The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1967, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday, October 12, 1967
Page 2
Dead Senators
It's lucky that ASUN has committees,
to discuss problems to argue the pros
and cons of a question. One can be sure
that senators at least to this date have
not bothered to get themselves involved
enough to question some of the recom
mendations by ASUN executives.
The Daily Nebraskan has seen more
debate in its Campus Opinion column than
in the weekly Senate meetings.
Wednesday's Senate approval of three
members to the housing committee is just
such an example. ASUN President Dick
Schulze recommended that three people
Marv Almy, Marcia Richmond and Dick
Page be approved for the committee.
There was some discussion.
One senator had to ask who the in
dividuals were? One certainly might think
that some questions would be raised if
at least two of these individuals were un
known in the important area of student
Another senator asked that criteria
were used in selecting the three people.
Schulze replied that they were people that
the executives thought best suited for the
If there was any senator that was not
asleep during the meeting. One would cer
tainly think that Schulze could have been
pinned down a little bit more on criteria
than that.
But again the questions went unasked.
The question w a s called and those
senators who weren't asleep mumbled
their ayes when they heard enough other
Perhaps the noble senators might re
read the Regents guideline setting up this
committee to view the full importance of
these appointments:
"A committee composed of three stu
dent designated by the President of ASUN
and approved by the Student Senate and
five faculty-staff members appointed by
the Chancellor be formed. The Committee
will recommend housing policy, changes
and exceptions to housing policy to the
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. The
Committee shall regularly consult with
students and staff who live and work with
students in the various types of housing."
If students are worked up about the
present housing policy, and we know they
are, it would seem that senators would at
least do their electorate justice by asking
a few questions about these people.
But it seems the Senate will not.
So the Daily Nebraskan will.
The student members of the commit
tee should be individuals who are familiar
and have worked with housing policy. To
our knowledge Mr. Page and Miss Rich
mond have not.
It would also seem that our senators
could come to this conclusion too. If the
senators do not even know these two in
dividuals, surely they cannot have been
too closely involved in the housing issue.
There are other people who have.
Among these are other student mem
bers of the Ad Hoc Housing Committee
And for those senators who are not will
ing to take time enough to consider it:
Are there not three individuals Phil Bow
en, John Hall and Susie Jenkins who al
ready have the experience of working with
the committee during the summer.
The Daily Nebraskan certainly would
like to know why those members of the
original Ad Hoc Housing Committee and
those who were on the committee this
summer were not among the three rec
ommended for the appointment. This even
if the senators don't care.
We do not know what Mr. Schulze con
siders proper qualifications for such a
job. But the Daily Nebraskan believes
that experience and interest should be of
prime importance. And we cannot see that
these were the qualifications taken into
The Daily Nebraskan" feels that the stu
dent voice on the housing issue has been
muffled by these appointments.
And students should take note that this
only happened because they are being rep
resented by a group of dead senators.
Dear Editor:
In regard to George Kaufman's "Grand
Sprix", Oct. 9: I agree wholeheartedly
with the pointed comments on the discrim
ination within and without the Greek Sys
tem. I feel, however, that further exami
nation of the faults and fallacies under
lying the existence of such a system
should be examined further in the follow
ing few weeks.
The Greek system must die at the
University to enable the maximum num
bers of students to receive the maximum
quantity and quality of education both
in the classroom and outside the class
What is it that faternlties and sorori
ties claim to be providing for the Univer
sity and for their individual members?
And in fact what is it that they actually
Let's try advancement of culture,
building of character, promotion of knowl
edge, servitude to God, country and fellow
man and a million other half-hearted
pledges of good will and daring. The fact
is that although these pledges still exist
some pretty worthless individuals came
out of the Greek system. And I might add
that I have stretched the term "indivi
dual." Those people who come to the Univei
sity with correct point of view about edu
cation, value, and life do not join frater
nities. Nor are they denied the right of ad
mission. To borrow a passage from one of the
protest song groups, The Mothers of In
vention. ' Forget about the Senior Prom
and go to the library and educate your
self if you've got the guts. Some of you
like pep rallies and plastic robots who
tell you what to read." The fact is that
those people who come to college for a
complete education dent need a bunch of
unoriginal principles and friends to obtain
it. It's stifling to those who have a less
stable foundation on which to base the
necessity of an education.
