The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1967, Page Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Editorials Page 2 Gradepoint God (Editor's Not: Mr. SpaniTs article first appeared la the North Carolina State "Technician.") By Bob Spann North Carolina State "To Him I will bow and pray." This sign hangs above the desk of a prospective engineer trying to learn his craft at North Carolina State. It is hung with as much reverence as a sacred pic ture might be displayed on a church wall. Each morning and afternoon the stu dent looks at it and gives it a reverent nod, for the magic number, the grade, is trully his god. He must constantly try to achieve Its image. He must constant ly conform to the standards the grade point god sets for him. He must constant ly try to piease the demi-gods of books, quizzes, assorted facts, test tubes and oth er heavenly apparatus that will give him the grace to achieve the image of this great god. Why does a supposedly intelligent young man do such a thing? Certainly an 18 to 22 year old could not have set up such a religious system by himself. It is set up by a much more clever ap paratus, namely the great American so ciety, the clergyman of the god's reli gion. The student worships society's god because since childhood he has been told that a college degree is the key that will open that golden door called the great America Way. And the God of 2.0 deter mines whether or not he will be privi leged to receive this golden key. And what does the student get with this golden key? It opens the door to many wonders his parents may or may not have and he almost definitely does not have. It will give him a nice house in a nice suburb or subdivision that looks like all the other nice people's nice houses. It gives him a plain desk or Sight n... Sound 'To Sir, With Love" Is almost to bad to be true. A stout-hearted teacher leads a class of London slum kids to lower-middle class respectability by the strength of his char acter, the nobility of his intention and the warmth of his heart. His solution to the Culture of Poverty that haunts America as well as our English cousins? Con vince the kids to call adults, "Sir," the girls, ""miss" and to wash. Sidney Poitier as Super Spade, stem ming the tide of anarchy by force of per sonal example, just as Glenn Ford as Wonder Wasp did years ago when Sid ney learned that lesson from him in "Blackboard Jungle." True. Bill Haley is long gone, but an insipid English teeny bopper named Lulu replaces him. "To Sir, With Love," is a dreadful picture. Dreadful in its plastic sincerity, dreadful in its total sentimentality, dread ful in its soft-minded view of the world, dreadful in its deep contempt for its audience. Dreadful, too, in its thorough waste of Sidney Poitier, whose career is becoming a sadly long record of waste. And this is no small amount of waste, for Poitier is one of the strongest screen actors of our time, an actor who cannot appear on screen without becoming the focus of attention. His voice is powerful his movements are incredibly graceful for a man so big. his sense of timing is sure and firm and in dramatic situations his entire body seems to become the instrument for what ever emotion he wishes to convey. I know of no other actor who can match him for sheer energy and power, particu larly in the expression of joy, the sen sual joy of simply being alive. Then why is he wasted? Why Isnt this paragon given the roles Ms talents deserve? Because no one is writing those roles. Because no one would produce those roles. Because no one would go to see them. Sidney Poitier is wasted because of one fact lie is black. Tir He is black and be is wasted. And the tragedy of his waste is a trival espisode in the larger waste of millions of lives in our racist culture. Sidney Poitier is a sop thrown to lib erals to convince them that things are New Dorm Asked The Inter-Dormitory Asso ciation Council approved a resolution last week inviting Smith Hall, Schramm Hall . and Harper Hall to join IDA. The council heard a report from Tom Briggs, chairman of the standing administra tive co-ordinating committee. Iiriggs sfiid the committee plnns to take a poll concern ing salaries for executives in dorm government. The poll will be a random gambling of 200 dormitory rrsijcnts, he said. Iaca dorm will hava a spe cified number of participants, he explained, and tbe tarns questions will be presented ta each participant Briggs reported that the committee is also planning to do research on the parking problem. ASUN is i'lfio doing a study on parking, he said, and will try to co-ordinate its efforts. The committee also plans to study the limitations of dormitory recreaSfton faoili ties, Briggs said. President Brian Eidenour drafting table in a plain room that looks just like all his plain co-workers' desks. It gives him the opportunity to k e p up with the Joneses and buy everything they buy. It gives him the opportunity to mar ry the girl back home and have 