ARCHIVES J Wednesday, October 25, f 1967 University of Nebraska Vol. 91, No. 25 Vietnam Doves Official To State Policy The current U.S. Admin istration's position on the war in Vietnam will be rep resented by a state depart ment official Wednesday, according to AI Spangler, chairman of the ASUN Com mittee on Vietnam Week. H. Freeman Matthews, Jr., will speak at 2 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Ball room as Vietnam Week seminars move into the third day. REFERENDUM The week's discussion will culminate Monday in a ref erendum for students and faculty on the conduct of the Southeast Asian conflict. Matthews, who received a B.A. degree from Princeton University, has served with the Vietnam Working Group of the Bureau of East Asi an and Pacific Affairs since 1966. After serving in the Armed Forces in Japan and Korea in 1950-51, Matthews joined the State Depart ment. From 1964-66 he served as the State Depart ment's Deputy Chief in Sai gon. PANEL ON S.S. Also planned for Wednes day is a three-man panel on the selective service draft. The panel, which will dis cuss issues surrounding the draft, is composed of Rev. Alan Pickering, United Min istries in Higher Education; Rick Latrell, president of t h e University of Ne braska's Students for a Democratic Society and Nate Hitman, director of the state selective service board. Following the discussion will be a Hyde Park discus sion, with questions from interested students. Also, the film "Vietnam: War and People" is avail able to interested groups of students Wednesday and Thursday. The film, pro duced by the British Broad casting Company, was shown Tuesday night and is available from Spangler. Sex, Drugs, Morality . . . Coeds To Attend AWS Teach-in A teach-in on "Sex, Drugs, Morality and the Future" is being held Oct. 30 in the Ne braska Union in conjunction with the AWS Focus on Coeds Week. A total of eight sessions has boen planned. There will be two separate meetings on "Sex, Morality and the Fu ture" each at 8 p.m. These two sessions will be repeated at 9 p.m. There will also be two separate sessions on "Sex, Drugs and the Future" at 8 p.m. which will also be re peated at 9 p.m. There will be two teams speaking on each topic. Rev erend Alan J. Pickering, di rector of the United Ministers for Higher Education (for merly UCCF) and Reverend Charles S. Stephen of the Uni tarian Church compose Team 1 on sex and morality. Team 2 on this topic is Rev erend Raymond Hain of the Catholic Student Center and Reverend Elmer H. Murdock of the Christian and Mission ary Alliance. The ieams for sex and drugs include Dr. Douglas 0. de Shazer, research director of the University Dental Col lege; Dr. Harry J. Cannon, director of the University Counseling Service; Dr. Car men H. Grant, clinical psy. bciot and a fourth mem. Weather Wise Panhellenic Recommends Raise For Sorority Initiation Average Panhellenic passed a reso lution Monday recommend ing that the required grade ber whose name has not yet been announced. "We plan to keep the ses sions small, with the hope of promoting the maximum of discussion and questioning," said Nesha Neumeister, teach in chairman. She stated that the general theme of the sessions is the American woman of 1967 and the future. Questions such as What Is She Like? How Does She Think? What Is Her Morality? to Why Do They Wear Fish net Stockings and Short, Short Dresses and Mini Skirts? will be considered during the ses sion. Discussion points to be cov ered on sex and drugs in clude such topics as LSD, marijuana, and birth control pills in relation to the Nebras ka coed. 968 Cornhuskers Still At $7 Students may purchase 1968 cornhuskers for $7 un til Oct. 31. according to Bob Bcckman, business man ager. Any living unit, organiza tion or individual who wish es to buy a yearbook may contact Nancy Probasco at 423-3970. Students may al so purchase Cornhuskers from Tassel members. . . . Sparrow Anticipates Winter average for sorority pledge activation be raised from 2.0 to 2.2. The resolution, which will be given to the new consti tution committee, states that each house can set the re quired accumulative average for activation of upper class pledges. PLEDGE INITIATIVE The reasoning behind this resolution is to increase pledge initiative to study, and to improve overall scholarship, according to S h a r i Mueller, Panhellenic president. Miss Mueller said that first semester last year the all sorority average slipped be low the all-women's average, but was raised second semes ter above the all-women's average. In other business the presi dent said that Panhellenic will definitely have a com bined rush . book for rush next year. RUSH BOOKS Previously, each house sent out rush books during the' summer before rush to in troduce rushees to their sorority. "The houses were limited financially as to the number of rush books they could send out," she said. With a combined book each girl will get information from each house. The book will allow a set number of pages for each house, she explained. Miss Mueller said that most of the Big 8 schools employ a combined rush book and that the University sends out com bined rush books. EDITOR The Panhellenic Rush Coun cil, which is composed of the rush chairmen from each house, has decided on -the requirements for the editor of the combined rush book. Each applicant must be a Urge Policy Photo by Mike Hayman junior or a senior, have some (journalism experience, and have a 2.3 accumula tive average, explained the president. She said that an assistant chairman will also be chos en. Requirements for assis tant chairman are the same, but sophomores are also eligible. Miss Mueller said that ap plications should be sub mitted to Trish Sultzbaugh at Gamma Phi Beta or the Panhellenic Office by Oct. 27, and that interviews will be Oct. 29. A salary will be given to the editor and assistant edi tor, depending on the allowed PANEL DISCUSSION on Vietnam held Tuesday featured (left and Ivan Panel