The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1967, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Wednesday, October 11, 1967
Page 6
The Daily Nebraskan
.If , H
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1 1
f ' '1
I What Was I
That Score? J
By Leg Hellbusch
Every year Bob Devaney has been here, Nebraska
has had at least one of those blood-curdling come-from-behlnd
victories similar to Saturday's 16-14 win over Kan
sas State.
In 1962, Devaney's first year here, it was a 19-14
edging of North Carolina State and a 46-34 victory over
Miami in the now defunct Gotham Bowl.
In 1963, extra points made the difference in a 13-12
escape from Missouri at Columbis and in 1964, Nebraska
eclipsed Minnesota 26-21.
In 1965, Nebraska pulled out another 16-14 squeaker
over Missouri and last year it was the memorable 21-19
victory over Colorado which stirred the memory buds.
Nebraska's last close home game was 1963's Air
Force Academy's 17-13 upset over Bob Brown, Dennis
Claridge and Co.
If heartburn or a bad case of ulcers has resulted
from tight games, readers might consider one or all of
these extremely useful items. However, we would have
to make certain that only the Nebraska squad would
have these additions
If facing a grab-eager enemy, this might be handy:
While waiting those few seconds for the referee to
call extra points and field goals, anxiety may make you
pray for this:
If the field is slick, some
Send angry letters to the Daily Nebraskan, but be
careful, it might be printed and that someone else will
write an angry letter to you.
Football Schedule
University Intramural Di
rector Joel Meier reported
that the intramural football
program has "gotten on the
road a little better with the
addition of a new field."
The new field, located at
Woods Park at 33rd and J
Streets, has seven football
fields constructed from the
Woods Park location. Be
sides the seven Woods Park
fields, the football program
also uses three East Cam
pus fields.
"These fields allow 50
games a week. "Meier said.
"There are 18 leagues with
108 teams participating in
the program."
Meier said he is "happy
about finally getting
started." The director was
faced with a possibility of no
intramural football, until the
Woods Park location was
"This Is a late start but
we are catching up," Meier
"We should be able to
complete the season unless
was Nebraska's 41st win
against 9 losses and two ties
in the K-State series dating
to 1911 . . . Wildcat lineback
er Danny Lankas. who was
chosen Lineman of the Week
after the Wildcat's 17-7 op
ening riame win over Colo
radio State, made four un
assisted tackles and 11 as
sisted stops . . , AI Larson's
fourth quarter pass intercep
tion gave the Huskers 4 in
terceptions in three games
. . . Nebraska actually fum
bled six times Saturday, al
though they recovered four
of their boots . . .
Friday Nifc
fcretsrly tb
of these might be issued:
weather interrupts," Meier
He hopes to finish the
round - robin tournament
around Nov. 9 and then be
gin the single-elimination
tournament for the top two
teams in each league.
"There are a few trans
portation problems to the
games." Meier commented.
"Not so much for the fra
ternities but for the dorm
teams there is a lack of
cars,'.' he added.
"Another problem," Mei
er said, "is having to rent
jMI II'lll lllllliMllllllillllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllll
f Tickets to the Colora- 1
I do game on Oct. 21 are
already at a premium.
1 Ads are appearing in the 1
2 local newspapers asking
for any kind of tickets
r just so they get fans in-
side the gate on that par- I
z ticular Saturday. One so- I
I rority girl has already i
I made a sizeable profit on
just that Saturday's
game; there are others.
Scalping as the pro's I
I call it, is severely
I frowned on by official
ticket sellers and if the
cautious student will note
the bold type on his or
her ticket, it clearly says I
that it is "Not Transfer-
able." Beware!
S;iiii-iii,iiiiiiM:iiini hi .mini mm illinium
I Rialto Billiards (
1332 P St. I
45c an hour
CftMH ftAM
Winless In
KU Hopes Potent Offense Will Upset NU
By Mark Gordon
Sports Editor
Nebraska discovered last
Saturday during a 16-14
squeaker against the Kan-'
sas State Wildcats, that no
Big Eight team can be clas
sified as push-overs, includ
ing the Kansas Jayhawks.
The Jayhawks, winless in
three tries this season, will
face Nebraska's undefeated
Huskers Saturday at Law
rence and Husker coach
Bob Devaney certainly isn't,
looking past the Kansas en
counter to Oct. 21's Colo
rado match at Memorial
After viewing exchange
films of the Jayhawks and
hearing assistant coach Clc
tus Fischer's scouting re
port, Devaney said Kansas
has a potent offense.
