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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1967)
taut. Monday, October 23, 1967 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 J. f ft' !'.t -t tisiiil -A ..1 mi iiinwrnii a. V H TV r 1 v COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES ... of student governments in Nebraska work on four Conference Promotes Three Education Plans The Student Leadership Conference on State Gov ernment, held at the Uni versity Friday and Satur day, passed resolutions sup porting a lower voting age and a State Higher Educa tion Commission and oppos ing higher tuition in state schools. Since, higher education is increasingly becoming a Parents Wait Word On Abbott And Draft By DAVE BUNTAIN Senior Staff Writer Steve Abbott's parents have not received word yet about their son's Army in duction, scheduled for last Thursday in Atlanta, Geor gia. Abbott, a former Univer sity student leader in s letter to Rev. Hudson B. Phillips of United Ministry for Higher Education indi cated that he would refuse induction because of his de sire to attain a Conscien tious Objector classifica tion. His father, Eugene Ab bott, said Sunday that he and his wife had received no information whether Steve followed through with his planned refusal. Abbott's induction call followed a year-long effort to gain draft exemption as a CO. By refusing to be inducted, he would commit a felony under Georgia law and could receive a jail sentence of up to five years upon conviction. His father defended his right to be a CO., saying, "I am not a CO. myself, as I had 28 years of military experience. I am fully con vinced that Steve has a right to be a CO. Every man has a right to make a decision on his own." The recent fighting in Vietnam has "clouded the issue of who is a draft dodger and who is a CO.," Abbott's father said. The Lancaster Board sees of the CO. Clause as "the only way to keep draft dodgers out." Abbott, a graduate English student at Emory Univer sity, began his campaign for CO. status as a Clar field, la., school-teacher. TkM ImMWrt ntm rifir4 adnrttelH to Otr kail rU f Pr maimm ekrt ml ft f rlaul tattrtlM. . T plae tlmi MhrartlMfMat call VwtnnHr t NAraaaa at m-tSt aa ask ter Ik DallF Nakraa kaa ! ar aaaw la aam (I la Ik Nebraska I' aba. Tk rtaaaUlai aaw tblac maaacan autatala I t:M kwlaen aaan. Fteaat attempt t pi '- .. All aiTettlaemta aaasa r"F kefar apaeara. HELP WANTED Km, mmUA It M lor aut tUD $t.n par fcour. Apply ' South St. ar proa 4M47J UM.SO. t:. I'ntverattr lri I fcabyttt " iwaawrlt. Tw kid . I:1M:1 weekday. Vicinity Mtk It ShcrMaa. 423-9281 after t:3. MF-iTAURAVr EMPLOYEES TOLL OR PART TIME. APPLICATIONS NOW BKINO TAKEN. DIAMOND JIM'S. 14Ul' and M. 477-1900 TOR INTER VIEW. OPENING SOON. FOR RENT 1413 C 1 bedroom lumlnhed apartment. 170. UUlitiei paid. 4M-41j. FOR SALE H7 Camaro, mountain greek with Wick interior. Muat aell lor heat offer, 47i-121. vemntt and weand. PERSONALITY POSTERS PSVCHA 'pELC POSTERS BUTTONS. If wo fat bar tham. tnaa you doaj want am. Send for aam pie and Hat ADAM BUTTERFLY'S GIFT SHOP. m M. Coiiu. Denver, Cotond MX. "political, social and eco nomic necessity," the tui tion resolution reads, increased tuition rates "keep students from lower income families out of in stitutions of higher educa tion." ECONOMIC SQUEEZE As a solution to the prob lem of the economic squeeze the resolution sup- following a hearing on his application at the Lan ter County Board, he was denied his request to be a CO. and re-classified 1-A, his father said. When Abbott appealed to the state board, they re fused to rule on his CO. bid and instead classifed him 2-S because he was teach ing. By the time this classi fication expired n June, Congress had passed a new Selective Service law, altering the CO. appli cation procedure. Under the new law the state board could only re view the evidence given in the local hearing. The state group ruled 4-0 against Ab bott's request and set the stage for his induction call, his father explained. The state draft office has been receiving letters from across the nation in Abbott's behalf. The office suggested that he write a letter to Gen. William Hershey, national director of the Selective for CO. standing. The Nebraska boards are reading the law to the let ter, m preventing all except members of traditional peace churches from receiv ing CO. exemptions, his father said. The Catholic Church does not force its members to be pacifists, he said, but ra ther makes participation In war a matter of nersonal conscience. Nebraska draft boards seem to be ruling that moral objections to war don't count, he added. Chemists . . . Engineers . a Physicists Meet the Man from Monsanto Oct. 24 & 25 Sign up for an interview at your placement