Thursday, October 26, 1967 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 News In Perspective Vietnam By MICK LOWE Senior Staff Writer When I was young I did eagerly frequent Doctor and saint; And heard arguments about it and about, But evermore came out the same door As in I went. Omar Khayam Vietnam Week struggled into its third day Wednes day with a speaker from the State Department and a panel discussion on the draft. The speech and dis cussion took the entire af ternoon, and all in all it was a bigger waste than the Joe Pyne Show. H. Freeman Matthews, a representative of the State Department who spent two years in Vietnam, spoke to an audience of approx imately forty students and six newsmen in the Union Small Auditorium. Matthews began his ad dress by voicing the hope that "I won't repeat what you already know, so I'll assume that you know a great deal about Vietnam, and I'll try to give you time to ask questions." At first the audience was respectful as Matthews tried to smooth over the problems of the credibility gap, U.S. willingness to ne gotiate, and the possibility of a bombing pause. TAKING ISSUE But before the question and answer session was over, (and it was mercifully brief), Matthew's audience was openly taking issue with his statements. Matthews said that he went to Vietnam in the fall of 1964. Since that time, he assured his audience, the Modal Y56S Tht MODERNE A x t CIRCLBSOUND $" 99" ) JjL LETS YOU Hf AW FULl ( ( ' ( gjVC) ) iflpJij NO MATTER WHEREYOU SIT ' ' -"" '" tjT -' I V 1 In fi Now, you con hear stereo the woy it was meant to be heard all around you. , Zenith'i revolutionary new "Circle of Sound" features unique, cylindrical-shaped speaker units with deflector cones designed to disperse sound in a complete 360 circle. Within each unit is a Zenith quality twin cone speaker producing a frequency response of 40 to 15,000 cps. Main cabinet features 80-watt peak music power solid-state amplifier) Stereo Precision record changer with Micro-Touch 2G tone arm; combination loudnessstereo balance control) separate treble and bass controls. Modern-design cabinet in Grained Walnut color with matching speakers. ZENITH the quality goes in before the name goee on Wh United States military posi tion in Vietnam has bright ened. "We now have the inia tive over the army of North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. The Viet Cong cannot re place losses they suffer in the field," he said. Matthews stated that the democratic situation in Viet nam is improving as re flected in the recent elec tions. But he admitted during the question and answer session that Viet Cong were not allowed to vote, "because the South Vietnam constitution for bade it." REPEAT A University English pro- A University English professor summarized Mat thew's speech "you prom ised not to tell us what we could already have read in the papers. But you did. You promised to allow time for questions and answers, but now we're told that you have to leave after one question." A University philosophy instructor listed "seven op portunities for the United States to negotiate, as doc umented in the New York Times." He asked, "Why didn't we negotiatie?" Matthews said that he wasn't familiar with each instance, but he assured the philposophy professor that that will take a long time to win, particulary when U.S. forces "have to persuade the South Vietnamese to care about the war one way or another." DISAPPOINTED Senator Al Spangler said that he was disappointed with Matthew's speech, and expressed surprise that week. Third Day: o9s Kidding Who a man with his qualifica tions was so uninformative. The subsequent draft panel, however, represented little improvement. SDS presidnet Rick Lat trell and Rev. Alan Picker ing of the United Ministries for Higher Education began the discussion by attacking the draft. WASTE AWAY L a 1 1 r e 1 1 said that he , thought it w a s "econom ically unfeasilbe to train a soldier intensively for two years and then let him waste away for six years in a reserve camp." "The proper system for defense," Lattrell con tinued, "is a voluntary army." Pickering said that he thought the draft system we now have is indicative of a bankrupted morality, for eign policy, and national loyalty. Lincoln Attorney Nate Hoi man, a member of the State Draft Appeals Board, said that he was not here "to de fend the draft," and agreed with Lattrell that the draft was an undesirable solution to the problem. NOT TO DEBATE Holman said that he was appearing to explain the way the draft works, not to engage in a debate about its advisability or morality, have killer instincts," Hol man said. "Unfortunately and sadly, these instincts "Not many Americans have to be trained into them." Holman remarked that "no one likes war, including military personnel I know from General LeMay on down." Lattrell replied that he BEST COMPONENTS FOR THE BEST STEREO Zenith Twin-Cone Spoakari scaled with each speaker unit center cones "float" on a cushion ol olr for the best sound reproduction. Zenith's Micro Teucha to Ton Arm the most perfect ly balanced ton arm In home stereo Instruments fine stereo records can last lift tlmel Zenith's Solld-State Amplifier delivers tO waits of peak music power virtually llm (nates distortion at all listen ing levels. found that difficult to be lieve, w h e n it was LeMay who advocated "bombing the Chinks into the stone age." From that point the dis cussion lapsed