The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1967, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, November 1, 1967
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
A TJ 0
Advisory Boards
I o
Senior Staff Writer
Students majoring in Eng.
lish and philosophy may
soon be able to consult with
student advisors having
corresponding majors when
they register, according to
John Drodow, president of
the Arts and Sciences ad
visory board.
The student advisor pro
gram is one of a number
of projects being developed
by the University's four
college advisory boards,
which function in the Busi
ness Administration, Agri
culture, and Teachers' Col
leges in addition to Arts
and Sciences.
The boards are made up
of elected and selected stu
dents who present student
suggestions for curriculum
changes to their college and
department heads
'The main idea of the ad
visory board," Drodow ex
plained, "is to have stu
ents begin thinking and
talking about the type of
education they'r getting.
We want to get students in
volved in the decision-making
process of the Univer
sity." Drodow said the student
advisory program is being
planned to give students a
better idea of the courses
and scheduling possibilities
in their major fields. Un
der this program upperclass
students could be hired by
the department in which
they are majoring to advise
freshmen and sophomores
when they register.
This would take some of
the load off the regular ad
visors, Drodow said, and
NU Extension Division To Offer
Five Additional Night Classes
The University of Nebras
ka Extension Division will
offer five evening classes
starting next week in the
areas of architecture, busi
ness communications, data
processing, and invest
ments. Persons interested in en
rolling for the classes
should register in the Ex
tension Division in 511, Ne
braska Hall.
The following courses will
be presented:
Development of Archi
tecture, a historical ap
proach tracing the develop
ment of architecture using
lectures, slides, pictures,
and discussion; seven
Thursday starting at 7
p.m., Nov. 9. Ronald E.
Hess will be the instructor.
Business Communica
tions, a course on improv
ing communications with
emphasis on business com
munications; seven weeks
on Mondays and Wednes
days, starting at 7 p.m..
Nov. 6. Mrs. Virginia Hall
will be the instructor.
Computer Coding, a
course on a computer cod-
Ttvo Students
Will Be Picked
The university will send
two University students to
Stillman College, an all-negro
school in Tuscaloosa.
Ala., next semester as part
of an exchange program be
tween the two schools be
gun last year, according to
Margaret Van Cleve. chair
man of the ASUN Stillman
Applications are available
for interested students in
the ASUN office. Students
most submit their applica
tions by Nov. 10 to the Sen
ate office and interviews to
select the two exchange stu
dents will be held Nov. 16.
Two Stillman College stu
dents attended the Univer
sity last semester Miss Van
Cleve said, but no Nebras
ka students were sent to
She said the exchange
students will be selected by
their scholarship and inter
est for the program.
The ASUN committee also
is attempting to work out
the financial aspects of the
program, she added.
would give the freshmen
and sophomores a chance to
talk with someone who is
working in his course of
The Board plans to try
the program on a small
scale at first, he said. If it
is successful it can be ex
panded to other depart
ments in" the college.
Board member Nancy
Eaton said the Arts and
Sciences group is also
working on a senior semi
nar program which would
enable seniors to discuss
their major with professors
of that department.
Students in this program
might meet with their in
structors one or more hours
a week and discuss such
things as relating their ma
jor to career possibilities.
Miss Eaton explained
such a course could be of
fered with or without cre
dit, depending on the de
partment's preference.
Although the Arts and
Sciences board is concen
trating on these programs
at present. Miss Eaton said
the group also plans later
to investigate problems such
as the pass-fail system.
Board member Dave Lan
dis said he hopes the
group's attention can be fo
cused on prob!ems of edu
cational reform. Pointing
out that the senior seminar
idea has actually been dis
cussed for almost a year,
he suggested that there are
more pertinent areas where
the board must work.
"I would like to see us
really push the centennial
college and residential col
ing system with special ap
plications for business and
data processing operations;
section I on eight Wednes
days starting at 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 8 and section II on
eight Thursdays, starting at
6:30 p.m. Nov. 9. Mrs.
Marilyn Cooper and Rich
ard L. Kieger will be the
Advanced Common
Stock Investment, a study
of equity investment includ
ing charting, technical and
psychological indicators,
Clio Speaking On
Chinese Threat
Professor Soon Sung Cho
of the political science de
nartment will present a
lecture entitled "The Nuc
lear Threat of Communist
China" Nov. 1 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Nebraska Union.
According to Benno Wy
mar of the Nebraska Inter
national Association, which
is sponsoring the speaker.
Professor Cho is an author
ity on the subject. He has
published a book and
several articles in both
American and Asian
Professor Cho previously
served as advisor to the
Korean government on
foreign affairs, and during
his visit to the United
States has been affiliated
with the University of Ore
eon and the University of
Stand oround street comers
in Bass Weejunt!
toof in comfort . . . ml
mocassins o' your nearby
hojriop. Only Boss
G. H. Bass & Co,
Wilton, Main 04294.
lege ideas," he said. Other
areas where the board
should act are the Pass
Fail question, ythe faculty
evaluation program, langu
age houses, and the Free
University, he added.