I was actively a member of a frater-
I ' I s
nity until I realized that walking past an
other fratnity man was like walking into
a mirror. I had lied to myself for three
years. Perhaps I am a bit disgruntled.
Perhaps I have a right to be.
When looking into the problem a
little bit further I found contradictions
arose between a premise and an actuality.
No one needs fraternities if he or she
thinks and knows themselves to be indi
viduals. Being otherwise only pushes you
further into the shell of conformity and
unfocused thoughts. Give them hell,
William A. Kling
Dear Editor:
We believe that a new student union
building is needed on East Campus.
John Russell
John Smith
Beryle Lantz
Robert Langebach
Terri Burris
Linda Fosler
Claudia Dickinson
Scott Sherrill
Jimmy Wise
Robert Horner
David L. Boschult
Tom Moser
Roger Chesley
(The Nebraskan reserves the right to con
dense letters. Unsigned letters will not be
printed. )
Nebraskan Applauds
Chi Phi pledge class of
ficers: Kent Pavelka, pres
ident; Dave Berkland, vice
president; Frank Klusmire,
secretary; Bob Manzel,
.treasurer; Eldon Housley,
social chairman ; Steve
Bean, spirit chairman.
Beta Sigma Psi pledge
class officers: Dennis Pet
erson, president; Ron Lam
berty, vice president; Curt
is Slam, secretary; Steve
Butt, treasurer; Jason
Hirschbach, social chair
man; Robert Plessman,
music chairman.
Alpha Delta Pi pledge
class officers are: Ginny
Nichols, president; Sue
Barthomew, recording sec
retary; Jane Shaffer, cor
responding secretary; Kay
Fenimore, treasurer; Willa
Boyd, scholarship: June
Turner, social; Candy An
derson, activities and hon
ors: Kathy Mum, stand
ards. Acacia pledge class of
ficers are: Frosty Critch
field, president and Jr. IFC
representative; Mark Pim
per, secretary - treasurer;
Greg Clayton, steward;
Tom Bender, social chair
Pi Beta Phi pledge class
officers: Barb Owen, presi
ident; Diane Maly, vice
president; Terri Albin, sec
retary; Pat Leistritz, trea
surer; Kay Kugler, schol
arship chairman; M y i a
Powers, social chairman;
Anne Trowbridge, activities
chairman; Kathy Sandau,
K. J. Vosika, censors;
Linda Blxby, historian;
Debbie Durham, courtesy
chairman; Mary Schuster,
song leader.
The AWS Board has an
nounced the workers coun
cil for the 1967-68 school
year. They are,
Mary Hieliger, Alpha Chi
Omega; Jane Leecuig, Jan
et Shaner, Alpha Delta Pi;
Diane Koltes, Charol Smith,
Alpha Omicron Pi; Linda
Baldwin, Nancy ' Hoopwell,
Ann Mill-r, ATpha Phi;
Judy Kaufiman, Alpha Xi
Paula T i e g 1 e r, Coleen
Christ, Chi Omega: Mimi
Lowe, Delta Delta Delta;
Debbie Dobesh, Judy New
sham, Delta Gamma; Linda
McNickle, Delta Zeta;
Charolette LoskilL Fedde
Hall; Nancy Ecklund,
Elaine Pracheil. Burr Hall.