into an ar gument about whether or . not generals are warlike, and Holman finally mused that he had known warlike generals, "just like I know ruthless businessmen, law yers, and a few preachers." LATTRELL LEAVES Lattrell proceeded to leave the discussion, and the forum was then open to questions. Miss Diane Hicks, a Uni versity student, informed Holman that she was an SDS member, that SDS is planning to advise draft resistance to students, and asked "what would happen if we stopped sending bodies to Vietnam?" Holman laughed, and re plied that not much would happen since "Nebrask l?C3lili Cleaning garment of $5.00 offer Wednesday thru Big Red 16th I III f Vryif fCif4:s 'te " Transistorized Instant-Play PORTABLE TILT-DOWN 4-SPEED CHANGER 45 RPM ADAPTER SEPARATE LOUDNESSTONE CONTROLS ZENITH QUALITY SPEAKERS was a pretty small slice of the pie." Another student asked Holman why he was told that he had to give up the possibility of a marriage de ferment when he reapplied for a student deferment, and Holman said he didn't know but that he'd "look it up." GRADUATE EXEMPTIONS The third question di rected to Holman was "are graduate students draft exempt like undergrad uates?" Holman said that he thought so, but there was a limit as to how long you can stay in school. "I mean you can't stay in school for ever," he said. A University s t u d e n t in formed Holman that grad uate students have one year to complete their studies under the new draft law. With that the afternoon of Vietnam discussion dragged to a close. The speaker was of any red with order or more, good 10 a.m. Friday at Cleaners ft Q associated with Gtlharrs M PfejjjalllH . Ill, J .h - :n I STEREO The CALYPSO e Model X640 Solid-Suu. Plays all record ! Vinyl covered cabinet in two-tone Gray color or two-tone Beife only uninformative in everyone's judgment and the panel par ticipants could not even agree on grounds for dis agreement. The panel member who came to explain the work ings of the draft board ("I don't know how I got my ap peals board appointment. I just came one day.") wound up . having students explain , the draft law to hjm. If the leading figures of the day's activities are the same men who run the war, then Matthews will be right about at least one thing: It's going to be a long, long war. mm. These low-csst rites apply to all etas slflpd advertising In the Dell; Nebras kam standard rate of 5e per word and minimum cnarffl of SOc per rlasstfied Insertion. To place a classified advertisement call the University ef Nrhraska at 472-2588 and ask tor tke Dally Nebras kan office, or come to loom 61 hi (he Nebraska Union. The classified adver- tlslnt manafers maintain S:M to 1:M business hours. Please attempt Is place you- art rill ..lurs. All advertisement must be prepaid before ad appears. HELP WANTED Men wanted 18-24 for part time work. $2.07 per hour. Apply neat at 3861 South St. or phone 489-6473 Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5. RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES FULL OR PART TIME, APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN. DIAMOND JIM'S, 14th and M, 477-1900 FOR INTER VIEW. OPENING SOON. Need bread? Distribute Psychedelic post, ers, etc. Write to The Joyce James Co. Lt. 734 Bay St.. San Francisco, Calif. 94109. FOR RENT 1425CT,1.droom famished apartment 70. Utilities paid. 4B8-4150. FOR SALE 67 Camaro, mountain green with black interior. Must sell for best offer, 475-1219, evenings and weekends. 1962 Austin-Healey 3000 Deluxe. Has everything but hardtop. Good condition. Call 435-6717 or 432-8000 after 4 p.m. ''B PBBBiBBBB(B rVfflNWIHmB c o) C -v . .l i. ii.mi,! I- .,. cuiii.h.-.-S THURSDAY (All activities are in the Nebraska Union, unless oth erwise indicated.) GEOLOGY LAB ASSIST . ANTS-12:30 p.m. PLACEMENT OFFICE LUNCHEON-12:30 p.m. AWSCOURT-3:30p.m. HYDE PARK-3:30p.m. UNION Trips and Tours 3:45 p.m. CHRISTIAN S CIENCE ORG. 4:30 p.m. UNION - Special Events Committee 4:30 p.m. UNION Public Relations Committee 4:30 p.m. UNION Music Committee 4:30 p.m. YWCA CABINET - 4:30 p.m. PEOPLE - TO-PEOPLE Project Committee 4:30 p.m. AWS Stillman Exchange Program 4:30 p.m. PEOPLE - TO-PEOPLE Cafcn tie. "R&cfl&merl your Ttymoufh Deaers. The new Plymouth RoadRunner now at your Plymouth Dealers where the beat goes on. p e:967 liraer tro.. Stn Arte, Tin? Mi total TV picture BIG 79 SQ. IN. FULL RECTANGULAR SCREEN higher, wider . . . as rectangular as a TV screen can be! The GUIFSTREAM Y140S All new compact portable TV features a handsome sculptured multi-color cabinet fashioned in clean, modern rectangular lines. In Charcoal Brown color and Light Tan color. Beige color and White color, or White color and Beige color. FREE 5 STEREO MBUMS! . 25 SELECTIONS A $2195 VALUE . . . FREE with purchase of this stereo nil 6Vz Floors 13 NIA; 4:30 p.m. DINNER - Bel Kaufman 5:30 p.m. DELTA PI EPSILON 6 p.m. KOSMET KLUB-6 p.m. PHI MU ALPHA SINFONIA 6 p.m. AUF EXEC 6:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORG.-6:30p.m. BUILDERS Special Edi tion 6:45 p.m. AUF BOARD 7 p.m. REGIONAL ADVIS ORY, COMMITTEE 7:15 p.m. PI SIGMA ALPHA 7:30 p.m. DELTA PHI ALPHA-7:30 p.m. BEL KAUFMAN 7:30 p.m. MATHEMATICS COUNSE LORS 7:30 p.m. QUIZ BOWL INTERVIEWS 8 p.m. ASUN Parking Commit tee 8 p.m. bigger only JJ ' of Home Furnishings 97 tii YEAR "ii'dl growing "CSt. 432-4261 P r- .if.. .? ' 'V, b I i: ? I ' t -J r, I: r u J i ! ''i f u h r- i i iv y .' -t v.- OPEN MON. & THUR. TILL 9