The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1967, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, October 25, 1967
'News In Perspective
LSD: The
Case For
Silhouette ...
-. .
I 0 1
... 0 Statehood
The 0
Junior Staff Writer
Falslaff. an adaptation of "Henrv IV"
"Henry V." ' Richard II" and "The Merry
Wives of Windsor." by Shakespeare, will
be shown at the Stuart Theater Oct. 26
and 27. The play, edited and produced by
Orson Welles, will be presented twice
daily at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets priced
at $1 are available from members of Ne
braska Masquers. ,
The Lincoln Broadway Theater League
is presenting The Roar of the Greasepaint,
the Smell of the Crowd, Oct 25. The play
stars Edwar Earle and David C. Jones,
members of the original road show cast
Guys and Dolls, first presentation of
the season by the Lincoln Community
Playhouse, has opened and will be play
ing Oct. 27 and 28 at 8:30 p.m. and Oct
29 at 7:30 p.m. The musical features the
New York underworld of a die-hard gamb
ler and his chance encounter with a dedi
cated Salvation Armv worker.
Faculty recitals will be presented by
the Music Department at Sheldon Audi
torium Oct. 26 and Oct 31. at 7:30 p.m.
The performance Oct 26 will feature Au
dun Ravan. Raymond Miller and Dennis
Schneider will play Oct 3L
Thirtieth in the series of programs
sponsored by Westminster Presbyterian
Church will be presented at the Church
Oct 26 at 4 p.m. Conrad Morgan, Direc
tor of Music will be featured in an organ
Radio station KFMQ is promoting a
series of programs emphasizing various
types of music. The Classical Hour is
broadcast every Saturday from 8 p.m. to
10 p.m. and the Jazz Hour is presented
each Wednesday and Saturday from 10
p.m. until 1 a.m.
The Great Symphony selection is a
regular Sunday evening feature, playing
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., when Talk Back,
a discussion series is presented- Each day
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. the station sponsors
Command Performance, a request pro
gram. The Nebraska-Iowa Chapter of the
American Institute of Decorators and the
Nebraska Chapter of the American Insti
tute of Architects are Jointly sponsoring
a lecture by Charles Fames, architect and
des'srer. The program will be presented
at Sheldon Auditorium Oct 27 at 8:30
The employment of plastic cement to
achieve sculptural surfaces is featured in
the work of Oklahoma artist Eugene Ba
vinger, who will exhibit his creations at
Sheldon Art Gallery Oct. 3L The display
will be held in Gallery C from 10 a.m. to
10 p.m.
LtRoy Burket, former Nebraskan, bag
collected a display of prfnti and paintings
from the book flails, flea market and
antique shops of Paris which will be ex
hibited at Sheldon Art Gallery Oct. 31
through Nov, 5.
Jul?s and Jim, a French filn which
was awarded the Director' prize at the
Mar del Plata Festival of 1962. will be
shown at Sheldon Gallery Oct. 25 at 7:30
Directed by Francois Truffault, star
ring Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner and
Henri Serre, the film is the story of two
men who have shared a love for the same,
woman for twnety years.
Also included in the showing is a short
exptrimental French film by Edmond Se
chan. who has previously presented the.
"Red Balloon" and "The Silent World."
The short, The String Bean, concerns the
diligence of a wispy woman in cultivating
a potted string bean plant.
Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall and
Dorothy Malone star in The Big Sleep,
which will be presented at Sheldon Oct
29 at 7:30. Howard Hawks produced the
movie which is based upon a screenplay
by William Faulkner, depicting the efforts
of a private eye to save a decadent mil
lionaire's daughter from blackmail.
Goddess of the Far West, second epi
sode in The Perils of Pauline, will be
presented during the Sunday show.
The Nebraska Union Weekend Film
scheduled for Oct. 27 and Oct. 29 is The
Chase. The movie will be shown at the
Union Friday at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. and
Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
The Canterbury dub of St. Mark's
Episcopal Church is presenting a lecture
concerning the reconciliation of a faith
and science Sunday at 6:30 p m. Richard
K. Boohar, of the Universitp's zoology
department will be the speaker.