"The Advisory Boards are
the ones to take the facts
on Pass-Fail to the depart
ment heads to get stronger
faculty support," he said.
"The group should also
support the development of
a new, continuous Honors
Program to replace the
present one which leads
nowhere" he said.
The Teachers' College Ad
visory Board also has a
number of problems under
consideration. Ed Benin,
Teachers' board president,
said the group will be mak
ing recommendations later
in the year based on sever
al studies it is doing:
Dual Matriculation
Board members are exam
ining this procedure which
enables students to partici
pate in and take a degree
from a college in addition
to Teachers' at the same
"A lot of people are very
confused about what it en
tails," Benin explained.
"We are interested in how
successful it has been, its
value and the general pro
cedure involved.
The Board is interviewing
students who are dual ma
triculating and is discuss
ing the values of the pro
The college's P.E. require
mentThe Board is circu
lating questionnaires to see
whether Teachers' College
and financial statement an
alysis; six Tuesdays start
ing at 7 p.m., Nov. 7. Dr.
Keith Broman will be the
Punched Card Account
ing Machines, the theory
and practice and diagram
ming, wiring, and operation
of card punch, interpreter,
sorter, reproducer, and col
lator equipment; seven
Tuesdays starting at 6:30
p.m., Nov. 7. Samuel Har
rington will be the instruc
tor. Rh Book Staff
Named By Panhel
Panhellenic Monday an
nounced Joan Wagoner as
editor of the combined sor
ority rush book, which will
be published next summer.
Linda Learner and Cathy
Cleveland were named as
assistant editors.
The editorial staff was
selected by an interview.
Miss Wagoner said Tues
day she will begin contact
ing other schools that have
edited combined rush books
to investigate the different
systems they used.
In past years each sor
ority published their own
rush book describing their
various programs, honors
and activities for women
who will go through Rush
Next year only one rush
book, containing information
about each sorority, will be
for Bats Wjut
collea slor or
mok Weejun.
Main 5t,
students approve of the four
semester P.E. requirement.
"A lot of students are
unhappy that Teacher's
College is the only College
left with a P.E. require
ment," Bervin said. Possi
ble solutions might be dis
continuing or shortening the
requirement or switching
P.E. courses in Pass-Fail.
Special Education oppor
tunitiesThe Teachers'
Advisory Board is studying
the many opportunities for
teachers in Special Educa
tionteaching children who
are retarded, deaf, emo
tionally disturbed or spec
ial in some other way.
Bervin said the group
will explore how these op
portunities can be better
conveyed to the college's
The Educational Psychol
ogy courses The advisory
board is "unhappy with this
department," he said, "Be
cause much of the course
work seems to be totally
He said the group will
work with the college's sec
ondary education commit
tee, which is studying the
feasibility of turning the
secondary education pro
gram into a more integrat
ed presentation.
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The only cats -rorth anything are
the cats who take chances. Sometimes
I play things I never heard myself. w
Thelonious HonX
Culture Exchange To Sponsor
1968 Seminar
Archeology research is
the subject of the 1968 sum
mer seminar in England be
ing offered by the Associa
tion for Cultural Exchange.
Students who have a cum
ulative grade average of at
least 3.0 are eligible for ad
mission into the seminar.
The seminar will include
classwork, field work, and
practical work. A general
survey course for students
with no previous knowledge
of archeology or a special
ized course emphasizing an
thropological aspects are
the courses offered.
The general survey course
consists of aims and meth
ods of archeology, a class
illustrating the major tech
nological achievements of
COL fLif5P
Farmhouse Fraternity
Wednesday, 7:30
(camp in crwsodf tar cfcrttt)
man's progress, a survey
class In the archeology of
Britain, and discussions in
small groups about the prob
lems arising from the above
Both courses will be sup
plemented by afternoon or
full-day trips to Cheddar
Caves, Stonehenge, Winches
ter, Cedworth, Roman Vil
la and the Cotswold mega
lithic tombs.
The practical work will
cover outline techniques of
archeology, including basic
surveying and leveling,
identification and interpre
tation of finds, classifica
tion and dating, and con
servation. After the seminar the
period of practical excava
tion begins. Students will
On Archeology!
join a "dig" for a period of
three weeks and take full
part in the work program
six davs a week.
Several scholarships are
available to students with
a B plus average or above.
The cost of the six week
Will not be the theme of
But it tvill include...
Seven Skits
TmveJtn Acts
Announcing f...
Prince Kosmet and
Nebraska Sweetheart
Ntvttnbsr 4, 1967
Pershing Auditorium
8 p.m.
Don't keep forever on the
public road, going only There others
have gone. Leave the beaten track
occasionally and dive into the
woods. You'll be certain to find
something yoa have never seen betoto9
session Is $725. This price
i ncludes round-trip travel,
room and board, and a 1 1
expenses during the field
trip. It does not Include
text books or the cost of
travel from the field center
at the end of the period of