The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1967, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Monday, October 2, 1967
Page 2
Turn Back
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Picnic lunches, music, casual conver
sations set in an atmosphere of grass,
trees and sky all equal Sunday's love-in
at Pinewdod Bowl m Pioneer Park.
Yes, it was Sunday, October, 1967
but it could just as well have been any
late summer Sunday 30 or 40 yars ago.
Granted, the hems may have been
higlier and colors more gaudy, the mus
ic more swinging and the conversations
about more recent happenings. But it
could have been 30 or 40 years ago.
There were probably those law en
forcement officials, administration offici
als and just plain ordinary citizens who
felt that a love-in would be some type of
orgy involving sex, pot liquor and-or a
riot. But this it was not
In fact, we are sure that a great
number of those estimated 7,000 Lincoln
citizens and University students who drove
out to the love-in were curiosity seekers,
those who like to stand outside a cage
and look at the funny animals.
Yet is it not rather ironic that these
sad people who view the love-in as a
curiosity or oddity are the same people
who begin their sentences with "N o w,
back in the good old days . . ." And that
these same people view something which
was common in their day as a curiosity
in 1967.
Perhaps it is a rather sad commen
tary on life.
The United States in 1967 is one if
the most prosperous nations on earth
with more leisure time than ever before.
Yet at the same time crime, especially
that committed by juveniles, surges upward.
Fathers get home from their 40-hour
week and immediately rush off to golf
games, bowling leagues and meetings ad
Mothers, if they are not working
when their children come home, are off
to bridge games, PTA meetings, ladies
aid societies and other functions ad in
finitum. And children cannot be left off the
hook either. Either on their own voli
tion, or their parents' example, the kids
are off to Cub Scouts, Brownies, basket
ball practice and Pep Club meetings
also ad infinium.
Meanwhile, the American family
does not even know its next-door neigh
bors. And much less do the members of
the family get to know each other.
Gone are the' family picnics of 1937.
Gone are tht times when all the neigh
bors would get together for a giant buf
fet, followed by casual conversations and
group singing.
American society sets a pace match
ed only by the whirring of gigantic com
puters. American college students have be
come obsessed with football games, dates,
grades, Vietnam, student rights and a
multitude of other issues.
Note that we do not say that it is bad
to get involved in these issues, we're mere
ly say it is wrong to become obsessed
with them.
Thus, in October, 1967, we find adults
and some students staring and pointing
at Sunday's love-in (nothing really new)
like it was a-sideshow freak. Why? The
adults perhaps they forget And stu
dents perhaps they never knew.
,k Tug. SCUcUlkSs. 'J. -pS&& JCIlY'
ig dotate l3tofcMs yj
(EtftUr'i Nate: Tbe following is aa
anonymous note received by tbe Nebras
kan) I have the distinguished honor of be
ing a member of I committee to raise
$50 million to be used to place a statue
of Lyndon B. Johnson in the Hall of
Fame in Washington, D C.
This committee was in quite a quan
dary about selecting a proper location
for the statue. It was thought net wise
to place ft beside George Washington,
who never told a lie, since Lyndon could
NEVER tell the difference.
After careful consideration, we think
it should be placed beside the statue of
Christopher Columbus, the greatest New
Dealer of them an, in that Columbus
started out not knowing where he was
going, arrived not knowing where he was
and returned not knowing where he had
been, all of this done on borrowed money,
Our Man Hoppe-
The inscription on the statue will
Five thousand years ago. Moses said
to the children of Israel, "Pick up you
shovels, mount your asses and camels
and I will lead you to t h e Promised
Nearly 5,000 years later. Franklin D.
Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels,
sit on your asses and light up your
Camels, this is the Promised Land."
Now Lyndon is stealing your shovels,
kicking your asses, raising the price of
your Camels and taking over the Prom
ised Land. If you are one of tbe few citi
zens who has any money left after taxes,
I expect a generous contribution from
you for this wonderful project
Sex Education
Is Extracurricular
Arthur Hopp
The trustee and directors take pride
in announcing the opening next fall of
the Uriah P. Fagin School for Boys and
Girls. Its motto: "Caveat Emptor."
The philosophy behind the Fagin
School, was best summed up by its bead
master, Dr. T. Homer Pettibone, PhD,
EdD, LsD.:
"The duty of an educational system
is (1) to inculcate in tbe student the
goals of his society and (2) to equip
him to meet its challenges. Our present
system fails dismally.
