The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1967, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, November 13, 1967
ousing Code Issue
Passage Would Benefit
The Minimum Standards
Housing Code is supported
by the ASUN subcommit
tee because poor housing
complicates learning, bet
ter housing attracts better
staff members and it would
assure that low cost hous
ing be brought up to stan
dards, according to sub
committee member Ron
Lincoln voters will decide
the fate of the proposed Min
imum Standards Housing
Code in a city election Tues
day. The City Council ap
proved the measure by a
vote of 6-0 last spring.
The ASUN Special Proj
ects Committee, headed by
Chairman Margo McMas
ter, has been working the
past several weeks in sup
port of the code.
The committee has at
tempted to gain support for
the code by contacting over
1,500 parents of University
students living in Lincoln,
going door-to-door in some
parts of the city and talk
ing with parts of the vot
ing University community,
Miss McMaster said.
Warnet, acting as spokes
man for the subcommittee,
gave three reasons for its
support of the code.
First, many students, for
lack of available transpor
tation, are forced to live
near the campus where
IDA Seeks
Tickets For
Orphan Use
On Thanksgiving
Members of the Inter
Dormitory Association Coun
cil are sponsoring a campus
drive for football tickets for
orphans on Thanksgiving
Day, according to Jerry Mc
Crery, activities chairman.
"Many students will not
be using their tickets be
cause of the holiday," said
McCrery. He explained that
since this was the last game
there would be no need for
tickets to be returned to
those who donate them.
"Student identification
cards need not accompany
these ticket s," explained
He said that the Univer
sity of Oklahoma-Nebraska
game would be nationally
televised and that a "full
stadium would be impres
sive on TV."
Just arrived from holy TolIy-Ho" flshermon 5
knit. The biggest sweater in the fashion
pond in beautifully bulky, natural colored
100 wool. The buttoned cardigan $20. Sizes
S-M-l. Also the furtleneck of $29 end the
enwneck of $n. srcmvvLUL mat now.
honsing is generally in poor
condition. Livine in sub
standard housing may im
pair the student's ability to
Foreign students. In par
ticular, are in this situa
tion. They come to this
countryb get a better ed
ucation only to find inade
quate housing to complicate
the problems of studying
in a foreign country. An im
provement in living condi
tions availabe to students
would benefit the University
as a whole, he said.
Second, faculty members
demand good living condi
tions for their families.
Passage of a minimum
housing code would be an
other step in improving the
University to attract the
competent faculty necessary
for a good univesity, he
A third reason for sub
committee support was giv
en by Jean A 1 1 e m e y e r,
chairman of the housing
code subcommittee.
The student with small in
come will be insured of a
place to live that meets the
housing code's requirements
for safety and welfare, she
The code will help fill the
need for low rent housing
that is up to standards.
Warnet also gave a brief
explanation of the function
of the code.
Inspections w o u Id be
made to determine if there
are existing conditions which
should be corrected. The
homeowner is protected un
der the code by many safe
guards from unlawful
search and every effort
would be made to make this
inspection most convenient
to him, he noted.
The code sets forthde
tailed specifications for
judging substandard condi
tions. This will prevent the
inspector from being arbi
trary in his judgment, War
net said.
The Dode further stipu
lates that one or more sub
standard conditions make a
dwelling unit substandard
only if there is a danger
to life, limb, health, prop
erty, safety or welfare of
the public or occupants of
the dwelling unit.
If the inspectors decide
there is a real danger and
corrective measures must
be taken, they would sub
mit their recomendations to
the City Building Inspec
tor. If the inspector agrees
with the decision the own
er would receive a letter
stating the findings and
the corrective steps recommended.
The owner would have
thirty days to appeal to the
mayor if he does not wish
to accept the recommenda
tions. The decision of the
mayor could be appealed
to regular courts, he pointed .
There is no penalty sec
tion. Violation of any city
ordinance is considered a
misdemeanor as voted by
Lincoln voters in 1966.
If it becomes necessary
to move a person or fam
ily out of their dwelling be
cause of extensive repair or
condemnation, they could
not be moved until they
had been offered "assistance
in relocating in a dewelling
unit which meets the pro
visions of the Code." The
mayor is required by the
Code to designate an agency
to carry out this responsi
bility. The occupant as well as
the owner are held respon
sible for the condition of
the dwelling unit by t h e
code. Specifically, the oc
cupant is responsible for
keping his unit clean, while
the owner is responsible for
keeping the unit in sound
structural condition.
Quiz Bowl
First round Quiz Bowl
matches involving a total
of 30 freshman teams and
74 upperclass teams were
completed last week.
This year Quiz Bowl of
fers participating teams the
opportunity for special chal
lenge matches. Any team
may challenge another team
to a match providing both
teams consent to the chal
lenge. Teams interested in chal
lenge matches may contact
Bill Ptacek at 1645 R St.
The twelve challenge
matches will be held on
Dec. 14, and will be ac
cepted on a first come, first
serve basis.
