THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Commentary Editorials Thursday, September 28, 1967 Page 2 l'iiiiii iiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiniiim imiiiiiii uiiHiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini Seek Or Demand implementation of the Bill of Rights. The crux of the implementation ap proach for the Student Bill Of Rights seems to be whether "We seek" or "We demand." Senator Al Spangler would have ASUN demand that the Bill of Rights be includ ed in University policy while President Dick Schulze would have ASUN seek to have the Bill of Rights included in Uni versity policy. The Nebraskan assumes that Senator Spangler means by "confrontation" that ASUN would present the Regents with an ultimatum either approve the Bill of Rights or else. And this "else" could mean anything from demonstrations to strikes. This we do not feel is the proper ap proach and would only hurt the cause. Regents, like a cornered animal, would probably react with a flat "NO." Thus, the students would be left with no imple mentation of the Bill of Rights and it is unlikely they would change their minds as a result of a demonstration. Although freshmen are not likely to realize it, Pass-Fail courses, the Faculty Evaluation Book, and Senior Keys are advances during the last four years which have been accomplished through the "We Seek" method. BUT, thank heaven for people like Senator Spangler for who give ASUN a good kick in the posterior. Too often the "We Seek" method can deteriorate into no action, then forgetful vess and finally the original idea is lost Vever until some brave soul takes it ain. Maps a case in point would be the For all the students knew, the Bill of Rights was at a complete stalemate. And yet there were several very im portant questions to be answered. Which of the housing amendments, Article 5b or the SDS-backed amendment, apparently conflicting), should actually be in the Con stitution. Secondly, what is actually being done with the Bill of Rights? The Nebraskan feels the students have a right to the answers to these questions. And it WAS Senator Spangler who final ly got these questions out into the open. And it WAS Senator Spangler who is prodding ASUN executives into action to ward implementation. But the Bill of Rights is not the only case. It was also Senator Spangler, in addition to Senator Phil Bowen, who are getting the question of Vietnam out to the students so that they might make a wise decision on the issue. And we are sure that these will not be the last instances. If the Regents renege on their promise to put the housing policy into effect when financial ly possible, Senator Spangler will prob ably be out in front leading the fight to get it implemented. Again let us state that we are not always in agreement with the manner in which Senator Spangler would attempt to accomplish an end. The Nebraskan feels that prolonged demonstrations or violence will accom plish little, and should only be used as a last resort to a very serious supression of rights. But it is individuals like Al Spangler who continue to keep organizations like ASUN on their toes. And active. W Wg&9 topi, fw V ExfcMCfc, to "& I A ?oLE. SdOFULL l,llimilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I Presidential Message I (Editor's Noy,The foUowing , the full text of the ..VN!eC.UtlyeS day statement on the status of the Bill of Rights.) The purposes of thtatement are. t0 answer ques. tions concerning the sta the Bm of Rights; to clear up any misunderstandings V mm have resulted from incorrect or incomplete infot and to discharge the responsibilities of keeping .t rtudent population in formed on the plans and progN flf foportant affairs. On April 12, 1967 students ra seventeen amend ments to the ASUN Constitution. irst 16 amend. ments, called the Bill of Rights, wen by a two. thirds majority vote of the ASUN Sern The 17tn was placed on the ballot by petition. At thi me aU 17 amendments have met tht necessary ameaenj proced ures as stated in Section 14 of Article X yje atjn Constitution. However, let me emphasize that these ptures are necessary conditions for amending but they no sufficient conditions. The preamble of the ASUN Ct. tution states, "We, the students of the University of braska, with the consent of the Board of Regents, 6 hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the ad ministration of student government." REGENTS CONTROL Article II of this constitution defines the powers of ASUN as subject to the University regulations as estab lished by the Board of Regents, and Subsection A, Sec tion C of Article VII states "Nothing herein is to be con strued as limiting or supplanting any of rights, privi leges, immunities, or obligations of each student under the rules and regulations of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents." It is explicitly clear then, that amendments to the ASUN Constitution are not final, nor do they have official sanction within the University community until they have been approved by the Board of Regents. The answer to the question of the status of the Bill of Rights cannot be a simple "Yes they are amendments" or "No they are not amendments." LEGALE SE A word of auction: let's not become so tangled up In tht legal, official or constitutional status of the "Bill of Rights" that we forget or neglect the purpose this endeavour. Its purpose was not to be an exercise of con stitutional law. Its purpose was not to bring about a confrontation with the Regents. The purpose of the BUI of Rights was to affirm and define those conditions of the University environment nec essary for the development of the student as an individual and as a responsible citizen of society. . The Bill of Rights was an attempt on the part of the students to stimulate and improve the educational at mosphere of the University. FREE INQUIRY This document was based on the educational prin ciples that free inquiry and free expression are essen tial attributes of a community of scholars, that