The United Ministry in Higher Educa
tion will present a taped intergiew between
Malcolm Boyd. Episcopal minister, and
the Ministry's Bill Philips Sunday at 6:30.
The topic of the interview is Campus
The Methodist Wesley Foundation will
sponsor a program Sunday at 6:30 p.m.
featuring Dr. Harry IWtington, who will
speak about George Washington Carver in
a lecture entitled The Boy Who Wa
Traded Fr A Horse.
The Career Scholars Program of the
University is sponsoring a series of lec
tures by R. N. R. Peers, curator of the
ture topics include archaeology in Dorset
and Thomas Hardy, author of Far from
the Maddening Crowd.
The schedule includes Hardy and Dor
set 3:30 p.m. Nov. 2, 104 in Burnett
HalL Roman Remains in Dorst, 11:30 a.m.,
Nov. 1, 229 Andres Hall, Ancient Dorset,
7 p.m., Nov. L, E11C Burnett Hall. Hardy
and Dorset I, 8:30 a.m. Nov. 2, 205 Bur
nett HalL Hardy and Dorset II, 3:30 p.m.,
Nov. 2, 104 Burnett HalL and Digging la
Dorset, 2:30 p.m., Nov. 3, B11C Burnett
Nebraska Wesleyan Theater Depart
ment win present Dark at the Top of the
Stairs Oct 25, 27, 28 and 23. Performances
Thursday through Saturday will begin at
8 p.m. and the Sunday presentation will
begin at 2 p.m. at the Enid Miller Theater,
51st and Huntington.
Union Schedules
Gregory Today
Noted comedian and civil
fights worker Dkk Gregory
is scheduled to speak
Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the
East Union.
Gregory is author of two
books; "Nigger", an auto
biography, and "From the
Back of the Bus."
He is appearing in con
junction with the University
Speaker-Artast Series.
f-kve yos fees
foul Krasfter's
CsRcssiisa m
fmemUtj Festers?
V.zrtk Essbter 1032 P
Presents Their Fall
"Katostrcphic Krusades"
Saturday, Nov. 4, 1SS7
8 p.m. Pershing Auditorium
Tickets in Union row $1.50
Tickets fit the 4oor Nor. 4 $1.75
Senior Staff Writer
"Remember what the
dormouse said, Keep your
The Jefferson Airplanes
When a head drops acid,
he risks arrest and impri
sonment, expulsion from
school, brain damage and
amnesia from a freak-out
and possible malformation
of unborn gtnerations.
Yet thousands of heads,
LSD users, run these risks
to trip. If anything, their
numbers are increasing,
although figures pertaining
to acid and its prevalance
are, understandably, un
available. Acid heads are sometimes
aware of the risks they
take. Many are well-educated,
intelligent, and sen
sitive. And the fact re
mains regardless of these
consequences, that they
still turn on. Why?
The answer wou'd seem
to lie in the nature of the
experience. All heads des
cribe the acid experience
differently. For some it is
a powerful mystical exper
ience so powerful, in
fact, that it cannot be com
municated, it must be ex
perienced. Others can describe a
trip, but with the fervor of
a religious convert. And a
"I could see why it's call
ed a trip, remarked one in
dividual after his first trip.
"It's like a trip, it is pleas
ant. But, like a trip, I
wouldn't want to do it
every day."
"Sure, it's pleasant" ob
served another individual
after several trips. "I don't
think it has changed me as
an individual or made me
a better person, but it is
without question the most
pleasant sense impression
I've ever received."
But the most intriguing
arguments for acid are pre
sented by the most enthusi
astic. They claim that acid
can give what every stu
dent dreams of increas
ed creative and critical pow
ers, a comprehension of the
unit of all things, an un
derstanding of the beauty
in everyday objects, a sen
sitivity to the intricacies,
say of music.
"I have a friend who
studies a certain period of
literature very closely," one
acid head recounts. "As a
part of his studies he had
read a particularly contro
versial ode many times.
Scholars have disagreed
about the meaning of t h e
work for centuries."
"Well, my friend dropped
acid and re-read the Ode.
