The Daily Nebraskan Page 5 Representatives Of Student Governing Bodies ructures Needed Wednesday, October 25, 1967 O 1 Jl O n .. "1 C P T Current System RtGntS Faculty Senate Office Qf Student z. S Schaaf's Student Court IFC iiiiiii!ii!iiii!iiiiiiHii!iiiii!miiinnmi!immiiiiiiminnmmininiiiinHiiiiinin!iHiminiiitmniiiiiHiniK I Match Box I PINMNGS Cheryl McKeag, Nebras ka Wesleyan senior major ing in English from Osceo la to Gary Ahlquist, Ag Men senior in electrical engi neering from Osceola. Sara Miessler, Kappa Kappa Gamma sophomore in elementary education from Columbus, to Jeff Klintberg, Sigma Alpha Ep silon junior in music from Laurel. JoAnn Dean, Kappa Kap pa Gamma junior in ele mentary education from Lincoln, to Mike Rierdon, Phi Delta Theta junior in English from Lincoln. Pat Jones, Avila College junior in elementary educa tion from Hastings, to Rog er Humphrey, Sigma Phi Epsilon junior in pred-med from Hebron. Lead Roles Cast For 'A Delicate Balance' The cast for Edward Al bee's Pulitzer Prize - win ning drama, "A Delicate Balance." was announced by Dr. William Morgan, di rector of the play to be pre sented by the University Theater. Clint Jakeman. graduate student from Fremont, will portray Tobias. Jakeman has toured with the Prince Ion Glee Club, performed in nightclubs and traveled in Europe as a cast member in a State Department sponsored musical. Michelle M e y e r, soph more drama major, makes her Howell Theater debut as Agnes. Miss Meyer was raised in Eugene irevious ly attended Tennessee State L'niversitv and the Ameri can Academy of Dramat ic Arts. She has performed in laboratory theater roles. GRAD STUDENT The role of Harry as signed to Patrick Drake, graduate student. He has written, produced and di rected two shows: "M Ma noeuvre" and "The Strang er," adapted from the book by Albert Camus. He has also assisted with produc tion at KUON television studio. Janet Jensen, junior in speech, will portray Edna. Miss Jensen previously ap peared in University The ater as Lady Macbeth, and has been affiliated with the jo) ja jj ' Cleaning of any red garment with order of $5.00 or more, offer good Wednesday thru 10 a.m. Friday at Big Red Cleaners 14 i a WMI Mr Faculty Committee On Suspension ptudent Tribunal (Advisory) IDA Prcpcsat Studant Tribunal r r IDA j Panhcl ENGAGEMENTS Sandi Shrewsbury, Delta Zeta junior in Teachers Col lege at Nebraska Wesleyan, to Roger Dunakacke, soph omore in Business Adminis tration. Carol Bunz, Alpha Chi Omega junior in Arts and Science from Omaha, to Earl Beam, Sigma Nu sen ior in business from Omaha. Cheryl Kassebaum, Pound Hall junior in phar macy from Hebron, to Ken neth Hedegaard, junior in pharmacy from Omaha. Karen Grodziaski, former University student from Au rora, to David Heckman, senior in electrical en gineering from Hastings. Sue Bell, Delta Zeta jun ior in Teachers College from Tabor, la., to Jerry Bartley, senior in business adminis tration from Ashland. Tanglewood Barn Theater, Encore Theater in Chica go, Actor's Theater in Mil waukee and Saginaw Com munity Theater. The role of Claire will be played by Patricia A. Brott, who appeared in last year's production of "Scapin." She has acted and directed in connection with the labora tory theater, and has studied in London. Susan Granata, veteran of the Howell stage, appears as Julia. She previously held roles in "Anthony and Cleopatra," "The Three Sisters" and "Scapin," and served as assistant public ity director at the Lakes Region Playhouse of Lacon ia. N'.H. . OPENING The play will open Nov. 3. 4 and 5, continuing Nov. 17. 18 and 19 and Dec. 8 and 9, alternating with Moliere's "Misanthrope." Scheduling of the 17th century and 19th century plays in contrast provides the audience with a com parison of past and pres ent theater techniques and a sampling of well-known playrights from both peri ods, according to Dr. Joseph Baldwin, direc tor of "Misanthrope." Tickets can be obtained for $1.55 at the University Theater Business Office or bv calling 472-2072 and 472-2073. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series on the court structures of the Uni versity. By ED 1CENOGLE Senior Staff Writer Judicial arms of Universi ty governments may under take a muscle-building pro gram that would establish avenues of appeal and de fine areas of jurisdiction. Representatives of vari ous student governments concluded Monday at a meeting called by Dr. Rus sell Brown, associate dean of student affairs, that a study of the present system is needed before action can be considered. "Most of the students seem to be saying that they do not know enough about the courts," Brown said. "So, we are gathering in formation, on which we will make decisions to recom mend changes to the organ izations." Representatives