2.7 chil dren and a car he probably can't af ford. & Grades, not learning are too often the god of a technical school. The query "How did you do last semester?" is al most never met with a reply such as "I learned a lot," or "I had some real good courses," but rather with a grade point average. Students become addicted to pleasing the god of 2.0 or whatever magic number may be their particular god. Students are not really concerned vith the knowledge gained while taking a particular course, but concentrate on memorizing enough for formulas that can be churned out on a quiz to achieve the good grMe. Unfortunately, instructors are not im mune from worshipping the gradepoint god either. A student usually learns what will determine his grade before his is told what he will learn in a particular course. However, this worship of grades is not really surprising. Grades determine whether or not a student graduates, they determine wheather or not he "will be target practice for the Viet Cong, they determine whether or not he can partici pate in many student activities, they determine whether or not a student can take certain courses and they make many other decisions for the average student The result of such a system is in evitable. Learning fades into the back ground. Students will do anything to achieve the magic grade. The amount of cheating exposed during recent Air Force Academy scandals should not be viewed with alarm or considered uncommon. The only unusual thing about them was the fact that someone was honest enough to blow the whistle. Caler Ghamhhe getting better all the time. And liberals are racists who disapprove of racism largely because of the base manners of the cruder more honest racists. Or, if that is unfair, liberals are men who disap prove of racism in the abstract, but re fuse to recognize how deeply it is em bedded in American society because that recognition would entail far more dras tic measures to end it than they're will ing to take. They will not fish, yet they will not cut bait, for far too often they profit from the sale of blood-worms. Let us observe only a few instances of the use of Poitier as a soporific for the liberal imagination. In "To Sir, With Love," he makes good citizens out of ghetto kids (sure they're Cockney, but read black) by teaching them manners and respect for authority, even when the authority is admittedly unjust. And that is the answer to Watts, to Newark, to Detroit. In "A Patch of Blue" Poitier and a white girl fall in love, but it's accept able because she is blind and can't tell he's black. Her blindness makes it all right. To whom, one might ask? Not to flat-out bigots, certainly. The blindness, then, makes It all right to liberals. In ""Lillies or the Field," Poitier charms a passel of white women, but they're all nuns, so no messing around, right? Besides he teaches them spirituals. In '-Blackboard Jungle," Poitier is an angry young cat, but teacher's paterna lism brings him around. And who can forget Poitier in ''De fiant Ones," getting off that train to free dom to go back to jail with his food buddy Tony Curtis there he is an es caped convict in a Deep South state go ing back to the chain gang for brother hood.. I saw that movie In a theater ic a black neighborhood and I cant forget the voice bellowing from the darkness, "Get back on that train you stupid son of a bitch!" Nor can I forge the burst of laughter from the audience, who never would have thought of getting off that train. Somehow, they missed the point But then the point wasnt meant for them. The point was meant for white America. White liberal America. And white liberal America has been missing the point of that audience's laughter for several hundred years. Into IDA Council alsB urged tha individual alarms ta establish permanent representatives on the IDA Council. JUdenour reported that a Lincoln citizen has donated a large slot car racing track to the University. The administration felt that the dormitories could make best use of this track, he said, for recreational purposes. Mark Cave was appointed chairman of a committee to investigate which dorm could best accomodate the track, j, YJHi, U3E NV ytoucb HAVE- Our Man Hoppe- The Day The Scene: The Elysian Fields. The Land lord, looking a bit tired is seated on his Heavenly Throne. His business agent Mr. Gabriel, is standing by, record book in one hand, trumpet in the other, i- Hr i- The Landlord (wearily): There. Now that I have all the galaxies wheeling in their proper courses, is there anything else demanding immediate attention? Mr. Gabriel: Well, Sir, I've been mean ing to tell You about Earth. That's a tiny planet revolving around a third ing to tell You about Earth. That's a tiny planet revolving around a third rate sun out on the fringes of . . . The Landlord (testily): How can I for get it? It's more trouble than all the rest. 1 suppose the tenants are still run ning down the property? Mr. Gabriel (consulting his record book): Yes, Sir. More gouges bulldozed in t h e mountain meadows. More holes napalmed in the forested carpets. More species of livestock exterminated on the fruited plains. More . . . The Landlord (angrily): By Me, who do they think they are? Vengeance is mine, saith 1. And I think it's high time I wreaked a little around here. Mr. Gabriel (raising his trumpet): Yes, Sir. But I think you ought to know, be fore I blow the eviction notice, that The Landlord: No need for such a dras tic measure, Gabriel. 