students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgement and to engage in a sustained and independ ent search for truth and that people learn through living, through the process of integrating their thoughts with their actions, through testing their values against those of a community, through a capacity to act. Implementation of the Bill of Rights has become the responsibility of the executive branch of ASUN. Acknow ledgement of the educational conditions stated in the Bill of Rights which already exists and establishment of those conditions as University policy which do not exist, are necessary conditions of implementation. We are more concerned with whether or not the con ditions essential to education exist on our campus than we are with the exact wording of policy statements that might provide for them. COOPERATION Necessarily, high priority has been given to coopera tive efforts of students, faculty, administrators and Board of Regents as a means for making those changes with in the community that we feel are important. On Sept. 11, we presented the ASUN amendments to the Regents for discussion. The Regents expressed concern about the wording and interpretations of some of the amendments. Their reaction to the purpose of the Bill of Rights and the-conditions it outlined was very positive. They stated that many conditions outlined in the Bill of Rights already exist. There was some disagreement about the wording of some amendments. It was suggested by the Regents that a committee students, faculty and administrators formulate Uni yjity policy statements dealing with these issues. The ASl executives have decided to pursue this suggestion. AGREEMENT Thert a general agreement within the University community tne basic issues. This approach will T?2, in poV statements that would be more than just ASUN amenoVejjts, As a resu 0f a meeting this afternoon with Chancellor Cliffy Hardin, a six-man committee was es tablished which N,iU rep0rt directly to the Chancellor. The committee w De composed of two students, two administrators and y0 faculty members. Its task will be to formulate a statei 0f those conditions which should exist in our University statement which will have the support of the entire diversity community. RATIFICATION ROUTE The product of this coittee will go to the Board of Regents, the Faculty Sene and through ASUN Sen ate to the student body. If u those .bodies endorse it, this statement will become all'jnjVersity policy, as well as being ASUN amendments. The ASUN executives are invested in establishing these conditions as University pqCy. We do not feel that student, nor faculty nor admi,iStrators should for mulate policy in isolation. As we stated in March of 1967, "T new student will not merely try to destroy one power arrangement for the personal satisfaction of setting up his byn in its place. An irresponsibly-run student controllti university is just as wrong as an irresponsibly-run Administration controlled university. We have to realize th$ the task of creating a better University is a task that 'an only be won by working together." Our statement of position on the Bill of lights fur ther stated. "We realize and honestly admit tha. imple mentation of the Bill of Rights will be accomplished when the University community recognizes the Bill of Rights. We are prepared to work with the entire Uni versity community as it exists." Our approach was outlined last spring. Students who grumble and protest about the University's inadequacies should be prepared to pay the price in time and initia tive required to improve that University. Dear Editor: I write in regard to your objective and clearsighted essay regarding a possible FM station for NU. It stir red me to give an opinion on two points. First it would seem that the condemnation of the proposed station by the Ne braska chapter of the NAB gives us all the more rea son to seek a student oriented radio voice. Any one who would still be of the opinion that commer cial radio is a public ser vice is deluding himself: opinions, commentary, worthwhile music program mingin short, the whole bag are absolutely second ary in nature (See any is sue of "Broadcasting" es pecially the editorial page). Whatever sort of annoy ing nonsense they wish to throw out may be their business (no pun in tended), but when the broadcasting monopoly at tempts to crassly squash all competition irregrard less of its nature we must definitely oppose them. Second, the r e a c t i o n of the Administration to the broadcaster's resolution is hardly a surprise. It can not be denied that the in dustry has the political power to dictate its de sires; whether it has been pulling strings in this case, I can only speculate. At any rate, the FM sta tion is (for Nebraska) a new idea and the powers-that-be have taken the us ual "let's push it under the carpet and maybe It will go away" attitude. I assume that other "negative voice" on campus would be the "Daily Nebraskan" which, as everyone knows, is run by Communists and quotes Mao-think instead of duti fully reporting Dean Ross' speeches to local ladies aids. How un-Nebraskan it would be to have such a voice! Or is it really the case that the broadcast industry and the Administration have unwittingly joined hands because they're scared to death that someone may actually listen to a 1 i 1 1 1 e ten-watt student voice? L. E. Baudler Dear Editor: I will start out by ad mitting that when I wrote this letter, I was ready to argue in a physical way with Mr. or Miss Cater Chamblee, whoever the per son may be. It has occurred to me and I am sure that it must have occurred to other moviegoers on the campus, that this person is either dead set against being truthful, has a very notice able lack of taste or simp ly has an axe to grind. I prefer to believe that the latter situation holds. Now, I ask anyone, why does this person insist on reviewing movies in such a dishonest fashion? Let us take the case of "Dr. Zhivago" (which I admit I have not seen). Just as "Ben