from ASUN, Interdormitory Asso ciation (IDA) and Interfra ternity Council (IFC) at tended the meeting. AWS and Panhellenic were not present. PRESENT SITUATION Scheduling a second meet ing for next Monday, the group decided to "investi gate the present situation" first, according to Brown. "It is pretty early to say in what direction we are going," Brown said. "But the students indicated there is at least a need to clarify the situation." One clarification being of fered by Terry Schaaf, jus tice of the ASUN Student Court, involves some ma jor changes in the present system. Schaaf. who said that re visions are needed at upper and lower levels of the court systems, proposed a Facul ty - Student Administration (FSA) Court last year that would be at the head of a more uniform series of low er courts. REPRESENTATION In the suggested FSA, equal representation from the three parts of the Uni versity community would form the superior court, Schaaf indicated, with only the Board of Regents above it. "The FSA Court would be a judicial committee," inde pendent of any one segment of the University," the for mer ASUN president said. The one segment Schaaf referred to is the faculty, which dominates two com mittees, which are subordi nate only to the Regents in their power over students. The committees are the Faculty Committee on Stu dent Suspension and the Faculty Senate Subcommit tee on Student Affairs. NON-JUDICIAL The Subcommittee on Stu AT AT THE LOWEST PRICES 16th & P Sts. ust South of Campus WE NEVER CLOSE dent Affairs is not a judicial group, according to Schaaf, even though it has members from outside the faculty. He said that the group, which varies in size and representation, is too large to be a truly judicially delib erative body. "Just as the faculty would not want students to . r u n this," Schaaf said of t h e groups controlling student suspension and affairs, "the students should not want only the faculty to run it." Under SchaaFs proposed organization of courts, the ASUN Court and a student tribunal or disciplinary court would stand on equal footing. The Student Court would conduct civil cases, as the ASUN Court now does, Schaaf explained. But in stead of the current Student Tribunal, a Disciplinary Court would deliberate on the guilt of an infraction and assess penalties. Currently, the Tribunal only hears evidence and recommends action to t h e Office of Student Affairs. "The current Student Tri bunal is not actually a court," Schaaf said, "since it merely advises." Although the so-called Dis ciplinary Court would have primary jurisdiction in stu dent affairs, Schaaf added, the faculty and administra tion would still have a check on decisions through the FSA Court. Ultimately, he said, the Regents could make the fi nal decision over any of the courts, if a case is impor tant enough for them to con sider. IFC, IDA and AWS courts would all stand inferior to the Disciplinary Court, with divisions under each of these as needed, Schaaf said. The Student Court jus tice's plan is not the o n 1 y one under discussion, Brown indicated. MICHIGAN Information on the judi cial system at the Univer sity of Michigan was distri buted to the representatives at Monday's initial meet ing. "This is to be an example, not a model," Brown said. "The Michigan system is more comprehensive, has the avenues of appeals spelled out, outlines the make-up of each court and sets penalties." Brown and Schaaf each said these were possible areas of weakness in the current University system. The Nebraska courts have no comprehensive statements on the jurisdic tion of each court and there are no formal avenues of appeal. Schaaf said. LACK In the area of penalties for infractions of rules, both agreed that consistency is also lacking. "In the present system," Brown said, "we do not know how consistent we are in dealing with similar prob lems." Schaaf pointed out the variety of punishments for the same infraction within different living units. "There are complications at the lower levels we d i d not realize before the meet ing," Schaaf said. "Even individual floors in the dorms have courts." APPLICABLE A court code applicable to the entire system is needed, the Student Court justice said. This would define areas of jurisdiction and as sessment of penalties for all Nebraskan Harold Lynn Beck, a for mer Agronomy major at the University, has re cently been named a Peace Corps volunteer assigned to El Salvador after com pleting 13 weeks of training at the Peace Corps Train ing Center in Puerto Rico. A University junior, Ron ald E. Morlok, is the receip ient of the annual Goodyear $1,000 scholarship in En gineering. He has been ac tive in the American So ciety of Mechanical Engi neers and holds a 3.323 grade average. Lt. Col. Elmer