1 shall easily teach them the error of their ways by some singe awful visitation of my wrath. I know! (He shudders) I shall pollute the waters from which they drink and bathe. Mr. Gabriel (shaking his bead): Oh, they've already done that themselves. Sir. The Landlord (surprised): They have? How odd. Well, then, I shall have to be A Crisis In Education? By KATHLEEN BURKE Collegiate Press Service Is there a world crisis in education, and if so what can be done about it? On hundred seventy edu cators from more than 50 nations met in Williams burg, Va. last weekend at a conference sponsored hy XLS. government and pri vate foundations to seek an swers to these questions. There was little agreement on either question, though the report, of the conference co-chairman, President James Perkins of Cornell University, made substan tial recommendations which will be presented to Presi dent Johnson later this year. Views of the crisis dif fered dramatically. Perkins saw it as the fact that ""educational systems have been unable to keep pace in the last decade with their rapidly changing en vironment" Another delegate, Adam Curie of Harvard Univer sity, described it succinct ly as ""too many students, too few teachers and not enough money." Others said there was no world educational crisis, just a world crisis, period. And that; they said, is a political, not educational problem. Still other noted a wide diversity of problems among nations, suggested that there was no single crisis, but rather crises and asked that each country be permitted to find its own solutions and that the con ference not make universal prescriptions. Through working groups on topics such as manage ment, technology, resources and taachfT suppiVi dele i u i OieSSET Landlord Quit Arthur Hoppe foul the very air they breathe. A small foretaste of the fumes of bell should set them straight Mr. Gabriel: I'm afraid, Sir, that they're very busy doing just that themselves. Tbe Landlord (frewning): Then I shall invent new diseases with which to plague them. I seem to recall that worked well in the past. Mr. Gabriel: Frankly, Sir, there's noth ing they've become more adept at than inventing new diseases. Hardly a day goes by that . . The Landlord (thoughtfully): it seems most unfair, but I suppose I could visit the sins of tbe fathers upon the children. Mr. Gabriel: A well-established practice down there, Sir. They call it "race rela tions." Tbe Landlsard: Hmmm. Do you think wars and rumors of wars would do any good? Mr. Gabriel: I don't think they'd notice. Sir. The Landloard (sternly): They go too far. Blow, Gabriel! I shall rain fire and de struction from the sky upon their cities and teach them that vengeance is mine. Mr. Gabriel besitantly): Yes. Sir. But I think I should point out that they're per fectly capable of doing that themselves. Indeed, if You rain death and destruction on one of their cities, they will immedi ately rain it on the others, seeking ven geance on each other. The Landlord: Good Me, Gabriel! Do you realize what you're saying? Gabriel (reluctantly): Yes, Sir. That's what I've been meaning to tell You: There's nothing we can do to them that they havent already done to themselves. The Landlord (with a sigh of defeat): Well, Gabriel, at least we now know Who they think they are. gates sought to mak? the recommendations on a strategy and specific mea sures for meeting the cris is or crisesby Tuitions and international action. A strong emphasis was placed on the educational problems of developing na tions and their need to tail or education more effective ly to sodstyi aims and needs. Chairman Perkins, la Mi report oa the conference, advocated an increase in the flow of aid from de veloped to developing coun tries. Technology as a means of relieving teacher short age received a great deal ofattenticn. Delegates agreed that "programmed instruction, team teaching, film, radio and tslevisioa win be increasingly the tools of the trade." Commentary Monday, October 16, 1967 Grand Sprix 1 i by George Kaufman Two Beards and A Blonde are now a beard, a mustache and a blonde, but their magic has grown. . Peter, Paul and Mary visited Lincoln, Neb. Friday night with a new look and something of a new sound which is more than an extension of their old sound. But nothing can ever change the one-of-a-kind harmony which blends from three voices and echos back from six thousand. Paul was as ever. The beard, the well-tailored (and now almost mod navy suit, the poet's eyes that can help