"It is thus our high nope at tbe new
Fagin School to matriculate young men
and women adquately prepared to (1)
make a fast buck and (2) not get caught"
is ft is
Dr. Pettibone, himself, win teach
the basic philosophy course, "From At
tila the Hun to Modern Corporate Ethics."
Required reading includes Macbiavelli,
Nietzche and tbe Truth in Advertising
Courses is the New Math win con
centrate ia tbe preparation of income tax
forms, with special emphasis on legiti
mate business dedications which cannot
be double-checked. Originally, the new
math was to have cohered the prepara
tion of expense accounts at welL But it
was felt this subject could better be dealt
with in our Creative Writing department
In our well-equipped chemistry lab
oratory, students will conduct experi
ments which will teach them to m a k e
lysergic acid, mescaline, peyote. tbe dry
martini and other aids to making our
cities more livable. Other science courses
iBclude. "Bugs and How to Wire Them."
Ia public speaking, the students will
learn to speak extemporaneously on any
subject for a full hour without saying any
thing. This is one if the many courses
in the field of American government,
which offers so many career opportuni
ties for promising Fagin School grad
uates. Examinations will, of course, be con
ducted on the honor system with proctors
monitoring secretly through one-way
glass mirrors. As in other schools, high
er grades will be awarded for successful
cheating. In addition, however, subtle
bribery and polite extortion will be en
couraged to bring on the student's best
in his relationship with his teacher.
While the academic is stressed, the
body is not forgotten. Advanced young
ladies will be given a full course in mod
ern dance. (Students must bring their
own topless bikinis.) And the physical
education program for young men will
be under tbe direction of Mr. William
(Brick Wall) NgckyscbwzkL the a o ted
professional football player.
He will lecture from personal experi
ence on "Toe Key to Remaining Pbysi
cxlly Fit between U Mi and 23 a Trick
s put it, "Mens
Or, as Dr.
sana in corpore 4-F.
St -k -ft
Tuition is S3 .500 per annum in un
marked bills. While this may seem ex
orbitant it must be remembered that
we parents set the goals and challenges
of our modern society and we thus owe
our children the education necessary to
meet them successfully.
Or, as Dr. Pettibone expresses it so
well: "A year in the Fagin School now
may well save 10 ia Leavenworth later."
(fit) I tEL
. - jm m i.l a 1
By Dan Dickmeyer
There is one problem with making
the play to the big name and using Thor
eau's well-worn "perhaps it is because he
hears a different drummer ... let him
step to the music which he hears." It so
easily allows someone to bring in their
whole band, march right over you and
drown your ears in the 19th century mu
sic they blare.
For instance, one wonders what drum
mer has deafened the writer of this edi
torial reprinted from the Sept. 15 issue of
the Chadron (Neb.) State College Eagle:
Like, man, it's out! What's out? Just
about anything that appeals to the 'beat'
set. Chadron State College is just not
another Berkeley, or a back street in
Greenwich Village. There are limitations
to what you may do and be. if j'ou wish
to attend this school for the purpose of
Freedom of expression does not enter
this situation at all. Those who wish to
express their feelings in a responsible
manner will find many forums for their
writing, talks, or whatever. Part of 'grow
ing up' is the ability to express oneself
in a manner whereby others may be per
suaded to the speaker's way of thinking.
Or, if they do not choose to be persuaded,
listener interest will still make tbe effort
Since this is an institution of higher
education, tbe faculty and administration
(backed by the majority of responsi
ble students) seek to provide a good at
mosphere in which to learn.
You are already on campus, so there
is no need to take trips' via the cell
destroying drugs attaining recent national
publicity. There is none of the bearded,
or unkempt protester types visible on
campus, since reasonable limitations on
suitable attire preclude wearing "grub
bies" or beards.
The trouble with most of the impor
tant social movements (like it or not, the
beat and hippie phenomenon is a social
movement or event) is that there always
are those so quick to type using tbe
traits which are symbolic of the move
ment as a starting point For instance,
note how the writer of the editorial so
easily associated beards and psychedel.a
with hippies and bets. And for good
measure, threw in protesting.
Of course even on our own campus
the other day I heard a Daily Nebraskan
reporter being asked if Cater Chamblee
was a hippie. His beard tnd straw hat,
(be looked more like Sebastian Cabot)
were enough. The fact that he was work
ing on his PhD and after graduation will
"drop out" to teach college for the rest
of his life, never entered the picture.