Hur" was widely ac claimed as a triumph in movie-making by literally hundreds of reviewers (pro fessional reviewers), so has "Dr. Zhivago" been widely acclaimed for its great impact, detail and pure sense of quality. A lot of people hold this belief, and the awards this movie has won speak for them selves. I don't believe all these people hold the wrong values, and I am sure that Cater Chamblee, deep in side, doesn't feel that so many people can be so wrong, either. As a second case, I cite Chamblee"s review of the movie, "The Saint Valen tine's Day Massacre." This movie also has caught my attention in professional re views. I admit it is not a movie that will leave so ciety stunned or stimulated by its message, but the movie is not all that bad, either. The movie is not soaked in blood as Chamb lee implies. I was surprised to discover this when I saw the movie. This movie has had very good review (for get Chamblee's review) and is showing an excellent de gree of popularity. I found the film to be truthful, frank and very well detailed (Warren Beat ty wears a modern, ivy-league shirt In "Bonnie and Clyde.") I shall repeat my state ment that so many people can't be wrong. Now that I have the time, I shall see "Dr. Zhivago," I will en joy it, I am sure, because I have more faith in the majority than I do in Chamblee. Chamblee, while you are grinding away on your axe, be sure to get it good and sharp. Then, cut your damned, stubborn head off with it. Scott Smith Between the Lines By Dave Buntain University Greeks are learning at long last how elu sive the Invisible Shield really is. Forced into the role of what perennial bad guy, De. cay, the fraternity and 'sorority systems have thrown themselves against the unseen, unassailable barrier: the Campaign For Deferred Rush. And at the fore of this invisible Campaign are those protectors of students, Dean Gardoll and his Office of Stu dent Affairs. It is not difficult to surmise that the movement for deferred rush originated in the Office of the Dean to Student Affairs, though the Dean himself flatly denies this charge. Yet, he cannot deny that Administrative control over the Greek system centers in his office and that to be successful such a movement would need his blessing. INVISIBLE SUPPORTERS What is difficult to understand is why these invisible proponents of deferred rush have chosen to remain si lent in the face of the strong arguments both logical and ethical that have been presented in favor of the present system. Indeed, Daily Nebraskan has been un able to discover a single person Greek, alum or ad ministratorwho is willing to speak out against the pre sent rush system in specific terms. i Such secrecy has had three major effects on those who are sincerely interested in the Greek system. FIRST, it has placed both IFC and Panhellenic at a definite disadvantage in preparing their objective re ports on the merits of the deferred and early rush systems. No one can be certain whether the Campaign is one against early rush or one in favor of deferred rush. Nor can they ascertain which issues particularly bother the Campaigners and the Regents. GUESS WORK As a result, the IFC and Panhellenic reports are largely guesswork which attempt to anticipate the major areas of concern. This deception whether intentional or not has greatly impaired the ability of the two groups to present a meaningful analysis of the rush systems. SECOND, the secrecy of the Campaign has forced those interested in the rush question to deal in speculation and rumor. They have been crushed by the persistency of reports from "informed sources" that deferred rush is imminent, especially since no strong criticisms of the present system have been heard. They have also come to place considerable stock U one report, which has been confirmed by a Housing offi cial and several leading Lincoln businessmen, that the Chancellor has ordered the Regents to institute deferred rush because his daughter was so happy with deferred rush at Kansas. As long as the deferred rush advocates remain in hiding, shocking reports such as this one must carry more than a little weight. FINALLY, the deferred rush secrecy has kept the fraternity alumni largely in the dark about what is going on. While part of the blame for this lies at the feet of IFC, it seems inexcusable that the Dean of Student Af fairs has not sought to discuss the problem at length with alumni of the houses involved. In the light of the heavily-documented argumentation offered by both Panhellenic and IFC on the rush ques tion and the unwillingness of deferred rush proponents to communicate, it would seem impossible that the Re gents could choose in favor of deferred rush. Yet, as University students are well aware, the im possible haa a way of occuring regularly around here, Should the Regents rule in favor of deferred rush and the Invisible Shield, this toothpaste will leave a bad taste in a lot of mouths. Vol. 1, No. 10 Daily Nebraskan Stpt. , 1WT Second-clan rosta paid ( Lincoln. Kt. TELEPHONE: 472-35M, 472-25W, 472-2590. Subscription role are 14 per Minuter or M for tha (-don In mr Puh. d SSTSSSSi '.2. f r "JZ during vacations) ana txam perloda, br tha tudemta n th iiMMHif. j tj.ka under lb. Jurisdiction of the racult, ubwSSttS. butt? Publication .ball to fre. from otworabSnSi Uw gutoSuStteSfar aSSmS Member Aaaoclatcd Co!fc(late Preo. Natlnaxi Aitniri.. ontol. PuMtetod at Boom M. N.taSS viU Sfc EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Bruce Gllei: Managing Editor Jack TxW- h v, n iu. flight New. Editor Alan i Iawiun; Ednortal PawAaibSS ESJ'uSSS1 fSSi Zditor Mark Gordons Aaabtant Sport, Editor ChElta It!, wiEi SSI Buntain, Andy Corrlgan. Gary GUlen, Ed tceauie I-SSSl f KaM DSINESS ITAFP Buaineu Manager Glenn Frlendti National u... .. Production Manager Charlea Baxter; Secretary JJSlLJt0!.. ini CUuaified. Allan Brandt; Sotworlption Manager An? iSIAjSSZ David Kovanaugh and Gary Meyer i SaleTlSiilSra nil ?u.?S Kick aaaach, Kea Miller and Ways Moleir D" CroBk' KUw Dr"Ul