his voice reach an audience. Peter came on minus his famous chin-whiskers but with a full mustache and a pair of cowboy boots which made him look all the world like a sort of smaU Jew ish Mark Twain. And Mary. Mary was Woman. Mary, for the first time, was Sex. Mary in a miniskirt, moving as ever with the drive or soft weave of the song, Mary with the throaty voice which now seduces. And Peter, Paul and Mary showing Lincoln, Neb. that seven years of one-nighters in Lincoln, Neb. cannot blunt their magic. In fact, they have grown, matured; there is no mis taking the voices within their voices now. They no longer whisper, they shout And their poetry is harsh now for a harsh world. They still trans late Bob Dylan but they are writing their own songs now too. and Paul's haunting "Love City" says as much about love and life and how sometimes one must deny the other as any ballad ever written. And though, as the most prolific writer of the group, Paul denies a conscious attempt to do so, I be lieve "Love City" and some of his other new songs were only written because a pair of geniuses nameed John Lennon and Paul McCartney have, as Paul himself says, "changed music . . . changed the world." PP&M came alive Friday night as Lincoln or Ne braska had never seen them. Their songs are no longer subtle. Tm in love with A Big Blue Frog" left no doubt about tbe racial mes sage barely hidden there ("And I'm certain that it's plain to you. The value of your property will go straight down. If the family next door is blue."! And they captured Pershing with probably the most powerful and important song they have ever done: a bit ing song called 'The Great Mandella", written by Peter and Mary. It says more about Vietnam and Any War then all the speeches and protests combined. It has al most as great an impact on their newest album, listen to it The trio, especially tbe men, makes no secret of their admiration of tbe "stone geniuses", as Paul calls the Beatles. Two years ago, Peter said of the Beatles, in sort of frustrated tone. "I guess their magic is just bigger than ours." I think be realizes bow tbe truth is that the two cannot be measured and were never meant to compete, but to entwine and to change What Is. In one of Paul's other new songs (not yet released) Paul sings of a young man, "Yes. be was had by ber, and a good time was had by all, which echoes too much of John Lennon's "I once had a girL or should I say, she once had me." in Norwegian Wood. But Peter, Paul and Mary do not sing Beaife songs. Why, I asked Paul afterwards. "Because tbe Beatles do a song and it is their song. They have done it too well for improvement all we could do would be to imitate. There is only one of their songs I would like to do better than they did, and that's "IH Follow tbe Sun", which is really a folk song." Peter, Paul and Mary received a standing loving ova tion from six thousand world-weary people who im mersed themselves in the magicians' therapy for two hours Friday night. And there was something sad when the lights came on and you realized that tbe people silling around you were no longer that chorus you had been loving and singing with a moment ago; they were that guy in En glish class you didn't like and the Mortar Board that was so stuck up and When win Peter, Paul and Mary stop being? I hesi tantly asked Pa uL "When we get too tired to go to Kansas City tomorrow night." he replied. "When we don't care. Right now, I think we are still growing up. 1 hope we will continue to grow." So do L Peter, Paul and Mary. For you are beauti ful people. Campus Opinion Dear Editor: Do your typesetters drink? . with your proofreaders, maybe? Dear Editor: Should We? ASUN is my shepherd, I shall not want; he makes me lie down in dead pastures, He leads me to the polling place where I may vote; he removeth my soul. He guides me along the wrong path for his name's sake. Although I vote on the issue of Vietnam, I chatt fear no evil for it meaneth nothing Its ineffectiveness and nselessness; they comfort rat ASUN preparest a table for me before the eyes of my enemies; It anointest my head with oil; my eyes become clouded. Stupidity and ignorance win follow me all the days of my life, And I shaU live in this world without knowledge forever. S. Lee Soreasea The Nebraska! moves the right to ceadense let ters unsigned letters will aot be Hinted.) Dally Nebra&kan Vol o. J 47MSM. 4714m, CS4M. Ttnrra4a M rm , mrtmtutnm at iim rami WML ta m OotMtet fmm. Lnnl m Mmwm tiaaiaa "" ttum. Una, ft, ana. mrruKiu. ci Arr TMr nit Gin: tlnHW EHItor Jae Tafl: tinm rrtiw . Edrt- Mart orm. tnm tola UMv, TtarC" aLTam Oil. . t- Ln. ZJTm?. V.rwr; Nw Aawtant Kfmor wtinct: r , il tr1.r3Tm- 1onl hutoruMi, Mlw fcwrmn aa baa laoir ". UUNUi MX AFT r-jl" r-?-?'? I'1" "- 2!5Ra, Wair nr wmma PmOuirvoa Kaaaaw Ctianaa Baaim i 1 imam ritatmaai 1 i! 7 Iwviti fcnvasaiitfb and Can. Ke.var; ., mamma i-- imxLS?? ,JUck hiinr aa aai aaxBa i ttr Graiia, on the job? ... Lenore Barta wr mm mmkH aaac Pife-