office. This year Monsanto will have many openings for graduates at all degree levels. Fine positions are open all over the country with America's 3rd largest chemical company. And we're still growing. Sales hare quadrupled in the last 10 years ... in everything from plasticizers to farm chemicals; from nuclear sources and chemical fibers to electronic instruments. Meet the Man from Monsanto he has the facts about a fine future. immm An Equal Opportunity Employer ported keeping tuition "as low as possible," and urged the establishment of low interest loans for college students. A resolution supporting the lowered voting age stated that "the nineteen year-old group is better ed ucated today than it w a s when the precedent of the 21-year-old voting age was established." VOTING AGE Nineteen year olds can also be drafted and forced to fight the country's wars, the resolution continued, therefore the delegates "support constitutional amendment No. 1 for low ering the voting age to 19." A resolution supporting a St a t e Higher Education Commission was also passed since "39 states have found that coordi nating boards have added a new dimension to higher education." The Conference also voted approval for a resolution supporting the income tax. DISCRIMINATION Finally, the Conference favored a resolution against discrimination, urging that "each student leader in every college and high school throughout Nebraska establish a Human Rela tions committee ... in or der that any discrimination may effectively be r o o t e d out." Delegates from Ne braska's four state colleges and Omaha University at tended the Conference, sponsored by ASUN. Dr. Clayton Yeutter, Gov. Norbert Tiemann's administrative aide, and Lincoln state senator John Knight addressed the Con ference. The overall purpose of the conference was "to initiate public participation of college students in issues of state government. "Students have not sup plied as much support as they should have when one or more state officials was speaking; and working in their behalf," states a letter signed by the representa tives. "This silence and in action," the letter continues, "is now becoming a con dition of the past." resolutions during sessions this iiiiiiiiitaiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiitiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiii 5 Be it hereby enacted by the Inter-Dormitory Associa- tionthat: 1. Discrimination based on race, creed, national ori-1 gin, or sex by the Inter-Dormitory Association, the 6 5 member dormitories, or any organized group of dor- 5 mitory residents is forbidden. a. This Act shall extend to social functions as well as general activities. 9 2. In the event that one of the bodies listed in Pro- I vision 1 of this Act be found guilty before the Inter- Dormitory Associaton Court of violating any Provi- n g sion of this Act, no penalty less severe than instruc- tion to the Office of Student Acitivites of the TJniver- sity of Nebraska to stop all funds for fifteen (15) I days nor more than ninety (90) days shall be as- S sessed. 3. This Act shall take effect at 12:00 noon on Nov- I ember 1, 1967. t g a. Provision 2 of this Act shall take effect subject to its approval by the Office of Student Affairs of the University of Nebraska. 5 CONCERNING THE POLICY-MAKING PROCESS OF 5 g THE INTER-DORMITORY ASSOCIATION 5 Whereas, the Inter-Dormitory Association is composed f , of University of Nebraska dormitories and the resi- ' dents therein, and seeks to represent said dormitories Q and residents in a thoroughly democratic manner; and I Whereas, the Inter-Dormitory Association derives its I authority and power from, and is accountable to, its g constituents; Be it therefore resolved by the Inter-Dormitory Associa- tion Council on October 19, 1967, that: , 1. The residents of the several member dormitories S are urged to seek contact with and demand con- sidered representation from their Council representa- tives ; and 2. The Council invites interested residents, and-or 9 groups of residents, to present any legitimate con- cerns which may arise to the Council or to the Inter- Dormitory Associaton executives; and g 3. The Inter-Dormitory Association legislative and executive branches reaffirm their intention to forgo the Inter-Dormitory Association into a meaningful body which may positively benefit the University of Ne- 9 6 braska dormitories and their residents. HiiintiiiiiHiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiMiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiicfH Six Men Study Student Rights The newly- appointed committee on student rights will hold its first meeting Monday, according to stu dent representative Rich are Schulze, ASUN Presi dent. Schulze, ASUN Vice Pres ident Gene Pokorney, two faculty members and two administrators were picked by Chancellor Clifford Har din to study the proposed student Bill of Rights and the area of student right in general. Administration represen tatives will be Vice Chan cellors Merk Hobson and G. Robert Ross. The fac ulty will be represented by Campbell McConnell, pro fessor of Economics, and Kenneth Orton, associate 8 a.m.