CSC is a psychedelic wasteland. The
writer of this editorial assures me it's
a good thing. With this type of mature
thinking, aspirin could be dangerous.
I attended CSC for a year, with re
spect to the few really fine professors
and some students. CSC is also an intel
lectual wasteland. In addition to the
censored newspaper and poetry publica
tion and the intellectual discussions which
I always seemed to miss, the students'
(those of age or who can fake iti best
forum. Hyde Park, student court, and ad
hoc committee is the local bar. This is
where that "irresponsible" minority gen
erally go to gripe.
There are limitations of what you can
do and be in addition to those resulting
lrom some of the lax educational techni
ques. If you are a teacher with some
new ideas you can't be one of those
nasty Norman Hoegberg types. It's the
beard again.) Students had to fight for
permission to grow beards for the Cen
tennial. A brilliant art student friend of
mine was told by the dean to get his
hair cut (then Beatle length) or leave
The Chadron State College Library is
open to all residents of the area. My last
dealing with it was the hot summer night
I went to do research on a newspaper
article in a clean shirt bermuda shorts
and shoes. I looked like I'd just stepped
out of "Gentleman's Quarterly," but I
was ushered to the door and told my
dress was not appropriate.
CSC is a cultural wasteland. Attempts
to bring big name entertainment to t h e
campus regularly pack up their s u i t
cases and "take a trip" home. Those
that stay used to get pleasure out of go
ing to the movie house and throwing
popcorn boxes at the screen.
CSC is an administrative wasteland.
A new 11-story dorm (the tallest build
ing between Hay Springs and Crawford)
and the other empty dorms surrounding
. it stand as a tribute to administrative
bungling. The responsible administrators,
prone to making excuses for their high
rise half-filled public relations endeavors,
cried "Closed for remodeling" when peo
ple talked about the empty women's
dormitory., complete with sunken gar
dens. The beat of the distant drummer that
CSC hears is "we-do-not-choose-to-be-per-suaded
- but - our - listener - interest
Listen closely. You can hear tbe
drummer here, too.
Dear Editor:
We reject George Kauf
man's recent "Grand
Sprix" Friday Sept. 29 as
being beneath his usual de
corum. We resent his scandalous
attack on "our great insti
tution" student govern
ment We are actively en
gaged in promoting
in ASUN the lengthening
of ladies' skirts, as we feel
this is a deterrent to due
consideration of much more
vital issues i.e.:
FLIGHTS to Europe (at
50 percent above current
market costs.)
VIETNAM gets more
publicity than Chancellor
SPANGLER gets more
publicity than Dick Schulze.
WHAT IS the real story,
on no nickel refills on
Union coffee?
We challenge Mr. Kauf
man to obtain the PLAIN
Bill Kyser
Paul S. Lerner
Hat Theft
Dear Editor:
We are writing concern
ing the theft of our Cather
Hall "red safari hats." We
are not concerned with the
financial loss that was suf
fered because the hats cost
very little and it is relatively
easy to obtain a replace
ment What does concern
us is the fact that fellow
Cornhuskers were the
We know that most stu
dents remember the fuss
that was raised on campus
and expressed in the Daily
Nebraskan after the steal
ing of red hats by the Mis
souri and Colorado fans.
There were accused of im
mature behavior and poor
sportsmanship. These thefts
resulted from a fierce spirit
generated by school rivals
at football games. The
thefts of our "safari hats"
came after some fierce
competition kindled by the
Greeks and Independents
present at the Pep Rally
Friday evening.
The purpose of the Spirit
Trophy is not to generate
a spirit that is going to
bring friction between the
groups participating. In
stead the trophy is to di
rect the spirit present at the
contest towards the Husk
er's foe at the Saturday
Those who took our hats
showed that they do not
realize the basic fact that
H u s k e r s should fight
Gophers and not other
We sincerely hope the be
havior, such as was dis
played by these two stu
dents, is not indicative of
the spirit shown by other
Huskers. ii there are any
more of these "anti-Husk-ers"
we hope that in the fu
ture they will direct their
energy aeainst Nebraska's
football opponents.
Cather Men
Dear Editor:
A Maa Without a Country
(An answer to the charge
brought against my person
by a young ladv at Hyde
Park on Sept. 28, 1967, to
the effect that I am an eva
sive speaker.)
