1 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA OCT 6 196? M71 1 rr,a fut :.ft Thursday, September 28, 1967 " University of Nebroska Vol. 91 No. 10 Hardin Creates Committee On . in I ( k fi? & ' - If : f fA. 1 fl i ' J i is c V J; M I Enrollment The University's 1967-68 en rollment stands at 18.004 stu dents, almost 500 students few er than had been projected, according to figures released Wednesday by the Registrar's Office. This represents an increase of nearly 1.000 students over last year's enrollment of 17, 051. the 11th consecutive an nual increase in stifdent pop ASUN Appoints Spangler To Head Viet Committee A number of appointments and a speech by the presi dent of the Nebraska Inter national Associaton domi ' nated the proceedings of the regular meeting of ASUN, Wednesday. Al Spangler was named chairman of the Ad Hoc Sen ate Committee on Vietnam at Wednesday's Senate meeting. Also named to the commit tee, which will arrange a sem inar and University referen dum on the war in Vietnam, were Kris Bitner, Mark Schreiber, Phil Bowen and Mike Jess. ASUN President Dick .Schulze also announced the appointment of Terry Schaaf as an associate justice of the Student Court, filling the seat vacated by Ron Bellamy. ATWAL SPEAKS Nebraska International As sociation President Mohninder Atwal spoke to the Senate on the problems faced by for eign students at the Uni versity. "Many foreign students feel isolated from the campus," Atwal said, explaining that they had little contact with University students. The students from other countries have most of their contact with University fac ulty, he said. Atwal also expressed con cern that the University fra ternities and sororities had made no effort to accept for eign students. - JEVER ADMITTED' "They (foreign students) are never admitted." he ?aid, "even if they are willing to pay out of their own pocket." Reaches 18,000 Mark ulation. In 1957-58 the enroll ment totalled 8,134. University officials s p e c u lated that the military situa tion coupled with the in creased board and room costs and tuition raises caused the enrollment to fall short of the 18,500 figure that had been projected. Included in the 1967-68 to tal are 574 students on the Atwal asked for a com mittee to deal with these problems. T h e Senate re ferred the Welfare Committee to work with the NIA in im proving the students' situa tion. . In other Senate business Susie Phelps resigned her po sition on the Senate Electoral Commission, which man.fcs the University's elections. Mike Jess was elected by the senators to fill the vacancy. Miss Phelps indicated that her duties with the Nebraska Free University made it im possible for her to devote time to the Commission. The Senate passed by voice vote Schaaf 's appoint ment to the Student Court. ABEL MEETING ASUN First V i c e-President Gene Pokorny also requested that a Senate meeting be con ducted at Abel Hall. Without objection the Sen ate's meeting next Wednesday was moved there. Pokorny also mentioned the need for committee work ers, especially for the Elec toral Commission. TEN WORKERS Ed Hilz, electoral commis sioner,, appealed for ten work ers, who need not be Sen ators, for immediate work on setting up the Homecoming election. The commission will also conduct the Senate elections in the spring. An organizational meeting for a University committee to back .minimum .housing legis lation :n Lincoln was also sug gested. The Senate also discussed medical center campus in Omaha. In addition, over 800 students are taking courses on campus for college credit m the Extension Divisions but are not degree candidates. The new freshman class of 4.329 is approximately t h e same size as last year's which was expected. The upper- class enrollment increased but not as much as expected. the ASUN executive's state ment on the status of the Stu dent Bill of Rights. Senator Spangler moved for suspension of the Senate's agenda-for the discussion. He called for an explanation of certain parts of the state ment, questioning the useful ness of Chancellor Clifford Hardin's newly-created six man committee to work on t h e implementation of t h e Bill of Rights. "This committee is not going to go through same tilings that we accomplished last year," Schulze said. The committee will be working with the wording and expression of a statement that will be intended to serve as University policy and amendments to the ASUN Constitution, accord ing to Schulze. JIoine-Ec Chapter Dessert Planned The annual Ellen H. Rich ards Dessert, sponsored by the Home-Ec. Chapter, will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, ac cording to Kathy Bailey, publicity chairman. The Vorden Award will be given to the outstanding senior and a silver spoon will be awarded to the sophomore and junior with outstanding leader -ship. Freshmen will be in stalled into the chapter. . . The speaker will be Jan et Wilson, director of voca tional education in Nebraska. Schulze: Need Regents 9 Consent To Incorporate Amendments By ED ICENOGLE Senior Staff Writer Chancellor Clifford Hardin has created a six-man commit tee to implement into Univer sity policy the principles con tained in the Student Bill of Rights. The 17 amendments to the ASUN Constitution, the Bill of Rights "are not final", ASUN President Dick Schulze said Wednesday in a statement on the status of the Bill. "The answer to the question of the status of the Bill of Rights cannot be a simple; 'Yes, they .are amendments' or 'No, they are not amend ments'," Schulze said in pre senting an ASUN executive statement to the Student Sen ate. REGENTS APPROVAL Since the ASUN Constitution was originally created with the consent of the Board of Regents, amendments not ap proved by the Regents can not be added to the Constitu tion, Schulze explained. The ASUN president also cited the Constitution as de fining "the powers of t h e ASUN as subject to the Uni versity regulations as estab lished by the Board of Re gents." The Bill of Rights was ap proved by the studc;.i body in lasl spring's ASUN elec tion. But, according to t h e executive statement, since the amendments cannot taka ef fect V'ithout Regents' approv I.H"i":'Tl li s a 11a ppeiung Midwest Brings By ANDY CORRIGAN Junior Staff Writer The hippie syndrome has arrived and with it the Mid west Fine Art Emporium. The Emporium, a psyche delic shop, specializes in art work, posters, and avant- guard books and poetry, ac cording to John Riddell own er and operator. The shop, termed by one of its customers as a wel come addition to Lincoln's us ual offering of melba toast stores, caters to all types of people. POSTERS Psychedelic posters abound, usually flanked by admiring bearcded wonders or 14-year-old girls, who always seem to be saying: "What would mother think?" Mothers must feel that the Emporium is all right since housewives compose a large It . flt rxfiS J - J IT. .