"In three games they
have scored 50 points, and
we have only scored 40
Hits High
a pickup truck to carry
equipment. This is a head
ache." The intramural director
IM Program Includes
Basketball 4GolP Again
Basketball "Golf" will
again be included in the
1967-68 intramural sports
Qualifying rounds will be
thrown on one of the four
golf courses laid out on the
basketball courts in the
Physical Education Build
ing. Each contestant should
pick up a score sheet at the
cage window in the P. E.
Each player will throw
three rounds during the
week of Monday, Oct. 16
thru Friday, Oct. 20.
The best 32 players will
12th & P Street
A Goicfe Forme Married Mao
By Amsricas Mcst Famous Swlnsars
The Do's And Don'ts For The Married
Man Who's Thinking Single or
The'Single Man Who's
Just Thinkinirf
mm McCarthy gene kelly frank tarioff
Plus 2nd
, the University of Nebraska soccer team sharpen their toes in
Three Tries But
points in our three games,"
the n a t i o n's winningest
coach reported.
"Offensively, they have
one of the league's most
dangerous backs in Don
Shanklin." Devaney said of
the Jayhawk runner who
was the fifth leading back
in the nation last season in
all-purpose running.
The 5'9" 175 pound junior
flankerback set numerous
Jayhawk records in 1966
and has picked up where he
left in the first three Kan
sas contests.
He is tied for eleventh
place in conference pass
receptions with 7 for 126
yards, including a 62-yard
pass from quarterback Bob
Douglass, who is second in
total offense in the B i g
Shanklin is also the Big
Eight's second leading
punt returner with 12 re
turns for 169 yards; an av
also said since the football
fields are scattered every
where, it is hard to super
vise them.
qualify for the Champion
ship Flight. The next 32
players will qualify for the
First Flight Finals and the
next 32 will qualify for the
Second Flight Finals.
Bob Holmes, Phi Delia
Thcta, is defending cham
pion in the Championship
Flight while Bob Bettger,
Theta Xi, and Al Hulsebus.
Phi Delta Theta. are cham
pions of First Flight and
Second Flight respectively.
Phi Delta Theta is the de
defending All-University
Features At
0 ' r
frank tarloff pa won color by deluxe
km rm
smi in a
JtN D L.(lf BB'Uf
erage of 14 yards per car-
Besides Shanklin, Kansas
also will counter against
Nebraska with the Big
Eight's leading passer in
the 6'3" 205 pound junior
signal caller Douglass.
Douglass has completed
29 of 63 passes for a 447
net gain, but five of his
tosses have landed in ene
my hands.
"They will also be one of
the biggest defensive
teams, we meet this year,"
the Husker boss continued.
"They have two great big
ends in John Zook and Ver
non Vanoy," he explained.
Vanoy, a regular center
with Kansas' conference
basketball champions last
winter, is a towering 6'8"
235 pound junior who is try
Patrick, Richnafsky
Grab Big 8 Honors
Nebraska's passing com
b i n a t i o n of quarterback
Frank Patrick to split end
Dennis Richnafsky has
scored again by being
named the Big Eight's
Lineman and Back of t h e
Patrick, who was se
lected Back of the Week fol
lowing 20 of 33 completions
for 201 yards against t h e
Kansas State Wildcats, be
came only the seventh con
ference back to throw for
more than 200 yards in one
Patrick, who led the
Huskers downfield from
their own 15-yard stripe
during a fourth quarter ral
ly that vaulted Nebraska
past the Wildcats 16-14, is
also rated highly in Big
Eight statistics.
The Derry. Pa., standout
a collection of brilliant short films
by the directors of the 60's (& 70's)
, Sponsored by Sheldon
Art Gallery and the Ne
braska Union Film
Committee. All show
ings at S h e I d o n Art
Fnfpr Hamlet Fred Mnpuhpub.
Renaissance waienan tsorowczyK, roiana
I k Mktnns '67 Francois Tmffaut. France
Running, Jumping, and Standing Still Film
Richard Lester, England
Twn Pjct!c Rnmn Pn77Pfto Italv
I tic rs; ana ine Lean Koman roiansw, royiu
Corrida Interdite Denys Colomb de uaunant, rrance v.
Allures Jordan Beison, .U.S.A.
La Jetee Chris Marker, France
Program I Oct. 12 and 13, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.
Program II Oct. 19 and 20, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.
t Prica one dollar per showing
ft J's 1
a brisk afternoon practice.
ing to compete in both
sports at Kansas.
Zook, is a 6'4" 225-pound
junior who placed fifth on
the 1966 Jayhawk crew in
While Zook and Vanoy
may present problems in
Saturday's Lawrence en
counter, the other defend
ers, at least from past sta
tistics, haven't been espe
cially potent.