Understanding of the pas
sage became immediately
clear. And it was also clear
that these centuries of schol
orship were all wrong."
"Then, his wife dropped.
She had always liked to
paint, but she did bad stuff.
But, after turning on, she
started painting in an en-
e Case A
"I consider myself a
prophet. And I may be
Dr. Timothy Leary
Considerable copy has
been written in the last two
years against LSD.
The Saturday Evening
Post ran a story last Au
gust about a baby whose
brain was abnormally
shaped because its mother
had dropped acid during
her pregnancy.
Millions of Americans
read the story and one
coed was heard commenting
last week that she didn't
want to try LSD because
'it would do things to my
What then are the facts
about the evils of LSD?
First it is a fact that
anyone caught possessing
LSD in Nebraska faces
stiff fines of up to $5,000
and imprisonment of up to
10 years in the Nebraska
State Penal Complex.
The chances for appre
hension have also increased
with the establishment of
a special drug agency
under the State Safety Pa
trol, which was created by
the last Legislature.
Both the creation of the
drug agency and the penal
ties imposed on those who
possess LSD were included
in LB786 which was passed
during the 1967 Legislature.
But possessors of LSD
not only face trouble with
state law enforcement
agencies. They also face
stiff penalties at the Uni
versity. University students
caught possessing LSD will
be "subject to suspension
from school," states a re
cently written policy state
ment by the Board of Re
gents. The laws, however, are
only results of scientific
studies of the effects of
LSD probably a strong
er case against LSD.
Articles in popular jour
nals about the physiological
effects of LSD stem from
research publicized in two
editions of Science maga
zine. Dr. Samuel Irwin of the
University of Oregon Medi
cal School reported in the
July 21, 1967 Science that
"a significant increase of
chromosomal abnormali
ties was found in leukocytes
of 25 users of LSD.
Irwin discovered that
chromosomal abnormalities
were present in six out of
eight "LSD-25" users. The
same abnormalities were
present in only one out of
nine non-user "controls."
' But it is too early to
assess the signigicance of
these finds," Irwin con
cludes. Another issue of Science
carried the report of
George J. Alexander of the
New York State Psychia
tric Institute.
Alexander gave LSD (in
weight for normal human
dosages) to five rats early
in pregnancy.
One aborted. Two de
livered stillborn litters and
one delivered a litter of
seven apparently healthy
and one underdeveloped
young. One mother de
livered an apparently nor
mal litter.
Five matched control
rats on the other hand
gave birth to healthy lit
ters. No abortions, no still
births. The March 17 issue of
Science stated that
"chromosomes produced
with LSD strongly resem
ble those of chronic
myelogeneous leukemia."
Three mothers who were
known to have used LSD
have since given birth to
four children, two with
blood cell abnormalities.
Studies on the effects of
LSD are still in the infant
stages. Thus, while re
searchers are still hesitant
to draw any strict conclu
sions, there are strong in
dications that use of LSD
can be physically harmful.
A third serious conten
tion against acid is the
possibility of a "freak-out"
And the stories of freak
outs can best be told by
acid users themselves.
Berkeley Psychologist
Allan Cohen, himself a vet
eran of acid trips at
Le&ry's Millbrook estate,
tells the story of an actor,
"a man with a good career,
a beautiful wife and hand
some child, everything you
could want," who took a
very special trip at Mill
brook. "He asked to take a
trip based on the Tibetian
"Book of the Dead." So we
arranged a special room,
By the eighth hour of his
trip he had compeltely
freaked out, Cohen con
tinued. He went eleven
days without sleep, severed
all ties with his friends at
Millbrook, returned to his
home and tried to set his
wife and child on fire.
"He ran every step of
the way through country
roads, and then set out for
Pittsburgh, sixty miles
away running.
"Several months later he
Campus Calendar
(All activities are in the
Nebraska Union, unless
otherwise indicated.)
12:30 p.m.
SOCIOLOGY 53-11:30 p.m.
State Department Speaker.
3 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
BUILDERS College Days
3:30 p.m.
AWS House of Repre
sentatives 3:30 p.m.
YWCA Girls Club-3:30
YWCA Head Start-3:30
BUILDERS Foundation
Committee 3:30 p.m.