- ett V f Vi - yw v f Vv r )!' , - h i nrmin, ,i,n Ot?lk,Mmi nrir .M, jj . , - irr T ,: Jr''mmg! ' u V SPECIALIZING IN AVANT-0RDE BOOKS . . . -oetry y, psychedelic shop, will also double as an art gallery. Shown owner; Jim Watson, Mark al, they are not yet part of the Constitution. MEET AND DISCUSS "If we are serious about es tablishing those conditions as stated in the Bill of Rights, we must meet and discuss with the rest of the University community," Schulze said of the newly-created committee. The committee will be com posed of two administrators, two faculty members and two students. "Its task will be to formu late a statement of those con ditions which should exist in our University," the execu tives' directive reads, "... a statement which will have the support of the entire Uni versity community." Senator Al Spangler asked clarification of several points of the statement. 'NO NEED' "I thought the Bill of Rights meant that the students were voting on the proper expres sion of their rights," Spang ler said. "I see no need for two students representing the student body. We've already said as a whole what we need." Schulze pointed out that the executives considered it cru cial that rights be adopted for the community. "We can say that we have t h e rights as an isolated group," Schulze said, "but if those rights are not inte grated into University policy, they will have no effect." , Fine Art Emnorium JL City Flower Power percentage of Riddell's cus tomers. Riddell said his shop at tracts a large number of old er customers who are inter ested in the art works be sides a younger set composed of high school and University students. YOUTH SHOP "This isn't a youth shop," Riddell said. "Granted, this place does not appeal to every body, but we do offer a wide variety of merchandise." The Emporium carries an assortment of jewelry, can dles, incense, sandles.buttons, paper tiffany lampshades, pipes, airplanes and paper flowers. Flower Power is an apt description for Riddell's col lection of floriorum paperum dum (paper flowers) which are made by a motor cycle gang in Souix City, Iowa. The , Rights Bill The purpose of this commit tee is to accomplish this inte gration of the desired rights into the school's policy. Spangler also speculated that the executives were avoiding a confrontation with the Regents. "I think we should find out how the Regents feel about us saying that we have these rights," he said. Senator Phil Bowen ex pressed the opinion that the action on the Bill of Rights is being accomplished "back wardschopping after it has been approved." 'NOT CLEAR' Schulze maintained that at the formulation of the Bill of Rights, "it was not clear what was needed." The executive statement says that the "product of this committee will go to the Board of Regents, the Faculty Senate, and through ASUN Senate to the student body." If all these bodies endorse the altered amendments, the statement will 'become Uni versity policy and Constitu tional amendments. ANOTHER ELECTION This method will necessitate another student body election on the Bill of Rights if it is altered. Schulze said that the ASUN executives had chosen this method of pursuing the Bill of Rights because they felt it would best accomplish the implementation of the Bill. cycle group also supplies the . shop with candles. ART GALLERY The Emporium, opened in April 1967, doubles as an art gallery for student painters and sculptors. Riddell feels the quality of the art displayed is irrelevant and the emphasis should be placed on the work's ability to stimulate thought. The Midwest Art Emporium was originally Riddell's stu dio. He transformed it into the Emporium after people started noticing the posters in the windows and came to investigate. HIPPIE The philosophical basis of the shop stems from the same stream of thought surround ing the present hippie move ment, according to Tom Car tier, a newly-arrived hippie from San Francisco. Cartier attributes the hippie movement to the reacton of and art work. The Emporium, here (left to right) are Joyce Salton and Tom Carrier. Senator Spangler discussed one alternative to the present course of action: confronat tion of the Regents with the amendments and the resort to student force if the Bill of Rights is rejected. CONFRONT REGENTS "The students in isolation," Schulze said, "can establish the rights and confront t h e Regents. But, I am firmly con vinced that this was not the endeavor when we started last year." If this method of implemen tation of the Bill of Rights is unsatisfactory, the students could result to some sort of force, Schulze agreed. "But this method is much better," he said. Spangler also suggested that the committee would not be capable of accomplishing the implementation of effec tive statements on rights. 'NOT SERIOUSLY' "I do not believe the Re gents are considering t hj i s seriously," Spangler said, "judging from the way they did things they did this sum mer." Spangler said he was re ferring to the Regents' accep tance of the Ad Hoc Housing Committee's recommen dations in principle, but not in fact. "The Regents said they agreed with the Committee. ' he said, "but then they made stricter rules." people m their early twenties to the rigid social stratifica tion and violent nature of the present American society. Cartier feels the "love gen eration's" reaction to society is radical but it will sway society toward a level of tol erance which it is now lack ing. A HAPPENING As proof for his claim that society is moving in this direction Cartier cited the question of continuing the Viet Nam war is now on a referendum ballot in New York and San Francisco. He believes this would not have been possible without the stimulation of thought in the American population caused by the "flower children." "This is the grooviest shop I've seen. Its' not extremely radical but it gets the point across," he continued. "It's a happening." Lincoln's newly opened Toland, John Riddell. W f m W m Hi ivy.' VV : . k a K t ,t l 1 If ' I? 1 t ' i s,. . . I n . J 1 1 t u . t t USX vm 4 A' to; It-' .