I. Robert Pavlas. am in
a sense a man without a
country. During the last
two Hyde Parks I have
spoken for the traditional
methods of doing things,
yet, I see that tradition can
many times be false.
I can see the other point
of view, and I am always
open to argument, I try to
see the "other side" that is
today called "radical" or
"e x t r e m e", therefore,
with these thoughts in mind
I may seem to some people
to be contradictory or eva
sive. However, it has been
stated that a measure of a
man's ability is the faculty
of holding two opposing
ideas at the same time and
still being able to function.
Remember things are not
necessarily b 1 a c k-and-white.
there is a lot of grey
in between. Therefore, a
speaker can only present
his views as honestly and
fairly as possible.
Now these views as I
have stated many times be
fore are not necessarily
right or good or the "facts,"
they are just my views and
opinions and value judge
ments. A speaker must
leave himself open to argu
ment, the man who cannot
withdraw a statement or
who cannot see the "other
side" is a dogmatic tool of
If one does not have all
the answers it is not be
cause he is necessarily eva
sive, but because he may
be searching for the truth
and the truth is an evasive
creature. So if a person
seems contradictory or
evasive it may only be that
he is searching for the
opinions of others and I am
thankful that there are
people who do think enough
to have some opinions, even
if they are not necessarily
right or wrong.
.Robert Pavlas
Dear Editor:
Lincoln, Nebraska's firs
love-in seemed to be a suc
cess from the comments
I've heard. Everyone went
out there to nejoy them
selves but no one knew what
to do. The order of the day
was to watch what the other
people were doing; and
stand apart from the "hippie-ordeal"
for fear of being
typed in the flower-children
Reinforced squads of
Lincoln police and local
Sheriffs had to stand guard
for anything that might,
happen and turn people
away that came to watch
anything that might
happen. From the talk I've
heard, those things that
might have happened didn't
happen. In short, the love-in
was not a happening in the
true "hippie" sense of the
word. Grandmothers have
done racier things at ice
cream socials.
The entire afternoon
seemed to be wasted by
those enthusiastic about Ne
braska's first love-in. But
this time-wasting is typical
of those people who par
ticipated in the love-in and
of those people who go to
work for a cause by not
doing anything. How about
you hippies quit kidding
yourself and settlind down
and settling down and
really doing something?
Frank Lee
Tbe Nebraskan reserves
the right to condense
letters. Unsigned letters
will not be printed.
Vol n. so. a
Daily Nebraskan
Oct. X Wf
raxraoXE: 47X-SW. 471-19M.
rES0-1.? !" "' m. n.
fUbM Uauin. Wadmdw. Taunt rrMar tat Om ,
4nm vacaum 4 n mrto6. m Ck itiiihi.M tk IMmm umm
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Mmbwa 1 Uw Kcbmfca are mmMi Mr what tktr
6m Ik JoriadfcUM
PabHcatHo chaB b
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Editor Brw out; Maaaxmf fcdiw Jar Toi Kw tHw Omyi TrIHI
5"h Nr fcdilor 4ia Pva-mM; Editorial Pacr MtUal Jvlw Unrrtai fttnrta
Kdilor Mart tardna, taWiM apsru I4llor Charlaj bvwi ftaH Wrtlara. Dava
Huataav Ae Carruua, bar Clll-a. Ld ltno2, (Ma Ixjukar. Mirk Lawa.
h-rr MrCaina. Jaa Parka. Tom Vdiori Ne Auulim Kmdra Snrland; tmwr
Mitor lr Trtlmwr: l upr rvditora. Lyaa faouartulk. Ranar Ir-y. H-wr
t-nimort. Mm Kvkur. irm (riMk; NutM Km AanaUal. Carta fcockwelll
PkMofaanar Mifc tiarnaa an Da Laaj.
chkem mrr
awbva Maaawr Clma Prt-adti NaOoaal Mmllataf Maaaaar Raaar Sot I
"riKUo Maaaaw Oiarfc-a Bi-ri t-crvtanr Janet Hoatman: Rantkaranf aa4
Clauriiwla liaa Brawtti frabw-riatwa Maaafar Jaaa knaai ClmlalM atanai-r
Itattf ftorauuk Car aH-r, fata tUmattn Vm Crank, futhy brail
mM ttaaadw km Millar sad Mara Mate.