The results of challenge
matches do not apply to
regular Quiz Bowl elimina
tion. The results of last weeks'
matches are:
Sammy Freshmen 113 Ag Mm 40
Thei Xi 190 Cornbinker Coop IS
Calhcr 115 Love Hall 30
Dime? House 270 Alpha Omjcron Pi o
Phi Kappa Pi 103 Zeta Tan Alpha to
Stona Phi Enttkw M
Alpha Xi Delta Classics
Arthur (Btta Sumi Psi M
Kappa Alpha Theta 25
Alpha XI Delta Turtles l
Pena Hutu 65
God's Divine Independents 195
Af Men Jo
Cornhosker Ca-p lit Love Hall 10
Pi Beta PW 193 . Pioneer Ham M
Delta Tan Delta 115 The Troopers 4
Kappa Alpha Theta No. J. M
The Uncalled Four M
The UstesctuWes 13
Harpers Knirhu M
Beta Theta Pi A 325 Cather Hall Sis It
. i
MEMBERS OF THE TEAM ... the University of Nebraska Law College's moot court
team bones up for regional competition to be held Nov. 17-18 in Kansas City. Left to
right are: Bill Fenton, Tom Thomsen, Bill Harding and Bruce Wright,
Nebraska Law Students To Vie
In Regional Court Competition
Four University law stu
dents will try to add anoth
er award to the College's
list of moot court honors
when they compete in the
regional court competition
Nov. 17-18.
They are Bill Fenton, se
nior and graduate of Em
poria State College, Tom
Thomsen, also a senior, and
juniors. Bill Harding, and
Leslie Bruce Wright, the
Briton Enrolled In
NU Extension Class
The Farm and Ranch Op
erators Short Course, con
ducted by the University
College of Agriculture, pres
ently has 25 young men en
rolled for the fall term.
Among the participants is
Charles Heward. a resident
of Mills, England. The rest
are from the local area.
The eight week, vocation
al course provides an op
portunity for young men
who want more agricultural
training than high schools
offer, but who do not want
to pursue a college educa
tion, according to Clinton A.
Hoover, head of the Hall of
Youth at the Nebraska Cen
ter for Continuing Educa
tion. Students presently en
rolled in the University are i
not eligible for the course.
The courses are designed
to provide practical infor
mation which can be applied !
on ranchs or farms. j
Instructors are College of !
Agriculture staff members
who are specialists in their
respective fields and who
also have had practical
Iowa Public Service Company fs an Investor
owned gas and electric utility company serving
more than 200 cities and towns in north-central
and northwest Iowa.
Our future is involved with underground dis
tribution lines, electric autos, nuclear power,
crime reduction through better lighting, and on
and on.
In less than ten years our service to residen
tial customers will have to double to meet the de
mand. Construction projects, sales promotions,
marketing and financial programs, personnel de
velopment . . .
If this sounds like opportunity, it should.
It is.
atetn mTT'--tsa1
latter three University of
Nebraska graduates.
Teams from 12 law col
leges will participate in the
The Nebraska team drew
a first round bye and will
compete against winners of
the first round in the quarter-finals
set for Friday af
ternoon. The semi-final and
final rounds will be held on
Applications will be ac
cepted until Nov. 24 for the
first term, which begins
Nov. 27. The second term's
applications will be accepted
until Feb. 2.
Further information can
be obtained by writing to
Hall of Youth, Nebraska
Center, 33rd and Holdrege,
Lincoln, Nebraska 68503.
Will be Interviewing
At the University of Nebraska
November 16, 1967
Iowa Pn&Iic Ssrric3
The winner and runner
up will advance to the na
tional finals to be held in
New York City in Decem
ber. Nebraska's 1953 team, en
tering for the first time, won
the national championship
and award for outstanding
individual speaker.
The 1956 and the 1961
teams were national run-ners-up.
They also took hon
ors for the top individual
and best brief in the compe
tition. Nebraska won the region
al championship in 1962 and
was regional runner-up in
1964 and 1965.
This year's case to be ar
gued concerns a class ac
tion for people who alleged
ly bought stocks and bonds
from the facts in an errone
ous financial statement sup
plied by an accounting firm.
Want Ads
Bring Results
NCD Goes Outstate
As Support Grows
Support behind the Ne
braska Concerned Demo
crats (NCD) seems to be
growing, according to fig
ures from Gene Pokorny,
treasurer of the organiza
tion. Pokorny estimated that
between 500 and 600 signa
: tures had been collected by
Saturday's organizational
The NCD is supporting
National Convention dele
gate hopefuls who are un
pledged or pledged to presi
dential aspirants other than
President Johnson and who
are opposed to the Vietnam
As a branch of the Na
tional Conference of Con
cerned Democrats, the NCD
also includes the University
Concerned Democrats
(UCD), although the divi
sion between the groups is
not formal.
"We aje too busy trying
to do the work," Pokorny
said, "to worry about set
ting up officers and so forth
in the University group."
