The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1967, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, October 11, 196?
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
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University Theater production Misanthrope.
'Misanthrope9 Wears
Costumes From 16009s
Costuming a 20th century
college cast for a 17th cen
tury court scene involves
problems, according to Al
Kohout, head of costuming
for the University The
ater's production of Moli
ere's "Misanthrope," be
ginning Oct. 20 at Howell
Kohout said that research
for period costuming is very
time consuming. For
"Misanthrope," research
began last summer with
particular attention to
paintings and sculpture of
the 17th century to insure
accurate designing.
Basic research com
pleted, it was necessary to
adapt the period costumes
to the individual style
of this specific play. Ko
hout and Director Joseph
Baldwin also had to consid
er individual cast mem
bers. The final decision was
Fellowships Awarded By
Nat'l. Science Foundation
The National Science
Foundation plans to award
about 2300 graduate fellow
ships and 130 post-doctoral
fellowships for the 1968-1969
academic year.
Deadline for the receipt
of applications for graduate
fellowships is Dec. 8, 1967,
and for regular post-doctoral
fellowships, Dec. 11, 1967.
The purpose of these fel
lowships is to promote the
progress of science in the
U.S., according to the Na
tional Research Council.
Fellowships will be
awarded for study in the
mathematical, p h y s ical,
medical, biological, engi
neering, and social sciences,
including the history and
philosophy of science.
Applications may be
made by college seniors,
graduate students working
toward a degree, post-doctoral
students and others
1 1323 "0" ST.
: 1 c
as Arsinae demands the attention of
that women's costumes
would follow the styles of
the 1680's which included
corsetting, high bosoms and
puffed sleeves.
Men's costumes will be
reproduced from a later
period, 1700, and will fea
ture the long full-skirted
coats and three-piece suits
that were the height of
fashion in French society.
The eleven costumes for
the cast are being made
from satin and brocade in
deep pink, yellow, blue and
green. Kohout said that it
has been necessary to take
artistic license in this area,
for the high cost of the rich
materials used in the 1700's
would be impossible to fi
nance. The costume work is be
ing done entirely by student
volunteers. According to
Kohout the schedule is run
ning relatively well, but
more workers are needed.
Students interested are
with equivalent training and
Applicants are required to
take Graduate Record Ex
aminations designed to test
scientific aptitude and
achievement. The examina
tions, administered by the
Educational Testing Ser
vice, will be given on Jan.
20, 1968, at designated cen
ters in the U.S.
Each applicant will be
evaluated on the basis of
ability by panels of out
standing scientists. Awards
will be announced on March
15, 1968.
Annual stipends for grad
uate fellows are as follows:
$2400 for the first year lev
el; $2600 for the intermedi
ate level; and $2800 for the
terminal level. The basic
annual stipend for post-doctoral
fellows in $6500..
Dependency allowances
and allowances for tuition,
ugs or Carpetim
.filCI.WlWI t
Celimen (Susie Vosik) in the
urged to contact Kohout at
Temple Theater.
"Misanthrope," a comedy
heightened to tragedy, is
the story of a man con
demned to loneliness be
cause he cannot compro
mise within himself in or
der to exist in society.
John Jessup, veteran of
University Theater will
portray Alceste. The fe
male lead, Celimeme, a
mischievious court lady
will be played by Sue Vo
sik. Oronto, in love with
fickle Celimene, is Bruce
Borin's role.
Dana Mills, graduate stu
dent, will play the part of
Philinte, friend of Alceste.
Mary Meckel, new to How
ell Theater, will portray
The play will be pre
sented Oct. 20-21. Nov. lO
ll, Dec. 1-2 and Dec. 15-16,
alternating with "A Deli
cate Balance," by Edward
fees, and limited travel will
also be provided.
NSF Graduate Fellow
ships may be used at any
non-profit United States or
non-profit foreign institution
of higher education, provid
ing that he has been ac
cepted in a graduate degree
program in science.