RECEPTION for Mexican
Students 4 p.m.
tion Committee 4 p.m.
motion; 4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
IFC 7 p.m.
Engineering 7 p.m.
ASUN Seminar on Viet
nam 7:30p.m.
CIRCLE K 7:30 p.m.
CHRIST 7:30 p.m.
ASUN Parking Appeals
Board 7:30 p.m.
University Colisium 7 p.m.
ORCHESIS University
High School Gym 7:30 p.m.
Friday Nite
The Marauders
Whet's a wild, new
snack that fakes
30 seconds to make,
needs no refrigeration,
comes complete
with nothing to wash,
and can be stored
in a dormitory
for 63 years?
-if!in J
-jijSnotu joj poo ti 0 usa juBiuj no
put AjftiiMip 8q o iO)0q mBu 'juBiupiui i Ads
uuiow iu6jj 941 (snj ijun moot snok ui Aomo jj opitj
VO noA jotu sj u ppry y-eiou jnoqo 6unu paq ouj ng
iqcsodstp si SuiiuAjsaj
'SJ8JJO4S AoMOMOiqt puo 'spy 'woods 'sSuippnd jnoj qM
t9duK3 wiuod Boipod u.ppnj y-ttpu qaog
'oucuog jo ipioxjaung 'diuo '9(0O3oiq u
6utppnd 108 OA.noA puo
(s 4! ja) 'puo3os 0 lof moqt 'pi auj dDus
'dro m ui jspMod puo jsjcw. jnd jsnr
') Cuiqowos s,j 'u.ppnj y-Dj
o 7
tirely different style, in
some ways impressionistic,
and in some ways like some
thing I've never seen."
"But now it was very,
very good stuff," he con
cluded. "Mind direction" is an
other frequently heard argu
ment. On an acid trip it is pos
sible to concentrate upon
one thought or one object
for hours. (Most trips, de
pending on the dosage, last
from around twslve to twenty-four
hours.) It is possible
to change the object's time
and spatial posial position
with the conviction that
the object has truly chang
ed, most heads agree.
At least one acid head
maintains that similar con
centration can be directed
while sober after several
trips. "But," he adds, "I
think that the chances of a
person being able to con
centrate or meditate this
heavily without having ever
dropped is about a million
to one."
This idea is not a new
one, Eastern holy men have
been able to produce hal
lucinogenic effects through
Yoga-type meditation for
But the trance-like effect
requires intensive concen
tration, and, it is general
ly agreed, years of train
ing. The ability to see the
unity of all things is the
approach to enlightenment,
and such concentration is
extremely desirable to the
serious practitioners of East
ern religions, particularly
And now acid comes
along with mystical qual
ities beyond Budda's fond
est dream. All for a couple
of dollars, a quiet apart
ment, and a day of "drop
ping out" of whatever so
ciety you happen to be in.
The case for acid is not
overwhelming but it does
was stopped by the police.
He swallowed all the drugs
in his possession, and they
were forced to shoot him."
"I guess he's all right
now . . . physically."
Cohen said "a freak-out
is inevitabel with prolonged
use of LSD."
Tne question of LSD is
a complex one. Studies are
yet in the beginning stages
and the full effects of LSD
may not be fully known for
many years.
But if students wish to
follow new research on
LSD, they are advised to
return to the original scien
tific journals in which the
research is initially
This, then, is the case
against LSD:
It is illegal and one who
possesses LSD can incur
heavy fines, a long im
prisonment and will prob
a b 1 y be expelled from
But more important,
there are strong indications
that LSD may be physical
ly harmful. And LSD is al
most definitely psychologi
cally harmful.
'",: - x? , v.v, ; t , i
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YOU Ftfi Wi'iH'S 's'y -
borte of Lenstue, a ' -enovabi
contact tens
carrying case,s;nev
toy Mre-i tte rtr,'
iat compfef
contact tent care.
) It ends the heed
for separate
solutions for
; wetting, soaking
; and cleaning your
lensei. It's the
I one solution for
ur csntact
j hint problems. .
' . t ? try t
- -.. j