Sue Rogers, Gamma Phi
Beta; Diane Maly, Hepner;
Peggy Williams, Mary Mc
Clyment, Kappa Alpha
Theta; Karen Summers,
Jodie Harms, Kappa Delta;
Sue L i m b a u g h, Susie
Baird, Janet Maxwell, Kap
pa Kappa Gamma;
Sherry Huffke, Love Me
morial; Janice Krejci, Phi
Mu; Barb Owen, Susie Bair, '
Pi Beta Phi; Monica Pokor
ny, Marleen Sutter, Cathy
Meyerly, Tracy Korman,
Betty Loers, Pound Hall;
Cheryl Ankehstar, Maria
Goldstein, Raymond;
Marsha Hoffman, Carolyn
Thompson, Sandoz; Pat
Laubans, Selleck; Bonnie
Trustin, Sigma Delta Tau;
Elaine Pietzyt, Sigma Kap
pa; Eilzabeth Hoffman,
Marilyn Jirsa, Smith; Chris
Dehaut. Zeta Tau Alpha;
and Pam McGlinn, Towne
The officers of the Delta
Zeta sorority pledge class
for 1967 are: Sue Leaver,
president; Coyne Mechlem,
treasurer; Kay Morrow,
secretary; Junior Pamhel
lenic representative, Linda
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Grand Sprix
1 by George Kaufmani
Some freshmen asked me the other
day what SDS was. And I guess they have
a right to know, having to live on the
same campus with them.
SDS started out as a rather good idea.
Some frustrated student, tired of the sys
tem and having to bow to the authori
tarian administration and the customs of a
degenerate society, decided he would
dress funny, let his hair and-or beard
grow and go around acting weird all the
time so that people would know that he
was tired of the system, having to bow to
the authorization administration, etc.
Pretty soon he found that there were
quite a few more people around like him
self and they decided to fight conformity
with a sort of anti-conformity.
They evolved eventually into a mud
died sub-clique which held meetings, (get
this) elected officers, chose uniforms and
even entered campus politics.
Now it is sort of cloudy as to just
what they would have done had they been
elected and become the system they were
fighting, but it served the purpose of
giving the "straight" candidates someone
to be against and broke the monotony of
ASUN campaigns.
The best part of their entire existence
on campus occurred last year when they
lowered themselves to the level of any
other campus organization and actually
sponsored a "psychedelic" dance in the
This year they have dissipated into a
harmless aggregation which, like other
campus parties, has a few elected senators
on ASUN and other things and holds daily
meetings in the south area of the Union
Essentially what they do this year is
to dress funny, wear the latest buttons
from the coasts and act wierd. Cordouroy
slacks and sport coats are in, as are
Hush-Puppies and boots, along with a
highly utilitarian bag (preferrably knit for
girls and army surplus canvas for the
boys) for carrying books, cigarettes, etc.
The early movement attracted the
frustrated young geniuses and you could
always tell the angry young Marx's and
Jefferson's on campus because they would
be the funny-looking ones.
However, this had an inherent pitfall
in it which is now coming to light as the
movement matures: not all brilliant young
men decide to disinherit straight society
and dress funny and, following this, not
all people who dress funny automatically
become brilliant young protestors.
In fact, a builz-in drawback to a pro
test movement is that it attracts, in the
long run, just the opposite: people who
dress funny and act weird just for the fun
of dressing funny and acting weird.
Now, don't be afraid of them, fresh
men, their bark is much worse than their
bite once was. In fact, I've found that you
can stroll through their sector of the
Union nowadays without so much as a
smirk at your wool seaman's coat, blue
button-down shirt and official fraternity
Afterthought For the record, SDS
stands for "Students for a Democratic
Society," but I somehow left that out, just
as you would leave out the title "Chinese
People's Republic" when discussing Red
China. It has nothing to do with the ac
tuality of the thing.
Michigan U. Leaves NSA
Collegiate Press
The University of Michi
gan last week became the
third school in the nation to
withdraw from the Nation
al Student Association, NSA,
following last February's
report that NSA covertly
received funds from the
Central Intelligence Agency
over a 15-year period.
Michigan's Student Coun
cil (SGC) voted 7-3 in fa
vor of withdrawal with no
debate. SGC had defeated
an identical motion three
weeks earlier by a 6-5 mar
gin. The vote to withdraw was
apparently motivated by
the revelation of NSA's
links with the CIA and by
reports of several Michigan
delegates to the national
convention that NSA was
an "'undemocratic, unrep
resentative, elitist" body!
B r a n d e i s University
seceded from NSA the day
after its connections with
the CIA were made public
in January of this year.
Michigan State University
joined NSA the same day.
Amherst became the
second this fall.