-12 noon Nebr. Union Program Office Room 136. Tickets $3.10, $2.60, $2.10, fax included. A block is considered 10 cr more tickets. Tbis is the opportunity to cb?c:.i fb best seats. weekend. professor of Educational Psychology. The group was created following the overwhelming approval of the student Bill of Rights in last spring's elections. Senate leaders have been working to bring about the implementation of the Bill of Rights since the elections. The committee will be "flexible" in seeking the "best statement of student rights", according to Dr., Orton, the only administrative-faculty member avail able for comment. He said he hoped that the committee will consider the "whole problem" and that the rights of all groups involved can be "consid ered simultaneously." ' Block Sols for Jooei ISosz r' - 1 h - ; I 1. i . i : k r IDA Initiates Proposal To Bar Discrimination Within Dormitory Units By JAN PARKS Junior Staff Writer An a c t to prohibit dis crimination was proposed at the Inter-Dormitory As sociation Council meeting last week. The proposed act forbids discrimination "based on creed, national origin, or sex by IDA, the member dormitories or any organ ized dormitory groups." The act, proposed by Tom Briggs, would pro hibit discrimination for so cial functions as well as ac tivities involving dorm funds. The penalty for violation of this act must first be ap proved by the Office of Stu dent Affairs, according to section 3-a of the act. Jim Cavender (Cather Hall) questioned IDA's au thority to pass such an act by saying that IDA is a co ordinating body, not a gov erning body." "The Constitution ' pro vides that IDA deal with matters of common inter est," replied Vice-President Dave Shonka. The act was tabled to allow further investi gation. The discussion will be resumed at the next meeting. The Council approved a resolution concerning the policy-making process of IDA. "The resolution in vites discussion from the individual dorm resi dents," said Tom Brigg, and puts the purpose of IDA down in black and white." Briggs felt that a com munication problem exists between the dormitories and the IDA Council. "This problem exists," he said, "because the 5000 members are dispersed over such a large area as the University." Briggs felt that cirulating the Council minutes to the dormitories would increase member interest. Shonka said that the reso lution would help the Coun cil to find ideas. "There may be gripes," he said, "but at least we'll know what the residents want." President Brian Ride nour urged the dorm repre sentatives to consult those they represent. A co-ed visiting report by Paul Canarsky, committee chairman, indicated that a modified report would be resubmitted to the Ad ministration for approval. "The general format has been set," he said. R i d e n o u r appointed Dana Bennett as assistant chairman of the co-ed vis iting hours committee. . The IDA president also made appointments to the General Administrative Co ordinating Committee. This committee, which is responsible for taking res olutions to the administra ton, includes: Daonn Bor gaard, Pat Bowen, Bob Buhrman, Ron Dvorak, Mike Eyster, Ire Kiel, Mary Piper, Roger Pstba, Ron FARMLAND INDUSTRIES will interview on campus October 25 for Chemical Engineers Mechanical Engineers Chemists Computer Programmers Accountants Agriculture Majors Summer opportunities for engineering students. .COOP Wrangler! Wremember, the "Wis silent. Pick up Wrangler jeans for their lean, rangy look and gel a reward -Wronglok, the wrin. llefighler finish. U means neat ness forever, ironing never. Many great jean colors and fabrics to choose from. These new wide wale corduroys. $6.95. The Mr. Wrangler hi. roll hopsack shirt. $5.00. Every. thing wears better because there s KO0E17 in it-a muscle blend of 50 Kodel poly ster50. combed cotton r photo by Mik Mymtl Trecker, and Sue Vanne man Jim Cavender announced that there will be a joint meeting of all dorm schol astic chairmen Monday at 6:30 p.m. in Cather Hall. "Scholastic chair men now do very little to help the independent stu dent study," said Caven der, "and we'd like to acti vate the scholarship pro grams in the dorms. " ALL TYPES OF POSTERS!! Get 'em While They're Here! the nEHle BOOKSTORE 1032 "P" STREET KDDEL. Hitcliiu' Post 'C$1 v. i tr .t': ' " fi m i iff r,.v"sg i 'I "A ..V i v i: ( f, i, ' "ft 'I r Pi, : .V li i . i