The Foundation does not
necessarily require that a
recipient be physically lo
cated at his institution at all
times, thus allowing for
outside research or teach
ing. Scholarly development of
the Fellow, not service to
the institution, will govern
the assignment of these ac
Further information and
application materials may
be obtained from the Fel
lowship Office, National Re
search Council, 2101 Consti
tution Ave., N.W., Washing
ton D.C.
PHONE 4754508 I
fiirrrrifttriif iiriifirui iiitiiifii iiiiiiitiiiiitiiiitiiniitiiitiiiiiiiiiirif iiiiiitti iitiitiiiiiiiit tit iiiiiiiiifiiiiiiifiiiiitriX:
Match Box
Carolyn Anderson, Alpha
Omicron Pi, sophomore in
Teachers from Wakefield,
to Jim Kunzman, Theta Xi
senior In Arts and Sciences
from Wakefield.
Dottle Dering, T o w n e
Club senior in Home Eco
nomics from Lincoln, to
Alan Anderson, Alpha Gam
ma Rho junior in Agricul
ture from Lexington.
Vlckl Thayer, Alpha Xi
Delta junior in English
from Osceola, to Walt Rad
cliffe, Chi Phi junior in Pre
Law from Lincoln..
Gloria Wingcrt, Alpha Chi
Omega junior in Teachers
from Kearney, to R u s s
Sindt, Farm House senior
in Pre-Law from Franklin.
Carol hitcomb, Alpha
Phi sophomore in Home
Economics at Kearney
State, to Ken Laux, Phi
Gamma Delta senior in
Business from Hastings.
Mary Cay Stuart, Sigma
Kappa junior in Pharmacy
from Rushville, to Tom
Burger, Triangle senior in
Arts and Sciences from
Grand Island.
Ann Aita, junior in Teach
ers from Omaha, to Jack
Ott, Delta Sigma Pi alumn
from Orleans.
Sandce Coolidge, Phi Mu
senior at Nebraska Wesley,
an from McCook, to Robert
Frost, Alpha Gamma Rho
senior in Agriculture from
Jeane Newton, Fedde
Hall sophomore in Home
Economics from Nelson, to
Edd Eppley, Ag Men sopho
more in Agriculture from
Kathy Moller, Pi Beta Phi
junior in English from
Wayne, to Jerry M u 1 1 e r,
Theta Xi junior in Mecha
nized Agriculture from
Lu Wallace, Alpha Omi
cron Pi junior in Arts and
Sciences, to Duane Kroeger,
Beta Sigma Psi senior in
Business Administra
tion from Hooper.
L e o t a Swanson, Pound
Hall junior in Home Eco
nomics from Burwell, to
Tom Dearmont, Farm
House junior in Agriculture
from Rose.
Marti Sominer, sopho
more in Home Economics
from Lincoln, to Bob Kyle,
Delta Sigma Pi senior in
Business Administra
tion from Beatrice.
Diane McDonald, Pi Beta
Phi senior in Social Welfa-;
from Arlington Heights,
111., to Bob Gifford, Phi
Kappa Psi senior in Busi
ness Administration from
Conchy Diaz, junior in
Teachers College from Ma
tanzas, Cuba, to Tom Mor
gan, Beta Theta Pi junior in
Business Administra
tion from David C'ty.
Cheryl Artz, Delta Delta
Delta sophomore in Interior
Design from Lincoln to Ter
ry Loose, Phi Delta Theta
senior in Business Admin
istration from McCook.
Charlie Brown,
must iou alivaqs
take me so
by Charles M. Schulz
Holt, Rinehartmd Winston, Inc.
Rose Baker, Towne Club
senior in Home Economics
from Lincoln, to Eugene
Buckmaster, junior in Agri
culture from Seward
Becky Hansen, Alpha Xi
Delta graduate from Oma
ha, to Tom Liewer, Theta
Xi graduate in Business Ad
ministration from Lincoln.
Kcrrol Sue Gardner, Zeta
Tau Alpha senior in Home
Economics Education from
Papillion, to Robert Jay
Skokan, Ag Men senior in
Agricultural Educa
tion from Niobrara.
