 50 clubs from across the country com peted for the honor. The club last won the top na tional award in 1953. WINNING SPEECH Charles Juricek, agrono my club member, was awarded first place and $100 in the national speech contest. His speech entitled "Agri culture, Key to World Peace" was judged the best of some 100 entires. This is the second year in a row that the University club has won in this area. HONOR STUDENT Juricek, a senior from Jansen, is in the agriculture honors program and re ceived a freshman Regent's scholarship and an upper class Regent's scholarship for one year. He has held the Luther Drake Memorial Scholar ship for three years and is a member of ASUN and of the Agriculture Executive Board. ESSAY WINNERS An Agronomy Club mem ber, Robert Sukup of Verdi gre, won third place in the annual ASA student essay contest. He has received $80 and a bronze medal from the American Potash Institute. His essay, "New approach to Narrow Row Planting," will be published in "Crops and Soils" magazine. Another agronomy stu dent, Mrs. Judith Boyle of Lincoln, received $60 from the American Potash Insti tute for her fifth place es say, "High Lysine Corn A Scientific Breakthrough." Thirty-six essays were submitted to the national contest by local contest win ners at 16 universities. ELECTED PRESIDENT The club received an ad ditional honor when William J. Amen of Lincoln was elected president of the Stu dent Activities Section of the ASA. Amen is majoring in plant pathology under the Agri cultural College honors study program. He is active in Agronomy Club, East Union, Farm House frater nity and is a former Re gents and Ak-Sar-Ben schol arships winner. (All activities listed will be held in the Nebraska Union unless otherwise stat ed). MONDAY INTER - VARSITY - 12 noon. PLACEMENT OFFICE LUNCHEON-12:30 p.m. SOCIOLOGY 53 1:30 p.m. BUILDERS - Calendar and Directory 3:30 p.m. PANHELLENIC 3.30 p.m. PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE - Publicity 4 p.m. TASSELS 4:30 p.m. UNION Film Committee 4:30 p.m. AUF Publicity Commit tee 4:30 p.m. DESERET CLUB-5 p.m. TOWNE CLUB 5 p.m. NEBRASKA INTERNA TIONAL ASSN. AND PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE Inter national Week Fashion Show 7 p.m. PHILOSOPHY DEPART MENT Dr. Margaret Pat on 7:30 p.m. MATHEMATICS COUN SELORS 7:30 p.m. Sororities Lead Unit In AUF Competition Sororities are leading the living unit competition in contributions to the AUF drive, according to Leslie Walt, an AUF chairman. Nearly $1,000 has been turned in by the sororities already. No money has yet been submitted from fraternity collections. "Although fra ternities are lagging a bit this year, reports indicate they are doing much better than in the past," said Miss Walt. Contributions by indepen- dent men now total $517, according to Vince Van Za go. Amounts contributed by independent women have not yet been reported. East Campus residents have so far contributed about $130, according to Gary Diffenderffer. He said that a GO BIG RED pen nant, for which Burr East floors are competing, is generating enthusiasm in the dorm. Placement Interviews MONDAY, NOV. 13 Gulf Oil Corporation: B.S., M.S. Ch.E., Geology Geo physics; B.S. M.E., E.E. Procter & Gamble Distribut ing Company: Bachelor's. Mas ter'sBus. Admin., Lib. Arts. Procter & Gamble Manufac turing Company: B.S., M.S., M.B.A., Ph.D. - Ch.E.; B.S., M.S., M.B.A. M.E., E.E. I.E.; B.S..-C.E Union Electric Company: B.S., M.S. - Ch.E., B.S. Acctg., E.E., M.E., I.E., Bus. Adm. Pan American Petroleum Cor poration: B.S., M.S. Ph.D., Summer Geology; B.S., M.S., Engrg., Acctg.; B.A. Produc ing Adm. TUESDAY, NOV. 14 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company: All degree levels Mktg., Mgmt., Gen. Bus. Morton International, Incorp orated: B.S., M.S. Library Sci ence; B.S., Ph.D. Physical Chem.; B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Cliem., Chem. E. Gulf Oil Corporation East Campus: B.S. Agron., Ag. Econ., Ag. Bus. The Boeing Company: B.S., M.S., Ph.D. C.E., E.E., M.E., E.M., Math. Procter & Gamble Manu facturing Company: As before. Target Stores, Incorporated: B.S., M.S., M.B.A. Bus. Adm.; B.S.B.A. Lib. Arts, Retail Mgmt. Naval Ship Systems Com mandWashington, D.C: B.S., M.S. E.E., M.E., C.E. Procter & Gamble Distribut ing Company: As before. Western Contracting Corpora tion: B.S. C.E. Humble Oil & Refining Com pany: B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Geo logy, Geophysics. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1$ American Can Company: - Bachelor's Lib. Arts; Bache lor's, Master's Ch.E., M.E., I.E., Bus. Adm., Acctg., Mktg., Programming, Finance. Amsted Industries Incorpor ated: B.S.. M.S. Acctg. Procter & Gamble Manufac turing Company: As before. Dale Electronics, Incorpor ated: B.S., M.S. Bus. Adm., E E., M.E.: B.S. Ind. Arts. Touche, Ross. Bailey & Smart: J.D. Law: B.S., M.S., M.B.A. Acctg., Gen. Bus., Acctg., Engrg. with grad degree in Bus., Grad. in Bus. with B.S. in Quantitative Methods. General Mills, Incorporated: Bachelor's, Master's Acctg., Gen. Bus., Finance, Math., Ch.E., I.E., M.E., Ind. Rela tions, Mktg. General Mills, Incorporated Sales: B.S.B.A. Gen. Bus., Mktg., Econ., Acctg., Lib. Arts, Psych. Price Waterhouse & Com pany: Bachelor's, Master's Acctg.; J.D. Law. Tektronix, Incorporated: B.S., M.S. - E.E., M.E. Washington University School of Law: To be announced at a later date. THURSDAY, NOV. 16 The Trane Company: B.S., M.S. M.E.; B.S. Ch.E., C.E., E.E., Geol. E., M.E., Metal. E. Square D Company: BS. I.E., M.E., E.E. Iowa Public Service Com pany: B.S.-E.E., I.E., M.E. Minnesota Mining and Manu facturing Company: Ph.D. Chem.; B.S., M.S. Ch.E., M.E., I.E., Chem.; B.S. E.E. Mobil Oil Corporation: B.S. -disciplines for Sales Terriotry Mgmt.; B.S., M.S. Ch.E., M.E., C.E., I.E., E.E, Chem., Bus., Econ., Bus. Adm.; M.S. -Geol. Upjohn Company: Bachelor's Master's Chem., Biological Science, Pharmacy. General Mills, Incorporated: As before. FRIDAY. NOV. 17 The Trane Company: As be fore. The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company: B.S.B.A. Lib. Arts. Bus. Adm., AccUj., Econ., Mktg., Sales, Credit, Gen. Bus. The Firestone Tire Rubber Company Sales Auditing: To be announced at a later date. Minnesota Mining and Manu facturing Company: As before. Magnavox Company: All de gree levels E.E.; B.S. M.S. M.E., Physics; B.S. Acctg. Radio Corporation of Ameri ca: B.S., M.S. E.E., M.E., I.E., E. Physics, E. Science, Physics. Haskins & Sells: Bachelor's, Master's Acctg. FMC Corporation Inorganic Chemicals Divison: B.S., M.S. -Ch.E., M.E., I.E. Employers Insurance of Wau sau: B.S.B.S. Bus. Adm., Lib. Arts. MONDAY, NOV. 20 Humble Oil & Refining Com pany Esso Production Re search Company Esso Re search & Engineering Company Enjay Chemical Company: To be announced at a later date. Bailey Meter Company: B.S. E.E., M.E., E.Sci., Ch.E. Arthur Andersen & Compasy: J.D. Law; B.S.B.A., M.S. M.A. Acctg., Bus. A d m., Engrg. with cctg.; B.S.B.A. Lib. Arts with some Acctg. The Quaker Oats Company: B.S., M.S. Agric, E.E., M.E., Ch.E., Bus. Adm., Lib. Arts; B.F.A. Fine Arts. Fairmont Foods Company: B.S.B.A. Lib. Arts; Bache lor's, Master's Food ti Dairy Tech., Bus. Adm., Acctg. Applied Technology Incorpor ated: B.S.. M.S. E.E., Bus. Adm., M.E., Acct. Systems. The Dow Chemical Company Business and Marketing Di vision: Bachelor's, Master's Acctg., Bus. Adm., Sales, Mktg., Finance. TUESDAY, NOV. 21 Humble Oil & Refining Com pany Esso Production Re search Company Esso Re search & Engineering Com pany Enjay Chemical Com pany: As before. y'Cr jjL - J NU AGRONOMY CLUB . . . received national trophy for their outstanding work. Standing (L to R): Bill Amen and Charles Juricek. Sitting (L to R): Judith Boyle and Robert Sukup. Abel-Sundoz Presents Pajama Game Nov. 30, Dec 1, 2 Nebraska Union Ballroom 8 p.m. Tickets on sale the roa6 goes even on a song cycle music By fronal 6 swarm poems ? By . r. r. tolkien Now the sonps of Frodo, Bilbo, Sam Treebeard and Tom Bombadii can be sung or played by all. Donald Swann, of Flanders and Swann, has. with the assist ance and encouragement of Professor Tolkien, set seven songs from The Lord of The Rings to music. Each song may be sung individually or taken together as a group to form a song cycle. The arrangements are for piano or voice and guitar symbols are given. $3.95 poems And sonqs of middle eARth READ BY J.R.R. TOLKIEN For his first venture into the recording world Professor Tolkien has chosen to read from the delightful poems of Tom Bombadii. On the reverse side William Elvin sings the songs from The Road Goes Ever On with Donald Swann at the piano. Ttts record is a must. Caedmon Record -TC 1231 J5.95 Available at your college bookstore HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY ClaMigbuL Column. new Iow-com rates opt, i. all claims adverts!! la n Daily Nchrattaai Maadara- ran ef . per word al minimum chart of Me (cr clasalfle4 hnerttoa. To place a classlfed advertisement call the CnlveraltT al Nebraska al TO-sMI ?. . . '" Nebraakaa of tie. at cam la Horn $1 la tba Nabraaka VMn. The classified adnrtlsmi maaarere maintain I.N u l:W bMiaro aoan! Pleas, attempt to Blare nor ad during Ihoaa hour. All adrertlaementa moat b prepaid belor ad appear. HELP WANTED Men wanted 18-24 for part time work. $2.67 per hour. Apply neat at 3(161 South St. or phone 489-6473 Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5. At Senate Cafe Waitress or Cook Day fc evening hours, no Sundays. Ex cellent working conditions. Apply in person. 