As a result of Saturday's
meeting 98 letters are be
ing sent to out-state Demo
Every Wednesday Nite 5 to t p.m.
Italian Spaghetti with spicy meat sauce. Served with warm
garlic bread, tossed salad and dressing. $1
Get the Gang Together Wed.! Join the Fun.
Fremont and 48th Streets
f " ISSak.-..."-"
B On (3
At next Saturday's football game while you are sitting
in your choice student's seat behind the end zone, wont
you pause and give a thought to football's greatest and,
alas, most neglected name ? I refer, of course, to Champers
Champert Sigafoos (1714-1928) started life humbly on
a farm near Thud, Kansas. His mother and father, both
named Walter, were bean-gleaners, and Champert became
a bean-gleaner too. But he tired of the work and went to
Montana where he got a job with a logging firm. Here the
erstwhile bean-gleaner worked as a stump-thumper. After
a month he went to North Dakota where he tended the
furnace in a granary (wheat-heater). Then he drifted to
Texas where he tidied up oil fields (pipe-wiper). Then to
Arizona where he strung dried fruit (fig-rigger). Then
to Kentucky where he fed horses at a breeding farm (oat
toter). Then to Long Island where he dressed poultry
(duck-plucker). Then to Alaska where he drove a delivery
van for a bakery (bread-sledder). Then to Minnesota
where he cat up frozen lakes (ice-slicer). Then to Nevada
where he determined the odds in a gambling house (dice
pricer). Then to Milwaukee where he pasted camera
lenses together (Ze iss-splicer).
Finally he went to Omaha where be got a job in a tan
nery, beating pig hides until they were soft and supple
(hog-flogger). Here occurred the event that changed not
only Champert' life, but all of ours.
Next door to Champert's hog-floggery was a mooring
mast for dirigibles. In flew a dirigible one day, piloted by
a girl named Graffa von Zeppelin. Champert watched
Graffa descend from the dirigible, and his heart turned
over, and he knew love. Though Graffa's beauty was not
quite perfect-one of her legs was shorter than the other
(blimp-gimper) she was nonetheless ravishing, what
with her tawny hair and her eyes of Lake Louise blue and
ber marvelougly articulated haunches. Champert, smitten,
ran quickly back to the hog-floggery to plan the wooing.
lb begin with, naturally, he would give Graffa a pres
ent. This presented problems, for hog-flogging, as we all
know, is a signally underpaid profession. Still, thought
Champert, if he had no money, there were two things ha
did have: ingenuity and pigskin.
So he selected several high grade pelts and stitched
them together and blew air into them and made for Graffa
a perfectly darling little replica of a dirigible. "She will
love this," said he confidently to himself and proceeded to
make ready to call on Graffa.
First, of course, he shaved with Personna Super Stain
less Steel Blades. And wouldn't you ? If you were looking
to impress a girl, if you wanted jowls as smooth as ivory,
dewlaps like damask, a chin strokable, cheeks fondlesome,
upper lip kissable, would you not use the blade that
whisk away whiskers quickly and slickly, tuglessly and
nickleajly, scratehlessly and matchlessly? Would you not;
in short, choose Personna, available both in Injector style
and double-edge style? Of course yon wookL
0M' m jf. sU JM
-ts LiTT :
So Champert, his face a study in epidermal elegance,
rushed next door with his little pigskin dirigible. Bt
Graffs, alas, had run off, alas, with a bush pilot who spe
cialized in dropping limes to scurvy-ridden Eskimo vil
lages (fruit-chuter).
Champert, enraged, started kicking his little pigskin
blimp all over the place. And who should walk by just
then but Jim Thorpe, Knute Rockne, Walter Camp, and
They walked silently, heads down, four discouraged
men. For weeka they had been trying to invent football,
but they couldn't seem to find the right kind of ball. They
tried everything-hockey pucks, badminton birds, bowling
balls, quoits-but nothing worked. Now seeing Champert
kicking his pigskin spheroid, their faces lit up and as one
men tbey hollered "Eureka 1" The rest is history.
f . - - lit i
Speeding of kick, if you've tot any about tour ores.
wmmmw eeeow, my tfmsmotitan negmar or
crats believed "sympathet
ic" with the movement.
"These are people we are
able to identify as being op
posed to the war," he said.
"In this way we are broad
ening our base from the
Lincoln-Omaha area."
. The out-staters will be
asked to circulate petitions
in their areas in support of
the NCD aims.
The group is also canvas
sing areas of Lincoln to se
cure more signatures for
the movement.
"Our ultimate goal is not
a certain number of
names," he said, "but to
get just as many signatures
as possible for an advertise
ment in the Omaha World
Herald Nov. 26."
Deadline for the signa
tures will probably be Nov.
20, he added.
Plans for the NCD follow
ing the signature drive are
uncertain, Pokorny said,
but interested Democrats
will probably be supporting
the delegates pledged to
candidates oppos n g in
volvement in Vietnam and
to delegates not pledged to
.911312 mMm
By the author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!",
"Dobie GiUus," etc.)