SGC President Bruce
K a h n, a senior in Michi
gan's literary college, said,
"I am Xtremely happy
about this. NSA has done
some really rotten things.
To go to the convention
takes one ninth of our
$18,000-a-year budget and,
as far as I'm concerned,
it's wasted money."
SGC's Executive
President, Ruth Baumann,
who voted against with-
drawal, said, "It's really a
shame. It's not so much
that Michigan needs NSA.
NSA needs Michigan. If we
didn't like NSA we should
have stayed in and tried to
change it."
Miss Baumann, a mem
ber of NSA's National Su
pervisory Board, placed
third on the first ballot with
78 votes during NSA's presi
dential election this August
at the University of Mary
land. Campus sentiment
seemed to be running
strongly against NSA. After
SGC rejected the motion to
withdraw three weeks ago,
unknown students painted
the words "Withdraw from
NSA" and "NSA Stinks" on
a blank wall surrounding a
construction project on
Michigan's student news
paper, the "Michigan
Daily" had printed two
strongly - worded editorial
demanding withdrawal.
Daily Nebraskan
Vol. tl. No. u
at LBttoU. Nek.
nXEPBONEl T1-I5M, 471-EUt, 471-iSW.
Oct. IS, 1967
abwrttttM rataa are t not namsiaf ar M for the ao decile mr. Pub
ttaM MMdWi ttedaeadar. Tnnreaa aad Friday turtle the aokool rear, except
anrlna IWIMW aaa ana parM. be tte student) at fee University ai Nebraska
under tba Mrtudictloa ef rhe Faculty Subcommittee oa Student Publications.
Publication shall ka free (ran acnaorahip as tha Subcommittee or any persca.
outside the University. Mem ben ef tha Nabraaka ara resocmsinls tar what tbe
cauaa to be printed
Member Aeeocisted Colleflate Preaa, National Advertising Service, lacop
eoraied. Published at Room 61. Nebraska Union. Lincoln. Neb.. U5I8
Editor Bruce Giles: Managing Editor Jack Todd: News Editor Cheryl Tritt;
Night News Editor Alan Plessman: Editorial Page Assistant Julie Morris; Sports
Editor Mark Gordon. Assistant Sports Editor Charlie Da vies; Assintant Nutht
News Editor, Randy Ivery: Staff Writers. Dave Buntain. Andy Corrigan. Gary
Gillen. Ed Icenogle, Dan Looker, Mick Lowe. Sherry McGaffin. Jalt Parks, Toni
Victor: News Assistant Kendra Newland: Senior Copy Editor, Dick Teslmeier:
Ctapy Editors. Lynn Gottschalk, Betsy fenimore, Jim Evinger, Jean Reynolds;
Photographers Mike Haymaa and Dan Ladley.
Business Manager Glenn Friendt; National Advertising Manager Roger Bovei
Production Manager Charles Baxter; Secretary Janet Boatman; Bookkeeping and
Classifieds Allan Brandt: Subscription Manajrer Jane Ross; Circulation Manager
David Kovanaugh and Gary Meyer; Sales Managers Dan Creak. aU UratOL
ftiek Kaasok, avis Millar mi vvat asotaa.
Behind The Front Page
By Julie Morris
It can be fascinating to occasionally look back at is
sues of the paper and see who has been making the news.
I looked over the past 17 issues of the Nebraskan and
came up with some interesting statistics:
ASUN senate and its committees have made page
one headlines 10 times.
Administration offices or officers have been In page
one headlines eight times.
ASUN Psesident Dick Schulze grabbed page one
t eadlines three times.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin's name was in page one
headlines twice.
AWS and related committees made page one head
lines three times.
Interdorm Council (IDA) made the first page head
lines once.
ASUN senate and committees made inside page head
lines seven times.
Administration took inside page headlines twice.
IDA made inside page headlines three times.
AWS hit the inside page headlines twice.
A further look at the back issues showed that Hardin,
Deans Helen Snyder and G. Robert Ross and Associate
Dean Russ Brown all have made front page headlines at
least once.