The Jayhawks are sev
enth in total defense, rank
ing last in rushing defense
and sixth in passing defense
in the Big Eight.
Devaney said "coming
back after being down by
two touchdowns against
Kansas State" was the
highlight of the Manhattan
struggle last Saturday.
"However, we gave up
is the Big Eight's second
leading passer with 40 hits
in 78 tosses for 428 yards
and a .513 completion per
centage. Patrick is also the fourth
leading total offensive lead
er with 459 yards.
Monday, he was pre
sented an honorary admir
alship in the Nebraska
Navy by Steve Angle, a
representative of Gov. Nor
bert Tiemann.
Richnafsky, named Line
man of the Week, set t w o
Nebraska pass catching
records with his 14 recep
tions for 145 yards.
Besides a five yard touch
down grab, he also estab
lished a Big Eight mark
with his 14 receptions,
breaking Iowa State's Ep
pie Barney's total of 11 last
year against Arizona.
Late Goals Give
Soccer Victory
' The University Soccer
Club took a page from the
Nebraska football scrap
book by scoring three goals
in the later stages of the
second half Sunday to de
feat the Omaha Interna
tionals 4-1 in a Midwest
Soccer League game.
The team is the only un
beaten squad in the league
after Sunday's third tri
umph. The team's scoring was
equally divided among
four players: Ahmed
Hamam, Steve Mwamba,
0 s a i d i Mohammad and
Tim Rickard.
The University squad
took an early 1-0 lead, but
the Omahans tied the score
as the first half ended. A
three-goal splurge near the
end of the second half seal
ed the victory.
"We outplayed them
most of the first half, but
we fell off a bit during the
first part of the second,
half," club president Tim
Rickard said.
He said although the de
the ball on fumbles and we
didn't cash in on a couple
of scoring opportunities,"
he said.
In the Huskers' first
three matches, they have
lost the ball nine times out
of 15 fumbles. The opposi
tion has only fumbled five
Devaney said the tea m
suffered no injuries during
the rain-soaked Kansas
State match and he was un
able to say if any line-up
changes would be made for
this Saturday's game.
Devaney said that big
sophomore quarterback
Frank Patrick, who c o m
plcted 20 of 33 passes for
201 yards against the Wild
cats "has improved h i s
passing each week so that
now he is over 600."
Patrick, who rocketed
into the conference's second
leading passing position af
ter his Wildcat perform
ance, has hit on 40 of 78 at
tempts for a 513 average,
428 net yards and one
The Derry, Pa., standout
is a 1 s o the conference's
fourth top total offense
leader with 459 yards on 105 1
Big Eight Conference
decided that end Dennis
Richnafsky should have,
been credited with 14 re
ceptionsnot 13 when he
make the I
College scene Bi I,
SEBRING slacks by V
HIGGINC are blended t-c jfhJ
with DACRON polyester jJ&fA ?4i
to keep them looking ( W jtv-'
new ana creasea. i r, , im
Young-cut, with the J ;s r Y h
right taper and up to Eyl j y?jw
the minute colors. T F r H C S , i I
' OuPont Reg. IM.
fense was good throughout
the struggle, "our attack
got a bit scrappy the first
half of the second half."
"They were the best
team we have played, but
I honestly expected them to
be better than they were,"
Rickard added.
"I think our all-around
play .was much better," he
said. "But it's a question
of beginning to play togeth
er more as the season goes
Rickard cited Mwamba
and Sumer Ilasimoglu for
fine play and also said that
defensive center half Vic
tor Umunna "handled their
offense well,"
He said that the team
was fortunate to have ear
lier beaten Omaha's Offutt
Air Force Base and John
F. Kennedy College from
Wahoo before meeting the
"Winning those games
gave us confidence and this
game Sunday has given our
team a great boost," he explained.
wasn't given credit for a
reception because a Kansas
State pass interference
The additional eight
yards on the completion
boosts him into the Nebras
ka record for most yards on
passes in one game.
His 14 catches totaled 145
yards, replacing the 139
yards earned by Freeman
White against Colorado in
1965 as the Husker all-time
Latest national ratings
give Nebraska the eighth
spot in the AP poll and
ninth place tie in UPI's rat
ings . . . Colorado rates
sixth in AP and seventh in
The Wildcat victory was
Devaney's 50th win at Ne
braska including a 48-5 reg
ular season slate and 50-8
overall. His lifetime per
centage of .825 based on a
85-18-5 mark leads all other
college coaches.
Birthday Party
Bowl and Play
Pool All Day For
No. 48th A Dudley
Hours: 1:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.