R. Hermes of Lincoln was awarded the Legion of Merit at a re cent University Army ROTC honor ceremony. A career officer in the U.S. Army, Col. Hermes was cited for meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services in Comptrollership by Col. James F. Bishop, pro fessor of military science. Col. Hermes is now payroll manager. Fourteen University Army ROTC cadets were designated distinguished what j j j Q ttie MitervieweFs worn! tel you about v04V&JiiLv&lL uUl H layAyH II JiVo They won't tell you about all the Job opportunities we have for college graduates engineers, science, business and liberal arts majors. Not that they wouldn't like to. It's just that there are too many jobs and too little time. In a half-hour interview our man would barely have time to outline the neofie and diversity of the opportunity we offer. That's why we published a brochure callnd "Start ing Points at General Electric" In plaia language courts at the University. Schaaf also commented on the pocr network of ap peals in the present sys tem. especially concerning AWS," Schaaf said, "but it has got to fit into the struc ture, f "According to my infor mation," he said, "there is no appeal out of AWS ex cept through student af fairs." Mary Cunningham, assis tant to Helen Snyder, asso ciate dean of student af fairs, said she thought the present system has been effective for the women students at the University. "Whether or not it is the best way," she added, "is a different question." CAMPUSING Currently, AWS can military students. Each ca det ranks either in the top 10 per cent of his ROTC class or the top third of his class and top half of his college class. The students were Charles E. Albright, James W. Belmont, Terrance Ca cek, Howard D. Dorsey, Paul S. Dye, Jeffrey H. Farkas, David A. Napoli ello, Dennis L. Osborne, and James P. Overton. Others were George A. Redding, James D. Seven son. Paul J. Watson, John R. Wertz, and Robert D. Wilcox. The annual Creighton University Byline Award for Front Page Makeup was presented University freshman Dave Filipi last week. He won the regional award for a page he de signed as managing editor of the Omaha Benson High News. Filipi is a worker on the Daily Nebraskan and a member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. Three University of Ne braska College of Agricul assess "campuses," re stricting coeds for pre scribed periods of time, when they accumulate too many late minutes or com mit other infractions. Women convicted of in fractions can appeal their case back to the AWS. thus getting a second hearing from the same group, al though this is not a normal court procedure. The coeds can also week help in their appeals from Dean Snyder or their living units, Miss Cunningham said. "I feel certain that there are many methods of ap pealing," she said. Schaaf agreed that there were appeals within AWS, but that there is no appel late procedure outside the Applauds ture and Home Economics students have been awarded scholarships in food technology with a total value of $1,800. Stanley Wallen has been awarded a $1,000 scholar ship sponsored by the Ber ber Products Co. Henry Kuhlman, was awarded a $500 scholarship by the In stitute of Food Technology. Warren E. Leary, a jun ior in the School of Jour nalism, is the first Univer sity recipient of a $500 scholarship sponsored by Good Eating Is In The Bag At Tfie- CORN CRf Caramel Corn Popcorn Popcorn lots Peanut 1150 N. 48th ft will tell you exactly how and whsre a person with your qualification)! can start a career with General Electric. Pick up copy at your Placement Offiaa. Then arrange for a productive session with our nterviewer. He'll be on your campus soon. GENERAL 0 ELEC7HIC Ad )uai opportunity vsiployw organization, except through Dean Snyder. Since only though admin istrators, like Dean Snyder, can appeals be made to the Tribunal, there is no estab lished or guaranteed pro cess in some organizations. The whole judicial sys tem may be in much the same situation, necessitat ing the study of the repre sentatives. Schaaf indi cated. "You cannot make a bad system good by adding a few names to courts," Schaaf said. "And it is so complicated now, that we may find we will need more than just clarification. "Otherwise, we may be clarifying forever as more and more courts are cre ated at the University." the Gannett Newspapers. Leary is a news-editorial major and plans to go into the field of newspaper work, work. The WRA officers from Raymond Hall are Sue Houchin, president; Mary Dean, vice-p resident; Barb Thompson, secretary treasurer; Nancy T r e n chard, social; Pam Prader, 4 activities; Bitsy Brownlee, AWS representative; Susan Hoff, publicity; and Marcia Olson, IDA. 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