Discuss By ANDY CORRIGAN Junior Staff Writer Doves rested softly in the main lounge of the Student Union Tuesday as three anti war advocates took the stand at a special Hyde Park For um on Vietnam in conjunc tion with ASUN's Vietnam Week. Ivan Volgyes, assistant professor of political science, Phillip Scribner, assistant professor of philosophy, and Lawrence Poston, assistant professor of English jointly advocated United States' withdrawal from Vietnam in the hour-long discussion. In his opening remarks Volgyes emphasized that, he, as a political scientist, was not dealing with moral issues but with the war's effects on US., foreign policy. "This war is against our national interests. A nation must guard its survival and growth and this war endan gers our very survival," said Volgyes. Volgyes outlined six points to support his stand. First, the U.S. is spreading its de fenses very thin and if the U.S. had to amass troops in another part of the world it would be impossible. Second, there is a possibili ty of Chinese intervention and in this event the U.S. would be forced to use nu clear weapons. Third, the ex isting rift between China and the Soviet Union is being nar rowed and will eventually consolidate to form an anti American front. Fourth, the growth within the U.S. has been brought to a standstill and we are un able to combat our internal problems. At this point Volgyes asked, "To whom are we responsible? Our budget, she explained. DEFERRED RUSH Panhellenic discussed deferred rush at Monday's meeting. Panhellenic is against a defered rush sys tem, she said, but at least we want to have a choice if the Regents do pass it. She said that a summary of the present rush system, including suggestions for im provement in the system, will be presented to the Regents in December. The representatives dis cussed problems of the pres ent rush system, said Miss Mueller, suggestions were made, to extend rush week for a longer time period. t i (V: -i 4,i - Of rro Withdrawal selves or South Vietnam?" Fifth, the war momentari ly stimulates the U.S. econo my but in the long run will prove detrimental. Sixth, the U.S. is not en hancing its position as de fender of freedom by contin uing this war and is losing prestige in the world commu nity. Poston attacked U.S. inter vention in South Vietnam from the standpoint of "let's check our premises." "The state department is operating on the assumption that the Communists are try ing to undermine us, that there is a communist con spiracy afoot that plans to take over the world," Poston stated. The second assumption that we operate under is that we must stop the communists in Vietnam so as to dissuade them from further aggres sion, according to Poston. He stressed that both as sumptions were false and that as a result we are in a pointless war. "In reality we cannot hope to win this war. In five years or maybe twenty years the best we will have accom plished is a stalemate and at a cost that is totally out of proportion to the gains," he said. In his bid for withdrawal from Vietnam, Scribner said that at the present the U.S. Best-Dressed Coeds Named The University's Dressed Coeds nounced Tuesday Hovland-Swanson's 10 Best were an night at style show, sponsored by AWS. The 10 Best-Dressed Coeds are: Jolyne Almquist (Delta Gamma), Jeanne Bartels (Pound Hall), Nancy Eaton (Delta Delta Delta), Marty Gottschalk (Pi Beta Phi), Stephanie Floyd (Pi Beta Phi), Vieki Ilakanson (Alpha Omicron Pi). Mary Keim (Alpha Phi), Nanci Shook (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Nyla Soukup (Alpha Phi), and Marian Wisnieski (Kappa Al ha Theta). TO REPRESENT NU A panel of judges selected Marian Wisnieski from the 10 to represent the University in Glamour magazine's Best Dressed Coed contest. The style show was part of the AWS activities for Focus on Coeds Week. Each living unit nominated 10 girls for Best Dressed Coed and the 20 girls receiving the to right) AI Epanglar, Lawrence Volsyes. I f ' , ' i 4 1 1 w fJ 1 C3 Keyiew essors is at a political and military stalemate. "We have not gained any extensive support from our allies and we have failed to construct a viable govern ment for the Vietnamese peo ple," he said. Scribner stressed the in adequacies of the present South Vietnam government saying that they had failed in their attempts at land reform, had little control over the vil lages, were incapable of re solving the refugee problem, and upheld an unfair election last September. Although all three men agreed that the U.S. should pull out of Vietnam they dif. fered as to the type of with drawal that should be utilized. Volgyes advocated cessa tion of the bombing followed by the U.S. disavowing sup port of the present govern ment. "We should then encourage the new government to nego tiate with North Vietnam. We should have no part in the negotiations since you can only control the things you own and we don't own them," he said. In opposition to Volgyes stand, Scribner felt that the U.S. should take part in the negotiations because the U.S. has an obligation to create a reasonably peaceful transi tion of governments. most nominations were semi, finalists. A panel of judges chose these 10 girls from the final ists as Best Dressed Coeds. OUTFITS MODELED Each of these girls modeled two outfits for the style show, one appropriate for campus events and a long formal. The judges included: John Horner, vice-president of Hov-land-Swanson's; Mrs. Judith Johnson, instructor in the Home Economics depart ment; Pam Wragge and Jean ie Howard, finalists last year; Claude Bolton and Gene Hoh ensee, Innocents; Dick Schulze, ASUN president; and Marv Mueller, co-captain of the football team. niiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiroiiiiii!: ASUN will not meet Wednesday, according i to Phil Bowen. speak- er pro tern. ASUN Vice- I President Gene Pokor- ny is out of town. nniaiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiiiiiiof? Poston, Phillip Scribner