In contrast, only one student senator, Al Spangler, has
broken into the page one headlines. And no other student
leaders, except for Schulze and former ASUN Presi
dent Teiry Schaaf, have made headlines on the front
Schulze's moments of journalistic glory came twice on
the same day in one story about the Bill of Rights and in
another about the appointment of a committee head and
on the following day he made the top lines in a headline
that read:
Hardin Creates Committee on Rights Bill
Schulze: Need Regents Consent
To Incorporate Amendments
The two basic conclusions I draw from my statistics
There is no strong student leader making noise
on campus.
ASUN Senate seems to be acting as a nonpersonal
Last year the names Schaaf, Samuelson, Shattuck,
Pfeiffer, Pokorny, Almy, Boardman, Spangler and even
Schulze popped up regularly in the headlines and it was
easy to tell what students were assuming or pretending to
assume a role of leadership on campus.
Now, however, it seems as though the only way to
break into the headlines is to organize the Nebraska Free
University or to make a little noise maybe once or twice
about the Bill of Rights.
I'm even 'finding it tough to recognize the names of
my "senators" because they aren't doing much to famili
arize me with themselves.
A nearly totally new contingent of students moved
into the traditional campus government leadership spots
at the end of last semester thanks to the all-inclusive PSA
label. These people are not making themselves known or
their potential power felt. If any of the ASUN senators have
anything to say about the running of campus government
it apparently isn't being said in Senate meetings.
The same criticism holds true for AWS. No one student
has emerged as a conservative or liberal or an anything
in a women's hours etc. issue. No one student seems to be
making her presence really felt in the constitutional con
vention. Somewhere in this faceless crowd of 18,004 there must
be some student who is capable and willing enough of mak
ing enough noise to make some difference to someone.
Come out, you're in free!
Sight n...
(By Galer ChamUt
"Ulysses" is an excellent film whose direction ap
proaches the job of converting Joyce's novel to another
media with full respect for the integrity of the work, but
happily with full knowledge that a novel is not a film.
The director accomplishes this task with brilliance.
His movie begins by examining its characters with a cold
objectivity, then with humor, then with pity and finally
with love.
I went to the movie almost convinced that it would be a
stone drag for two reasons. First, films made from great
work of art generally reek of sanctitv. One is invited
to worship, to appreciate, for one is in the presence of
GREAT ART and one should quiver, should moistly sigh.
That one should, say enjoy is out of the question.
Second "Ulysses", strangers and brothers, is not
written in one of your Dick and Jane styles. Its density and
richness of texture make it a job of work. That the work
demanded pays off in proportionately high rewards is true
enough. But it is hard. How one would manage to translate
Joyce's prose to a visual media was beyond me.
But not beyond the movie's director, for he doesn't
even attempt to translate. Instead, he has made a movie
that pays its due to Joyce by fidelity of characterization,
mood and spirit, but above all by being an autonomous
From the beginning when stately plump Buck Mulli
gan blesses his shaving mug, to the end when Molly Bloom
dreams of past, present and future adventures, the film
is a success.
There is not a single name actor in the cast and they
are fine. The portrayals of Stephen Daedalus, Buck Mulli
gan, Leopold and Molly Bloom stand out, as they should,
but the minor roles are as well done. Other than slight
dragging of pace during the Night-Town sequence, there is
little of which to complain and Night-Town is hilarious
enough in the main that one doesn't wish too strongly
even there.
But I do have a complaint and that a strong one. I
wish that those tender souls, those pure and noble spirits,
who discovered during the film that human beings were
bisexual, would have stayed tt home. This discovery,
coupled with the further discovery that bisexuality entails
certain actions and that there are words in the English
language that-describe these actions (the horror! the hor
ror!) freaked-out at least ten couples the night I saw the
The departure of these paragons, alwavs noisy since
it is difficult to move silently while clothed in the armor
of righteousness, disturbed those of us who already knew
about babies and cabbage leaves.
Which does not mean that there should be a rush of
lads panting to see the dirty movie. It is not a bit like the
6kin flicks shown at fraternity smokers. There are sexual
interludes, not sexy ones. Joyce never sniggered Neither
does the movie.