Louise Davis, from David
City, to Robert Prochaska,
Burr Hall junior in Agricul
tuidl Education from Dav
id City.
Marti Soinmcr, s o p h o-
more in Home Economics
from Lincoln, to Bob Kyle,
Delta Sigma Pi senior in
Business A d m i n i s t r a
tion from Beatrice.
Mary Keim, Alpha P h i
junior in Spanish and Eng
lish from Sioux City, Iowa,
to Jim Bunz, Phi Kappa
Psi graduate at Creighton
University in Omaha.
Toastmasters Meet
On East Campus
The East Campus Toast
masters Club is being re
organized for its second
year, according to Terry
Cacek, chairman of the Ag
Advisory Board.
"The Ag Advisory Board
is encouraging all students
to consider this opportun
ity to develop their public
speaking ability," Cacek
"We feel that Toastmas
ters offers an atmosphere
for learning which cannot
be equalled elsewhere," he
Read Nebraskan
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BrUr leathers! A. IW tanfl D-nflied cowltid. ?W0. 8. 1W with suede) linlnf. $4.00.
Student Tribunal
Opportunities For
article on the Student Tri
bunal is the second In a sc
ries on the current court,
structures at the Universi
ty. The series has been cre
ated to inform the students
of their legal rights and of
the jurisdictions and activ
ities of the various courts.
Senior Staff Writer
Student Tribunal is a
court of a different color.
It has neither prosecu
tion nor defense, but in
formal discussion. And it
issues recommend a
tions, not orders.
"When the administra
tion has a grievance
against a student," explain
ed Brent Worms, members
of the Student Tribunal,
"the student has the oppor
tunity to go before the tri
The Tribunal makes a
recommendation on any
disciplinary or corrective
action it feels necessary and
informs the student and the
administration of the rec
ommendation. Cacek cited voluntary
participation as the moti
vating force for a more
open minded atmosphere
and more rapid progress
than in the classroom.
"Many students feel that
Toastmastering supple
ments their speech cours
es and even exceeds them
in practical application,"
Cacek said.
East Campus Toastmast
ers is the only know Toast
masters organization which
is open to women as well
as men, Cacek noted.
The meetings are held
on Thursdays at 7 p.m. in
the C. Y. Thompson Li
brary, Cacek said, and in
terested students are in
vited to attend several
meetings as guests.
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"The administration does
not have to follow the rec
ommendation," Worms
added, "Hut it almost al
ways does."
Although students can re
quest, a meeting with Stu
dent Tribunal for any ac
tion taken by the adniinis
t r a t i o n on infractions,
Worms said, most cases
deal with only the more
severe actions.
"Actually we're not like
a court," he said. "It is
really more of a discussion
The Tribunal is compos
ed ol six students and two
faculty members, accord
ing to G. Robert Ross, dean
of student affairs.
"We (the administration)
refer cases to the court,"
Ross said, "and they make
Meeting at least once a
week, the Tribunal is chair
ed by Lynn Overholt and
has four seniors and two
Tribunal members are
selected through interviews
by outgoing Tribunal mem
bers and the two juniors
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must reapply to be consid
ered for a second term.
T h c Student Senate ap
proves the candidates nom
inated through the Inter
views. Tribunal members can
not hold positions on tho
Student Court or the Sen
ate. "Students can appeal rec
ommendations and deci
sions," Worms indicated
The appellation is to be
Recommendation Board of
the Faculty Senate, and ul
timately to the Board of
"There is no appeal be
tween the Student Court and
the Tribunal," said Terry
Schaaf, associate justice of
the Student Court. "There
might be a possibility for
appeals but it has never
been done."
Schaaf also said that the
Court would probably re
fuse to . consider such an
appeal as being out of the
Court's jurisdiction.
The Court is designed for
cases concerning organiza
tion, Worms also said,
while the Tribunal is re
served for disciplinary ac
tions on students.
- '