3 SHARP CIRLS Telephone sales work for Life Magazine 5-9pm Top salary. Phone 435-6994. FOR RENT "Clean Cut" male student or grads. pref. over 21. Private rooms. 1MB Pepper 423-4113 Ron Zimmer. PERSONAL Auto insurance for drivers under 25. Monthly payments. S.e Eno's for in surance. Eno Insurance Agency, 501 Anderson Bids, 432-3241. Married students. Part time. $2.65 per nour. Monday- naay 5-tj p.m. only. Two students for noon work, 11:30 to 1:30. Must be 21. Meal plus cash. WE'LL PAY YOU TO HAVE FUN: En thusiastic. energetic junior or senior to write chapter for student guidebook. Ex penses and fees plus by-line and short biography. Tell us who you are im mediately. Write WHERE THE FUN IS, U.S.A.. Simon and Schuster. 630 Fifth Ave., New York. N.Y. 10020. WE BUY USED GUNS QUICK CASH SURPLUS CENTER 1000 WEST Q" Wanted: 4 riders to NU-Missouri (am. Call 477-49.10 after 5 p.m. PERSONALITY POSTERS, SKI POST ERS, PSYCHADELIC POSTERS 4 BUT TONS. If we don't have them, then you don't want them. Send for samples and list. MADAM BUTTERFLY'S GIFT SHOP. 4609 E. Colfax, Denver. Colorado H0220. RENT-A-TV B W OR COLOR Color for Turkey Santa-New Year Special 2000 'O' St. 432-44S1 25 USED MOTORCYCLES Would you give $150 lor a 1966 Yamaha with less than 300 miles?? This, and many more used bargains are available at Behlen Motor Sports. o Do yoii biny asMrt or a label? You buy both, if you're smart. Because a good label means a good shirt. A shirt that's styled to last. With rolls, pleats and tapers in the right places. And a wide enough selection of colors so you don t have to buy the same shade twice. This Arrow "Cum Laude" Oxford has all the things a good label means. Button down roll collar with a soft flare. Tapered waist. Perma-lron so it won't wrinkle. "Sanforizea-Kius. And it comes in blue, pinks, stripes, etc., etc., for $7.00. So, if you want a good shirt, look for a good label. And if you want the best label, buy a shirt made byArrow. j lj Ir3 h .wide career? HaM Bee us on See the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) people and look into wide-scope careers in oils, chemicals, plastics, cryogenics, minerals. With our 300 worldwide affiliates we're uniquely decentralized permitting prompt recognition of your work. Ad vancement can be intercompany and intracompany, worldwide and domestic, with opportunity enough to last a lifetime! Make an appointment with your placement officer now to see a representative of these operating affiliates. Would you like to start with No. 1? Humble Oil & Refining Company supplies more petroleum energy than any other U.S. oil company. We're literally No. 1 "America's Leading Energy Company" with wide-scope career opportunities for people in every discipline, at every degree level. All phases of oil and gas ex ploration, production, refining, transportation, marketing and management as well as oil and chemical research. Humble Oil & Refining Company Would you like to start with one oi the leading chemical companies in the OS.? ia Enjay Chemical Company's decentralized mcrnufacturing, marketing and business operations you get the benefit of a large corporation's resources and fee environ ment .of a small company. You will have a chance to develop a management as well as a professional career, either in Enjay's domestic chemical activities or in me international operations ot our affiliate, Esso Chemical, worldwide. Enjoy Chemical Company Would you like to start with one oi the world's largest research companies? Esso Research and Engineering solves worldwide problems for all affiliates of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey). Wide opportunities for basic and exploratory research and development of products and processes, engineering research and process design, mathematical research. Esso Research and Engineering Company Would you like to start with the world's largest production research orgoaiization? Esso Production Research Company does analysis and design for the worldwida drilling and production activities of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) affiliates. Pioneering research into every phase of drilling and production of petroleum, natural gas and liquids. Heavy emphasis on reservoir engineering, using computers. Esso Production Research Company Equal opportunity employers. K ( V - . - r